《The Demon Child》Sakura Starts Seal Training
The past few days had passed her by with very little to show for her efforts to better understand her sun-kissed enigma of a teammate. Kakashi seemed to know something but he was as of yet unwilling to say anything besides that he had been given some training by a few of the Jonin in their free time. She had already been to what had been his home but it seemed he had since moved and she had no clue where he could be found. Just as she was about to head back home after yet another failed day to find the boy she spotted both Ino and Naruto halfway down the road. Both of them were happily talking about one thing after another. In his hands were bags filled with food along with various other groceries. Sakura happy to have finally found the boy in question ran up and called out to them both.
"Naruto, Ino what are you two doing together"? She asked eyeing the two before her with a lost expression on her face. Ino at once seemed to go from happy to stone-faced while Naruto happily answered the pink-haired girl.
"Oh, Ino-chan asked me to help her. Her mother is making something and asked Ino to go buy the stuff. Seeing how much was needed she asked me to help". Naruto said lifting the six or so bags up to prove that point all the more. Sakura for her part was taken aback by the answer.
"Why would she ask you? She doesn't even know you". Sakura said finding the very idea that he and Ino knew each other totally ridiculous. They had after all only been in the same class for a few weeks before graduating from the academy and she had never once seen the two together in all that time.
"Ino knows me very well Sakura-chan". Naruto said before adding. "I eat at her place every few days. Her mom makes the very best food". Naruto said with a happy expression on his face as his mouth started to water at the mere thought of the food. At this Sakura was utterly floored.
"You eat at Ino's place"? She asked mouth agape. The idea he, the most hated boy in the whole village was eating with one of the most well-liked girls and an up-and-coming clan head was almost too much to take.
"But...but why? You're a nobody. What possible reason would she have to talk to you or allow you to eat with her and her family"? Sakura said.
"That's enough Sakura"! Ino yelled making the pink-haired girl take a few steps backward. Eyeing Ino in case the girl planned to do more than merely yell at her. But when she didn't move to attack she relaxed somewhat.
"What...it's true Ino everybody knows it. He's a nobody. I bet his mom and dad gave him up because they knew how useless he would turn out to be". Sakura said before she was upon the ground with Ino standing above eyes filled with a rage never before seen in the mind walker. Sakura could only eye the girl with fear.
"If you value your life at all you will stop talking". Ino yelled at the pink-haired girl before her. Her hand already going for a blade. Upon seeing this Naruto jumped in front of her arms outstretched and eyes wet with tears.
"Stop, Ino please". Naruto said standing between the two. Ino at once turned on him and asked.
Why she's being rude"? Ino asked.
"Everybody is mean to me Ino-chan. I'm used to it. Let's just go Ino we have to drop this stuff off anyway". Naruto said in a sad voice before walking away not once looking back at Ino or Sakura.
"Wait up Naruto-kun". Ino yelled before she too left the pink-haired girl behind. Once the two were gone she picked herself up, rubbed her now redish cheek, and walked back home. Her mind trying to understand what had happened just now. Why did Ino care about what she said? It wasn't like what she said was untrue he was a nobody. He bore a clan name that was mostly gone from the world. His skills before being trained by a few Jonin about a year ago were next to nonexistent and his placement in the school was as the years dead-last. The fact he had even passed his Genin Exams was the only notable thing he had ever done.
Meanwhile, Naruto and Ino entered the clan compound and placed the bags upon the table. At once Inoichi and Ino's mother stopped what they were doing upon seeing Naruto's upset expression.
"What happened"? Inoichi asked folding his paper and eyeing the two.
"Sakura was being rude to Naruto". Ino answered making the two nod in understanding. She like most people in the village viewed him as useless and while she was never as mean as most she was a far cry from nice. Naruto for his part was sitting with his arms crossed.
"Do you want to talk about it, dear"? Ino's mother asked in a soft tone.
"No, I'm fine. I'm use to it". Naruto answered but she knew better. She knew he was upset.
"I'm so sorry you had to deal with that Naruto-kun". She said hugging him close. His face being pushed right into her sizeable chest.
"Mom"! Ino yelled out when she saw Naruto's face turning red. At once she released him and he walked out. A small trail of blood running down from his nose.
As that was happening Sakura was just entering her own home. Her father was busy with paperwork and her mother was still on that mission of hers. She didn't know much besides it dealt with the Land Of Waves and an old man. She was sure she would be fine but ever since then, she had this feeling of utter dread. As if something terrible was about to happen. Trying to chase the unpleasant feeling away she began to make her way to her room. That was until her father's voice sounded from down the hallway.
"Oh, Sakura-chan do come here for a minute". Her father asked. Upon entering the room she could see he was still busy with the paperwork. A sizeable pile of papers sat on the right side while another smaller pile sat on his left. He was busy picking one up, placing his signature and lastly placing it atop the sizeable pile.
"Yes, father what is it"? She asked as she stood before him unsure what this could be about. Her father never asked her into this room unless it was very important otherwise she was never to step foot into the room.
"I just had a call from Inoichi's. Any idea why"? He asked eyeing her long and hard.
No, daddy, I don't". Sakura replied. Why would Ino's dad be calling her father? Surely it had nothing to do with that encounter with Ino and Naruto about an hour ago.
"You don't". He said sounding as if he didn't buy that at all. Sakura for her part said nothing. Seeing this he pressed on pulling out a photo of a man.
"As I'm sure you know by now a notable ninja is here in the village". He said pushing the photo over to her. Sakura took it and eyed the photograph.
"Who is he"? She asked.
"Miniko-sama". He said but when he saw she had no clue who that was he added. "He's the fourth's father. You know the man who watches your training and if what Inoichi said is anything he's unlikely to be pleased with you". Her father said making her look lost.
"Why would the fourth's dad watch our training"? She asked. Her father, in turn, only replied with.
"Why indeed". He said before he resumed his work. Seeing this she knew her time was up and she walked out.
"Oh, and a fair warning you would do well never to do that again". He said before waving her off. If Sakura was lost before it was nothing to what she was now feeling. She was sure her father wasn't talking about Ino so that meant Naruto. But if that was the case why? Why would the father of the fourth Hokage care about her calling Naruto useless? Needless to say, she tossed and turned all night.
The next day Sakura made sure to take the longest most out of the way path to training-ground seven but of course, in time the training ground came into view and with it the sight of both Naruto and Miniko.
"Hello Sakura-chan". Miniko said making the girl jump at the sudden sound of his voice.
"Hello, Miniko-sama". Sakura said before finding a nearby tree and sitting down as Kakashi would no doubt be late...again. A few minutes later Sasuke walked in and as if the other three were not even there he began to train. Miniko eyed the boy for a time with a most unpleased expression on his face. This boy was playing a very dangerous game, one that if not resolved soon would very likely doom him and his team. But fixing the boy's disrespectful tendencies wasn't his job though he doubted very much Kakashi would fix it any time soon. He seemed to dismiss his behavior as just his personality. But just as he was about to set out to find the Jounin Naruto tugged on his hand. Looking down he could see a seal.
"Naruto...you made this"? Miniko asked looking at the seal.
"Yup Miniko-sensei I have been practicing". Naruto proudly proclaimed with a big smile on his face.
"It's not bad but it does have two fairly easy to fix flaws". Miniko said showing the seal to the boy who had stopped jumping in joy.
"What...what flaws. Show me". Naruto asked as he started looking over the seal trying to find the flaws in question but having a hard time at finding them.
"This right here...you didn't put the right number of multipliers and switch gates. If you added two multipliers both here and here and placed a switch gate here it would've worked as you no doubt intended". Miniko said before placing the mostly working seal into Naruto's hands. Just as Naruto walked away head downcast he again felt the tug of another. Looking down again he saw it was none other than Sakura.
"Yes, what is it, girl"? He asked making her jump at his tone.
"Um will, sir I was hoping you could train me in that". She asked never fully meeting his gaze.
"Why would I do that"? Miniko asked as he watched as the girl seem to squirm under his gaze.
"Will, sir your training Naruto"?
"Yes that's true so what? What does that have to do with anything, girl"? Miniko asked as she seemed to squirm all the more.
"So train me too". Sakura said finally lifting her eyes to meet his own.
"No". Was his answer and with that, he walked away. Sakura, however, wasn't about to take that and marched over and tugged him yet again.
"By sage what is it now"! He yelled making Sasuke stop and eye the two before finding it pointless and resumed his punching and kicking.
"Train me in seals". Sakura said again this time looking as determined as another redhead who once walked the village streets. Seeing no alternative he pulled out a scroll and a kunai.
"What are they"? He asked simply.
"A kunai and a scroll". She answered. Nodding his head he sealed the blade inside the scroll and asked again.
"A scroll". She answered unsure what he was getting at.
"What of the kunai...does it make it any more dangerous than before"? Miniko asked.
"No". Sakura answered before he eyed her long and hard. For a time she felt as if he was judging her.
"How much do you know of seals"? He asked. She had proved she wasn't as clueless as most in the village but that was an easy thing to be. This, however, was the true test.
"That they are really old". She replyed and at once he was again walking away. He had no time for this idiotic girl's games. He had a mission to do and training her wasn't part of that mission. He wasn't even sure why she wanted to learn the ancient artform anyway.
"Wait...please I'll do anything you want me to do. Anything at all". Sakura cried out. She knew from day one she was the weakest on the team and now here was somebody who could really help her be useful. To no longer be useless dead weight. Here was somebody that could really help her be a productive part of team seven. She wasn't about to allow this man to say no to her.
"By sage girl, you're as persistent as my son". Miniko replied before quickly closing his mouth but alas it seemed this time luck had forsaken him for both Sakura and Naruto eyed him intensely.
"Your son...I didn't know you had a kid Miniko-sensei". Naruto said seeming to have forgotten all about the seal in his hand. "Is he still around maybe he could train me". Naruto yelled out before Miniko's face seemed to stop him dead.
"No, Naruto-kun his not. He died a long time ago and because of that I left the village". Miniko said with tears flowing down his face in a seemingly unending torrent of sadness. Sasuke seemed almost like he was about to stop in his punching and kicking but in the end, he resumed his task dismissing the man with but a shrug of his shoulders.
Minutes later Kakashi had finally arrived and their training for the day began. Today he was having them do the mind-numbing dull leaf balancing lesson. Something so basic even academy students could do but nevertheless, he pressed them all on the fundamentals. Something that while basic was a crucial skill to have. An hour into this Miniko walked up and watched as Sasuke added a leaf Sakura added three more and Naruto added none at all.
"His control sucks". Miniko voiced upon seeing the number of leaves on Naruto's body.
"I wouldn't be so sure, sir. His control seems just fine". Kakashi replied without moving his gaze from the boy.
"What are you saying Kakashi-kun he has but one leaf. An academy student could hold three". Miniko fired back astonished at the man's lack of understanding. Naruto had no business wearing the leaf emblem if his control was so poor.
"An academy student doesn't house a demon, sir. He does and you know as well as I do what that can do to one's control". Kakashi answered calmly before pointing at Naruto who by this point had added a new leaf making his total two.
"Why sir I dare say he has matched Sasuke in that area of his training if not surpassed him". Kakashi voiced in light amusement.
"Yes, it seems he has. Good for him". Miniko said with a smile finding a place on his face. With that, he made up his mind. He would train the girl and with luck maybe she would stop belittling his grandson. As if by some unknown ability Sakura's skin suddenly grew cold and covered in goosebumps. She didn't know it yet but she had just taken her first steps into a world of pain as well as happiness. But mostly pain. Lots and lots of pain.
In the following days, Sakura could be found most days at the local library on all things seals. So far all she had to show for her efforts was a book from 57 years ago that was mostly theoretical applications and not how to make one or the history of seals which was what she needed. Naruto upon learning of this set himself to the task of helping her in the endeavor. A fact that allowed her to see he wasn't all bad. He was a bit too loud but he was also a carefree kind of guy who also enjoyed reading a good book. A fact she was surprised by. Currently, the two were busy reading: Misadventures Of Bilbo The Toad: a story about a toad who with a group of fourteen frogs and a wise owl travels the world battling vast armies and enjoying a good smoke every now and again.
"Naruto Ino wanted me to tell you she is going to be busy so she can't tomorrow". Inoichi said as he placed his coat on the hook and made his way to his office. This, in turn, made Sakura eye Naruto with an unspoken question.
"Oh, it's nothing Sakura-chan it was just a walk around the park. It's not like it was a date or anything". Naruto said rubbing the back of his head and giving a nervous laugh.
"Oh, I'm sure". Sakura replied not at all convinced but saying nothing. What the two did was none of her business after all but still, he was her teammate and while she and Ino hadn't seen eye to eye in many years she still felt close to the girl. Looking up she was surprised when the clock read 7:25 PM. She had unintentionally spent the whole day with Naruto. Not that she minded all that much. He was actually quite nice to have around once he stopped yelling about ramen and seals and whatever else he was enjoying that day. As she pulled her coat off the hook Naruto placed a thin book with yellowed pages in her free hand.
"What's this"? Sakura asked eyeing the book.
"A gift. The damn shopowner charged me twice its actual price but I saved up so it's fine". Naruto said before giving her a smile making her feel a kind of warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was the kind of feeling that while strange was also pleasant.
"I'll walk you home Sakura-chan. It's late after all and your place is halfway across the village". Naruto said as the pair walked outside. Almost at once the cold air bit into their bare skin making both almost immediately start to shiver due to how cold it was outside.
"Thi...thank you Naruto...-kun". Sakura said making the boy smile all the more.
"Anytime Sakura-chan". He answered before the two jumped onto the rooftops and made their way over to the residential civilian district. The street lamps gave the village an orangeish glow that she oddly found pleasant to look at.
"Naruto do you like Ino"? Sakura asked as the pair jumped over a particularly wide street.
"I like everybody Sakura-chan". Naruto replied without meeting her eyes.
"No I mean do you like Ino...would you date her"? Sakura asked at long last. At once he stopped and looked at her. From her perspective, he seemed to have an otherworldly glow. The sight made that feeling return full force.
"I like Ino alot so I guess it's possible. Why do you ask"? Naruto inquired making the girl step back. A step too far as she began to fall only to be in the arms of Naruto.
"Nar...Naruto tha...thank you". Sakura said breathlessly her heart pounding against her chest so loud she feared he would somehow hear it.
"You know Sakura-chan you really should stop hiding your forehead". Naruto said out of the blue as he used his free hand to push her pink locks away showing off her somewhat larger forehead.
"Stop it Naruto". She yelled pushing him away and turning her back to him. "I'm ugly. I don't need your fake pity". She said angrily.
"No your not Sakura-chan. You never were...not to me anyway". Naruto said placing his hand on her shoulder and turning her around. Her cheeks were now as red as her eyes.
"Why didn't you say anything then"? She asked once she stopped crying long enough to ask.
"I'm the demon child remember if I did you would be picked on. I didn't want that so I did what I could". He said looking sad.
"Like what"? She asked.
"Do you recall the time Ami and her gang were picking on you and somebody threw a rock at her and she ran away. I did that". He said before he was taken into a long hug by the girl. The hug lasted for nearly two minutes without a word said. She didn't really know why she did it but she wouldn't deny the fact that it felt nice.
"We should be going Sakura-chan it's nearing 8:00 PM". Naruto said and their journey once again resumed. It wasn't long before the pair were outside her house and she was safely inside. Turning to walk home he saw a man. At once he entered a fighting stance.
"Naruto"? The man said making him raise an eyebrow.
"Yes, who are you"? he asked but the man remained silent.
"A family friend you could say. I just returned from a mission when I saw you so I, of course, shadowed you.
"Who are you"? Naruto asked again.
"Be at ease I'm not your enemy but you really should stop putting so many multipliers in your seals especially such low-level ones. I'm sure Miniko-sama would tell you the same". The man said before tossing a scroll halfway to him. By the time Naruto picked it up the man was gone. Unsealing it he saw it was a picturebook. Opening it he saw the same man and woman from the house with that long hallway of doors. He saw swords of every make and model. He saw seals that made what he did look like some retarded monkeys doodles. He didn't know it yet but he had just met his godfather. The one...the only toad sage Jiraiya. But he was sure he would see him again and when he did he would get the man's name.
By the time he had reentered his home he still wasn't quite sure what to make of that man in the shadows. He had said he was a family friend but as far as he or anybody else knew he had no family. His unofficial adoption into the Yamanaka clan while nice wasn't the same as a biological family. Still, he had a feeling that the unknown man knew them but how he just didn't know. Placing the book aside, for the time being, he got into bed and fell fast asleep soon afterward.
Came the sound of somebody pounding upon the door with great force. Whatever or whoever he expected to be on the other side of the door he would never have guessed it would be his teammate, Sakura Haruno who looked utterly frantic upon the opening of the door.
Sakura-chan how did you find my place. I don't recall telling you where I lived". Naruto said as he looked his only female teammate over. He could tell that whatever her reason for being here was it likely wasn't good as her eyes were red and puffy.
"Kakashi told me where you lived but that isn't all that important right now. Sakura said as she looked at her teammate. She could already feel the tears forming in her eyes as she spoke the words. "Naruto it's...it's my mother they say her mission was upgraded to an A-rank. She has been taken into intensive care". Sakura said as tears fell down her face in a never-ending torrent of pure sadness and despair. At once she was in his arms crying as he rubbed her back in a soothing motion.
"It's ok Sakura-chan. Come on we'll go see her together". Naruto said as he and his understandably depressed teammate slowly made their way to the hospital. All the while the villagers all eyed him with looks of utter disdain and hatred. Luckily it seemed Sakura was far too busy crying to notice the blatant acts of hatred being aimed at her teammate. Naruto, of course, did notice but now wasn't the time to worry about what some idiot villagers thought about him. His teammate was hurting and he was going to be there for her. Stupid villagers and their views on him be damned.
Upon entering the hospital waiting room he was soon stopped by a doctor who eyed him with no less hate but was careful to not allow his teammate to notice.
"I'm Sakura Haruno I'm looking for my mother. I was told she is in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) can I go visit her"? She asked as the nurse looked her up. In seconds her mother's room was found and she was allowed past the doors. However, Naruto was booted out almost as soon as the doors closed behind her.
"Why don't you just fucking die you worthless demon brat"? The doctor yelled as he tossed him out with one last good strong kick for good measure. Getting back to his feet he spat out a mouthful of blood before making his way back home.
Meanwhile, Sakura entered the room and saw her mother wired to more than a dozen machines all of whom were beeping or displaying various statistics. From her perspective, she looked more or less dead. It was only the constant beeping that told her that she was, in fact, still alive.
"Sakura-chan...how are y...you my dear"? Her mother asked with a weak voice. This coupled with the visual display of her mother connected to so many machines didn't at all help Sakura's emotional state.
"I'm fine, mother". Sakura answered before a new wave of tears formed in her eyes.
"That is good. What of your team...do you like them"? Her mother asked. Sakura answered that she did though she was becoming less sure about her feelings for Sasuke. She was sure that she still liked him but past that she just wasn't sure anymore.
"That Naruto boy is on your team...yes"? She asked as she eyed her daughter. A look of unending pride for what she had already accomplished in her time in the ninja forces.
"Yes, mother he is on my team". Sakura replied as her mother nodded.
"Sad thing not knowing one's family. You mustn't blame him for what he is nor what he does". She said cryptically making Sakura eye her mother quizzically.
"What he is, mother? What do you mean"? Sakura asked but it seemed she would have to wait as a doctor soon entered the room and ushered her out for the day. The time seeming to just fly by in an instant.
"I'm most sorry but she needs her rest. You may visit her first thing tomorrow". The man said as she nodded and made her way back to the waiting room. Once there she looked around for Naruto only to find him nowhere in sight.
"Um, nurse where did Naruto go"? She asked.
"He left a few hours ago. He left as soon as you entered the ICU". The nurse answered as he resumed his work filing away paperwork. Sakura was puzzled why would he leave? Didn't he say he would go see her too? Thanking the nurse she soon made her way back to his place. A few heated questions already forming in her mind.
Almost as soon as Naruto had made his way back home and reentered he made a beeline for his bedroom and locked the door. He was in no mood for visitors though he expected his teammate Sakura to be making a visit to his place sooner or later. A very loud and very angry visit. He wasn't sure what he could say that would appease the pinkett on his team but until she made her presence known he would cry. He knew how to do that quite well at least.
Sakura was really pissed. Her teammate had seemingly up and left her for seeming no reason at all. She knew she and her teammate Sasuke hadn't been the nicest of people to him but still what he had done was rude, to say the least. Luckily for her, Kakashi had told her where he now lived and so here she was outside his door. Her hand already formed into a fist ready to knock upon the wooden door.
She waited for a reply from her sun-kissed teammate. But when no such reply was given she renewed her knocking. Only this time with a bit more force than was really necessary.
Yet again she received no reply. By this point, Sakura was seeing red and was about ready to kick the door down and beat her teammate black and blue. At least she would have if it wasn't for one yellow-haired man with blue eyes.
"Miniko-sama what are you doing here"? Sakura asked the man. Miniko only eyed the closed door. For a few seconds, it seemed he was going to say something before closing his mouth and turning to face the young girl.
"Go home...now. You'll do no good here. I'll see to Naruto". Miniko said before lightly pushing Sakura down the street towards the gate. Seeing that she wasn't going to see Naruto at least for today Sakura made her way home. As she did so her mind was racing what on earth had made him leave her without a word. Surely he had a reason for ditching her at the hospital but what that reason was she had no clue but she fully intended to find out what it was.
The next day Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura stood in training ground seven as they awaited for their ever-late sensei Kakashi. Miniko had spoken to his grandson and what he was told had made the man rage at the idiocy of the populist that called the village their home. He was clearly not the damn fox and yet even thirteen years later they were unable or unwilling to see past their pain of that dark night. A part of him, of course, understood their pain but still this senseless hate needed to stop lest the world know the terrifying might of one Miniko Namikaze. The man who had butchered thousands of ninja during the second and third great ninja wars. As the trio waited he could see Sakura shoot glances at Naruto now and again. He guessed she wanted to talk about the other day but didn't seem willing to do so right now. He wasn't sure how to take that but at least she wasn't belittling him anymore and for that he was happy. As for Sasuke, he was busy doing his warmups some distance away. It was clear the boy didn't view his teammates as anything besides as a hindrance to his goal of killing somebody. Miniko had a feeling who that someone was and while the mere idea of him doing anything to his elder brother was laughable at best he had to at least respect the boy's tenacity to set himself such a high goal. An hour later Kakashi finally entered the training ground and gave them all an eye smile.
"Sorry for being late". Kakashi said lightly as his team all gave him looks of annoyance and irritation at his lateness. Kakashi, however, didn't seem to notice nor care as he handed them all their next mission.
"Good news guys. You get to walk Ms. Himari's dogs today". Kakashi said as the trio left the area with looks of anger. They hated the dogs seeing as they were all oversized and wild things that were hard to control even on the best of days. By the end of the day, Naruto had cuts and scratches up and down his arms and legs. Sakura had red paint staining her clothes, and Sasuke had that same fuck off attitude that Miniko was beginning to feel was all the boy knew how to feel. But at least it would give Sakura time to talk to Naruto.
"Naruto". Sakura said as she watched as the boy slowly turned her way. Bit's of dirt and rock still being picked out of his hair after the walk with the damn dogs a few hours before.
"Yeah what is it, Sakura-chan"? He asked deciding that he would wait until he got back home to wash off the rest of the dirt and whatever else found its new home inside his yellow locks of hair.
"I...I want to know why you left. Why you ditched me at the hospital". Sakura said with a tone of anger as well as pain. Naruto could tell that his leaving had hurt her feelings and for that, he was upset at the stupid nurse and the village as a whole.
"It wasn't by choice, Sakura-chan. I had to go. I would've stayed if I could but I couldn't". Naruto answered hoping she would accept his answer and leave it at that. She would, of course, not and pushed him on why he had to go all the more.
"The village hates me, Sakura-chan. They always have". Naruto said making the girl frown at the answer.
"What for your stupid pranks Naruto. Of course, some would. You were a pain in the ass sometimes it only makes sense some would hate you for it". Sakura said lightly not noticing how her dismissal only seemed to make the boy more upset.
"No not for that Sakura-chan. Look it's best if you don't know. Better for everybody in fact". He said before jumping onto the rooftops and disappearing from view leaving her alone in the training ground. Now even more confused than she was before. But at the same time more determined to learn more about the enigma that was her sun-kissed of a teammate.
A week had already passed since Sakura had last spoken to Naruto and while he would occasionally shoot a quick glance her way he never once spoke to her about what had happened that day in the hospital's waiting room. That fact alone had made the pink-haired girl feel sad and yet try as she may she could never find the nerve to go up and speak to him about it. It was as if a great divide had suddenly formed between the two of them and that thought alone terrified her to her core. Miniko for his part could only eye the girl with pity but he knew he could do nothing for her. This was a matter between the two that they would need to resolve themselves. He, of course, wished the two the best of luck in resolving the matter but getting involved would only cause more problems down the road. He had no doubt they would in time resolve the matter but that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon. It was in this mess of feelings that Kakashi entered the training ground and started to issue out orders for the day. A fact that Naruto seemed all too happy to do seeing as it meant Sakura would be far too busy doing her tasks then bugging him about what he had said to her a few days before. For Sakura, it was just one more thing that was stopping her from understanding her sun-kissed face enigma of a teammate.
A few hours later Sakura was knee-deep in the somewhat cool water of the Kushiro river as she busily fished out soda cans and discarded fast-food containers. It seemed the village had stopped caring about ensuring this part of the village was taken proper care of and it showed in the piles of trash that littered the area. Sasuke for his part was busily filling up a bag while Naruto was sent to empty out his own set of trash bins which meant he was a good dozen or so feet away. It was at that time that Miniko walked up to the girl and struck up a conversation. Something that had taken her totally by surprise as he hadn't seemed all too eager to do so in the past few days.
"You still hoping he'll talk to you about what happened that day"? Miniko said which, in turn, made her eyes grow wide in surprise.
"I...was hoping he would but he doesn't seem to want to talk to me anymore". Sakura said as she picked up another can and placed it inside her bag. At this Miniko only nodded his head in understanding.
"There is much you don't know about your teammate Sakura-chan. His life has been far from an easy one. It is a failure of our people. We see only what we wish to see and dismiss whatever is inconvenient to us. The fox attack 13 years ago cost us many lives. Pain is a powerful motivator for hate". Miniko said as he eyed the river as it made its way towards the commercial district. Sakura couldn't help but to eye the man beside her with an expression of clear confusion. It was a feeling she had been feeling increasingly more frequently over the past few days and one that didn't seem to be stopping in its occurrences anytime soon.
"I don't understand," Sakura said as she continued in her duties of cleaning up the local area. It was going to be a multiday long mission and one that sadly wouldn't pay all that much seeing as it was but a lowly D-rank. "What does the fox attack 13 years ago have to do with Naruto-kun"?
"Everything...it sadly has everything to do with Naruto-kun". Miniko said as he looked down watching as she placed yet another can inside the black bag. A mixture of anger and sadness could be seen on his face and he wasn't sure what feeling was worse. The anger at his own weakness or sadness that his grandson had suffered because of it. But in the end, he was here now and that would have to do. Even so, he could tell his answer only made the pinkett even more confused.
"W...what but how"? Sakura asked as she had now stopped in her collection of soda cans and fast food containers in favor of listening to his answer to the question. To her, this was of far more importance than some old empty soda cans or fast food containers next to a small river Miniko seeing this could only close his eyes and sigh dejectedly.
"It isn't my place to answer that question Sakura-chan. Just know this Naruto-kun has suffered greatly over his life and the very last thing he needs right now is more problems. As one of his teammates, I hope you'll be by his side helping him face the challenges that lay ahead of him. Sage knows he has faced his fair share of challenges already". Miniko said as he turned away and walked back to the ever-shifting shadows of the trees. A few hours later Kakashi called them back and dismissed them all for the day. Once gone Kakashi eyed the elder man before sighing deeply.
"How much longer will you hide Miniko-sama"? Kakashi asked as he faced the man. His small orange-colored book nowhere in sight proof this was a matter of great importance to the masked man.
"I failed him Kakashi. I ran away and hid from the world and because of that failure my grandson suffered for years. If I tell him I fear what he may think of me". Miniko said as he felt every bit the failure he saw himself as.
"Naruto isn't like that. He'll forgive you...he'll understand that you didn't know. You said it yourself the boy has suffered greatly over the years. How much more suffering do you think he should have to take before he is told of his family"? Kakashi asked with a bit of anger clear in his tone.
"I...I can't....not yet". Miniko said weakly to the masked man before him. Kakashi for his part only turned and walked away. It was clear he had failed again and likely lost any respect the masked ninja had for him. When he was no longer in sight Miniko fell to the ground with hot tears running down his tanned face. But it was from this that he made his decision. He would reveal himself to his grandson. He would be there for his grandson and lastly, he would train his grandson to be the greatest ninja the world had ever seen. This he swore to his dying day. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze would be a name respected the world over or his name wasn't Miniko Namikaze, father to the greatest Hokage in the village's long history Minato Namikaze. His days of hiding away were done and he would reveal himself again as the premiere seal master of the world.
It was a strange sort of feeling standing outside his grandson's house. It wasn't as if it was the first time he would enter the boy's home but this time his reason for coming was far different from the previous. Today he was going to finally tell his grandson of his familial connection. He was finally going to tell him that he had a family. A real and true biological family and not some made up one based on a paper and some ink on a page. By his side stood Kakashi and Inoichi. Both of whom were here as moral support as well as a way to hopefully answer anything Naruto may wish to be answered.
Here was a man who if he so wished could easily be named Hokage without much controversy being placed upon his naming to such a role. Here was a man whose name still held power over most of the elemental nations and kingdoms and yet here he was mere inches from his own grandson's door and he was trembling like a leaf on a windy day. It was a sight most unbecoming of a man such as he and yet tremble he did.
"I could do this for you if you so wished Miniko-sama". Inoichi said upon seeing the man's uncertainty. A look of true genuine concern could be seen clearly on the man's face. In the year or so that he had known the boy, he had come to view him as a son. His wife had done much the same and yet neither of them could deny this man's request. He was his real family and more likely than not his only living family at that.
"No, it must be me. It can only be me who does this task Inoichi-san but I thank you for the kind offer". Miniko said as he knocked softly on the wooden door. The sounds of movement inside the small house had ensured that he couldn't just turn around and act as if this wasn't about to happen. He had just knocked down the proverbial domino and what may come from this meeting would likely reshape their entire relationship forever. From his knock to the door's opening, it took no more than fifteen seconds, and yet to the man it may as well have lasted for fifteen whole minutes.
"Oh hi, Miniko-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, and Inoichi-san why are you here"? Naruto asked as he moved aside as to allow the three men to enter. It wasn't long afterward that the four were seated around the table an uncomfortable silence soon enveloping the room. It was so pronounced that even Naruto himself could tell something was up.
"We have come to tell you something Naruto-kun. It's a matter of great importance". Inoichi said as he eyed Miniko for a second before turning back to face the boy. Eyeing the three men now sitting inside his home he couldn't help but feel that whatever this was about he wasn't going to like it.
"Naruto I need you to do something for me. It's nothing too hard. I just need you to read this first". Miniko said as he pulled out a handful of white parchment and handed it over to Naruto. Reading it he couldn't help but feel a bit lost. As his eyes shifted over the lines of text on the pages he couldn't help but feel a quickening of his heart. So unsure was he that he ended up rereading the whole thing two more times and even then he was sure this was some kind of sick unfunny joke being pulled on himself.
"W...what is this"? Naruto asked after finally placing the letters down upon the table.
"I know this is a bit sudden but hear me out". Miniko started before Naruto stood up and walked out of the room in a huff. This was far from ideal that much he knew and yet he also couldn't deny the boy's understandable reaction to the news.
"I'll talk to the boy". Inoichi said as he readied himself to find the boy and set the record straight.
"No, we will wait. I did what I came here to do and I'll deal with the fallout in due course. I thank you both for coming with me this day". Miniko said as he stood up and exited the house.
A few days later and the two had yet to talk about the revelation of their familial connection. He could, of course, understand the boy's reluctance to speak to him but at the same time, he was tasked with training the boy to reenter that odd mindscape of his and find out what the hallway of doors meant. A task made all the harder as the boy had made it a point to take only the words of Kakashi in the following days. Today he was going to talk to his grandson no matter if he wanted to talk to him or not. Finding the boy was easy enough. He was after all the only living thing that emitted that much power even when it was being actively suppressed.
"Naruto we need to talk". Miniko said as he walked up to the boy who only rolled his eyes upon seeing the older blonde.
"Go away I'm in no mood to talk to liers". Naruto said as he readied himself to leave the training ground.
"I never once lied to you. Up to only a few weeks ago, I thought you were killed in the fox attack 13 years ago. Had I only known about you I would've returned in a matter of days". Miniko replied as he watched as the boy placed his things in a fairly basic looking seal. It was clearly an inferior version of the type of seals one could buy in any number of the local ninja stores but at least it showed him that he had kept training in the art-form even after the news.
"So what you're here to try and make up for 13 years of lost time...is that it"? Naruto shot back at the man.
"In part..yes. But I was also told to train you in the art of seal-making. A task you seem to be keeping up with". Miniko answered as the boy began to walk away forcing the older of the two to stop him. It was clear the boy was upset and he could understand that feeling but he was also a Genin and that meant he had to be ready to put any feelings he had on the matter to the side in order to see the bigger picture.
"You said in your report that you saw a room with a photo with a man of yellow hair and a woman of red. One of them sounds like my son and if he is somehow alive as his father I must do all I can to save him". Miniko said trying to make the boy understand.
"Wait....what"? Naruto said as he took a few steps backward. "Are you really saying that the fourth Hokage, one of the strongest ninja this village has ever seen is my...my dad"?
"Where do you think he learned seals from...your mother"? Miniko asked already knowing the answer.
"It matters not anymore. I have already told Kakashi-san that I will oversee your training for the coming days. Oh and one last thing that seal you have your tools in...it sucks. So until you can make a seal that isn't a complete waste of ink and paper you shall have no ramen at all". Miniko said as he turned around and walked away leaving a fairly redfaced boy to run after him yelling all sorts of profanities at his back.
- In Serial38 Chapters
Keep Your Pants On! I'm Trying to Study!
TL;DR - I transmigrated into Hentai World, but I just want to study and solve the mystery behind my new brother’s alien-like behavior. For funsies, Hanna used to watch old and new hentai to riff on the animation and plots... If she’d known that it would be the cause of her transmigration to the ultimate hentai world as a bystander, she may have refrained. The good news was that she could study on her cheap parent’s dime to get into a good university, and hopefully earn a degree for her astronomer dream job. The only issue was that everywhere she walked, she’d run into main characters in awkward situations. And she also had to face the biggest question of them all, why was her new brother acting so strange? The RR version has no actual smut scenes. All smut will be for comedic purposes (and not detailed). All detailed smut will be yeeted to Patreon for those interested. This is the author’s secret side-side-side project... Updates every Sunday (at least), and sometimes Monday. Special thanks to NASA for having an image library that is free to use!
8 466 - In Serial14 Chapters
Recruit - An Infinite Labyrinth prequel
A prequel to The Infinite Labyrinth. The year is 1816. The British Empire is in full swing, under the auspices of King George III. The Infinite Labyrinth has been pouring out its product from beyond our reality and fostered a new industrial revolution. Times are changing, and the people of London are feeling the winds of the revolution while British Professionals push into the Labyrinth. The newly formed Artefact Hunting Company is looking for recruits, and they have new technology to help them. From the slums of London, they aim to recruit a new wave of Professionals. And make Zacharias and the Earl of Carnavon lots of money. So, for Rowan Rivers and a handful of lucky ones, it's time to head into the Labyrinth, and discover what makes it different from England. And what makes THEM different? Recruit is a bunch of chapters I wrote to create to the setting, mood, and game systems of the Infinite Labyrinth. It is NOT a complete story in the classic sense. It's more of a slice of life view of early days of a normal Professional from the Infinite Labyrinth, and it's heavy on info-dump. It's 90% canon - there's probably a bit of a difference between how some characters and common behaviour are portrayed here and how they'll come out in the main story. Set two years before the events that kick-start the main series, it features some of the secondary/peripheral characters of the Infinite Labyrinth and will tell you all about the basic mechanics of the Labyrinth's RPG system. It can be considered a spoiler, as the characters in the Infinite Labyrinth are going to need to figure out all that, on their own. But if you like a much deeper exposition in the mechanics, here it is. The entire prequel is about 80 pages long.
8 195 - In Serial8 Chapters
Soldiers of Light
The Soldiers Of Light; an elite force of talented young warriors working for the mysterious World Federation Alliance. Bestowed with a necklace containing the mysterious "Artemesia," providing them with unstoppable power. Their task?? Rid the world of those deemed a threat to humanity, using any means neccessary.
8 200 - In Serial31 Chapters
Alpha Caine
#1 IN INTENSE January-March of 2019FIRST BOOK OF THE ALPHA SERIES"I will have you, Amira," Caine's hand slides from my hip where it is grasped up my side. I shiver at the sparks that trail behind his touch. His lips are close to my neck, hovering right over that one spot. That one spot that is meant for him and only him, but I still don't want to give it to him, I still hate him. Yet I'm not pushing him away...His breath is hot on my neck as he whispers seductively in my ear again. "I will have you, and you won't be so damn stubborn about it," his lips dip down into my neck and my body disobeys me as I shiver again. His voice is low and gruff once more. "You'll be screaming my name so loud, you won't need a mark for people to know you're mine."***************Contains suggestive language, swearing, violence, and minor alcohol use.UNEDITEDPart of an ongoing series.
8 229 - In Serial12 Chapters
Scum in Another World
I may have finished my goal in my previous world, but something unexpected happened. I am now in another participating a war game hosted by angels not from my world. Maybe I should have gotten hit by a truck or something. Note: My english isn't perfect. I might learn something if people would kindly point it out. Thanks for reading this trash story about trash MC doing his trashy things.
8 77 - In Serial6 Chapters
Please Andy..
Starting from 3x13 and mcswareks developing relationship
8 159