《Rage of the Father》Chapter 2


Ainz had returned to Nazarick, thinking back to parting ways with Albedo, letting her handle E-Rantel's affairs, to his state visit with Emperor Jircniv in Arwintar, and afterwards sending CZ2128 Delta on a support mission to the Holy Kingdom, personally greeting, or more correctly, being worshiped by, Neia Baraja, the nervous, angry-eyed archer he had raised both socially and from the dead during his operations in the Holy Kingdom. CZ had done something that warmed Ainz's heart, developing a friendship with Neia. Ainz was determined to cultivate and support this in every way he could, so sending CZ to the Holy Kingdom was the perfect way to have the two spend time together. He wanted his Children to be safe, happy, and free to be individuals, not mindless machines enslaved to his will.

The thought of his Children's safety returned him back to the matter at hand. Nigredo's scrying had detected the movements of several special units in the Theocracy, and now he wanted Shalltear to point out her foes to him. He teleported to his office on the Tenth floor, and cast [Message].

"I am here for you, Ainz-sama. What are your orders?"

"Shalltear, will you be able to leave the Dwarves on their own for a while?"

"Yes, Ainz-sama. Do you wish for me to come to you?" Shalltear's voice turned sultry, and if it didn't sound so high-pitched it might have been seductive.

"I want you to observe something with me. Return to Nazarick as soon as you are able."

"I will return at once, Ainz-sama!"

Five seconds passed and a [Gate] opened. That was fast, thought Ainz. Shalltear, in her usual elaborate mauve dress and grievously overstuffed bra, parasol in hand, passed through the portal. She genuflected before Ainz, bowing her head.

"What do you wish for me to see, Ainz-sama? Is it something that you haven't shown to Albedo? Is that why she's not here?" Shalltear deigned to look up at him with hungry eyes. She was blushing again.

"Nothing like that, Shalltear. I believe we have potentially found the World Item owners. I just need you to point them out for me. We will use the Mirror of Remote Viewing."

"I understand, my Lord. Does this grant me the privilege of standing by Your side, Ainz-sama?"


Shalltear's blush deepened, and she cooed with a lewd smile hidden behind her hand, maintaining eye contact with Ainz. She blissfully trembled for a moment, almost losing her balance completely.

Did she just… me saying 'Yes' was enough to… the hell?! screamed Ainz internally. His emotional suppression kicked in, muffling his discomfort to just a twinge of unease. This is just… eugh.

"Are you alright, Shalltear?"

"C-couldn't… be better, Ainz-sama. I just couldn't… help myself."

"W-we should start observing the Elemental through the Mirror."

"Of course, Ainz-sama." Shalltear seems to have recovered herself. Rising, she giddily glided to stand next to Ainz's chair.

"Oh, and by the way, Ainz-sama, while I dare not insult the furniture of Nazarick which You and the Supreme Beings created, I would just like to say that if you require a more… lively seat, I am forever at your disposal, my Lord. I should be able to see the Mirror just fine if my head is to your right."

Dammit, Pereroncino. Why? Just why did you make her this way?

"T-thank you, Shalltear. I will keep that in mind for the future. For now, I have no need for such a chair." Shalltear visibly deflated at this. "Instead, I have need of your keen eyesight, and possibly your memory." Shalltear seem to re-inflate, as it were, from this. Ainz summoned the Mirror of Remote Viewing, commanding it to hover in front of the two of them. The Mirror first showed their reflections. The vampire smirked for a moment seeing their two reflections together like this. Then the reflections vanished. In its place, an aerial view of the Katze Plains appeared. A great dome of mist focused on one spot, with flashes of orange and blue light intermittently breaking through the clouds.


"Ah… sensible. A ward against divination like this Mirror. Spreading the ward out over such a large area makes it very weak. I should be able to use some mana to break through unnoticed" With a simple gesture, the view broke through the mist, revealing the Primal Fire Elemental that had been summoned for the test. Humanoid figures, thirteen of them in all, small compared to the monster, seemed to be fighting it. Cold and water spells broke out, and the Elemental would occasionally strike the ground with its fists. It was not really trying to fight, as Ainz wished, but the humanoids seemed to be going all out to defeat it. Ainz had sensed the Elemental lose a small amount of HP. Quite impressive, given its high defensive stats as a level 87 monster. He gestured to the Mirror again, zooming in on the battle.

"Take a look, Shalltear. Do any of them seem familiar?" Shalltear immediately seemed to focus everything on the figures. Ainz himself looked, out of curiosity. What caught his eyes was one of the figures, a summoner of sorts, if the sudden appearance of a Gigant Basilisk was any indicator. Blond hair, pink eyes… reminds me of Clementine. That's not Clementine herself, though. Is that a relative? The resemblance of uncanny. A brother or cousin perhaps.

"Forgive me, Ainz-sama. My memory is still… muddled."

"That's fine. Relax."

Ainz scanned the rest of the group. No one of interest, although a young black-haired man in armor seemed quite powerful in comparison. The spearman said something, and the others began to pull back, forming defensively around another one of their own, a figure hooded and cloaked. This figure cast off the cloak revealing a flowing white robe, emblazoned with a golden dragon. The Downfall of Castle and Country! So that's where it went! I heard about it getting stolen from one of the stronger guilds like Seraphim or even the top guild Trinity.

Ainz deactivated the Mirror, and removed his focus from the Elemental, sensing it dissipate.

"Ainz-sama? What happened?" asked Shalltear, concern tinging her voice.

"There's an old expression from the Old World which my comrades returned to. We've caught the Theocracy, red-handed."

"What does it mean, Ainz-sama?"

"They're the ones."

The great doors of Nazarick's throne room swung open, and in strode a towering shadow, Ainz Ooal Gown himself, holding the golden staff, shaped like six winding snakes, that bore his name. In the area before the Throne of Kings, the Floor Guardians of Nazarick, arrayed in two lines, one on either side of the great red carpet, knelt in reverence as Ainz entered. He passed them by, ascending the ten steps of the dais, seating himself on the Throne, and allowing the Staff to float idly next to him.

"Loyal servants of Nazarick, my Children, I have gathered you here to announce the next phase of the Plan, and where each of you will be involved. In short, our next move is against the Slane Theocracy. This is no mere whim of mine. There is an old wrong between us and the Theocracy that has not been made right. A death that has not been avenged."

"The Slane Theocracy is filled with humans who do not honor Your greatness, Ainz-sama. That alone warrants the penalty of death. Who of us have they slain?"

"Not directly, but their chief military unit, the Black Scripture, possesses the World item used to try and control Shalltear all those years ago."

Fury almost overwhelmed the Guardians, their hatred towards the Slane Theocracy intensifying, but they restrained themselves before their Ruler. Only clenched fists and Albedo's smile turning icy betrayed the fact. Ainz continued onward. "It is an item I remember well from YGGDRASIL. The Downfall of Castle and Country. It allows for complete and irresistible mind control on one target, as was demonstrated on Shalltear. Thankfully she interrupted the ritual before the effect could completely take hold." Shalltear winced with shame as her past disgrace was brought up. It was still a sore spot after all this time. "The world has seen what I will do for the sake of a caravan of grain. For attacking that caravan, I ground the Kingdom into dust. If I do that for the sake of a few human farmers' work, what fate awaits the Slane Theocracy, whose forces have hurt one of my own Children?" All present gasped at what Ainz said. He paused to further gauge their reaction, almost indulging himself in the adoring sparkle in their eyes.


"We are not going to destroy the Theocracy."

"Do you have a better use for those insects, Ainz-sama?" asked Albedo, her rage at the thought of those humans brimming over, as her teeth ground against one another.

"No. We are going to erase the Theocracy. Not one house will be left standing. Not one blade of grass will be unscorched. We are going to extend the Katze Plains, in a manner of speaking. The world will know what happens when they hurt my Children. And they will not dare do such a thing again!"

The throne room was deathly silent, its collective breath held. Smiles crossed every face. Adoring, reverent smiles.

"But… we must also work to preserve our image as just and righteous rulers. We must manufacture a reason to declare war against the Theocracy that our vassals would agree with."

"Ainz-sama, we should try to make them attack us first," said Shalltear.

"I see merit in the suggestion. It would allow us to paint the Theocracy as the aggressor.

However, it might be difficult to bring that about, given that the Theocracy has likely observed all of our actions in the past. They would need a very good reason to declare war on us."

Albedo spoke up next. "Ainz-sama. They have already attacked Your realm, in secret. They have agents and spies acting within our borders, conducting espionage."

Demiurge next. "Their presence is strongest in the Empire, since it is autonomous, but we're aware of their positions and names. We could push the Emperor to initiate a massive counterintelligence strike, relaying the position of all but a few agents."

"Wouldn't eliminating them all be more effective?" asked Shalltear.

"It would be in terms of the Empire's national security, but the Empire's internal security forces could not possibly achieve such a task without our help, and I think the Theocracy would guess this, and accuse us of staging the entire operation. This might cast our entire administration in a suspicious light."

"Why. Would. Their. Accusations. Matter. To. Ainz-sama? If. Rebellion. Or. Unrest. Results. From. These. Accusations. We. Can. Simply. Crush. Them."

"Ainz-sama, if You will allow me to explain Your priorities in this matter, as my limited intellect understands them…"

"Proceed, Demiurge. I want absolute clarity on this matter. Explain so even a human could understand."

"As You wish, Ainz-sama. His priorities are as follows: to destroy the Slane Theocracy, and to preserve His image as a just ruler. Attacking the Theocracy without reasonable provocation would cause other nations around us to lose trust in us, especially the Argland Council State. The Dragon Lords are no threat to Nazarick, but they have the potential to devastate other vital regions of the Kingdom. While this has the benefit of possibly bringing the Platinum Dragon Lord or even other Dragon Lords against us for more intelligence gathering on the Council State, the merits end there, and we stand to lose face among our own subjects, whose welfare and opinions our generous Lord takes seriously. Therefore, it falls to us to engineer a provocation.

As Albedo-sama has pointed out, we have the provocation sitting right within the Empire. A hotbed of espionage and treachery, and enough of a threat to Imperial national security to warrant a war. I concur with Albedo on this matter. Ainz-sama, have I captured at least the superficial aspects of Your plan?"

"You have captured this entire part of the plan, Demiurge. Excellent work."

"I do not deserve Your-"

"I've said this for years. You deserve my praise."

"T-thank You, Ainz-sama."

"Does everyone understand the plan?" All gathered there nodded in assent.

"We understand Your designs in full, Ainz-sama," said Albedo.

"Are there any suggestions, or additional thoughts regarding the plan? This is an open forum. The more ideas we have, the better chance we have of picking the best one." Ainz scanned the room. No one offered any suggestions.

"Very well. Albedo, Demiurge. This plan is your handiwork. Go to Arwintar, speak to Emperor Jircniv, and see it to completion. Make it an official visit. Oh, and be kind to the Emperor, even if you must act and flatter him. Treat him as I did, when he visited us five years ago."

"It shall be as Ainz-sama commands!"

The Imperial Palace of Arwintar, two days later.

The prosperity of the Baharuth Empire blazed in the audience chamber of Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix, the now 27-year old ruler of the Baharuth Empire, who currently lounged within it, surrounded by his court. Nazarick had been kind to the Empire and its ruler, allowing it almost complete autonomy, providing a host of undead workers and farmers in exchange for low taxes, the abolition of slavery and indentured servitude, and making all eight Legions available to the Sorcerer Kingdom in a moment's notice. However, the loss of two Imperial Knights, and worse, the loss of Fluder Paradyne, was still an open wound in the Empire's local fighting strength. Granted, the Empire had not truly needed Fluder's military services during Jircniv's reign thus far, but the extra security provided by his legendary sixth-tier magic casting was invaluable.

The Emperor often had plenty of idle time, given the massive weight of bureaucracy lifted from his shoulders by the Sorcerer Kingdom. That day, he had just finished entertaining his favorite guest, Lord Pe Riyuro of the Quagoa Clans, a demi-human whom the Emperor held as a close and unexpected friend and confidant, and now spent time with Elisandre, a favored member of his harem he spent much time with.

Golden sunlight bathed the entire chamber, as the Emperor occupied himself with a book gifted to him on the recently passed Alliance Day. It was a thoughtful gift, straight from the Library of Ashurbanipal, and Jircniv realized that Ainz Ooal Gown's towering intellect had discerned the Emperor's own love of mysteries and secrets, sending him a book revolving around the exploits of a sleuth gifted with keen powers of observation and deduction named Sherlock Holmes, set in a fictional country called at various times England, Britain, or the British Empire. The Emperor spent the first few days with the book admiring the sheer quality of its binding, and the consistency of its lettering.

As the Emperor was considering the problem of the Greek Interpreter with Elisandre, Baziwood Peshmel strode into the room, followed by Nimble Anoch, both of whom served him as Imperial Knights. Peshmel had been the only Knight to survive the Sorcerer Kingdom unscathed. Nazami Ezec had been killed by the Dark Elf twins, along with over a hundred Legionaries, leading to the Emperor's visit to the awe-inspiring Tomb of Nazarick. Leinas Rockbruise had defected to the Sorcerer Kingdom in search of a cure for her curse, most likely, and Nimble Anoch was still haunted by the slaughter on the Katze Plains. Jircniv had no doubt of Anoch's abilities in combat, except against the agents of the Sorcerer King. Elisandre retreated to a quiet corner of the chamber, to allow him undistracted attendance to matters of state.

Nimble Anoch knelt before the Emperor's couch. Baziwood Peshmel did no such thing. The Emperor cared little for decorum among servants, except diplomats, and he was quite used to Peshmel's casual personality.

"A message from the Sorcerer King," Peshmel said, in the informal way that was his, extending an arm with a missive, bound together with the black seal of Ainz Ooal Gown. Jircniv's eyes widened to saucers. The Sorcerer King had left him alone for almost two years since the Legions had been deployed to the Council State border before the Second E-Rantel Accords. He took the communique with an uneasy grip, and opened it.

To His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix, valued ally and true friend,

Let it be known that beginning next week, Prime Minister of the Sorcerer Kingdom, the Right Honorable Lady Albedo, and the Minister of Economy, the Honorable Lord Demiurge, will be conducting an official tour throughout the Empire, ensuring efficiency at local and national levels of government, as well as the economic condition of your realm. This action of ours is permitted in the terms stipulated by the First E-Rantel Accords. We will arrive in Arwintar first at noon, and discuss the details of the tour from there.

Until our arrival,

Prime Minister Albedo

Jircniv took no surprise that Albedo had sent him this letter. He had been informed of the truth after the treaty with Argland was signed. That didn't bother him. What did was the fact that the two most dangerous people in the Sorcerer Kingdom after Ainz Ooal Gown himself were coming to visit. He could feel some beads of sweat forming on his head just thinking of the future.

"What does it say?" asked Peshmel.

"Two important guests from the Sorcerer Kingdom are coming next week to conduct a tour. And we are going to put our best foot forward, or it may be the end of all of us."

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