《The Connections》A Painful Cast


Zach braced himself for the blow that was most surely to follow but nothing happened. Zach opened the eyes he did not notice that he had shut to look at Nick. He was on his hands and knees wheezing nearly gasping for air that he could not get, then he abruptly stopped. Zach could almost see Nick’s mind short circuit for a moment. Before smoke started to billow out of Nick’s ears, Zach rushed to help Nick up.

“I-I can speak,” Nick said hesitantly.

“It appears that you can. But how though?” Zach said “it could be from the tap, I must have channeled some extra energy into you. I don’t know how but that energy somehow is blocking your ability.” Zach pondered.

“I… I’m not going to ask.” Nick said.

“He, good thinking. But the question that still stands is, is it permanent?” Zach asked.

Zach reached up to touch Nick’s throat and just as he did that Nick opened his mouth. Zach flew backward an astounding 50 feet and hit the ground, when he hit the ground he heard a snap and he felt a sharp pain in his arm. Zach tried to pick himself up, but he was in too much pain. Nick ran up to him and helped Zach up into a sitting position.

“I’ll go get help!” Nick wrote in his journal.

“No I’m fine, I just need a minute,” Zach said in gritted teeth.

“But your arm is broken.” Nick wrote.

“I know, I felt it snap when I hit the ground. See if it is a compound fracture.” Zach asked Nick.

“It looks like it is.” Nick wrote.

“ah , Ok. give me space please.” Zach said as he put his injured hand gently on the ground. As he did so he felt the familiar feeling of movement within the ground below him. Just then a small amount of the black liquid seeped out of the ground and covered his hand. Now filled with energy he used his uninjured hand to cover the compound fracture. After inhaling he mentaly forced the energy within him to align into a crystalline structure. He grunted with the effort and the pain of doing it, but he succeeded. He then let the crystals flow out of his uninjured hand and into the fracture. He felt the intense heat and light that was radiating from his hand. After a couple of seconds he felt the bone set and the pain faded a little. Zach released his arm from his grasp and Nick’s eyes widened the size of saucers. In the same place that the fracture once was, there was a new part of him. His arm was encased in a clear crystalline luxin cast.


“There, that should hold it until it heals.” Zach said.

“Uh what did you just do?” Nick wrote.

“I uh, I actually have no idea what I did. It just felt right to do it.” Zach said “here, help me up.”

Taking Zach’s outstretched hand Nick hefted him up to a standing position.

“Well now we know that it was not permanent.” Zach said to Nick snickering.

Nick grinned and wrote, “Yea I think you're right.”

“Anyway I think we should go back down and check the progress” Zach said. Both of them started walking toward the entrance of the library. When they got inside, Zach saw Conner sitting in one of the chairs, a pile of books stacked next to him.

“You look so cute when you read.” Zach said.

Conner looked up from the book that he was reading. His face brightened up when he saw Zach, but almost instantly his expression was replaced with confusion and worry when he saw the cast.

“What happened? What is that? Who did that to you? Oh god, they will wish they were dead when I get my hands on them!” Conner said rushing to Zach.

“I’m fine, well at least I will be. It is nothing but just a little mishap during a sparring match with Nick.” Zach said to ease Conner’s worry. But Conner was having none of it. “Come here and sit down. I want to take a look at it.” Conner said.

“I told you I’m fine.” Zach said again.

“I wasn't asking!” Conner said, literally dragging Zach to the nearest chair.

Conner went over the cast with his hands and grunted in displeasure.

“Tell me what happened.” Conner said.

“I was sparring with Nick when I used my ability to increase my speed. When I got in a “hit” on his back, I somehow dampened his ability for a short time. When I was about to examine his neck to get a better clue on how that happened his ability came back and well I caught off guard and flew backward. When I hit the ground, my arm broke my fall and broke itself as well.” Zach explained.


“Oh, I hope you are Ok.” Conner said protectively “What is on your arm?”

“Well I don’t know what it is made out of but I do know that it is a cast.” Zach said.

Conner eyed it and frowned, “I hope that it restores my Zach to his full working condition soon.” Conner said.

Zach kissed Conner and said, “I have no doubt that it will”.

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