《The Connections》Starting Anew


The next morning Zach was called to the infirmary. When he got there, Doc checked him over and did some tests. After what felt like hours, Doc came to the conclusion that Zach was as healthy as he could be. Free to go, Zach made a B-line to Avner’s house. He needed to see his old friend and get some advice.

Zach knocked on Avner’s door and waited. After a minute the door opened, and Avner stood there. Zach was caught off guard at the sight of Avner. He was clean cut and wasn't hunched over with age. “Zach my boy, how have you been?” Avner said, pulling Zach into a great big hug. “Oh, uh. Good I guess.” Zach said.

“You guess? Come on boy, I hear that your ability has surfaced. Tell me about how it surfaced.” Avner asked Zach.

“Well, I was tasked with transporting a guy named Nick to the Academy.” Zach said.

“Ya Ya, I know about that. Tell me what happened when you started the fight with the Redcaps.” Avner prodded.

“Well I saw that the goons obeyed orders so I took the leader down first, then I took a swift and violent approach for the goons. I was taking most of the attacks so that Nick could get the family to safety. Everything was going quite well, until The leader struck me from behind. I was being beaten to a pulp when Nick used his Ability to ‘Thin The Herd’ but I was outnumbered and out armed. When the leader stuck that dagger in my chest I knew I was a goner.” Zach explained.

“I thought I trained you enough to be able to whoop the ass of a group larger than them.” Avner said, disapproving.

“You did. I was just over confident.” Zach said, fully chastised.


“Continue with your recount,” Avner said.

“When I died there was this voice, It told me to get up and I did.” Zach said.

Avner put a hand to Zach’s chest. “Still beating and no bandages, what healed you?” Avner asked.

“When I woke up there was this Black liquid that was covering me. It pushed the dagger out and filled the cavity. After it healed my wounds, it gave me strength and energy. Then I felt it, like a part of my mind was unlocked. I guess you know the rest?” Zach continued and Avner nodded.

“Enough about me, what happened to you?” Zach asked.

“Me? Well since you gave me your old house, I was able to start my life again. I got a job cutting grain in the wheat fields. My bosses were a bit sceptical about the leg but once I showed them how good of a job you did on it, they left it alone.” Avner said.

For the rest of the day Zach and Avner talked.

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