《The Connections》Gifts


“You're late.” Avner said

“I got sidetracked.” Zach said as he opened his door.

Shuffling into the small hovel Avner seated himself in one of the chairs at the table. Kneeling down to a chest in the corner, Zach noticed his mentor rubbing his stump.

“Is that bothering you? I have some tincture that will help.”

“Oh, no it is just phantom pain. It should stop in a minute.” Avner replied.

Uneasy, Zach opened the lid to the chest and pulled out something wrapped in cloth.

Setting it down on the table, he looked at Avner.

“Ok, so I personally don’t codone doing this but I know how important this is to you. I had this old friend of mine who specializes in obtaining certain… uh requests. She owed me a favor, so I called her up.” Zach said.

Pulling the wrapped cloth closer to him, Avner carefully unfolded it. Inside was a human skeleton leg. It was beautifully carved and inked with images of the fabled grim reaper. There was cordage and elastics that was threaded through small eyelets that were embedded in the bone.

“Oh my, this looks amazing!” Avner said.

“Why don’t you try it on.” Zach said.

He knelt down and helped unhook the old prosthesis from Avner’s leg stump. Gently Zach slipped the new prothstesis on and tightened the straps. There were two leather cuffs dangling from the prosthesis by a series of cords.

“What are those?” Avner asked.

“These cuffs act sort of like a harness for the cordage.” Zach said, “If you strap the larger cuff around your thigh and the smaller one right under your knee. They act like tendon guides for the prosthesis. When you bend your leg, the cuffs will pull the cordage tight that will inreturn move the foot.”


Zach modeled the actions of bending at the knee in demonstration.

“But wait, won’t that not work for walking or for standing up?” Avner asked.

“Well yes, but only if it had a simple pulley system. When you walk your legs provide the propulsion but your foot provides the stability. I slung the cordage to let the foot work properly.” Zach explained.

“And when I stand up?” Avner asked.

“There is a set of cordage that will bend the ankle while you stand up. I also added elastics to act like tendons.” Zach said.

“Wait, won’t it be brittle? It is made out of bone.” Avner asked.

“I used a new technique of injection molding. I drilled out the core of the bones and injected a new liquid metal that when combined with a certain chemical it solidifies as solid metal. I also cut and fitted a river pebble with a ceramic piece to make a blade sharpener in between the Fibula and Tibia.” Zach said pointing to the white and gray pebbles in a v shape where the bones and socket meet.

What is the blade sharpener for?” Avner asked.

“I wanted it to be a surprise for you. It took me 3 years to make it.” Zach said walking to the closet. Handing it out Zach said, ”This is a thanks for being a father figure to me for all these years.”.

Avner unwrapped a long wooden contraption and held it aloft.

“It is a new scythe. It has a locking mechanism at the base of the blade. Also the blade is rust proof and the shaft is collapsible.” Zach said lifting it from Avner’s hands and gave it a quick flick and the blade slid open with a smooth click. Moving the locking bar, Zach slid the blade back closed with a small click. Then he twisted the shaft of the handle back and forth 3 times and there was an audible click. Zach slid the shaft apart and folded it in half by a hinge that was pulled out when he unlocked it. Returning it to the unfolded state Zach handed it back to Avner.


“I-I don’t know what to say.” Mr. Avner said.

“You don’t need to say anything.” Zach said with a smile on his face.

Avner smiled and hugged Zach. They said their goodbyes and Avner left. Exhausted Zach flopped down on his bed and fell asleep.

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