《The Path to Pacifism is Long and Paved with Blood》Denouement 2: Goblin-Slayer
"Listen, just because I'm unable to physically move away, doesn't mean I can't point my spear at you and tell you to shut the fuck up." roughly stated a gross-sounding voice.
"You can't shut up progress! Some day humans and goblins will live in peace, and I'll be the one to start it!" retorted a higher-pitched gross-sounding voice.
These two goblins continued arguing on bright potential futures and very sharp potential presents, much to the chagrin of their third companion. They leaned haphazardly against the sharp wooden spikes of a cheval de frise on the crossroads leading from the main road to their village, in a manner their commander would find very unacceptable should he have cared enough to visit this post more than once a month.
As their behavior indicated, this was the position nobody wanted and nobody cared about, mostly due to its proximity to civilization. Everyone knew this spot was called the "graveyard shift" for more reasons than one, so the three standing there tried to make the best of it as much as they could. As it stands, only one was succeeding, and the other two were considering how much harder they were willing to lean into the spikes with every word out of her progressive mouth.
"Just can it, both of you, and take your turn." grumbled Rogo, their superior. He was the only named of the three due to the goblin naming convention, which was that you didn't get one unless you survived ten years. Their relative weakness and quantity made them prime targets for would-be adventurers looking to hone their combat skills.
"But I'm not the one-" he started, before getting a hefty glare. "... Fine," said the younger male, as he thought for another minute. Eventually he decided, "boots."
"Alright... clapped."
"Clapping boots?"
"Hey, boots can make noises other than slopping or stomping, now just go before we forget the first half."
That one received a short glare, before the younger continued, "Roared."
"Ooh, good one... the."
"Really? Shove it on me, why don't ya... hmmm, how about wind?"
"Alright, where are we, then? This is the story of how twelve hundred mighty boots clapped across the plains while very angry doggies roared against the wind?"
"Whoa, now that's one I'd like to read."
"Stupid, you can't read."
"Says who?"
"Alright, what's that sign say?"
"Easy, greatest goblin village of all time thataway."
"..... The sign is two words long."
"Oh really, smarty-pants, then what's it actually say?"
"You know I can't read either. None of us can."
"None but one."
"Oh, shut up."
And they did, the goblin lady with a smirk, and the other two with scowls.
The wind blew. The grass swayed. Clouds... shifted.
"This sucks."
"Oh give it a rest, both of you, and just learn-" started Rogo.
"Learn what?" the younger goblin asked as he turned to look at him, or rather, the arrow shaft which was now at the level Rogo's eyes were.
"Oh shit!", he complained, jumping away from the barrier, while the female goblin simply stared wide-eyed at the now doubly-impaled goblin captain. The arrow had pierced his skull, but the spikes behind him now held his body as he collapsed into them.
A new arrow joined the party, though this one a little less accurately. "Aaugh!", cried a newly wounded goblin as the arrow hit him in the thigh. He drew his sword, looking down the road at the approaching duo, one cloaked in a golden robe, the other advancing with blemished steel plate.
"Stop!" the robed one shouted, running up to the young goblin. The one we will now refer to as goblina continued staring at this, the sight too shocking to process. Eventually she realized what was most likely a caster was now advancing on her friend, arms outstretched, wielding some unknown arcane force.
So she did the only logical thing and tried to pull him off her friend before he could get to him.
Were she a little bit more worldly, she may have recognized a gold aura as being healing magic and let him do his thing. Instead, she presented new danger, giving the robed one's friend greater cause to invite a third arrow to the party. The young goblin collapsed to the ground. This normally would have infuriated Felix, had he not been distracted by the sudden scuffle.
"Get off me, I'm trying to help you!" shouted felix, as he attempted to disengage from the rage-fueled goblina.
"Murderer, how could you! We were supposed to become friends!"
"What in the world are you-, aah!" Felix tripped over a rock, inadvertently falling on the goblina, causing her to stumble.
A sickening noise assaulted her ears. A moment later, a sickening sight. A moment after that...
"Shit shit shit, I'm so sorry, I'm so-- I... I can't... why..." the horrified Felix stumbled over his words harder than he stumbled against the rock.
The pain didn't stop. A fire in her chest, as she looked down with increasingly blurry vision to look at the hole where her lungs had been. She felt a thousand needles as the wooden pole occupying said hole vacated its new home, then numbness as she dimly felt the world spin, and her back hit the ground. She kept gasping for air that wouldn't come.
"Why do you always have to shoot first and ask questions later??" Felix browbeat his companion. "Look what you caused!"
"Hey, I wasn't the one that impaled the thing."
"This isn't a thing, this is a creature! A living being! This wouldn't have happened if you had just shouted in greeting rather than assaulting innocent bystanders! We aren't even going near their village, we could have just walked right on by, but noo-"
Goblina stared at the strange human. A human who had compassion for her death, if his tears and emphatic gestures were any idication. Considering he wasn't speaking Goblin, and she didn't recognize Common quite yet, she could only imagine her dream for goblin-human peace would live on in this strange person. She couldn't speak for obvious reasons, so instead she uttered a silent prayer of forgiveness towards this obviously kind human, and to the Great Goblin Lord that her soul would empower this human she had mistaken for an enemy. Let my dream live on in him, and let all goblins and humans be at peace in the near future, by the power of this strange human's hand. Amen.
At that moment, her soul passed on to its now-rightful owner.
Breaker of Chains
Alex Watson was a nobody in a dead end job. After thoroughly screwing his own life over, he is given the opportunity of his dreams: Begin anew in another world. He receives a lot more than he wanted and now has to do his best to not get himself killed as the world throws gods, monsters, adventurers and eldritch abominations at him. Even with all of that, he is glad that he was given this new chance, and so, will try his best to turn a new leaf in this new world, make a name for himself and maybe become a hero in this mishmash of a fantasy world.
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❛ Destiny's Gift ❜
(THIS COLLECTION IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REVISED)A disconnected series of Trollhunters one shots, varying from fluff to angst.This collection is also posted on ao3.
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Male Merida x Female Reader(Y/n) = Your Name(H/l) = Hair length(H/c) = Hair color(E/c) = Eye Color(S/c) = Skin ColorI OWN NOTHING!!! ALL RIGHTS GO TO DISNEY!!!
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Little Rebel
Jordyn Lawley, is Kian Lawley's little sister. They were really close, until he moved to California with Our Second Life. He promised to Skype and call, but as time went on, the calls were further and further apart, until they stopped. Since then, Jordyn has done drugs and just become a bad person. She dyed her hair many times and gotten multiple piercings. Tired of her attitude, Jordyn's parents send her to California for the summer to live with Kian. While there, she meets the lovely Cameron Dallas, can he, Kian, the rest of O2L and Nash Grier bring back the old Jordyn?
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" BLACK Out "
•¬کاپل: چانبک | کایسو | هونهان•¬ژانر: رمنس | انگست | اکشن•¬خلاصه: بکهیون نقاش معروفی که دست روزگار خیلی اتفاقی پای مردی مرموز رو به زندگیش باز می کنه، کسی که بر خلاف ظاهر آروم و گرمش از دنیای بی رحمی میاد . دنیایی که به شکل عجیبی به گذشته ی بک گره خورده .دو کیونگ سو دانشجوی با استعداد ی که دست بر غذا معروف ترین وکیل دادگستری توکیو پدرش محسوب میشه، پدری که با ذکاوتش سرکرده ی یاکوزا رو به دست عدالت می سپره غافل از اینکه با این کار پسرش رو به راحتی تقدیم به رئیس بعدی مافیا، یعنی کیم کای میکنه .اوه سهون که به روانی بی کله ی دنیای مافیا شهرت داره، پسری که تو عالم رفاقت فقط دو نفر براش مهم هستن و تو عالم عشق، دکتر همیشه سرد و سرکش به اسم لوهان . یک نصیحت: اگه آدم صبوری نیستی و از غافل گیری خوشت نمیاد _ اگه دوست داری در گیر کلیشه های روابط بشی _ و مفهوم عشق برای تو شبیه به تصور عام از شهوت هست ... بهت پیشنهاد می کنم این فیک رو نخونی >.<>═ ∘♡༉∘ ═#BellaG💫
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Godzilla: Legend Begins
60 years had passed since the first Kaiju Attack and it wasn't the last. In 2014, a new kaiju surfaced and it's up to 2 people and a familiar creature to stop it.First book of the Legend Trilogy, published on FF.net and Kaiju Galaxy.*Banner in the prologue was created by Kiyru on Kaiju Galaxy. Note that what you see with the Kaiju is NOT the final design that I envisioned within the books.*
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