《STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS (Rewrite Fanfiction)》Chapter 7: The Weapon
As the freighter moved through hyperspace, Ben explained to Rey and Finn the current state of the war.
"My mother was hesitant to send me to Jakku until she learned that Kylo Ren had been kidnapping young children," said Ben. "Force sensitive children."
Finn and Rey exchanged startled looks.
"Indoctrinating them and turning them into Sith warriors," said Finn quietly. "Even I didn't know about this."
"Back on Jakku I saw them stow children on the shuttles," Ben continued. "I'm not going to let them be turned. We will stop by a cantina on Takodana. It's a pro republic planet but the First Order's got it's eyes on it."
Lights started blinking on the ships dashboard.
"Another ship is coming to intercept!" Rey shouted, examining the instruments.
Ben squinted at the monitors. "I'm bringing us out of hyperspace. It's a republic ship."
With a bang their freight came to a halt. A second later another freighter appeared, one that looked just as old and banged up.
"That's---" Finn began.
"Yeah," said Ben, not quite as impressed as Finn was looking. "Their she is. The Millennium Falcon. What I wan't to know is how they found us."
"Hello son," came a voice on he comms.
"Dad how did you find me?" Ben demanded.
"Sub dermal tracker," came a hesitant voice. "Your mother's idea so don't blame me."
"Well a lot of good that did huh?" said Ben angrily. "I ended up having to bust my own hide with the help of a storm trooper defector."
"We both have luck as our ally," said the voice. "We can talk more later. We'll rendezvous on Takodana."
When their ship had at last arrived on the lush Takodana, Rey was completely mesmerized by the bright greenery and numerous bodies of water that decorated the planet's surface.
"I've never seen so much water," Rey breathed.
Ben smiled at her as he landed their freighter just outside a large civilian building by the edge of a lake. "I have a feeling your going to be amazed by a lot of things in the coming days."
The three of them disembarked. Finn stretched out his arms with a grunt. Rey took in the welcoming smell of the forest. It was the first time she had ever smelled nature like this.
"A woman by the name of Maz Kanata owns this place," Ben explained. "Old friend of my dad's. Their's a markets set up right beside it, feel free to explore."
Up ahead on the dirt path leading up to the cantina, a group of men in military uniform came into view.
"Republic soldiers," said Finn.
"General Solo," Rey breathed, staring at the elderly man at the head.
Ben cleared his throat loudly. "Hello dad."
"So the First Order found you huh?" said Han, walking up to Ben.
"Kylo Ren happened to be searching for force sensitive children in the village," said Ben. "An unfortunate coincidence."
"Or the will of the Force as your uncle would say," said Han with a sigh. "Well I'm glad your alright kid. Your mother would skewer me if something were to happen to you. I convinced her it would be good for you to take this mission."
"Well the mission wasn't a total loss," said Ben. "Meet my friends, Finn and Rey. Finn busted me out and Rey patched me up."
Han gripped Finn's hand and nodded to Rey. "Can't say I've shook hands with a First Order stormtrooper before. I owe you both for helping Ben."
"Really sir, helping the son of Han Solo is reward enough," said Rey.
"Well I'll try to think of something anyways. Drinks first though. Come on!"
"It's a real honor general," said Rey as Han turned towards the cantina. "I never imagined that one day I'd get here, much less leave Jakku."
Han chuckled and continued walking. "Jakku huh? After a few scraped on Tatooine I told myself I'd avoid desert planets."
As Ben and Han went into the cantina with their men, Rey decided to stay otuside and explore the market.
"Not coming in?" Finn asked, turning towards her at the door.
"I'll stay and get some air," said Rey. "I don't drink anyways."
"Alright," said Finn. "I'll be inside."
Rey nodded and took off. Stalls all around the marketplace sold goods she had never seen before. There were powders of differing colors, fish, high end tools, and so much more that she only heard but thought she'd see.
"Grilled meat of the Takodana Slitherer!" one seller called out to her. "Fresh caught this morning, best price/weight ratio guaranteed."
"No thanks I don't have a house to cook it," said Rey politely.
"You can eat it raw," said the seller.
Rey moved on to the next stall. Blades, blasters, and unfamiliar weapons were laid out in a disorganized manner."
"Weapons of the highest grade!" said the seller.
"I got my own," said Rey, showing him her staff.
The arms dealer laughed. "That staff ain't going to cut it against a blaster young lady. I got some thermal detonators too if you got the credits for them."
Rey saw another staff leaning against the stacks of crates behind him. "What's that?"
The arms dealer turned around. "An electro staff!" he said brightly. "Mostly used by law enforcement. You won't find a more effective close quarters weapon anywhere! Made from phrik alloy, one of the rarest and most durable materials known!"
Rey took the electro staff from the arms dealer's hand and admired the weapon. "I'll take it."
"Splendid!" said the shopkeeper, eyes darting to Rey's hand as she reached into her pack. "I'll even throw in a discount if you trade in your old staff."
"That would be nice," said Rey. She felt a little pained to part with the staff that had served her so well for so long but her excitement outweighed the feeling.
"Were do you come from?" said the dealer as he pocketed Rey's money.
"Jakku," said Rey, we came here with General Solo of the Falcon."
"Here to see Maz huh?" said the dealer with a chuckle. "Let me guess. First time away from home?"
Rey nodded quickly. "I spent my whole life on Jakku."
"Still got some sand on your clothes young lady. I like you. And since your friends with Han I'll throw in another little something something for you. Call it a celebratory gift in honor of your first purchase away from home being at my humble little shop!"
"Your too kind," said Rey. "Back on Jakku they swindle you for every little thing."
"Which is why everyone wants to leave there," said the dealer with a hearty laugh. He reached behind him into a small wooden chest.
"Ah ha!" he exclaimed, producing a small metallic object. It looked like some kind of tool.
"What is it?" Rey asked, taking the object in her hands. It was old but intricately designed. Judging by the activation button and the energy emitter, it was probably some kind of plasma beam cutter.
"Your kidding right?" said the dealer with a loud snort. He leaned in. "Been with me for years but I could never fix it. "Won it in a game of cards while back. The person I won it from claimed it was an artifact from the days of the Galactic Civil War, a Jedi's weapon. A lightsaber."
Rey's eyes widened and her heartbeat quickened like it did when she first met Finn and Ben.
"This?" she whispered. her hands shook as she examined the weapon. "I-I can't take this." She only said it out of courtesy though.
"Well its pretty much junk to be honest," said the dealer. "Like I said I could never get it to work. Power cell is of an unfamiliar design. There are no Jedi here to help me understand it either. It's only right that it goes back to the republic."
"Thank you," said Rey gently, kissing him on the cheek. "I won't ever forget this."
"Bah!" he said, waving her away. "It's just customer relations! Basic tactics of the trade! Now go away before I get I change my mind."
Beaming from ear to ear, Rey was pratically skipping by the time she got back to the cantina door.
"Did some shopping I see," said Ben as he stepped out.
"Look at this!" Rey said, showing him the lightsaber. She couldn't contain her excitement. "You know these right? Can you fix it?"
Ben stared down at the weapon. His father came out of the cantina from behind and noticed the lightsaber.
"Woah now where did you get that?"
"From the dealer right ove---"
Rey felt faint. The lightsaber suddenly felt heavy in her head. Strange images began flashing before her. Ben said something to her she didn't quite catch.
"I'm alright," said Rey, stumbling.
"Yeah, I don't think so," said Ben, getting close to examine her face now. "Your turning pale."
"Take her inside," Han suggested. "Hurry I think she's going to pass out."
Everything was a blur and Rey lost feeling in her legs. The images came more quickly and in greater numbers. Ben shouted something before the void consumed her.
After Rey had been placed on a bed within one of the cantina's spare rooms, Ben called Finn over.
"The force is strong with her," said Ben. "It was only for a moment Finn but I felt it."
"You think she's a Jedi?" Finn asked nervously. "She never mentioned being trained in the Force."
"No I don't think she's ever connected to the Force until now. That lightsaber must have awakening something within her."
Before Finn could reply a republic soldier rushed into the bedroom.
"Sir! First Order star destroyers just jumped in!"
"What!?" said Ben. "How?!"
Finn grabbed his shoulder. "Your subdermal tracker. They might have found it when they tortured you then modified it so that it would work for them as well."
"Fantastic," said Ben. "Mother's own plan to keep her baby boy on a leash working against the republic."
They rushed outside to find republic troopers and civilians taking up positions.
"We need to find cover in the trees," said Han. "Back on the Falcon, Chewie's made contact with the republic forces. They're on their way."
"No we make a stand here!" Ben insisted. "I'm not leaving Rey."
"This whole place is going to be a target," said Han firmly. "We'll be less visible in the tress. Carry her out if you have to."
"Too late for all that," said Finn. Sure enough a swarm of TIE fighters moved towards them over the lake.
"Spread out and aim for the cockpits!" Han yelled.
The TIE fighters began pummeling their position with green laser fire. Debris rained down from the top of the cantina. The people all around Ben fire back but the TIE fighters were too nimble for them to inflict any real damage to their forces. Two republic troopers set up a heavy laser on a tri pod.
"I'm going for Rey!" Ben yelled.
"You've had enough close calls already," said Han, pulling him back. "Get to the Falcon. The men will see to her."
Ben tried getting away but his father pulled him down and looked him dead in the eyes. There was no arguing his way out of this. Though his father was always looser on him than his mother, he knew when to plant the foot.
"Alright I'll wait for her there," said Ben. "The Force is with her. Uncle Luke would want to meet her. Trust me."
"Go!" Han yelled. He landed an expertly placed shot on a TIE fighters wing attachment pylon, bringing it down.
As Ben rushed off a soldier tapped Han on the shoulder. "Reinforcements sir."
Finn looked up just in time to see dozens of x-wing fighters jump out of hyperspace. Several TIE fighters were immediately blown out of the sky.
"Republic capitol ships are keeping those star destroyers busy," said a soldier next to Finn. "Still we better move before they reinforce their own forces with ground troops."
Finn spotted First Order shuttles coming towards them.
"We need to get out of here!" he cried. "Hux will be sending his best soldiers. He knows the Falcon is here."
"General Solo its time to go!" the soldier yelled to his commanding officer.
"Fall back to your ships!" Han yelled.
Finn looked around. He didn't see Rey anywhere. No one had carried her out of the cantina yet. Fortunately the building was still mostly intact. Finn rushed into the cantina and up the stairs. He picked up Rey and her belongings with a grunt off the bed and made his way out as quickly as he could.
"We'll take her," said a republic trooper. "Get yourself to a ship!"
"Don't you lose her," said Finn, handing her over. The republic troopers placed her on a stretcher and began to move. Batting her eyelid, Rey was had awoken, likely from the commotion of the battle.
"I feel cold," said Rey, looking up at Finn with fearful eyes.
"Everything's going to be alright," said Finn reassuringly.
Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a tie interceptor loom over them before landing with grace. The pilot clearly had great prowess. Out of the hatch rose Kylo Ren.
"Move!" Finn urged the men carrying Rey.
It was too late. Kylo Ren thrust out his hand and Finn was blasted back by some invisible force along with the republic troopers. Rey's stretcher did not move however but in fact remained suspended in midair. She began floating towards Kylo Ren's ship.
The Millennium Falcon's engine filled Finn's ears as it hovered up to his side.
"Come one!" Han yelled from the lowered ramp.
The troopers dragged Finn as he struggled and protested.
"Rey!" he screamed desperately.
Kylo Ren levitated down from the top of his fighter and began to advance on the Falcon.
Han fired shot after shot at the Sith warrior but each blaster bolt was deflected by that crimson lightsaber with ease. As soon as Finn was onboard the ship began to lift off.
"We left her," said Finn as Han shove him into a seat behind him in the cockpit. "I can't believe we left her!"
"What!?" said Ben, who Finn just noticed was sitting behind a wookie in the co-pilot's seat.
"Hit it Chewie!" Han commanded.
The ship began to shake. The Falcon was being pulled back down.
"It's Kylo Ren," said Finn. "Ben you know the Force can't you counter this?"
But Ben seemed just as stunned as he was.
"Max power!" Han yelled.
With a jerk the Falcon blasted off into the sky and the shaking stopped.
"So where's Rey dad?" Ben said angrily, locking eyes with his father.
"Alive," said Han, with a heavy sigh. "That's what matters. I'm sorry son. We would have met a worse fate if we stayed."
"She's in this mess because or your tracker," said Ben jabbing his finger at Han. "If you'd just put a little more faith in me."
"Let's just get back to mother," said Han wearily. "She'll know what to do.
They continued on in silence. When they cleared the atmosphere, Finn could see republic MC85 star cruisers hovering above the planet. To his right he could see the First Order Resurgent-class star destroyers in the distance. Some of them were making the jump to hyperspace.
"The're pulling back," said Han.
It was a victory for the republic but it didn't feel like one to Finn. As the star destroyers left he knew Rey was leaving with them.
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