《Pursuit of Life》Chapter 25: Cultivation is Selfishness


Rokex looked at him with incredulity and asked, “What do you mean? You must’ve come from an advanced enough civilization to be able to come here as an observer?”

Delton shook his head to say, “Observer? No. I’m here to take the trial.”

Immediately, Rokex’s face wrinkled and he changed his look to that of a sneer, saying, “Ah. You’re just another one of those barbarians. Leave me be.” He made a gesture with his hands, shooing Delton away.

Delton intended to simply ignore him, but Caelus’ thought processes spurred him on to exclaim, “Excuse me! What the fuck are you going on about? Barbarian?!”

Rokex responded by pointing at Delton, “Yes, barbarian. Ugh. Looks like I’ll have to explain this in words you’ll understand. You. Are. Not. Smart. Enough. To. Talk. To. Me”

Feeling his already pent-up anger, from having been thrashed around all day by Caelus and the weird old man, about to explode, Delton turned to look away. However, this caused Rokex to speak out, “There you go. Know your place, you filthy animal.”

By this point, Caelus’ mentality still has not gone away. Delton, then increased his heart rate to previously impossible levels, as Caelus’ thought processes permeated through his mind, ‘I’m most likely strong enough to handle this. Even if I do beat him up, there’s no way he can actually find me. He’s from a different world. I am a barbarian after all.’

A bloodthirsty aura emerged from Delton, who then turned around to stare directly at Rokex with a manic look. Rokex stepped back again with slight fear. He said in a cold voice, “Typical primitive reaction! Wait! Hold on!”

Delton walked towards Rokex, as he let out several muscle-enhanced punches towards the chrome suite, leaving deep dents at the small expense of bruises on his hands.

The momentum from the punches forced Rokex to keel over and fall down the ground with a heavy thud. Caelus then pounced on him and made his fist in the shape of a ridge fist, piecing directly towards the most dented spot on the armor, causing it to rupture.

"No! No! No!” At the rupture, a hissing noise sounded out. Caelus ripped open the armor, revealing a scrawny pale body. Then, he clutched Rokex’s silver shirt and slowly got up. he snagged the eyepiece and placed it in his pocket. With a smile on his face, Caelus proceeded to beat the ever living hell out of Rokex.

After releasing some of his frustration, Caelus threw Rokex to the ground and spoke with his original tone and mannerisms, “Now you’re going to answer my quesitons.”

Coughing up some blood and gasping for air, Rokex stared back at Caelus with anger and questioned, “Why would I ever answer you?”

Caelus simply smiled and said, “There’s a reason why I didn’t pummel your face earlier.”

Crawling back, Rokex shouted, “Get away from me!” Taking more and more short breaths, Rokex continued, “Look what you’ve done! I can’t stay here much longer.” Rokex flicked his sleeves to reveal a watch. Before he could even press it, Caelus gripped Rokex’s arm, then bent it backwards, breaking it, while at the same time stealing the watch.


"Aaaaaaahhhhh! You fucking savage!” Rokex clutched his broken arm, which had the bone jutting in a gruesome manner.

"Hehehe. How’d you know I came from the Savage Lands. There’s so much I want to know. Now are you gonna answer my questions or not? Do you want your other arm to experience the same?”

“Please no! You gotta help me first! You destroyed my—Aaaaaahhhh!” Another bloodcurdling scream escaped from Rokex, as Caelus stomped down on his thigh, breaking a femur.

Caelus said with a cold voice, “Come on. What are you scared of if I don’t help you? Are you really more scared of that than from what I’m gonna do to you?” Caelus cracked Delton’s knuckles and revealed Delton’s third eye.

"S-s-s-shit. You’re not a regular mortal! That’s Heaven’s Eye!” Rokex stared at Delton’s third eye, while clutching his femur with his only able hand.

Caelus pointed towards the third eye and said, “Oh. You know what this is? Tell me what it does or else you’re gonna lose one of your legs permanently.”

"I’ll say it! I’ll say it! It’s a power related to the mystical arts. From our experiments and previous data, its main use is to discern the truth from falsities—Aaaaaahhhh!” Rokex was interrupted as his chest caved in from Caelus’ stomp. Rokex rolled over and began to cough up more blood, shouting, “What the fuck?! I answered the question.”

Caelus shook Delton’s leg to remove some of the blood and said with an indifferent tone, “I didn’t like the tone to your answer. Now, here’s my next question. What does this eyepiece and timepiece do?” Caelus revealed the devices that he stole from Rokex, causing him to cough up more blood.

“Fucking. Give that back to me!”

“How about no?” Caelus stomped down on Rokex, breaking another leg, to another scream. Caelus then placed the eyepiece on, as well as the wristwatch. An interface popped up from the eyepiece. Then a voice resounded,

“User Rokex-451 is not detected. This device will not work unless it is in the use of Rokex-451. Please return it back to him.”

Caelus pouted, then asked Rokex, “Is it your eye? Is that the only signature it needs?” He then bent down to gouge out an eye from Rokex, who had passed out at this point.

"No!” Delton retracted his hand, as he slapped himself multiple times. Delton looked down at the scene in front of him, as well as the bloodstains on his body and began to throw up. “Fuck! I did this?! Has Caelus’ thought processes thoroughly infected my own?”

Shaking his head, Delton looked around him and saw that a huge chunk of the mountain base had crumbled. He stared at his hands and Rokex. He gritted his teeth and shouted out in anger, “Fuck you, Lucius!”

Delton, then placed Rokex on his back, as he started to hike up the mountain again. He began to recite his version of the chant. With the other humans beside him reciting their own versions of the chant, Rokex’s mouth began to move and chant out the first line inaudibly.


Delton’s third eye continued to pulsate an orange and gold light, revealing the true forms of the silhouettes. It also cleared up some of the mist, revealing a wondrous sky. Since his third eye allowed him to keep his sanity during the chanting, Delton slowed down his pace to admire the scenery.

Looking up, he saw that past this mountain was that precarious bridge, and behind it was a pitch black mountain. Then beyond it was a blood red mountain. He craned his neck to look beyond that, and saw at least a dozen mountains, each larger than the last. This was because even as the mountains higher up were further away, their sizes made them appear to be the same size as the closer ones. Each of them were of a different color.

Looking to his sides, he also saw several similar mountain ranges with an unfamiliar starry sky as a backdrop. As he was in awe of the beautiful scenery, he unknowingly reached the top of the mountain. A gold light and orange light emanated from a source far beyond the furthest mountain he could make out. They wrapped around him, as his heart rate increased and third eye became wide open to absorb the light.

Then, a green light also came down from the same source, which wrapped itself around Rokex. The green light nourished Rokex’s tattered and beaten body, healing some parts of it, such as the broken bones. However, Caelus’ damage was too much as parts of it were still damaged. Because of their close proximity, Delton, unbeknownst to him, also absorbed some of that green light, causing his third eye to gain a slightly greenish hue.

After the lights have dispersed, Delton looked around him to see that the other humans were bathing in their own light. Ignoring them, he looked below him and saw that half of the purple mountain had crumbled by this point. He sighed and said, “Every meeting is a serendipity. Those actions were not my own, but I indirectly caused it. I may be a lazy man, but if I can I will try to make this right. I’ll make it up to you, Rokex. Hopefully the next peak can heal you.”

He looked towards the precarious bridge, which was wide enough for three humans to walk side by side, and it was as long as the purple mountain was tall. Taking a deep breath, Delton, with Rokex on his back, took his first step on it, causing the bridge to sway side to side and sending undulations forward. These undulations caused one of the wooden boards in close proximity to him to break, and two humans screamed and fell.

Bashfully, Delton apologized for his indirect actions, but he could not do anything about it, unlike with Rokex. Delton’s eyes followed those two bodies down to the mist. He opened his third eye to clear away the mist, so he could actually see what was below them.

Another wondrous sight revealed itself. It was of 108 overlapping opaque circles with a rainbow hue, forming the outline of a larger circle. In the middle of this outline was something that was reminiscent of a pinwheel, with four spikes. Each of those spikes touched the tangent of one of the 108 circles. Focusing on the pinwheel, Delton could see that it was not moving.

He stared at this formation for a long period of time, as if mesmerized. During this time, he noticed that the 108 circles was actually moving, albeit extraordinarily slowly. As another human stepped on the wooden bridge, several undulations and sways rippled out, snapping Delton out of his daze. Shaking his head, he recited his chant and continued forward.

After some time, Delton had finished the first hundred or so steps. However, as he looked beyond, he found that he still had a long way to go. As his eyes gradually went down the bridge, he saw that there was a gap of five steps near him. The humans in front of him had to jump to bridge the gap, but not all of them could make the jump, falling down to empty space.

As he approached closer and closer, one of the humans used too much energy and snapped the wooden board under her, causing the gap to widen to six steps. She was able to make the jump and continued her chant without looking back.

Delton grumbled and said softly, “How selfish could you be?” Recalling Lucius’ words about the path of cultivation, he continued, “Is this how the cultivation is supposed to be. It’s too selfish.”

Delton arrived at the gap, but as he tried to accelerate his heart rate and enhance his muscles, his body would not listen to him. “Fuck. I knew it wouldn’t be this simple.”

While he could not use his Talents, Delton had been improving his soul body for at least two years, so even with Rokex in tow, he was able to make the jump with ease. However, when they landed, their combined weight was too much for the board they landed on to handle and broke, forcing Delton to quickly hop to the next one. He looked behind him and bowed down in embarrassment. He whispered in a humbled tone, “Maybe that woman wasn’t selfish. Maybe it was just an accident. Hehe.”

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