《Crystal High》Chapter 51: Back at School


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 51║▌║▌║█│▌

I stumbled off of the couch, and felt my way to the door to her room. We luckily cleaned enough up for me to not make any loud sounds stumbling across clutter as I made my way there. When I put my hand on her door handle, I found myself to be breathing heavily, and my heart to be pounding in my chest. I grabbed my chest and breathed in and out deeply to calm myself down. “It’s going to be okay.” I thought to myself, “Even if you die here, you’ll be reunited with your mom and dad, but you can’t just let Jane die.”

With my nerves calmed down and my resolve strengthened, I swung the door open wide, but I didn’t find the horrifying scene I was expecting. Instead, I found Jane lying on the floor, wrapped in a tangled mess of covers and on top of random oddities.

I let out a sigh of relief, and I looked around the cluttered room. “It’s even worse than the living room.” I thought to myself.

At least the living room and kitchen had pathways to where you could get across, her room was completely covered with clutter. I couldn’t even see the floor!

I started to go back to the couch, but I turned around and looked back at Jane laying in a very uncomfortable position on the floor. I shook my head and took pity on her. I stumbled my way to her, and due to the unsteady ground from the clutter, I ended up throwing her back onto the bed.

Unsurprisingly, Jane didn’t skip a beat in her deep sleep. I stood back up uneasily next to her bed, and I started to turn around to head out of the room. Before I could take one step, I was launched back on to the bed. Jane had grabbed the collar of my shirt and now had me stuck in a bear hug.


I struggled to get free from her grip, but she was stronger than I thought. She only gripped me stronger when I tried to get free. She buried me in her arms, and I heard her let out, “Bobby…”

“Bobby?” I thought, “Who is Bobby?”

Eventually I got tired of struggling to get free, and I resigned myself to my fate of being a replacement Bobby. It ended up being surprisingly relaxing. The feeling of being held in another person’s arms seemed to strangely comfort me, and before I knew it, I was asleep on the bed…In her arms.

I woke up to a loud shriek that made me jump out of the bed. I face planted into the floor of clutter, and I asked out through pain, “What’s the matter?”

“Why was I holding you in my bed?!” Jane cried out.

I got up from the floor, and I told her, “I don’t know. I heard a loud THUDduring the night, and when I came to check on you, you were sprawled out asleep on the floor. I put you back in your bed, but before I could leave, you grabbed me and hugged me for the rest of the night. Who’s Bobby by the way?”

“He’s my little brother…B-but that’s beside the point.” She stuttered, “You shouldn’t walk into a lady’s room.”

As I was walking out of the room, I told her, “I know that now. I’m sorry.”

I’m feeling much better than I did yesterday, and I don’t want to get into an argument now. I’ll just walk out and pretend none of this had happened. Before I could leave out of the room, Jane called out, “Wait…Aren’t you going to take a shower?”

I paused about a foot away from the door, and I turned around. “I suppose you’re right.” It has been two days since I last took a shower. I stumbled my way across the floor of clutter to the bathroom in front of Jane’s bed, and I asked Jane, “Could you get my bag for me? It has my clothes in it.”


After I took a shower and put 2ndset of clothes on, Jane and I had breakfast at the coffee shop by the apartment complex. We sat there awkwardly for a couple of minutes, both embarrassed about the night before, but before long, I asked her, “So, what are you majoring in college?”

Between bites of her pancake, she answered, “I’m majoring in English. It isn’t that high paying of a job, but it’s the best I can do for my power level. Not everyone can be as powerful as you haha.”

I ignored the remark about powers and we continued to talk about her major. She mainly went into the major so she can travel all across the country. I guess staying in a small country town most of your life gets your appetite to see new things up.

After we finished eating breakfast, we both went our separate ways. She told me after she gets out of college, she will get a mattress for me. Even if the principal talked to her about keeping me, I still find myself admiring her and being really thankful she is doing all of this for me.

I ended up being the first person to class again today. Mr. Grey acknowledged my existence by saying, “Welcome back.” When I entered the classroom in his normal melancholic voice.

As my classmates began to enter, most of them didn’t even acknowledge my existence. They probably didn’t even know I wasn’t here yesterday. When Via bounded into the room, she let me have it. She went off on me, much like my parents, about answering my phone and responding to text messages. I apologized to her profusely, and after she finished her levture on me she abruptly went to her seat and didn't really look my way. Thomas seemed to get a laugh out of her actions, but I don't really get what's so funny.

When Zen walked in, she didn’t question why I wasn’t here yesterday, she just looked at me with a confused and slightly comforted face. Even though she didn’t say anything, I could tell by her eyes that were peering into mine that she was wondering where I was at yesterday but also relieved that I was here today.

After everyone was in the classroom, Mr. Grey wasted no time in starting class. He stood up and said in an almost brush offish, “Let’s waste no time in starting the individual training for today in preparation for the upcoming tournament. Khan, I know you’ll probably confused, but I’ll explain everything to you. Let’s start heading out.”

Tournament? Training? I looked at Via who gave me a comforting smile. What the hell happened yesterday?

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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