《Crystal High》Chapter 28: Explanations and Questions


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 28║▌║▌║█│▌

I sat in a seat, staring at an empty leather chair in front of me. Alone with nothing but the ticking clock to keep me company as I sat there in awkwardness. The constant tick tick gradually made me feel more and more anxious. I have so many questions. I hope the principal can help me get some answers at least. I looked up at the monotonous clock to check the time. The hands pointed near 6:00. Have I been at this school for that long? I walked into this office at 2:00, and I know the principal probably has a lot to do but this is ridiculous. Just then, the principal finally walked in through the door. He was a shorter man, about 5 foot 5, with a suit and tie on. He wore round glasses that made his eyes look big, and black shoes. His hair was a light blue and cut into a bowl cut. He had a cheerful expression as he walked into the room, and told me as he walked by me to his seat, "Sorry for the wait, the police and government officials were a real hassle to deal with. They kept asking and asking questions, it was really bothersome. Anyway, I won't keep you here much longer. I just need to know what they were talking with you about in there."

I gave him a confused look. Was that all he needed to know? I asked the principal, "Wouldn't you need to know what happened with the fights and everything too?"

He chuckled a bit, and told me, "No, no. I saw everything from my crystals. The one downside is that they can't hear any sound. Plus I asked Mr. Grey about everything too, and he told the police about that too so you didn't have to. So, what did they say?"


I relaxed a little at his words, and told him, "They just told me they were just here for DNA. They also said something about trying to help me when they found out that I was a sagaru. Do you know why hey said that?"

His expression didn't change from his cheerful expression at all. He merely brushed it off saying, "I haven't the slightest clue. Not a lot is known about this terrorist organization. If that's is all they said then I am truly sorry for keeping you this long. You can leave and go home now. I'll see you tomorrow at school!"

He gestured his hands towards the door, signaling for me to leave, but I still had things I wanted to discuss with him. I blurted out, "Wait, I still have some questions. Why is Crystal High collecting DNA from every student that enters? Why was I called to see Doctor Ray for? Speaking of is he okay? What happened to him? Do you know if those five terrorist member are the only members of the terrorist organization? Can you tell where the terrorists went after they escaped? Can you please tell me something please!"

My curiosity is getting the better of me, but there is so much to know! There is so many questions I have that it hurts my head. I'll never get any sleep if all of these questions go unanswered. All the principal did was laugh cheerfully. He looked at me with his bulging eyes, and told me, "You sure are a curious one huh? I am the same way, so I kind of understand. Doctor Ray is fine physically, but all signs point to him being brain dead from now on sadly. He was one of the best in his field of power understanding. It is a big loss for our school. As for the rest of your questions, I either can't say, or I don't know. The government is very secretive about these things, and even though I know a lot, I'm not omnipotent. I'm sorry I can't tell you more. I'm sure you'll know soon enough though. Now I really do have work to do. Having to answer questions all day really out me behind on work. See you tomorrow."


I got up from the seat, and left the principal and the monotonous clock behind me. I went back to my class to get my bag, and when I entered Mr. Grey was there in the dark staring at something on his desk. I walked in and said, "Hey Mr. Grey, I came to get my bag. Thanks for saving me back there."

Continuing his gaze on whatever he was working on he told me, "No problem kid. You did good back there keeping cool. Next time though, run away instead of helping when I'm there. You'd just get in my way."

I pondered over this as I got my bag. I guess I probably just slowed him down, but I still helped out a little right? As I leaned down to grab my bag, I asked him, "What you working on?"


"What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Find out tomorrow."

I started to walk out the door, giving up on the hope of having a conversation, but then I remembered something. Maybe I could ask Mr. Grey some of my questions, and even more! I turned around and asked, "Hey Mr. Grey, do you know anything about why the terrorists would want some DNA? Do you know why Crystal High has so much DNA? Do you know if those five are the only member of the terrorist group? Do you know where the went to? Is there any reason that they would help me? How did you get so powerful!? You overpowered all of them like it was nothing!"

"God you're annoying. First of all I got powerful by working my ass off. Secondly I bet you asked the principal all of those questions, and if he didn't tell you anything neither am I. Thirdly what the fuck do you mean about them helping you. There is no reason why they would help you idiot."

"Well they told me that they were trying to help me when they found out I was a sagaru."

His eye looked up at me for a split second when he heard this then went right back down to his work. He responded to me in the same annoyed tone saying, "Go home and get some sleep. You are clearly tired."

I looked away, thinking about his reactions, and walked out the door. I walked through the night back to my parents' home. Juggling all of my thoughts as I walked, I let the night air rush over me through the streets. As I neared the coffee shop near my home, I saw a lone figure sitting at the table outside of the shop. Thinking none of it, I continued on my path. When I walked close enough, I realized something that shook me to the core. The person that was sitting there... was Zen!

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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