《Not Another Isekai RPG Story Alternate》Ch 2-5
Ch 2-5
"I see you're a man of culture as well."
I sat in front of the Pops, as his storyteller-like baritone voice echoed throughout the Inn.
The beer I chugged had a sweet cola-like flavor; the smell of fermented grape went along with it.
"What can you tell me?"
There were few chugs left for the beer and I didn't want to ask for a refill. Drinking two glass already made me sleepy; the heat from drinking alcohol kicked in after the first one.
Unlike the spirits in my old world, causing sores on my stomach and stinging pain on my fingers, this one brought about warmth to my entire body.
"You're quite the lightweight aren't you? Newcomers usually misunderstand that place as ordinary whorehouse but it's not. You best come here while sober, young man."
"...and why is that?"
"It's not only about the needs on your lower half but most importantly, the one right here." the Pops pointed out to his muscular chest.
I get what he's talking about...
"I don't think you have any boobs."
Wait, I totally didn't mean to say that.
"You're drunk, young man. Better get going later, the house would not go anywhere." the Pops shrugged his shoulders, "If you're heading on to Cave of Trials, there should be a brothel tent. Their services and women may not be as good, but you can get better deals. It's a pity if you got your favorite girl, you must prepare a good sum to 'buy' her, lest she would go far far away."
He closed his eyes while turning his face away. He already wiped off that wine glass for a good while now—who're you fooling?
I might be feeling a bit sleepy, but my mind's still clear.
"Forgive me if I'm rude--why do you know so much about these things?"
The fact that nobody outside ever gives a damn about my conversation, also made this world seem pretty off. If this was more realistic, the other Adventurers would laugh and chime in their own two cents.
Although, it's good it made things quiet, with the murmurs of talking only consisting of unrecognizable gibberish.
While I was pondering about, waiting for him to continue, Pops jolted me awake with his remark.
"I am a lonely adventurer. You see—I've never been a permanent member of any party. No luck with women either; I'm far too serious on adventurin' to marry me some good ol' missy. "
I got where he came from. I was the same way, although I wasn't serious about my career at all.
"What's so good about adventuring? They're dangerous and you may lose your life—oops..."
"That's a healthy way of thinking to have. I guess, I was just in for the thrill...and many other reasons," Pops paused for a bit, his face looking up to the ceiling before giving me a straight gaze—it was quite sharp it made me flinch.
"In your case, why do you want to Adventure, young man? I apologize if I may seem rude but—you didn't seem to be that strong."
I simply told him that I want to join the party so it would be easier for me to survive and make money.
"It's kind of hard if you're already this weak at your age, but I trust you know what you're doing and how to do it. Are five days really enough for that?"
"I know what to do of course. I don't want to keep myself waiting for long—I might be back before you started to miss me."
"Hahaha...go to your room, boy. You're way too drunk for this. Remember I won't talk to you anymore before you sobered up."
The conversation was supposed to end since when I talked to him again, he kept repeating the same lines no matter what.
I guess this was still a game world.
Now that I remember it, didn't I pick up something along the way, when I first arrived?
I checked my inventory via the System. There was one herb object—I forgot where I got them. I just randomly strolled around and pick all the stuff I could get my hands on.
[Aurora Pickle]
Cures drunken stupor. Awful to taste but it's effective.
Let's just use it directly via the System.
The moment I used it on myself, there's a faint light enveloping me and my sleepiness and the heated feeling were all gone. Like all that drunken stupor wasn't present in the first place. It's similar to having a lucid dream about getting drunk and finally waking up.
"Okay Pops, concerning the House--will it be on the house?"
Many hours back.
Not far from the Monkey Island Cymbals was a certain restaurant serving exotic cuisines. For celebrating Fiona's acquittal from the Holy Order, the party ordered a good amount of dish.
The Rogue of the party, who earned the most through his dismantling skills, was also the treasurer. The reason being, nobody gave that much damn about keeping the money; not even the treasurer himself—although he's the best at keeping books and remembering their expenses, except his own.
They just want to spend whenever there's something of desire. With their success as a popular C-rank party, a leeway to spend were always present. Nevertheless, it left them with little-to-no jink at the end of the day.
That was before a crucial party member entered the fray—Fiona.
Actually, the treasurer, Felix, wasn't the one at fault for said embezzlement. He earned most of them through his services and normally, he had the right to spend as much money as he wants.
It'd be a lot easier to explain to Takeshi the incorrect truth and they weren't exactly the one to care about painstaking details.
In any case, Felix set aside just enough money the party members need, to 'acquire' Fiona right by the break of dawn. The Holy Order HQ would be crowded if they went late; it'd be an awkward parting.
'What kind of reason was that?'
Felix was quite flabbergasted and didn't see the reason why he should partake in monkey business.
He had something better to do, such as acquiring the newly released doujin of Iris x Paula pairing, as well the limited edition figure of magical Iris. The figure also came with the extra thick book concerning the Demon King's lesson about economics.
Although the Demon King in here was portrayed as a charming middle-aged woman with a voluptuous body and tantalizing milk jugs, it wasn't Felix's strike zone.
Felix didn't really care about that thick book, but the attack power was pretty awesome when he appraised it. The book also includes tons of lewd illustrations, for example, the Demon King doing some 'questionable' teasing on her own daughter, which caused Felix's heart to race a bit.
The book depicting the Iris in the book as of Legal age, because Demons aged differently. Yet, it's probably just a ploy to legalize softcore lolicon. Felix himself once wanted to be a loli catgirl, but puberty only hit halfway right.
He also checked all the awesome stuff, such as the Yuri harem light novel, his favorite cute girls doing cute things manga and also the newest publication of the Yuri Elf series.
'Come to think of it, I did meet an actual Yuri Elf but the one she confessed was me. Did she think I'm a girl? Well, I was kinda short and thin for a beastkin my age. Maybe she's actually a bi?'
Felix was 20 years old this year, by the way.
Flipping through various samples, he also spent a good moment of time chatting with his fellow otaku. In total, some good few hours had passed.
Since the Anime shop opened quite early and it wasn't as crowded, Felix was free to read as many samples of his perverted books and let his large penis got pretty hard and wet, while he's at it. Although his twitching ears and tails were even more apparent. Don't forget, he's a cat beastkin.
Not knowing, deep down, there's a cute girl who's rubbing herself to his excited faces, along with ear and tail motions. Got it all recorded secretly—such incriminating crime.
The victim himself had his guard completely down due it being his beloved anime shop.
'Got a new weapon, my delicious Yuri and loli! Yes! My hobby is expensive, so I have to work hard on my adventures.'
If Felix heard about how much easier for Takeshi to earn money, he might cry tears of blood right now.
Though, who cares about that four-eyes?
This wayward androgynous rouge was trotting around the city while humming anime songs; getting curious glances from both the girls and boys, mostly girls.
He wants to go back to his room on Monkey Island Cymbals, go change to a rather slutty girlish outfit and whack off.
While he was just on the way, his smartphone rang.
Like most beastkins, he also had human ears. They had two sets of ears so their hearing was sharper.
Doesn't mean they're better listeners, to say the least.
"Moshi mosh--"
He answered in a daze while still in otaku mode, paying no heed to the other party.
"Where the hell are you? Go on to the XX restaurant—pronto. We're in a pinch here!"
Liese was shouting on top of her lungs; Felix distanced his phone apart from his ears, afraid his eardrums would rupture.
The passerby also heard the yells, which caused his face to become even more flushed.
"His girlfriend?" a young man spoke.
"Do you mean, HER girlfriend?" at this word, Felix encountered his kind—it was a Yuri fangirl beside the young man.
There's also various whispers and comments which made this trap beastkin lower his face and paced forward quickly. It made his act even more apparent, however.
"R-roger that!" he gave a quick reply before immediately ending the call and put it on silent mode.
...before he would die from embarrassment from the girls and boys teasing him on the street, he swiftly sprinted towards the restaurant. A lot of passersby stared at him with adoration, about how cute he was; not caring about his actual gender.
He wasn't the party's rogue for nothing; not long after the call, he entered the said place with bated breath. With his experience as a rogue, or more due to the fact, there were no other customers, he quickly skipped over to where his companions sat together.
His gaze immediately landed on a new face; a lousy-equipped paladin girl with oversized boobs. Felix already felt distaste upon seeing this girl—as her features didn't meet his fetish.
'Her face's really cute though, she almost seems child-like.'
Right as Felix's gaze shifted a bit, he felt a sharp glare coming from Liese.
'I see...so they're already couples. I will root for them.'
Most of the plates were also in the boob paladin's side, but before Felix could form this conclusion...
Before Liese's words cut him off again.
"Well, just in time—Felix, please help us there...we're kinda strapped for cash."
Liese and the others, including the paladin girl frantically rose from their seat at a synchronized motion.
"Hey, wait—what do you--"
Maybe it was just his intuition but, their sprint, which took only a blink before they vanished outside the restaurant—was something beyond his expectations.
'Did people move this fast when avoiding responsibilities?'
Normally, others would curse their party members for being such a shameless bastard.
Sacrificing him like this—to him—it's alright.
'I've been through much worse.'
During his first party assignment, he was sent out front to become a bait, so he'd get raped by the MALE goblins. Without him knowing beforehand, and while the goblins did their fun, the Party leader would sneak in and shove morning stars inside their butt.
The plan failed since the ones attracted were female goblins and they ended up shoving morning stars into the party leader's butt—he died with a gaping anal cavity.
The second time, when he became a bait for the tentacle monster, and he's in some all-male party. He ended up becoming the sole survivor since apparently, the tentacle monster only targets MALES—and he didn't seem to be counted in.
For the other members, they did survive, with hemorrhoids.
The third time, he joined an all-girls party, and it took an extremely hard effort to protect his chastity from being violated.
...but it's more because the party leader wanted to forcibly install a vagina to make him at least a futanari. Don't ask how it works, it's probably Isekai-level magic tech.
As for how it ends up, you don't wanna know.
He was so traumatized by this last event, he didn't want to party for a while—alas, his passion for Anime forced him to stand up again.
He wouldn't lose hope, as long he had Anime on his side.
His hopes finally bore fruit. At least, his current party didn't have interest in him sexually.
Horace only loves his trinkets. Jung didn't seem to have any interest in perverted things. Liese only likes GENUINE girls.
As for Fiona? Felix let out a sigh of relief since the paladin seems pretty lovey-dovey with Liese, even if he only had a short time to analyze.
'Being a Yuri lover has its merit.' he puffed his small chest proudly.
Right when he was lost in thought for a long time, in this somewhat empty restaurant, an ominous voice called to him from behind.
After getting a good amount of information from the Pops, I spent a bit of time reading stuff in the Library. Since this was a game, I reckon the library gave out summaries of useful information just from me touching the bookshelf.
For some reason, I couldn't take off the books from the shelf though.
When I searched via the internet, the number of terms I could search, along with the results, was limited. No text box, only choice boxes. The sites contain only short descriptions; not a lot of information listed in.
At least there's still the images.
In the app stores too, the downloadable apps were few in number.
Maybe I could unlock more when I went further into the story. Though my guess—how? Would more features unlock as the day passes?
I couldn't just lollygag forever in here.
Even though the loli was like 'Que sera sera', she also told me to make 'best use of my time'.
Which was it? Kinda confusing really.
I only spent some good half an hour or so from touching the books in this small library. The exterior was large, but the interior was so small. It kinda broke the immersion in this world a bit.
Couldn't be helped I guess, after all, this world was game-like. Every good thing came together with shortcomings.
It took about one and half hour to teleport straight to the [Purification House]. Normally you'd like to hire a carriage here, but since it only opens in the evening and the time's about enough...
"{Go to]."
'Is this really the place?'
That's what I thought when I first set foot. The ceilings were high and majestic, with ornate, religiously-styled decorations everywhere in sight. Although, the interior was akin to a hotel, with few counters manned by a beautiful receptionist wearing white dresses.
The color scheme of this place was mostly white, with hues and textures complementing it.
People in here, men and women, were dressed well. There's also a really cute beastkin girl in gothic lolita outfit, with cat ears and tail, plus brown hair in twintails. She also had heterochromia eyes; green and blue. The mix of colors made staring at her so relaxing.
She immediately turned her face away while making a cat-like purr—so cute.
Her chest was kinda flat but her slender yet firm body and long legs made up for it. When my eyes gazed at her stockings, she reflexively pulled her skirt to cover something.
Hmm...what was she doing? Her black frilly dress kinda stood out from people in here who donned formal wears mostly.
Even if she wore the usual dress, she'd stand out with such adorable mannerisms, not to mention, she's such a looker.
When I tried talking to her, she immediately brushed me away.
"I'm not interested in guys! Go away!"
"Are you looking out for another girl?"
"...I'm actually a guy."
"Don't make me repeat myself--I. AM. A. GUY!"
Hold up.
I was about to rub my forehead a bit, due to this sudden development.
"Your woman will be there shortly, Felicia. Thanks for your cooperation—I'll handle this man."
It was a gentle and flirtatious voice of a girl, with a somewhat deep tone. It came from a silver-haired woman with a curvy figure-eight body, wearing a glamorous dress.
With a wave of her hand, the beastkin goth loli walked away while sighing in relief.
"Well then, Takeshi. I know what you came here for. Shall we get a room?"
Wait a second there.
"Who are you talking about? Did you perhaps got the wrong person?"
Immediately cold sweat started pouring since my [Godslayer] ability didn't activate at all.
"Isn't that your name? Or at least, the name we all know. No need to lie, I already know what's on your mind—and how you want to lewd me so bad."
Well, she indeed has a perverted body, but...I could only stay silent and act like a beta male since actually, I wasn't used to this kind of stimulation.
"You're a man, right? Do not be reserved." she immediately wrapped her body on my arm, her large chest rubbing against it, along with the soft textures of her dress. Her amorous voice made me drift away into a dreamland, "You can be as wild as you like...you're pent up, right?"
I felt something pop from my pants and the vivid imagery of me stripping her naked, leading me to do all sorts of naughty things.
It's really convenient no one seems to give a damn at all, although it didn't give me much of advantage either.
I couldn't believe I stooped down to this level.
[Do you want your first time to be a lesbian or futanari sex? Not that I mind.]
Although I lied, if I'm a girl, maybe I could be more confident since I read a lot of Yuri, still...
[Then stop wasting my time and just enjoy it. I already have my tissues ready, after all, even though the regular men-women show isn't my fetish.]
'Why can't you just leave me alone?'
[I'm doing my job here. If I let my eyes off for a bit, who knows how much she'll go overboard with. Be grateful I'm here.]
So in the end, I have to rely on the powers of a 'higher being' to survive, eh...
I felt so pathetic when I locked arms with such a pretty girl and acting like this. My heartbeat quick started even more, when she led me towards the elevator, punching on the penthouse suite button.
There's only two of us in the elevator, and the sense of chill and anxiety welled up within me.
I never felt like this before. Why did such a beauty immediately go in for me? I wasn't anything special.
I was just a worthless, plain guy undeserving of love at all. When a goddess went for me, there's gotta be some ulterior motive.
"I know you're hurt, but please bear with me."
The girl immediately wrapped her hands around my back, her chest pressing against mine. I could clearly feel her heartbeat, the warmth of her skin and the soft, jiggling texture; it's beating like crazy; even more intense than my own.
"Why not?"
With my body against the wall, she pushed her palm against it, before leaning to me closer, and...pressed her lips on mine.
My mind went blank for a second there.
At the same moment, the elevator opened wide, revealing a paradise only experienced personally by those in uppermost social caste.
When she led me in, there was no other soul present. Just a timid, plain-looking man, and a voluptuous beauty about to strip her clothes at any moment.
"You don't need to ask for a reason. You don't need to think about anything. Just entrust everything to me and let's experience the most pleasure we can."
I could only gulp.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle...just be yourself." she immediately followed.
That was the moment, my pride as a man had shattered.
That's also when I started to experience a new kind of pleasure in its place.
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