《Not Another Isekai RPG Story Alternate》Ch 1-7


Ch 1-7

The weapons and armor shop had quite the regular interior: a lot of racks containing equipment, but those were just samples. If you want to try the good weapons, you got to pay a fee of few coppers to test (one time only) in which you would be guided to the next room with a lot of training dummies. For the armors, there's a fitting room like in clothing stores, on the different side of the test area.

Strangely enough, even from just the samples, I could clearly see the stats and also the price. Most of them worth tens of silver and the good one's several gold coins. It's not like I could get the best gear from the get-go; a lot of those good weapons had a class, stat, and level limitations.

Like this one handy toolkit for example:

[Bowie Knife]

Price : 3 gold

Atk +18

Agi +3

Dex +5

[Thief Class Only]

I tried welding them but as soon I tried using the weapon, it dropped down the floor with a loud clank. If it's the event mode, I would embarrass myself to death—but outside of it, no one gave a single care

I thought it'd be different if I bought it, yet it still had such limitations.

Apparently, higher leveled equipment required certain classes to use. Someone with just [Adventurer] like me didn't have that much options.

Plus, I couldn't use the weapon I hadn't bought, even if I already met the requirements. It's a bummer.

No stealing by putting the weapons straight to my inventory either. The only ones I could put were monster drops and the things I own.

I tried comparing it with buying straight from the menu when I approached the shopkeeper. The ones in the menu shop were really expensive—the regular armors priced 100 gold and even the weapons were 150 gold on average. Most of them were usable to me though. Firstly, what I wanted to make sure of, was the price of monster materials in comparison to the one from dismantling orc guy.

Slime Core – 15 g

Wolf pelt – 2 g

Orc hide – 3 g

Wolf meat – 1 g


Hey, the price was pretty good.

With this, I conclude: the selling prices were still the same.

What I had in my mind was:

Buy monster materials directly with low price from the guild, with all the gold coins I had; from the cheapest ones available. Or many other places where I could just buy in bulk.

Sell them at the shops via the menu.



Even though it might work, this method might cause a ruckus if it triggered an event. I'd save it for some other time when I was strapped for cash.


In any case, I wasn't strapped for money. I'd just sell when the materials were abundant.

Let's just buy the equipment currently fitting me. Spending a few of those gold coins, I managed to gear up.


Weapon : Adventurer's Knife (Atk +5, Dex +2, Agi +1)

Armor: Adventurer's Clothes (Def +5)

Accessory: Glasses (Accuracy +)

Accessory 2: Comfortable Shoes (feels good on the feet)


I learned something ridiculous from this system.

When I first tried fitting the armor and weapon I brought; it changed my equipped items list, just as expected. Yet, when I unequip the armor through the menu, I still had it on me.

Which meant: I could wear light clothing, whilst enjoying the high defense of heavy armor if I just equip it through the menu.

The same with my glasses. I just have to unequip it the same way and substitute for another accessory. Like, when I wore my glasses, the attributes were the other shit.

Actually, my sight's a normal 20/20; I wore glasses to protect my eyes from dust. As time went by, it got really comfortable, I couldn't seem to get by without wearing it.

The crazier thing happened with weapons. If I first wield the dagger and substitute for a greatsword through the menu. I'd be able to wield a dagger with the two-hander's power. Hmm...what about barehanded?

Alright, let me tweak the heaviest-duty equip by abusing the current system. I'll wear my usual comfy clothes and sub it with the heaviest I could wear.


Weapon: Bronze War Hammer (Atk +12, Agi -3, Dex -2)

Armor: Bronze Hauberk (Def + 10)

Accessory: Glasses, Comfortable Shoes

I ended up spending more gold coins from buying the equips, but that's okay.

I went towards the training dummy with the current setting. Striking my palm at full power, the target swayed all the way as if it were hit by a big impact.

Though, the exploit only works if I didn't manage to pick any other weapon, in which the current equipment would change to the said weapon I held in hand.

When I tried going through the battle mode and switching equipment, it didn't work either, the war hammer materialized in my hand—it's damn heavy to swing around.

How did I enter battle mode? I could just manually trigger it against those training dummies, but for anyone else or any other object, it didn't work. Probably a feature.

When I went to the battle mode with the exploit, however, probably due to the error in the weapon mismatching—I end up barehanded—my fists had a war hammer's flavor.

I need to brandish the dagger and equip the war hammer while I had my weapon out, plus entering the battle like this in order to use the dagger which hits like war-hammer.


I didn't plan to start a fight with random peoples either; thank goodness it had a battle mode confirmation rather than immediately 'pop' and fight.

Here's how the switch exploits work.

There's the state of me unsheathing the weapons and sheathing it. Normally, you would think when I brandished a sword, it would be my current equipped weapon. When I sheathed it, I would just go back to being barehanded.

It's not the case for me. I would still have it on (at the status) as if the blade were brandished the entire time.

When I entered the battle normally, I would still brandish the blade. But when the exploit was on, it would only identify which one I was currently armed on as the 'weapon model', my bare hands included.


In battle mode, the weapon switch exploit wouldn't work. It would always switch to the designated weapon. In the case of armors, it would also switch to the one you pick.

The same exploit would work with your armor, outside of battles; in case you felt lazy about changing your armor. Like, if it wasn't comfortable but the stats were good. Plus, you prefer your own clothes even though the stats were crap and got stuck in a dilemma.

A convenience for a player like me, indeed.

This meant I could just go fighting naked whilst using the stat of OP armors. I found the idea to be rather incredible--soloing the Demon King in my underpants—wait, that sound rather lewd. I hope the said person was a cute girl.

Though, in this case, I'd rather wear a comfortable clothing first before changing to heavy armors via the menu. I was no exhibitionist, believe me.

Speaking of which, don't think I hadn't tried my hands on practicing the old one-two punch technique and kicks I learned my old martial arts class back. Yes, apparently the System thinks of punch and kick as the same thing.

I thought the World's System would be intuitive enough but...apparently I didn't get any feedbacks even after I did that for a while...

While it kinda sucked, let's just let bygones be. There are a lot of ways to get stronger and I'm more of a gamer than a martial artist. Gotta play by your own strength.

Since my other necessities couldn't be found at the equipment shop, I went and brought a lot of things from the Item Shop.

Namely survival kits like a tent, potions antidote etc—it was really cheap (while not using menu) considering the number of gold coins I had. Lastly, I brought comfortable clothes and subbed the stat with the heavy armor I got.

Normally looking at me you would see me like this:


Weapons: none

Armor: Comfortable clothes [Def + 0]

Accessory: Glasses, Comfortable shoes.

The actual stats were:


Weapons : Bronze War Hammer [Atk +12 Agi -3 Dex -2]

Armor: Bronze Hauberk [Def+10]

Accessory: same as above.


Well, at the very least, with this kind of clothing I wouldn't look out of place. This world was kind of a disjoint though. People wearing medieval themed clothing and armors even though this world weren't all that different technologically from Earth. Maybe it's just culture—I don't know.

The clothing I brought were quite expensive though; around ten gold for the entire set? A breezy brown striped cardigan with white undershirt; three-quartered pants made of tough hide and lots of pockets. It also had quite a large belt, in which people on Earth saw me right now, it looked like I was cosplaying a Scottish villager.

The shopkeeper at the item store; a woman that's around the same age as my mom was rather perplexed as I showed her my appearance when I talked to her directly. Yes when they showed human reactions, it meant I entered [Event Mode] which could trigger for reasons, like speaking to important NPCs—it's the same in games. She said, the clothes were made from the north for dwarven travelers but when it entered my inventory, it was tailored to perfectly fit me.

The same went for the armor and weapons I purchased. The woman didn't ask me about such discrepancy though. She's like Fiona who didn't question how the monsters poofed just like that if I didn't mention them myself.

Apparently, I got my hands on convenient abilities. Not to say I actually became OP though, but at the very least—I got the feeling my life's going to be a lot better than I expected.

For the clothes, I didn't care 'bout the price, at the very least—these things felt so damn comfy—it's justified either way. If I was out of money, I could always try the moneymaking exploit later; I didn't feel like doing it right now.

At the least, I'd just sell the few extra materials and it almost broke even my purchase.

It's kind of a waste to loot the bins earlier—many of them were found on the Item shop.

So [Aurora Pickle] could cure drunken status, huh? Not sure if I'd get drunk from the Chekov Gun. I'm not a fictional character anyway.

Going my merry way, I went back to the inn, this time via walking instead of using [Go to].

At first, I thought this was going to be a good day.

...until I went back to my inn room and all the colors in my surroundings became grey.

With exception of three black shadowy figures in front of me, whose eyes emitted a sinister crimson.

"Eliminate target."

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