《Elemental Monarch: The Reign of Darkness》Prologue: A Darkness That Consumes All


Prologue: A Darkness That Consumes All


The sound of a baby crying flooded the room.

"It's here!" a figure clad in grey exclaimed excitedly, as he gently held the baby in his arms, "It's alive! Lena, our child!"

The female laying on the bed was too tired to respond, but the smile on her face conveyed enough message.

The father quickly strolled to the wife’s side, and slid the baby carefully into her arms, she looked down lovingly at her child.

"It's so opaque, that must mean the element is strong within it."

"Haha, it might even get recognized enough to go to school!"

"You know how cautious they are about these kinds of things, the chance of them letting us get proper training is near impossible, but I sure hope-" The room dimmed as she suddenly froze in place.

Disbelief and horror crawled across her pale face as she stared at the baby, who had just now opened its eyes.

Its right eye was a beautiful, light grey, just like its parents; its left eye, however, glowed in a dark, menacing, purple hue. The source of the glow was not from the eye, rather, the glow was formed by the light that the eye seemingly pulled from its surroundings.

"Lena? What's wrong?" The father questioned alarmingly.


The door bursts open, as several flaming, armoured figures entered the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" the father confronted them angrily.

"You know the rules, every Shade that was born must be inspected for the Eye." A tall man pushed past the soldiers to meet him face to face. Donning dark red armour while sporting a fiery cape and a crest of cinders, his steel gaze unrelenting.

"The last time that was recorded happening was centuries ago, I doubt that it'll be the one if it hasn't happened in a few hundred years."


"My apologies, Quinn, but rules are rules, show me the eyes."

"No!" The mother panicked, holding the baby closer to her body, "It's normal! I promise you, but I...I, no, you’re scaring the baby right now. Come back for inspection later, please!"

The male squinted his eyes suspiciously, then gave a nod to his soldiers. One of them immediately rushed up for the baby, while two more suppressed the father as he struggled to get to his wife and child.

The soldier ripped the baby from its mother's arms and handed it to the captain in charge. His eyes widened upon seeing the dark purple eye. The father also paled as he saw what the male is seeing.

"Son of a bitch! It is a Void Elemental!" A blade made from fire manifested itself in his hand, and he began to bring the blade down onto the baby.

"NOOO!" The father bursts out from under the soldier's clutch and rushed in just in time to intercept the blade with his own body.

"Quinn!" The mother sobbed helplessly as Quinn's body began to fall slowly onto the ground.

The flaming figure didn't even spare a glance at the dying father as he brought his blade closer to the baby once more.


That's when it happened, the baby started wailing as its left eye glowed brighter and brighter, the fiery figure didn't even have time to react as he was consumed by eternal darkness. The darkness quickly spread around the room as all the light was sucked into the dark, purple eye.

When the light returned to the room a few minutes later, there was not a trace of the Fire soldiers other than the carnage they left behind, it was as if they vanished from existence. All that was left was the mother holding the baby in her arms, weeping over the father's limp body.


"M...more of them....will come," the father heaved and gagged on his own words, "run...run away with our child, Le...Lena, protect our child..."

"What's the point?" the mother wept in despair "as long as the purple eye exists, they'll never stop hunting for it"

"No...no one knows...but us, I...I will cover up...the eye. T...take it, and run away...as far as...possible." and with his final words, he closed his eyes.

His body began to disintegrate into wisps of shadow. One of which flew up to the baby's left eye, caressing it, as if it was a father touching his child for the final time. The eye slowly turned into the same light grey as its counterpart.

The mother, not able to do anything but hold back her tears and her pain, ran away with the baby tightly held in her arms.

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