《I'm overpowered》A chat on multiverse



the god laughs without in the care of the world as he replied " ahahaha did you forget that just a while ago I said to you that we are omnipotent , it's true that by making the multiverse I'm consuming my energy and by making the concept of space and time I lost my energy but don't forget that we do not need anything to survive in this universe as we are fully filled in ourselves so by making multiverse I'm just changing my half-self into matter and the concept of time and by that it doesn't change the fact that I can full fill the role which required for survival (e=mc×c)."

As the being gets it's answered by god it gains interest in the multiverse.

He asks"what does bring you to maintain it then as can I see you can rule it but you did not. Why? "

The god explains like how a parent explains his child" if I were a rule it then it can't full fill its true function... It can't bring me away from my boredom as if I were to rule It it will hinder its true development and make me bore. The beings can bring me true excitement and happiness only if they do something that cannot be done by controlling them that's why I'm just watching them out as it makes me feel amused as they love and then hate the same person , do good and evil , try's to rule the little world they know , sometime be benevolent and sometimes be malevolent .the multiverse never fails to surprise me ."

The being is finally beginning to understand the god so he then asks"what do I do then? Make a multiverse too?"

The god reply" well it's your own choice what you want to do. You can just will it to be true if you want to make a multiverse or you can observe this one for your boredom as it will full fill another your and mine problem that is of being one of a kind. If you want to enjoy you can try to play with these lesser beings by giving them a task with power and see how it goes. This one is my favorite entertainment as by making a being send to different dimension to save it or destroy it hah... It always amusing how it goes always a new way huh .. duh well where we are ..Aaa yes do what you like after all you are only one that is as omnipotent as me in my opinion."


The being fills a chill in his non-existent spine when the god says of those heroes of different dimensions .. well 'what do I do..huh!'. He observes the multiverse again in it's like semi-liquid form from the vacuum with a proper flow of time. In it, space and time go parallel to each other and create millions of stars, Galaxies, black holes, a white hole, and many other wonders. The time conjures different timelines of everything and space creates sub and mirror dimensions of everything. Looking it this way it truly a big space for life. It picques a question that how many living and none living wonder is there in it to full fill his interest.

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