《Evil God》Chapter 0.5 : Mitchel Ravenlaude


Baron Mitchel Ravenlaude was considered and upstanding member of the Eyre (Ire/Eye-Er) Kingdoms nobility. He had built quite a few orphanages and given jobs to many in his fief and had garnered a reputation there higher than the King himself.

In reality however, Ravenlaude was twisted murderer who enjoyed nothing more than killing people and turning them into art pieces to put on the shrine which he keeps hidden under his keep.

One Tuesday afternoon, he was getting prepared to clean his shrine to clear up todays mess and prepare for tomorrow's ritual when he felt a strange feeling well up inside himself. He turned and looked at his art pieces and for some reason got a strange urge to kneel, his gaze almost turned reverent and feeling in the depths of his soul that the sensation was from a higher lifeform he decided to follow his instinct and decided to pray. After a sudden lunge for his nearby ritual knife, he cut his own arms and dripped his own blood onto his art pieces while offering them up.

The Unknown God has accepted your sacrifice. Character Class Upgrade Given: [Cultist] --> [Head Cultist]

[Cultist] Levels Transfered: 10

[Head Cultist] Level Up! x 6

Divine Skill Aquired: [Unknown Presence]

Name: Mitchel Ravenlaude Race: Half-Human, Half-Elf Racial Classes:

[Human] - lvl 5 (Maxed)

[Elf] - lvl 5 (Maxed)

Character Classes:

[Head Cultist] - lvl 16

[Executioner] - lv 29

[Swordsman] - lvl 31

[Noble] - lvl 40

Total Level: 126 Stats

STR - 110

AGI - 93

VIT - 110

END - 114

INT - 63

WIS - 63

CHA - 218

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