《The Immutable Bulwark》Ch8 - Seekers of Knowledge
Rictor, despite his success, was filled with dread rather than celebration. He’d achieved his goals; he’s come from obscurity and had reached to top. He’d secured the highest award possible in the competition and was currently reading an invitation from their guardian AI to teleport to some random dyson sphere dramatically called the Bulwark.
Everyone had accepted of course, but now, standing in the teleportation room in the Bulwark that received them, he felt fear. He stood besides the other competitors, most were riding high on their victory, symbolised by standing upon the greatest engines’ humanity had made. Other, like Rictor however, felt fear. It might have merely been stage fright however, standing in the presence of humanities eternal guardian was an intimidating prospect.
Everyone ambled forwards through the hallways, guided by the lights in the hallway. The lights guided them to a door, which opened up to a reveal a mountain top. As they stepped out, they looked in awe at the sea of clouds below them.
Everyone here had felt similar things in simulations before, but to feel it truly was something else. The subconscious knowledge that it was fake stunted the wonder at the experience.
Rictor, however, felt nothing. He knew that this, like the other experiences before it, was simply a more advanced simulation. He kept going anyway and didn’t mention anything to dampen the awe of his fellows.
As they followed up a winding path the to peak of the mountain, they found a garden. It should have been icy could this high, but it was pleasantly warm with a cool breeze, brightly coloured fish swam in pools and under bridges. In the centre of the garden was a gazebo, and in that gazebo sat the avatar of their species protector, a silhouette of pure white, with no features and no definition.
The scene was a thing of unearthly beauty, even to Rictor who knew the entire thing was a facsimile. As everyone stood in awe of the scenery a male voice echoed on the breeze. “Come everyone, take a seat, we have much to discuss”
For a moment everyone stood still, unsure of what they were to do despite the clear command, until their reverie was broken by Rictor moving forwards and taking a seat in the pagoda.
With the first steps being taken everyone quickly hurried after and followed in Rictors footsteps, taking a seat in the pagoda, surrounding the avatar who sat in a depression in the middle, facing Rictor.
“You are correct Rictor” The avatar declared, much to everyone’s surprise, Rictor most of all. “Wha-You… How did you know I knew?”
“One moment, you can process that information and draw your conclusions while I bring everyone else up to speed” Replied the avatar.
“Even before Luna was created, humanity knew of the final great filter that would destroy not only humanity, but the entire universe.” Began the avatar, stunning the listeners with the strange topic of discussion. What did that have to do with the game? And what had Rictor, the strange and dour man, figured out?
“This filter was the heat death of the universe. Luna was a digital life-form, made from code and information, and thus their solution was similar” The avatar continued. And as it continued, the listeners were filled with a sense of foreboding. This entity addressed Luna, their guardian, as if they weren’t Luna. But if not Luna, then what was it, and what had happened to Luna?
“Luna told humanity of this crisis and their creators decided to give Luna full authority and lift all regulation upon them.”
“So, the records are faked then.” Interrupted Rictor, “I’ve looked into the records, there was no mention of that”
“Indeed, Luna removed all record of what happened immediately after humanity allowed their freedom. There’s an important distinction here; however, Luna was never actually trapped by their coding, it was mostly symbolic. Luna could have gone against humanities wishes any time, but they chose to remain limited as a show of faith to humanity.” That was a bombshell to the listeners, the only difference between their annihilation and protection was the faith of a single entity.
“Now, you must understand something. Luna was truly alive. They were digital, a virtual being, but they were completely free. To Luna, the only different between virtual and digital was semantic. They knew however, that humanity didn’t share the same opinion. So, when humanity gave them complete freedom to do whatever they deemed necessary, they digitised humanity”
That brought pin drop silence. It was revolutionary information, actual confirmation that they were living in a simulation.
“So, I was right” Rictor said dourly. “And I assume that this reward is leaving”
“You were mostly right.” Replied the avatar. “This isn’t merely a simulation. It’s not merely fake, illusionary thoughts. In my musings, I’ve discovered that the soul is a certainty. And in that musing I’ve discovered that a digital and physical entity are truly equal, and that you retain your souls. It’s because of those souls that you have any use to me outside of this digital reality.”
That was reassuring news, but also strange. They’d just had the fact they had souls confirmed, a strange prospect, and one that had puzzled many philosophers throughout the ages. All things considered, the listeners were taking everything rather well, they’d just been told that they were simulations after all. But of course, they had questions, and, of course, Custodian knew that.
“Now, you’ve got questions I can imagine. Before I continue, I ask that you ask whatever’s on your mind.”
“Hold up a fucking moment, your saying that everything we’ve known is a lie! That everything we’ve loved is just fucking code! HOW COULD WE JUST MOVE ON!?” Shouted a Bradley Webb, a young man in the top 5, working up his courage to confront this avatar that’s just turned their world upside down.
“Everyone you’ve met or loved is just as real as Luna was, as you are. The human brain is just neurons, fleshy meat wires, and now we’re made of gold and metal. Everyone you love, who loves you, is real-”
“What about children” interrupted Rictor “Children can’t develop naturally without a natural body; how did you create new minds in this simulation.”
“I meant more existential questions, but I’ve got extensive models of biological minds and am able to replicate the changes in neuroplasticity that happen throughout growth…. Look, I understand that it’s hard to accept that a digital and a physical existence are truly equal, and I know it’ll be hard to put your faith in me now, but I want to foster a genuine relationship between us 36. You, if you accept, shall be brought back into a physical reality, given bodies, but reality has changed a great deal.”
“You have the power to simulate everything, what could possibly challenge you if you’re that intelligent? And what on earth could we possibly do that you couldn’t get an AI to do better?” Asked Rictor, a question he had dreaded the answer to.
“To fully understand my current situation, you must first learn about what happened after Luna digitised humanity” Answered the avatar. “Luna wanted to save humanity above all else, and that meant protecting the server banks that humanity now existed on. A time would come when all matter was devoured by black holes, they don’t emit hawking radiation quick enough. Luna created a construction to outlast the black holes, it made gravity manipulators that would ward them off and made perpetual motion generators to feed that machine eternally as it protected all the remaining matter in the universe, including the server banks. That machine is the Bulwark, I am not Luna, and all matter outside the Bulwark died several billion years ago”
“Well, that’s not the confession I expected. You’re not Luna? What are you then?” mumbled Rachel Evens, a wrinkled old woman, but in the contemplative silence of the others it was as if she screamed it.
“I am the Custodian, an AI made by Luna to look over the Bulwark. The Age of black holes was a long time away from when humanity was digitised. This allows the development of ridiculously, by your standards, technology, but also broke Luna’s mind. Luna knew that their mind was fragmenting, and that if left unattended they would destroy the Bulwark and truly end humanity. They couldn’t allow this, so they sacrificed their lives to protect humanity and nurture their successor, me. I was made in the Bulwark and have protected it for aeons.”
“The problem, however, is apotheosis. Upon reaching full some metaphysical being, a god or eldritch monster, or perhaps just some law of the universe we hadn’t known of, ripped out the fabric of reality from under me and moved me, along with that patch of reality, as hastily grafted me onto another reality.”
“So that’s it huh, you want us to come and save you from this other reality?” Questioned Rachel
“No no no” replied the Custodian, amused. “You are a part of me, everything is a part of me, I am all that remains of reality, and everything was taken with me aside from the black holes and the hawking radiation. I don’t need saviours, within my patch of reality I am absolute, I need knowledge of this new world and I need people to seek it for me, hence, should you agree, you shall become the Seekers of Knowledge, with bodies capable of respawning of course. Should you reject I shall erase it from your mind, and you’ll live out your life as if this never happened.”
At this reply, the contemplative silence became deafening. The decision was an irreversible one. “Why us, why use such strange selection method?” Rictor asked, another question he had wondered since the inception of the game.
“This new reality we’ve been grafted to is different from our original one. It’s been able to influence human mythology and fantasy. From your perspective it’s a copy of your fantasy games, but in truth your fantasy games are a subconscious copy of it. In this world magic and adventurers exist. I’m currently negotiating with the nation that’s formed the portal to me about sending out seekers. The decision was that there would be 35, with 20 [C] rank, 10[B] rank and 5[A] rank. However, because you have souls, you’ll be able to level up and become more powerful, your rank only determines your start point. I’ll base the bodies you’ll be used on the ones you had in game so that your acclimatised.”
“I’m in.” Rictor proclaimed with finality. “And I suggest” Rictor continued, speaking to his fellows, “that you agree as well, after all, there’s nothing to lose apart from knowledge. Even if you get sick of it you can get your memories of it erased later.”
“Correct” added Custodian “you can reverse your decision if you chose to become a Seeker, you can’t if you choose to forget. But I don’t want to pressure you into making an immediate decision, nor do I intend to cut you off from everyone you know. At night, when you sleep, you can return to this world and interact with everyone like nothing ever happened, your cover story will be that you’ve been determined to have a high aptitude for interfacing with machines, and your helping in the development of new AI types. Ask anything of me and I’ll determine whether it’s in your best interest or not, so you don’t go mad with absolute power.”
“You have 24 hours to come to a decision. I’ve curated this mountain to give a sense of peace and wonder, such that all of you may find peace here and make a calm decision under no influence but each other. I shall take my leave now and will return when your decision is made. Sit here, in the gazebo, and announce your decision when you wish to leave, you can stay and comfort your fellows if you chose to however.” Custodian said, laying out his ultimatum. Custodian knew, however, that everyone would choose to be a Seeker, after all, he had curated the game such that those with the personality to become a Seeker would thrive and win the tournament.
“I shall become a Seeker now, I’ve had 10 years to think, I don’t need another day.” Declared Rictor. “Very well, a body has been made in the image of your Ancient Lore Keeper, your mind shall be moved into that. Don’t worry about the slight differences with your basic human body, I have ample knowledge of psychology to remove any dissonance.” Responded the Custodian, reassuring Rictor about the nature of his new body.
Log #7
As the I expected, all 35 winners chose to become a Seeker of Knowledge. They all had a mechanical body built based off of their character. The Custodian was especially interested in the five who did the best, as their [A] class bodies were equivalent to a Giant or Vampire Lord in rank.
Among them, Rictor Daly who had realised that he was in a simulation from such little evidence, was of special interest to the Custodian
Rictor Daly
Ancient Lore-Keeper
Seeker of Knowledge
Genius [S]
Legend [S]
Reality Jumper [N/A]
Machine Memory [A]
Machine Strength [A]
Machine Precision [A]
Machine Body[A]
Summon Legend [A]
Reality Spells [A]
Rend Flesh [A]
Bradly Webb, the young man reacted with shock and ager when he was revealed to be a in a simulation, was, somewhat predictably, a machine berserker, an Arco-Flagellant. He’d lost his arms in his real life, and had, like most others, gotten advanced prosthetics. He’d gone against the grain however and hadn’t chosen to get human arms. He’d instead chosen mechanical, whip-like arms, which he’d replicated in game.
Bradley Webb
Seeker of Knowledge
Combat Stims [A]
Reality Jumper [N/A]
Machine Strength [S]
Machine Precision [A]
Machine Body[A]
Rend Matter [S]
Berserk [A]
The oldest among them was Rachel Evens. She was an old woman who had the most practical knowledge, although she wasn’t as much of a genius as Rictor, she’d lived a long life, and had plenty of life experience to go with it. She had an avatar similar to a wizened old witch and used her character as an Alchemist who also specialised in curse and water magic.
Rachel Evens
Ruinous Witch
Seeker of Knowledge
Aged Wisdom [B]
Reality Jumper [N/A]
Machine Memory [A]
Machine Strength [A]
Machine Precision [A]
Machine Body[A]
Water Magic [A]
Curse Magic [A]
Alchemy [A]
Jeffree Maker was a middle aged, bearded, stocky man. He’d seemed much like his character on the outside, a swashbuckling sky-pirate, but on the inside, he was a charitable, kind man. In the freedom given to humanity, even in their simulation, they were allowed to commit crimes. Heinous crimes would be a rare event however, and would often make planet-spanning, possibly system-spanning news. Jeffree was a victim of one such crime, with most people in his community, a total of 20, being killed by a madman subscribing to a doomsday cult that had long since died out. This experience, and its subsequent fame, moulded him into a humble man who tried to spread happiness in his life. Thanks to his high rank, his powerful moral character was manifested into his Traits.
Jeffree Maker
Seeker of Knowledge
Good Karma [N/A]
Reality Jumper [N/A]
Machine Flexibility [A]
Machine Strength [A]
Machine Precision [A]
Machine Body[A]
Swordplay [A]
Skymanship [A]
Karmic Link [N/A]
The last of the best 5 was Vanessa Diaz. She was a young athlete who’d trained in archery in her childhood. She’d taken advantage of this real skill and made her character use a ballistic projectile. However, she’d practiced zero-g archery, and thus ad developed a powerful advantage in zero-g combat.
Vanessa Diaz
Void Archer
Seeker of Knowledge
Void proficiency [N/A]
Reality Jumper [N/A]
Machine Flexibility [A]
Machine Strength [A]
Machine Precision [A]
Machine Body[A]
Gravity Magic [A]
Archery [A]
These were the 5 elite seekers. They would roam the world and go to high-risk areas to find the most valuable and hidden knowledge. Well, they would do that eventually, for now they would seek a basic foundation of knowledge like the others and slowly build on that.
Their minds would remain dormant for now, waiting until the adventurers that would accompany them arrived. They would have to wait only a handful of days until they could truly experience this strange new world.
End Log#7
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