《A World in Chaos》Chapter 5: First Encounter


Are those footsteps? Someone’s approaching us.

“Jude, we have to get out of here right now.”

“Are those the footsteps you were talking about?”

“Yes, let’s hurry and leave.”

I hurriedly went to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. It wouldn’t budge no matter how much I shook the handle. Shit, escaping has become much harder now. This door would have been the easiest way for us to escape, but now, it’s no longer an option.

“Alright let’s go.”

Tod and I immediately started to slowly speed walk back. We didn’t want to make any noise for whatever’s behind us. Listening closely, it sounds like there’s another pair of footsteps beside the one we heard earlier. These were more hurried like someone was running.

“Help!!! Someone help me!!! I don’t want to die!! I’ll repent! I won’t rape anymore!!”

Someone screamed out their pleads to whatever was after them. They pleaded and pleaded like it was the last thing they could do.

Shit, my heart’s racing again. Fuck, it’s starting to hurt. Calm down. Calm down. If I don’t calm down, I’m going to end up just like that person who was used to paint the walls. Calm down, Jude.

“What are you doing Tod!?”

Is he an idiot. Why did he stop walking? Does he want to go back and save whoever that was? We can’t do that, you idiot. If we tried to and died, then it’ll all be meaningless.

“We can’t save him, Tod. Let’s go.”


“Remember, what are your priorities right now. We need to escape. There are you and me, plus that unconscious girl. Do you think we’ll be able to escape if we go back and save that guy? What about that girl? What will happen to her if we both die trying to save that guy.”


We both hurried back to the nurse’s room, trying not to make any noises. The screams of that guy continued to echo throughout the hall. He was struggling the best that he could, but whatever was chasing him, was toying with him.

“FUCK, the door’s locked!!!”

That guy screamed as he probably tried to open the door that led outside. As he screamed we already reached the nurse’s office.

“Hurry and barricade the door, Tod. That guy’s going to come and try to open this door next.”


I pushed the desk in front of the door then we grabbed some of the metal bed frames to block the door. It wasn’t much of a barricade, but it’ll be able to stop a human at least.

Damn, my heart’s racing like an engine. It’s ok. It’ll be fine. This isn’t outside of my calculations. I already knew that we might encounter that monster or other inmates. It’s fine, I made countermeasures.

I calmed myself down and my heart wasn’t trying to escape my chest anymore. Tod and I stayed as quiet as possible. We could hear the hurried footsteps of that guy, and the ominous footsteps approaching.

“Shit, this door is locked too. Fuck, open up. Open up!! OPEN UP!!!”

That guy started to ram himself into the door, but the door didn’t budge. We were on the other side pushing the barricade so it wouldn’t move. We just had to hold on until he stopped bashing the door, or when that monster gets him.



“Stop!! Stop!! Don’t come any closer you monster!!!”

That was the shrillest laugh I had ever heard in my life. Just from hearing that laugh, my ears were hurting. It wasn’t the laugh of a human. The most disturbing thing was that the laugh sounded like it was having fun.

“A-A-Always, bull-l-ly m-m-me. It-It-It’s m-m-my TURN!!! KYAAAALALALALA!!!!!”


I could hear the sound of flesh being torn apart. The guy continued to scream in agony as that monster continued to rip him into pieces. Eventually, the sound of that guy being pummeled ended.

*Thump *Thump *Thump

*Shlush *Shlush *Shlush

The sound of footsteps and the sound of a body being dragged eventually grew distant.

Shit, what the fuck was that. We can’t deal with a monster that can straight up rip a person into pieces. With flimsy weapons like ours, we’ll die in seconds if we come face to face with that monster.

Tod’s face is pale and he’s sweating profusely. He’s probably not in a good condition right now.

“Tod, get some rest. I’ll stay as a lookout.”

“Y-yeah, thanks.”

Tod went to sleep and I sat down on another bed watching the door. I'm a little anxious knowing what's out there, but I have to be ready for anything that could happen.

An hour passed and nothing happened, but the screams were becoming more frequent. I don’t think Tod was lying when he heard the screams every hour or so. But now, the screams were occurring once every 30 minutes. Another hour passed by, and the screams were still occurring once every 30 minutes.

I don’t know if my conjecture is correct, but I think that the monster is more active during the night. The bus had crashed around 4 p.m. and Tod said I was asleep for 3 hours. So from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., the screams occur every hour. After 7 p.m. the screams have been occurring every 30 minutes.

The best time to escape is probably in the morning when that monster isn’t as active. But I still don’t know if the monster is actually inactive during the morning. Can we even last until the morning? For the past two hours, the screams have been getting closer and closer to the nurse’s area. All the inmates were probably trying to escape through the door that led outside, but since it’s locked, they come here.

Sooner or later, the nurse’s office is going to be breached. Should we try and escape before daybreak then?

“Hey, you. Hey you. Hellooo?”

“Who’s there!?”

Suddenly hearing a voice, I stood up from the bed and pointed the makeshift spear towards the voice. There shouldn’t have been anyone else in the room beside me, Tod, and that girl.

“Another monster?”

“Hey, don’t call me a monster. I’m a very respectable fairy.”

This thing floating in front of me does resemble a fairy. It has a small humanoid body with wings on its back and it sparkles.

“So, are you like Tonker Bell?”

“Tch, everyone always talks about Tonker Bell when it comes to fairies. There are other fairies out there you know.”

“So who are you?”


“Wow, isn’t it rude to ask someone for their name without introducing yourself first. Kids these days.”

This fairy is kind of annoying. I thought fairies were supposed to be mystical beings that acted with grace. But this one in front of me isn’t anything like that at all. She’s looking down on me and shaking her head like I’m a disappointment.

“I’m Jude Craven. Now, who are you?”

“Hehehe, be proud to know this one’s amazing name. I am Fifila Phhilora, the most amazing fairy in existence.”

“So what do you want.”

“What!? You’re not excited to meet me, Fifila Phhilora. It’s me you know, Fifila Phhilora. The fairy that raised heroes throughout time.”

“Sorry, I don’t know you.”

“Damn it, that darn Tonker Bell going around erasing records of other fairies. Well, it doesn’t matter, just know that I have raised heroes throughout time.”

“And what does that have to do with me.”

“Hehehe, you should be proud. This great one senses that you have the potential to become a hero. Serve under me and I’ll make you a hero.”

“I don’t want to be a hero though. I just want to survive this situation and go back to my everyday life.”

“What do you mean you don’t want to be a hero!!?? All boys your age want to be heroes. Don’t you want to go around slaying monsters and saving princesses? Having people sing praises for your deeds. Hehehe, having a harem of women surround you. I know all boys love that one.”

“Not really. That sounds like a hassle. If that’s all you have to say then I’m going back to watching the door.”

Being a hero isn’t for me. I miss my repetitive lifestyle already. And most importantly, I don’t want to follow this smug little fairy. She says that I’ll obtain great things from becoming a hero, but the one who’ll benefit the most is her. If I’m serving under her then that means I’ll be doing all the work while she receives all the benefits.

“Wait. Wait. Wait. Please wait. I’ll make you another deal. I’ll give you 30% of the treasures you discover and I’ll take 70%.”

“What treasures? I’m not going to risk my life dungeon diving or anything like that.”

“It’s alright. You don’t have to dungeon dive or anything. Treasures are just naturally attracted to heroes. You just need to give me 70% of it.”

What is this fairy talking about? Treasures? It’s not like we’re in some sort of game where I get treasures from dungeons. None of those treasures matter if I die in this prison.

“Ok, you play a hard bargain. I underestimated you. I’ll give you 95% of the treasures, but you have to give me a drop of your blood every week. How about that.”

“Blood, that sounds kind of demonic. Are you actually a fairy?”

“Aaah, why are you humans so dumb. Every species out there would want the blood of a hero. It doesn’t matter if it’s a demon, fairy, angel, or another human. I’m 100% fairy.”

Hmm, I’m learning quite a lot from this fairy. I guess angels, demons, and fairies are real. I guess people in the past had encountered these beings before. Maybe even heroes like Baewulf existed before. I guess the blood of heroes is pretty important for them since she was willing to give up on 70% of treasures I earn.

“Furthermore I can help you escape from here.”

“Can you really help us escape.”

“Hahaha, I see I piqued your interest. As long as you create a contract with me, then I’ll help all three of you escape.”

The contract is somewhat suspicious, but as I long as I can get out of here alive, it isn’t too bad of a deal. This fairy may be a little haughty and annoying, but it isn’t anything that will kill me.

“Ok, I agree to your contract.”

“Yes!!! Just wait a minute while I find the contract paper.”

She started searching through the pouch on her waist. I wonder what’s in there. It’s so small, you could probably only fit a pebble inside it.

A few minutes passed and she is still searching in her pouch. How could it take so long just to look inside that tiny pouch?

“Alright, I found it.”

I’m shocked, she took out a pen and a stack of papers. How did all of this fit inside her pouch?

“Just look at the first two pages. The rest is just legal semantics. Just sign at the end of the page.”

“Umm, what language is this.”

“Oh right, it’s been a thousand years, hasn’t it. What is your current language called right now?”

“I read and write in English.”

“Ok, found it. Just put on these glasses and you’ll be able to read it.”

They actually work. Previously the paper was just full of scribbles that I didn’t understand, but now it’s written in perfect English. The contents of the two pages were basically what we agreed on. I would get 95% of the treasures we discover and she’ll get 5%. I have to supply her with a drop of blood once a week, and she has to help the three of us escape from here.

“Alright, I’m done signing the papers.”

“Hahahahahaha, foolish human. Now you will have to serve me for the rest of your life.”

“Haahh, I kind of expected this, but you’re not that smart, are you.”

“W-w-what are you talking about. You’re my servant now. Don’t disrespect your master like that.”

“Well, looking at the papers, it says that you signed yourself as the servant. And I am the master.”

I showed her the papers and the look on her face was priceless. She had been so confident in her act of betrayal. If only she was smarter, then the situation would have been worse for me. I couldn’t hold back my chuckle. I wonder when was the last time I chuckled this hard.

“Let’s work hard together Fifi.”


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