《God of Shinobi - A Naruto SI》A Little Empathy
A Little Empathy
"This is not how I should have learned about it Naruto." Her voice is firm; neither loud nor soft but carrying the weight of authority and a hint of frustration. I can feel her brown eyes narrowing at me, compelling me to explain myself before she really does get upset.
"I know. And I'm sorry, but at the time it made a lot of sense to me." I turn from the window overlooking the village and lean against the wall, meeting her gaze. "A lot of people go through life with no real sense of purpose. They're just going through the movements basically. Sasuke though, he had a goal, something that guided his every action. So when I found him in that base, I had two options to decide from. I could bring him back which would bar him from ever encountering his brother again or I could let him go to do what he left the village to do."
"So you let him go? Despite the fact that he could have reneged on your agreement and never returned?" Tsunade asks, less questioning my decision as it clearly worked out in the end and more wanting to hear the why behind it. Why was I so confident Sasuke would return?
"Yes. He was being honest when he agreed to my terms and despite what he'd done up to that point, Sasuke doesn't overtly lie." I explain before shrugging, "And besides, assuming he was able to fight Itachi and get away, where would he have gone after that? Iwa? No, the Leaf was probably the safest he could go."
"So in the end, you're decision was made because you didn't feel comfortable taking away your old teammate's ambition? You let him go with no means to track him with the only guarantee being a promise to return?" Hn. Put like that, it doesn't sound very logical. In my defense however, she's missing a lot of context. She lets out a soft breath of air, "Well luckily for you and not so much for my plans, your decision worked out."
Her glare slides off me and I mentally pat myself on the back. I'd long since worked out an argument for not capturing Sasuke all those months ago but I'd not been sure how Tsunade would take it. Nor Sakura for that matter but hopefully no one feels the need to tell her; it's completely irrelevant now anyways. What matters is how we're moving forward now that the last Uchiha is within the village walls.
"So what now?" The contemplative silence is broken and her eyes return to me, "With Sasuke? I expect you've thought about this in case we did find him while looking for his brother, what do you think is a fitting punishment?"
"Imprisonment for a period of time yet to be determined followed by probational return to service should he desire to. You saw to it that his chakra was sealed and it'll remain that way until his sentence is served." An eyebrow quirks up then, "I think it sounds reasonable but what do you have to say about that?"
"Not much really. It's not cruel nor unjust so your word is final here." She nods.
"Good. Hopefully your teammates will share your belief."
By that I assume she's mainly talking about Sakura. Technically, she has nothing to complain about when taking into consideration the treatment an ordinary rogue nin would receive, usually elimination. Makes me somewhat curious as to what happened in the original story. I know Sasuke was free later on but did he face any charges? Especially after attacking the kage meeting? Or perhaps saving the world gave him some type of immunity? Eh, doesn't matter anymore. Tsunade's voice gets my attention again.
"I suppose with the last Uchiha in our custody it's time we closed this chapter of our lives. Tie off loose ends."
I don't need to ask what she's talking about. This has been a long time coming after all. "I want Sasuke to be present. He of all people deserves it."
"Request… granted. I suspected you would ask," Her lips quirk into a knowing smile, "Now I believe there's somewhere you have to be?"
"Tch, yeah… I'll be seeing you later."
I leave her office with a final wave and take the long, scenic route out of the hokage building. It's nice to take it slow for once, enjoy the sights from a different perspective compared to weeks prior. Saying that I feel a weight was lifted off my back wouldn't be wrong, would actually be an understatement regarding my current mood. And it's completely justified. I have Black Zetsu sealed away in a container that I'll leave to be forgotten. Obito is dead once and for all with his body turned to ash. Those are two important factors in a scenario where the fate of the world would have been placed at risk and now they've been 'handled.' I won't try tempting the universe but I would say things are looking a lot brighter now.
Another interesting outcome from the past mission is what happened with Kisame. I'd always assumed Gai took him down yet although he did fight the tail-less beast, Gai did not kill Kisame. Nor did he capture him. Instead, with an act that makes sense knowing how hardcore Kiri is, the swordsman took his own life rather than risk being interrogated. Using water sharks. So Kisame died and Gai managed to recover his sword; odds are the thing will end up in Tenten's hands somewhere in the future. I wish her luck with that.
The other members of Team Gai captured Karin and her teammates with various levels of difficulty, ranging from heated battles to straight up surrender from what I heard. That redhead is something else entirely; Sasuke must either be the most charming guy alive or Karin is super clingy. Can't tell which.
Out of the ten members of the Akatsuki, the Leaf and I have whittled that down to two. Nagato and Konan are the only ones remaining and the smart decision would be to go after them as soon as possible. People tend to lash out when cornered and that's the last thing I want the rinnegan wielder doing. For now, I'm just waiting for Jiraiya to return and then we'll plan out our next move.
That trail of thought is put to the side when I finally arrive at my destination, although I can't help but sigh before walking in. Couldn't have avoided this forever.
Sitting on his cot with no one else for company, Sasuke had nothing but time to think. About his brother's sacrifice. About all the clues that in hindsight should have made him doubt what really happened that night. About his life decisions based on that deception. About his present. His future.
Perhaps it's a good thing that he has this freedom, otherwise he might have never confronted this absolute truth: he, Sasuke Uchiha, was lost like never before.
After his clan was wiped out, the next course of action had been obvious: avenge them. From there, various decisions were made with that end goal in mind. Graduate the Academy, enter the Chunin Exams, go to Orochimaru for training, kill said sensei; all to get stronger and defeat Itachi. Which he did, in a fashion.
And now here he is with no idea how to move forward. Itachi told him to live his life but what does that really mean? Assuming he is let out eventually, should he continue on the path of a shinobi? Is that even possible anymore knowing what he does now and after having betrayed his village? Another possibly even more important question: does he even want to be a shinobi? From a certain perspective, his path had been decided by factors outside of his control and thus, the desire to be a ninja may very well not have originated from him. His father, his clan, his brother, and even his village. They'd all wanted him to be a shinobi but after all this time, did he want the same?
What would he do then, if being a shinobi were to no longer be an interest? What would he do with his life, with his time, to give it meaning?
Questions, questions, and even more questions with seemingly no answers. At least none within his reach.
The sound of footsteps draws him out from his thoughts.
"Didn't think I was allowed visitors." Sasuke comments idly after throwing his old teammate a glance. To himself he notes how this is their second encounter since he left all those years ago and once again, he's in a weaker position with his chakra sealed.
"You're not. Not unless they're authorized."
"Hn." He'd been warned about that after the interrogation, told not to share the truth behind the Uchiha Massacre. As if he'd even consider exposing something his brother had given his reputation and life to hide. No, everyone else would remain in the dark for all he cares. But it seems the Hokage doesn't understand his conviction and is restricting who he could potentially leak the news to. That came with the unintended bonus of not having to deal with his old classmates who all likely have words for him. "And you?"
"I know the truth if that's what you're asking." Naruto responds simply, "Using the intel from you and Karin, I was able to find evidence that Danzo and the snake worked together to implant almost a dozen sharingan. We found out about his order to Itachi after bringing him in."
Sasuke lets out a slow exhale. Even the mere mention of that elder was enough to make him seethe but to think Orochimaru might have had deeper insight into that night made it worse. His infuriating smirks had suddenly gained a new meaning. All those times he'd been reminded of Itachi's brilliance, goaded to do better if he wanted to kill him... If only he'd moved to kill him before Naruto got to him.
Pushing the thought aside, he focuses on the present, "Why did you come here Naruto?"
"Well," The blonde moves to sit against the wall facing his holding cell, "After almost two months, we've gotten all we can from Danzo so his execution is coming up soon. You're allowed to be present for it."
"Good." Sasuke grunts. Internally the news pleases him. Despite the events surrounding the massacre painting a very complex situation making it hard to assign blame, Danzo was the one who approached his brother and therefore will always be the true culprit in his mind. But if the execution is to follow the traditional method, "Who will carry out the sentence?"
Sasuke tosses and turns that piece of information around in his mind. Either the Hokage ordered the Sanin to participate or he has his own grudge against the elder. Whatever it is, the Uchiha finds nothing to protest; it's not as if they would allow him to do it.
Several minutes pass in silence with Sasuke intermittently thinking about his future and wondering why Naruto remains sitting there, the blonde's stare burning into the side of his head. He's not expecting him to break down and start talking is he? Sasuke has never been the type to discuss his feelings and this setting is not conducive to starting now. Honestly, he just feels his ire growing.
Something the once upon a time moron notices as he stands up and brushes off.
"I don't know why I expected any different, these kind of things were never my strong point…" Sasuke gets the feeling the last part was not intended for him. Naruto stares at him for a second before nodding solemnly, "Sasuke. This may sound like empty words, but I'm sorry things went down the way they did. I came down here to check up on you and maybe offer some support yet it's obvious that I'm out of my depths here. So rather than say something harmful or pester you to talk, I'll give you some space. Perhaps that is the best way for me to help. I'll see you soon Sasuke."
Curious black eyes watch as the blonde walks out of sight.
Some days later, a couple anbu approach Sasuke's cell. Knowing what is coming, he makes no effort to resist as they lock his hands behind his back and attach a tag to his neck. A quick test reveals it prevents him from forming audible words. Safety measures seen to; they escort him to an unfamiliar room within the maze that is the interrogation department.
He casts an eye over the room before mentally casting it aside, the people are more interesting than the plain walls. Presiding over the room on a dais are the two living Sanin along with Naruto. The Hokage stands a short distance in front of the other two in a triangle. From the entrance to the raised steps is a stretch of open space and on each side of that are Leaf personnel. Sasuke recognizes two who'd served as proctors for the chunin exam and another duo who resemble old classmates of his; the rest are strangers.
Itachi's secret assignment actually has a chance of remaining a secret if these dozen or so people are the only ones in the know.
The guards lead him to the right of the isle and he spends the next while ignoring the various eyes that try to analyze him; unwanted attention is something he knows well. And then 'he' is finally brought in…
Manacles restrain his single arm behind his back while another set covers his ankles and prevents them from reaching a full stride. Although bearing the signs of years passed and various degrees of torture, Sasuke recognizes the man from Itachi's illusion. One Danzo Shimura.
The catalyst behind the Uchiha Massacre is marched past him, only a meter or two at most. Sasuke's arms are behind his back but unlike the elder, his feet aren't shackled. This close, he would need just a few seconds to charge at him and knock him down from which point a well placed kick would see his throat collapsed beyond repair. As long as he acts before-
The feeling of hands tightening around his arms brings him back to reality. He blinks and the dull roar of blood within his ears fades a bit. Seems he had underestimated just what seeing this man would do to him. But to think that this, this pathetic waste of space is the reason he no longer has a clan. That this filthy, conniving wretch is the reason every Uchiha, regardless of their age and role in the planned coup, was slaughtered…
It's safe to say that the anger and hatred Sasuke had once held for Itachi is a campfire compared to the all-consuming inferno burning inside him now. Truly, with no previous bonds, this is someone Sasuke could detest with all his being. And he does.
A prayer is sent up then, one begging for no further twists because as the blade swings and the head rolls, there is nothing but dark satisfaction within his chest.
You know, I have a whole new respect for those in the psychiatric field. To be able to analyze someone's psyche and then use that understanding to help them recover – or predict their next move if they're a criminal – is something that shouldn't be taken for granted.
Of course, this mental musing comes about due to Sasuke. I was right in assuming talking to him wouldn't be easy. For obvious reasons the guy was a whirlwind of emotions; my senses easily picked up rage, confusion, betrayal, guilt, and a lot more. And the thing is, just because I could tell what emotions he was feeling did not mean I knew the why behind them. He could have very well been enraged at the village as a whole rather than just Danzo. Could have been a combination of the two, maybe a large part of that rage was at the cripple and a small fraction at the Leaf. Furthermore, just who or what exactly did he feel betrayed him? The village for obvious reasons? His clan for not being completely innocent and ruining the image he'd likely had of them? Itachi for deceiving him for so long? Himself for indirectly killing Itachi? I had no way of telling short of asking him but the vibe I was getting from him was not one of 'lets talk about our feelings.'
So I left. The way I see it, he's not going anywhere so I'll bid my time until he's in a space where we can make some progress. I have no idea how long that will take and as I watch him be escorted away from the site of the execution, I get to wondering. I definitely sensed how he reacted to seeing Danzo, from beginning to end, and I'm curious as to the effect this will have on him. That burst of satisfaction, does it mean he feels retribution has been achieved? Will he move onto grieving for Itachi and then eventually overcoming the loss? Or does he want vengeance still? Does he expect recompense from the village? When Tsunade formally declares his punishment, will that spark something negative inside him?
It's all quite stressing to think about so as per usual, I calmly push it aside for future me. Nothing gained from thinking about it now.
"Naruto?" I turn to Tsunade with a raised eyebrow, "Jiraiya and I have some things to talk about, why don't you go spend time with your friends? I'm sure they have questions about their old classmate."
"…uh?" That's not code for them doing other things right? No, the serious look on Jiraiya's face seems legitimate. "Okay."
"Thanks Naruto. I'll call for you soon." With a smile from the blonde and a pat on the shoulder from my sensei they make their way out. As if on cue someone else approaches me then.
"Blondie, you look like you could use some company."
Looks can be deceiving. If you didn't know her and only had her typical attire and mannerisms to make assumptions, you wouldn't expect Anko to be some kind of tea connoisseur. But she doesn't care about the opinions of the common person and actually enjoys things like hosting tea ceremonies and sampling it from different shops. It's to a new one on her list that we head to.
"Alright Naruto" She finally says as she gently puts down her teacup. Before this she'd spent a good five minutes evaluating all sorts of things that I hadn't even noticed when I tried it. "You have five seconds to start talking before I show you my special."
"Hmph, do your worst- I'm joking." Her glare goes down a notch and she thankfully doesn't carry out her threat while I gather my thoughts. "Look, it's not that I didn't take your warning seriously cause I did. I accept the fact that people change and sometimes you just have to let them go, I really do…"
"I sense a but coming,"
"However," Cue eyeroll, "You have to admit that this situation is far from simple. I won't go further since we're in public but I do feel like I owe it to him to try and make sure he doesn't go into a downwards spiral."
And by owe him I mean mostly Itachi and somewhat Sasuke.
"Is that all it is?" I shrug at the question making her sigh, "Could be worse I guess. As long as you don't forget the past and let him cloud your judgement I'll stay quiet. Don't think it means I like him though."
"Trust me, you've made your opinion on traitors loud and clear to me." And she has.
Anko and I have hung out a few times by now and although not all of our discussions are this serious, she's taken the time to share her experience with having someone close go rogue and how to deal with it. Or how to not deal with it actually. She's a supporter of holding people accountable regardless of previous connections while also not letting them hold power over you. She'll be the first to admit to not living up to the second part but she's gotten better since the events in the Forest of Death. Needless to say she doesn't approve of Sasuke running from the village to knowingly join the same person who turned his back on her and the Leaf. Not one bit.
She would advise me to forget about Sasuke and just live my life unburdened. Personally, I do plan on living unburdened to the best of my ability yet I also need to think about the future and the last Uchiha's role in it. Rinnegan-sharingan hybrid or not, he could still be a useful person to have around if more of Kaguya's people come to visit. So my desire to see him mentally stable is more for safety's sake than some dumb mindset that he's a victim and should be pardoned. Although, I can't really tell her that so it's best if she thinks it's as simple as him being an old teammate.
"It's not like I'm the only one; rogue nin can't be trusted. Why do you think we have a division specifically for hunting them down? I sincerely hope Hokage-sama doesn't go easy on him because he's the last of a dying breed." She catches my look, "What, too far?"
"Kind of, yeah. And as for his punishment, she's told me the gist of it and I think it's fair."
"Of course you would, he gets to keep breathing after all." Her demeanor changes then, gets softer as her caring side comes to the forefront, "I know you're a smart and capable guy Naruto, but I still worry. I don't want his presence within these walls to stress you out. Weigh over you and make you feel like you have to help him. After all you've done, helping bring this whole thing to the light and taking down that scum, you don't owe the Uchiha anything further. You could let the specialists deal with the fallout and be completely in the right."
I give her hand a squeeze, she'd moved hers to hold mine at some point, and smile. It's clear she cares and although I think I'm good in this case, it's nice to get that reminder. "Trust me Anko, no one will be allowed to control me. Least of all Sasuke."
"Good," A beat passes and then her lips curl faintly, "Now make it into one of your promises."
I should have seen this coming. "Just ruin the moment why don't you. I promise to not let this whole thing create an unnecessary burden for myself."
"…you forgot something. It's not complete without the 'believe it!'" The last two words are said with a high pitched voice in mockery of what I used to sound like. It almost makes me cringe.
"Screw you Anko…"
The successful retrieval of Sasuke Uchiha was not kept a secret. There was no point seeing as how he would eventually be a free man, if heavily observed, in the not so distant future. So although not overtly stated, the news would trickle down and soon even the civilians would be aware of it. Not the complete truth of course as some things were better left in the dark.
Contrary to everyone else who had the Uchiha on their minds however, the topic she and Jiraiya were discussing in the privacy of her home was notably different.
"Then they could wait a safe distance from the border, they wouldn't have to know what you were there for." Tsunade suggests leading Jiraiya to raise an eyebrow.
"That would defeat the purpose of them being there for added safety." He shakes his head, "Security we don't need I'd like to emphasize."
"But you don't know that!" She attempts to stare him down while he does the same from the other side of the dining room table. Neither speak for a brief moment before she breaks the silence. "Look Jiraiya, this is important to you and I understand. What I don't understand is why you feel the need to go about it in the most idiotic way possible."
"So being optimistic makes me an idiot?" His tone is equally hot.
"No. But not being open to alternative solutions does!" She responds. They'd barely started and already the bottle of sake on the counter behind her is looking so very tempting. It's true, men really do lead women to drink. "Being safer and keeping things confidential don't have to be opposing objectives."
"And I'm telling you we'll be safe enough without having to compromise secrecy. I may be older now hime, but I'm still a Sanin. And I'll have Naruto by my side. We can handle anything that comes our way."
"I'm not doubting your strength you old fool, I'm worried that you might be too much of a good person."
"I see where you're going with this so believe me when I-" She cuts him off then.
"Would you really be able to strike them down? The little brats you took in when Orochimaru threatened to do the same to?" It comes across as harsh but she wants him to acknowledge this. "Because let me tell you Jiraiya, if I ever had to do the same with Shizune, I wouldn't be able to."
"You and Shizune are a different case hime. She's practically family at this point." He sidetracks.
"Perhaps. But don't think I didn't notice what finding out they're alive did to you. Deep down you never did let them go, and this guilt won't make it easier."
"I know…" Before her eyes the normally boisterous man she's known for what seems like forever shrinks down on himself. It brings a pang to her chest. "But I have to try, hime. Try to change their minds. And if that fails…"
She closes the distance then, walks around the table to wrap him up in a tight embrace. It says something about the seriousness of the conversation that he merely hugs her back.
"You don't have to worry about me, hime." He murmurs into her hair.
"But I do anyways," She whispers.
Couldn't the big idiot see what she saw? It was fine to be optimistic and think he could get through to his old charges but the odds were not in his favor. Only kami knows what sort of trauma those orphans must have taken to be where they are now and that kind of pain, powerful enough to turn them to the Akatsuki, would not be healed with mere words. No, such a thing would take time or as was fairly common between contrasting mindsets, a conversation using fists. She didn't like such a scenario. The possibility of hesitating on Jiraiya's part was one reason and the negative impact of killing a student was another. Damned if he isn't ruthless enough and damned if he is.
The addition of Naruto helped but it didn't clear all her worries. The blonde was strong, frighteningly so for someone of his age, and much smarter than when she'd first met him. If anyone should be trusted to fight S-rank shinobi and win or retreat to live another day then it's the Uzumaki. Yet she worries. In the heat of a battle between monsters like that, anything could happen and then she would be down another loved one. She wouldn't allow that to happen, not anymore.
"Would it help then, if we had a fallback contingency?" The Toad Sage breaks off the hug, another unusual occurrence. "With only the two of us, reverse summoning would be an option."
"It's a start," She allows. They wouldn't be going anywhere until she assesses every countermeasure possible.
She's facing a conundrum. One with dire consequences.
Her expression is troubled as she adjusts her forehead – neck – protector for what feels like the tenth time. Completely unnecessary but any excuse that gives her an extra moment to think is very much appreciated.
Her eyes lock onto the source of her current dilemma; on the other side of the wall that surrounds the Academy grounds and currently sitting on the swing set is her Naruto-kun. Luckily for her, he hadn't been looking at the entrance when she'd stepped through and taken notice of him. That allowed her to quickly backtrack and hide behind the wall from his direct line of sight. She could see him but he couldn't see her. Which, sadly enough, is how it's always been with her and Naruto-kun.
Back in their younger years she would watch him in class while he would focus on other things. She would watch him train while he had no idea he had an audience. She would watch him take the world head-on with a smile on his face while he believed he had no one on his side. It was rather… frustrating to be honest and although she's matured and became stronger over the years, she can't quite muster the courage to approach him. Sure she's interacted with him in Tsunade-sama's office where she would report sometimes but never has she broached what she really wants to. The important stuff.
If only it was that easy.
Despite her current reality not being what she wished it to be, it's much more tolerable than the hypothetical scenario where she confesses and has her love go unrequited. Indeed, the illusion of a chance is powerful enough to glue her feet to the ground, make her hesitate. Perhaps now isn't the right time. Matters such as this shouldn't be rushed.
With that decided, Hinata's legs finally obey her commands as she moves to approach Naruto-kun. Not to talk about her but to see how he's coping with his old teammate being back. She may not be the best conversationalist but she can at least try to lend her help if it's needed.
She deactivates her byakugan before going around the corner and there he is. Looking at her. Something flutters inside her stomach.
"Hey there Hinata." He smiles in greeting as she gets closer.
"Ah, hello, Naruto-kun." It's not perfect but at least she doesn't stutter. "Is there something wrong?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Oh, sorry! It's just that you're sitting on the swing and uh, you only used to do that when uh…"
"When I was feeling upset. You're not wrong, forgot how observant you are Hinata." She flushes slightly as he runs an eye over the tree and surrounding area. "You know, for something that's meant to be fun, this swing doesn't really hold many happy memories for me." He shrugs, "But that's in the past with a different Naruto. Can only move on now. So, how are you doing Hinata? Getting back from a mission?"
"I'm doing well, Naruto-kun. And I was here on my father's orders to learn about the responsibilities the clan heiress will have." She responds. It was still quite early for preparations to take over from her father but like he'd warned her, the Hyuga clan was sizeable and held influence over many aspects in the village. Aspects she must be familiar with now rather than later. There was an image to uphold after all.
"Clan stuff huh? Can't say I envy you," He rises from the swing and smiles down at her from his new height, "You're not busy right now are you? I had something to talk to you about and thought now might be a good time."
He wanted to talk to her? More importantly, had he been waiting for her here? Either way, "I'm not busy." Her report could wait a while longer.
"Great. Walk with me?"
And that's how Hinata finds herself walking beside Naruto-kun down the streets of Konoha. Almost as if they were dating, or anything else other than being mere acquaintances really. What do they look like from an outsiders perspective? Do they look close? Should she put some distance between them? Get closer?
Wait, she'd had a reason for going up to him!
"I, ah, heard about Sasuke. Congratulations?"
"Oh? Yeah, thanks I guess. It's a relief to have him back."
"That's good to hear," She comments, "I'm happy for you."
"You're really too kind Hinata," He turns to her with a faint smile, one she returns shyly. "Not everyone is happy to see him after what he did."
"Ah…" She'd worried about that when she first heard of Naruto-kun's promise to Sakura; seeing it through would only be the start of his problems.
"I don't blame them really. Especially those who almost died trying to rescue him the first time. Was Kiba happy?"
"I am not sure." And that's an honest reply. Kiba himself seems to have conflicting emotions. On one hand Sasuke used to be a comrade while on the other he betrayed the pack. "It's complicated, I think."
"I understand that. But enough about Sasuke. Anything new in your life Hinata?"
"Well, Kurenai-sensei is getting married soon. To Asuma-sensei." She offers to a raised eyebrow.
"Really? That's good news. Will it be before she's due?"
"Yes. She wants little Mirai born in wedlock." Her sensei was fixed on that in particular; wanted her daughter to be raised in the type of household she'd never had.
"Mirai Sarutobi huh?"
"You ah, don't like it?"
"No no. Not that, just getting a feel for the name. It's… unique. Was that name planned from the beginning?"
It surprises her how easy it is to make small talk with Naruto-kun. She sees it as a sign of progress. She'd had no idea where he was leading her but when they finally stop and he gestures outward, she recognizes the setting quick enough. Despite the lack of snow and bullies to mock the appearance of her eyes, she would never forget this street. The site of one of their earliest encounters. Where it all started.
"I'm glad to see you remember this." His voice takes her attention. While she'd been reminiscing, he'd moved to stand in a specific spot. The area where he'd fallen after taking a shot to the face. While defending her she remembers. "I never forgot either. Although, I admit, it took me a long time to recognize the significance of that day. Of what it meant to you."
"I- ah, it's…" And there goes her composure. It's honestly what she'd been expecting from the start; Naruto-kun always did have a way of overwhelming her. The turn this talk was taking did not help.
"You ever think about that day and just wonder what could have been Hinata? Like if we'd actually became friends over the shared experience?" His voice is so soft but she hears him all the same. Hearing one of her fondest dreams spoken out loud gives her the courage to speak clearly.
"I do, Naruto-kun…" A lot doesn't even begin to explain it. So many times she's fantasized about growing up with him as a close friend and then later life partner. So much would have changed if she'd had him beside her.
"I do too. Especially recently." Her mind goes abuzz wondering what could have happened recently and pretty quickly comes to a conclusion. He knows! "You're an amazing person Hinata. One of the kindest people I know." The compliments, which would have been quite pleasant in another context, take on a negative connotation here. She almost wanted to cover her ears to not hear the rest but her arms wouldn't move from her side. "So although I can't readily return your feelings, I'd like to try. If you're willing, I was thinking we could start off as friends."
Before her heart can break into a thousand pieces, she takes in what exactly Naruto-kun was saying. She didn't necessarily have prior experience but that was not like any rejection she'd heard before. She was sure that's where he was heading when he first started but the ending there. Was he saying…
"It's not the most romantic of ideas but, I don't know, it could work." Naruto-kun shrugs and for the first time she realizes that this isn't easy for him either. "I'm aware enough to admit I don't know you all that well Hinata and I'd even go as for as to say you don't know me either. The Naruto that you developed feelings for is long gone and I don't know if you'd like the new one the same."
That… was possible. She very much doubts it but it could happen. But that's not what's important right now; she's much more interested in this idea and what it means. Friends who are trying to get to know each other, it sounds much like dating but he didn't put it that way. She's happy he's not saying no but she's confused all the same. "Why not- why this way?"
"You're not any random girl Hinata. You were always kind to me and I want to return the favor. I want to do this the right way and I don't trust myself to not take advantage of your feelings for me if we started dating like this." That sends her reeling momentarily. He notices. "Imagine we were dating Hinata, imagine I wanted to change the dynamics of our relationship. Would you allow me to? And would it be because you wanted it or because you didn't want to disappoint me? Would you hold me accountable to being the best partner for you that I could be? I could go on but the gist of this is that I don't want to put you into a situation like that. I don't want to be that toxic partner."
In the privacy of her thoughts Hinata admits Naruto-kun makes a good point. She knows she's not the most assertive of girls and she also knows if she doesn't already love him then she's close. If keeping him satisfied by her side was within her power to grant then she'd do it in a heartbeat. And she might not even be conscious of the fact. She of course trusts him and believes he would never do anything to hurt her, as this talk is proving, but she understands he might have reservations.
"And this would help prevent that?" She finally asks and he smiles.
"Yes. And I mean it when I say friends. Not just two people who see each other every now and then and are friendly. I want to get to know the real you while you do the same with me. In time we could have mutual feelings for each other, well either that or come to our senses perhaps."
"I'd like that as well, Naruto-kun." It certainly sounds pleasant. Spending time with him was already something she wanted so for now she's content.
As the name suggests, rain is plentiful in her village. It falls in a seemingly endless downpour and dictates almost every aspect of life within Ame. Simply another reason amongst dozens as to why it's shinobi are known to be very short tempered.
Regardless, the weather outside plays no part regarding the heavy atmosphere within the building known as God's Tower.
"Still no word." The blue-haired kunoichi comments to her long-time friend and now leader as she helps him get comfortable. Only someone who knows her well would be able to discern any emotion from her stoic statement. Her companion is likely the only such person.
"That is concerning. For what reason would they be absent for so long?" Nagato wonders aloud in his raspy voice. Konan stays silent as she has no answers herself.
The man they know as Madara can be distant at times, off focusing on his own projects kept a secret even from her and Nagato. Despite that, he makes use of his ability to come and go as he pleases to relay information and assign certain tasks. So short spans of time without hearing from him aren't overly unusual. What makes this case unique is the uncertainty they are currently facing.
Deidara and Sasori. Hidan and Kakuzu. Both teams eliminated during official Akatsuki business. The first handling the extraction of the one-tails and the second pursuing the location for the nine-tails.
Kisame and Itachi. Presumed dead or incapacitated after taking on a personal objective for the Uchiha.
Madara, or 'Tobi' after taking on an active role, and Zetsu. Missing and possibly incapacitated following last communication almost two weeks previously. It's possible Madara took interest in Itachi's objective meaning they might have shared the same fate.
From a group ten strong, the only remaining members are her and Nagato which places them at a disadvantage. Madara was a contributing member of their organization, loath as she is to admit it. He helped guide the Akatsuki to its current goal and often possessed intel that was hard to come by. The same went for Zetsu who reported directly to the Uchiha and functioned as their eyes and ears around the Elemental Nations. Without those two, they found themselves suddenly in the dark regarding important information.
Indeed, despite believing their lives would be better without the masked individual's presence, she admits that now is not an optimal time for said desire to have become reality.
"How will we proceed?" She asks instead and watches as he ponders the question. Like her, Nagato isn't overly fond of Madara so she is curious as to what he will decide on now with the assumption that the man may very well be dead. Would he diligently continue on their current path or would he forge his own. Either way she would follow. Their friendship demanded no less.
"We've come this close." He finally speaks up. She quietly nods at the statement. "After all we've lost and overcame to reach this point, to regress would be an absolute betrayal of everything we stand for. We give him and Zetsu another two weeks to resurface and after that we continue with the eight tails. The nine tails will be left for last."
"Will we look to gather more allies? Should they not return?"
"No. You and I will suffice." He looks at her then, his legendary eyes blazing with power and confidence in stark distinction from his emaciated form lying on the bed. "After all, we are accustomed to shouldering our burdens alone, aren't we?"
The sad truth of this world.
He falls asleep soon after that. His physical body recuperating after the strain of capturing the six-tails and extracting it. The process took a much heavier toll with only the two of them to guide it and even then, Nagato shielded her from the brunt of it.
As she makes her way around the tower, she reflects on the people who'd entered and left her life. Some were inconsequential while others left their mark on her very soul. Yahiko… Sensei…
Would they understand?
This is the second to last chapter, next week is the conclusion of God of Shinobi.
- In Serial81 Chapters
My name is Haru Tashikawa. I lost my parents when I was a child. I don't remember them much, but I was told that they were real superheroes who possessed superpowers. After my parents' death, I was raised by my uncle and he was everything to me. He was the one who taught me all about life.BUT THEY TOOK HIM AWAY AND NOW I'M GONNA HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Edit: Be warned since this is the first story I ever finish, the grammar is atrocious. COVER WAS DONE BY CLARK-C2 DeviantArt Page There is minimum Profanity in this novel but I'm still gonna tag it.
8 221 - In Serial9 Chapters
Trial of Champions
It all began with a family trip to an amusement park. How were any of us to expect being transported from Earth to participate in some "Trial of Champions," whatever that was supposed to be? Given only an hour to choose the Classes that would come to define our strengths, we were almost immediately torn away from one another and thrust into a deadly game of survival. It wasn't all bad, though, as terrifying as it could be from time to time. The supernatural and magical powers of the Classes were like something out of an RPG, complete with leveling up by killing monsters and completing so-called "Sub-Trials." And despite the juicy Experience to be gained from killing other Champion Contestants, not all of the participants were bloodthirsty murderers; some could be allied with, or even befriended. Even if it seemed like everyone who had been chosen for this Trial, no matter what universe they came from, was at least a little bit crazy. I would survive this till the end, and I'd make sure that my siblings and parents did as well, no matter how many times we were separated from one another. No matter how long it took. No matter what I had to do. --- A first-person litRPG incorporating classes inspired by D&D and other sources. If you like blue boxes but don't need to have huge lists of numbers to scratch your itch, you should be satisfied on that front. Each chapter is, in my word processing document, seven pages long (approximately 3300-3900 words). The Traumatizing Content warning is there because of discussions of certain topics. Nothing that I think deserves the warning actually happens in the story.
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Top 25
In a world 3,000 years in the future where the world is 99.9% female. There are 3 males on Earth currently and it's been like this for 1000 years, a popular sport in this future is fighting and 30% of the population has supernatural abilities and only a small percentage of these people can fight in the pro leagues. One boy named Yukki is determined to become the strongest fighter he possibly can be but he has to attend a fighting academy to train his body and mind, something says he might have a lot of potential. Who will he meet along the way? Who will push his limits.
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The greatest invention of the top scientists of the planet lucadium called "GOOGLES OF EVOLUTION" was sent to earth after the tragedy which occurred on them.
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lovely|| t.holland
octavia stan thinks she's had her heartbroken to many times to ever find the right guy. being the sister of sebastian stan isn't all that it's cut out to be. *lowercase intended*••started:august 3rd, 2018ended: june 12th, 2019
8 84 - In Serial33 Chapters
How can someone make another person believe in love again?*An #OhmFluke AU***Disclaimer: This is an OhmFluke fan fiction. You would read names of the people close to Ohm and Fluke. However other names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.Started: 03/27/2022Finished: 06/27/2022
8 115