《God of Shinobi - A Naruto SI》The Shinobi Life
The Shinobi Life
Left swipe.
Left swipe.
Waste of time, next.
Left swipe.
Oh, this one looks important. It was a lengthy document; it had drawn my eye from its position in the stack and gotten me curious about what it could be. Not many would choose to create something this time consuming without first gauging interest. But I see why they might feel confident in gaining approval.
On the front was a familiar symbol and a title. Following was an overview and beneath that were signatures from the headmaster of the academy along with various instructors; Iruka's name being the second on the list. Color me intrigued. Putting my time as a student to good use, I quickly skimmed all the pages and then gently placed it down.
Things really are changing, huh? And it wasn't even due to anything I did this time.
I looked at the proposal submitted to the hokage's desk again. It seemed Iruka and his teacher friends wanted to make the academy curriculum more wholesome; introduce students to various ninja arts before graduation and even work on chakra control techniques up to tree walking. I could definitely see the benefits of a move like this, but it would also require more effort to be put in by the instructors and students. Easily worth it if the goal is to have quality genin enter the force each year.
Of course that was the positive way of looking at it. My world would have seen it differently: more efficient child soldiers. Built different or not, most genin still started their careers around age twelve. It's simply how things are done, but at least now they might have slightly better odds in the field.
Did this also happen in the original timeline? Perhaps in the background.
Picking up the document, I placed it in the pile on the right which consisted of one other proposal from the Seals and Barrier department. A department I was starting to grow familiar with.
Looking to the left, the pile of documents that I found to be of little importance was at least four centimeters high. And the pile still unsorted? Twice as tall.
She called it preparation for one day running this office, but both of us know what she meant; she hadn't been too thrilled when I brought back news of engaging Orochimaru and Kabuto alone and this was the punishment. Helping her get through all her paperwork by prioritizing the documents that weren't classified into a pile that should be attended to soon and another for the 'useless' ones. After the third day of doing this, I could say that the number of requests and forms of various types sent to the hokage was honestly absurd. Yes, she was the head of the village and had final say, but some of these things had no need to come this far up the chain of command.
Reaching for the next document, I was very aware of the time barely moving.
"And that's that. Just in time for lunch." Raising her arms above her head and yawning, several cracks could be heard as her spine adjusted. "Oi, Shizune. Brat. What do you want to eat? I'm in the mood for some chicken breasts."
"That sounds fine my lady. Naruto-kun?" I grunted in assent from my position slumped over the little workstation they had arranged for me to the side of Tsunade's desk. "Chicken breasts it is. Perhaps with cooked brown rice on the side?"
"Of course. Cat!" A figure dropped from the ceiling and took a knee, "Get my regular and two of Shizune's from the Akimichi's place. You know the one."
"Switch the sake with water please." Shizune added.
"Again with that? Whatever, no sake Cat." With a crisp 'hai' the anbu left the room. "You know, a little bit of alcohol here and there won't affect my duties. Their serving size wouldn't even get me tipsy." She grumbled.
"It's the principal behind the act Lady Tsunade. And besides, what kind of example would that be setting for Naruto-kun here?" I looked up at the two of them.
"What not to do as the hokage?" She shrugged her shoulders.
"Way ahead of you." A small laugh left my lips, "Rule number one, don't become the hokage while young. Rule number two: don't become responsible for the paperwork. At least not personally."
"I don't think it works like that Naruto-kun, but if there's one person who could manage to get around the paperwork, it would be you."
"I am pretty amazing, huh?" I preened while she laughed. "But I'm sure Tsunade here could actually use a clone to take some of the stress off." I pointed out
"Of course I could," She snorted, "But to maintain it for any useful period of time would require me to activate my seal. Going that far for something so trivial is just idiotic."
"And Shizune also wouldn't allow it." I smirked, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.
"No she wouldn't," Tsunade sighs and sends her apprentice a side glance, "Personally, I think this is her revenge for all the years she had to put up with my antics. With the drinking and what not."
"Lady Tsunade! I would never do such a thing. Using that stockpiled chakra on a little paperwork is just a bad idea. You never know when you might need it so better safe than sorry." Is it me, or does that bright smile feel a little too bright? Guess playing nanny to a grown woman can get to even the nicest of people.
"To treat your poor sensei this way, after all I did for you. I'm heartbroken Shizune, absolutely devastated." A hand was placed onto her oversized chest while she shed crocodile tears. "Good thing Sakura would never betray me like that."
"I'm only looking out for your best interest, my lady." Shizune doubled down.
"Obviously not, otherwise you wouldn't have denied me my sake. It's the only thing that keeps me going when faced with these physical constructs of misery. What I wouldn't give to learn how sensei managed for so long with this hat…"
"It was probably whatever he was smoking in that pipe of his." I offered to their amusement. That had been a theory of mine while watching the anime; Hiruzen resorting to reading smut and getting high as self-care. Hilarious.
"He always did like that pipe." Tsunade remembered with fondness in her voice, "He first picked up the habit after grandfather and granduncle died. After that, I don't think a day went by where the damned thing wasn't on him. Used to drive me insane."
"Yeah, it was present till the very end." I agreed. Did that thing survive the fight against Orochimaru? Seems like the oddest things last the longest.
"So, Naruto-kun, any of those documents going straight to Tsunade-sama?" Silently thanking Shizune for breaking the atmosphere before it could set, I reached for one of the piles to hand to her.
"Yeah, luckily for her there are only six of them. The rest can either be sent to different departments or placed at the bottom of her stack." Taking them an running an eye over the forms, she hummed in though as one caught her attention.
"Iruka-sensei is certainly living up to his promise." She noted.
"The academy sent in another request? Let me see that." While she read through the twenty-two-page proposal, I sent an inquisitive look at Shizune. Tsunade had said 'another' hadn't she?
"Shortly after you left, Iruka-sensei came to us and voiced his desire to revamp the academy and what it taught its students. Getting his fellow sensei along with the headmaster together, the first request was sent in about two years ago. It was designed to be the foundation that later changes would be built upon." Shizune explained.
"What did that one do?"
"Created mandatory psychological evaluations for students before joining the academy and then at the end of each year." She smiled at my expression. "I know. Those evaluations were normally reserved for anbu or those in positions of leadership so to ask children to take them was quite the maneuver on their part."
"Yeah, I can't imagine it was easy to pass. What is that information used for?" I had a few ideas myself.
"On the surface level? To instill the right mindset. I'm sure you can see it for yourself looking back Naruto-kun, but very few genin graduate from the academy both knowing and understanding what the Leaf headband represents. Rather than expect the jonin instructors or negative experiences to show them how dangerous the ninja career is, the academy will now work to ensure that each student has the correct mentality going forward. Those who feel that path is not for them can decide that early and quit before coming to that realization after something that happens in the field."
"You seem passionate about this topic, Shizune." It wasn't too obvious, but the signs were there. The narrowed eyes, slightly higher volume and cadence, and even her posture.
"I just prefer to not receive more patients who were crippled or disfigured before getting over their misconceptions." She defended herself. Watching her force the tension out of her body, I couldn't prevent the small smile on my lips. Tsunade did well to keep this kind soul close to her.
"Nothing wrong with a little passion." She coughed and broke eye contact. "It might lead to lower retention rates, but I agree with you. Doing evaluations could certainly be useful. Those kids deserve to know what they are signing up for."
How would events have transpired if Naruto had known what it would take to become the hokage? To really understand what a shinobi was and what they did and then to realize that the kage was expected to be capable in all those fields?
Even his hero, the Fourth Hokage, only got the position after slaughtering a whole platoon of Iwa troops and winning a war for Konoha. Naruto had been able to gloss over that fact but what if he had been required to acknowledge it? Would his desire to be acknowledged and loved himself be enough motivation to continue on the shinobi route?
And if it hadn't, would his status as a jinchuriki have allowed him to choose a different path?
That right there, would have made for an interesting story.
Stepping past the threshold, I shut the door behind me.
My footwear was quickly removed and placed beside the pair of geta sandals. Next to come off was the cloak which went onto a hook like the others. With those social niceties observed, I walked into the kitchen and came out a minute later with a bottle and two platters. Filling them up to different levels, I placed the heavier platter along with the bottle on one end of the table and then took my place at the other.
I took a few small sips while my guest slowly drained his. Drinking had never been and still wasn't my thing, but I could put up with small quantities every now and then. It also wouldn't be proper to offer him a drink while not touching mine. Someone who didn't know me might suspect poison or something.
For a moment the only sound in the room was that of sake being consumed and the clacking of objects being moved around.
"He wasn't always that way." Jiraiya finally sighed. "There was a time when I was proud to call him my teammate."
I sat up straight and pushed my platter away. "Of course. The legendary sannin. One of Konoha's greatest three-men cells. After the kages, you three had the biggest sections in our history books."
"It was that same greatness that tore us apart." He replied bitterly. "We were the most capable. Whenever something important needed to be done they would send us. Always in the very thick of things. So much violence. Death. Despair. One couldn't go through it all and come out the same. It changed each of us."
"And Orochimaru was changed the most?" My head tilted.
"Many would think that, but in all honesty, I believe it only intensified his inner fears. You need only go on so many missions, kill so many people, see so many comrades die, before you start becoming numb to it and wonder when your time will run out."
"And hence, his quest to become immortal and learn every jutsu possible." Almost the same concept as that other snake themed, nose-less villain.
"Unfortunately. He became the monster people will always remember him as." He reached out for the bottle and upended the rest into his container. That thing ran out faster than I was anticipating. "Hn. You know? In a way, I'm happy that you were the one to put a stop to his crimes."
He took a long pull. "Fond memories?"
"Long past and outweighed by the horrors I've seen caused by him, but yes. We had the others' back so often, Tsunade's as well, that I would have found myself conflicted over doing it. Would've done it, as was my duty, but afterwards? I can only imagine." Bringing up the platter a final time, the one bottle of sake I kept in the apartment was done away with. "For a long time he was out in the world, doing evil deeds for the sake of curiosity. I would be plagued at night knowing that he was always out of my reach. That every day I didn't catch him, someone else was paying the price. I owed it to the hundreds of innocents to do something, but I always fell short. Now however, since it was a pupil of mine who carried out the act, I'd like to think I played a part in finally ridding the world of him. And knowing you, his end was quick. More than many others would have given him. More than he likely deserved."
The last part came in a whisper, but I heard it all the same. That was an opinion that most people would have agreed with.
"Well, I wasn't really doing it for you but I'm happy to have taken a weight off your shoulders. And I can't really say I regret killing him but I'm sorry you had to lose a friend. No matter how long ago it really happened." I shrugged, "Actually, I appreciate you not blowing up on me. What I did might seem reckless, one might say I should have retreated, but I had it well in hand. Just want to point that out in case you think a reprimanding is due."
Jiraiya let out a little chuckle and shook his head. "That's just her way of showing she cares. With the few precious people she has left, you can't really blame her for being upset at what she sees as reckless behavior. If you didn't keep making excuses and just show her what you can do..."
"I know." And I really did; poor woman lost her family, lover, and basically her entire clan to violence. Screw that last bit though, I'm not doing a practical demo until scar chin is gone. Sigh, "I'm just complaining to complain. I don't really mind helping in the office that much. And Shizune usually stops by too."
"Ooh? You'd better be careful with her." He said sucking through his teeth, "Tsunade will find a way to hurt you if you make her apprentice sad. Her favorite or not."
"I'm not some bastard." Waving aside his warning. "I'll flirt with her yes, but I would never lead her on or do something stupid like that. This world already treats genuinely kind people poorly, I'd rather not add to it." That didn't mean something happening between us was impossible though. Unlike the other really kind female I knew, Shizune was an adult and therefore not off limits. She only needed to show interest.
And how dare he jump straight to that conclusion? I find the lack of faith disturbing.
"Good. You do not want to be on that side of her. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the closest I've came to death was under that woman's fists."
"Woah, slow down there. I'm not going to let you compare what you did and what you think I'm doing. There's a huge difference. What you did was stupid to the max. How the hell do you fall into the bath with her? What kind of ninja does that?" I asked incredulously.
"That's a question I will forever ask myself. Perhaps some cruel god snapped that branch beneath me for a quick laugh." A lecherous smile crept over his face, "Punishment aside, the sight is permanently etched into my memory. It was worth it."
I couldn't help but shake my head. That was the very definition of the high-risk-low-reward. An idea hit me, "Maybe we could get a Yamanaka to-"
"Never." The rejection was swift to come. Heh. I wouldn't have shared either.
A heavy sigh tore through my fantasy of 106. "I always figured I would be the first to die. Compared to those two I may as well have been a normal ninja. To think, the one who fought it the most was the first to fall; there really must be a cruel god out there. What else would explain this life we live?"
I couldn't fight back a sigh myself. Jiraiya and I were close, maybe it was a different dynamic than what Naruto and he had in canon, but that relationship was there all the same. We were bros. So it wasn't a surprise that we discussed philosophy at times, his goal in life was striving towards peace after all. I didn't mind since I appreciated intellectual conversation like anyone else, but it never failed to give me an odd feeling to my stomach. All the talk about violence and suffering and wanting to put an end to it made me uncomfortable because I was a lot less optimistic about a happily ever after than Jiraiya was. Not to say he wasn't somewhat jaded himself, but he didn't know what I knew.
In short, that there was a sequel to this story. The less said about the possible origin of this story the better.
Even if we get through this next year or so and all my plans work out perfectly, there were still threats lurking about. And I suspect that there always would be. That was the nature of this setting. One conflict after another leading to generation after generation either dealing with it or passing down the burden.
I think it's safe to say very few people received happy endings.
Speaking of tragedies, it did bring to mind a subject that I'm sure was already circulating in Jiraiya's head. I hadn't wanted to mention it just yet but better now than creating another somber mood later.
"There were several documents he had lying around, did Tsunade tell you about them?" I asked.
"Part of the reason she called me back. Very…illuminating information." A muscle in his jaw flexed subtly. Okay, that was definitely a hot topic. "I told sensei not to trust him. A man like that could never keep his hands clean."
"He'll get his. But that's not what I was talking about... This 'leader' Orochimaru feared. Possessing the same eyes as the Sage? That trait isn't very common is it?"
"Oh. That." Jiraiya seemed to age before my eyes. "No. there's only one person who fit that description. He was a redhead, however. Unlike this Pain figure."
"Red or orange. Doesn't really matter. It's the eyes that are important here. Your old student could potentially be alive out there. Alive and capturing jinchuriki for some reason."
"I know Naruto. Trust me, I know. One headache removed and another comes up almost immediately." Yeah, may you have interesting times is what the Chinese used to curse people with. "All the more reason to find out what is happening in Ame."
I knew he would say that. "He's not an ordinary shinobi, Jiraiya. Leader of a group of S-ranks. Rogue S-ranks."
"Well neither am I. Might not be leading notorious rogue ninja but like you said, legendary sannin. And that's without the aid of Senjutsu."
"There might be more than one Akatsuki member hanging around there."
"Okay, enough of this. You don't have to prod me, Naruto." He laughed, "I would have suggested you come with me anyways. There is no one else I would want at my back for this. But you realize that we can't just bull our way in for this? Ame has been sealed tight to outsiders for a long time now so we'll need a plan. And permission naturally. One international escapade might be forgiven, two is asking for repercussions."
If only they knew the Orochimaru encounter was premediated.
"Cool, I would have just followed you anyways. I already put some thought into how we can infiltrate."
"Of course you have."
There was a tension in the room.
She didn't allow it to affect her outside appearance. Sitting behind her large desk, her shoulders were relaxed, elbows on the flat surface, and fingers steepled in front of her mouth. Her customary resting position.
It wouldn't do to appear anything less than calm in front of her soldiers. Another lesson imparted upon her by her late sensei.
Her eyes quickly panned the occupants in the office, analyzing their posture and facial expressions for minute tells. Her last teammate and his apprentice stood at ease before her while closer to the door waited Ibiki Morino and Inoichi Yamanaka. The last two were in the dark as to why she had summoned them which added to the current atmosphere. They would understand soon enough.
"He's approaching the red zone. Two signatures branched off. Stationed at the front entrance." Jiraiya reported, yellow eyes narrowed. The Yamanaka clan head twitched faintly as his own sensor abilities picked up on who the subject was. The only sign that Morino noticed was a quick look from the corner of his eyes. "Count is three. Other persons of interest make five."
The room was silent as her gaze moved onto the youngest blonde. A moment later and he nodded. Even before that Jiraiya had already started moving, flickering out the window and heading west. The two anbu squads that had been waiting on the roof followed.
Moving calmly, Tsunade Senju, Fifth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf, stood and made for the door. Her cousin of sorts fell into step behind her in the position her first apprentice would have occupied were she a part of this assignment. A head gesture had the two interrogation department members following as well.
In that loose formation she led the way to the designated 'red zone'. The small room reserved for meetings between her and her esteemed advisors; pushy old fools that they were. Actual purpose aside, it served well for a detainment having all of the protections that her office did except for the constant anbu guard detail. As such, when the door was pushed open and then shut behind the party of four, she was certain no one outside would be any wiser as to what had transpired in the room. Of the justice that was to be rendered.
It was as if a wind release technique had gone off in the room. The furniture consisting of a low table and four seats were lying in disarray. In the two furthest corners stood clones of the young blonde with each restraining an elder with a kunai pinned against their throats. As expected, Koharu and Homura were not happy but they could hardly resist. Not when their abilities as shinobi had deteriorated after many years in retirement.
As with everyone present, the elders were focused on the center of the room where the unofficial third advisor was positioned.
Prone on his stomach, her eyes jumped to the kunai planted through the bandages and likely into his right eye socket and then to the cauterized stump of his right arm. She hoped the pain was excruciating. Another clone stood over the scheming elder with its sandaled foot pressing the side of his face into the ground. In its hand it held what had captivated everyone: a pasty white arm with several sharingan eyes embedded into it. It was partially covered with bandages and metal clasps but enough had been undone to suggest what his beneath.
Ignoring the reactions of the rest, her eyes narrowed minutely upon seeing a contorted face on the shoulder of the arm.
'-As expected, Hashirama's cells are quite potent. Bonding to the host body without issue yet leaving a mark of its own. A relatively minor issue. The arm is functional and will sustain the various samples. Personal side note: I do wonder how he plans to get their full benefit bereft of an optical nerve as they are. Very curious, but that is not my concern.'
If he wasn't already dead, she would have done her best to make it his concern. As it was, one culprit was better than none.
"Treason. Bloodline theft. Sedition. I could go on, but that will do for now." Her words rang in the small room, reflecting none of the emotions she felt inside. The burning rage, disgust, and perhaps a sliver of satisfaction. None could argue her decision regarding this… thing anymore. Not without incurring reproach upon their person. Over the heavy breathing of the cripple and the stench of burning flesh, the fifth hokage laid down the verdict. "Danzo Shimura, you stand guilty of the highest order. You are to be detained and questioned. But make no mistake, in due time, you will be executed. Yamanaka. Morino. Take him away."
"At once, Lady Hokage!" Inoichi saluted. The look in Ibiki's eyes gave credence to why many feared being placed in his care.
Stepping aside, she watched as the two men went to move the old war hawk. He truly made for a sorry sight with his blood-stained bandages and clothes. Another look at the artificial limb and all feelings of sympathy were washed away.
"Tsunade, we deserved-"
She silenced Koharu with a spike of intent. "Don't think you two are above suspicion. Your fate will be decided in part from what I get out of Danzo. For now, go to your homes and stay there."
They wisely didn't protest further.
The next day found Tsunade sitting in her office. Not that there was anything noteworthy about her location. She was certain that by the time Naruto took the damn hat from her there would be a permanent indentation of her rear in the chair. Who would have thought being a kage would be so unsatisfying.
Oh, that's right. She had. Annoying blonde and his persuasive ways. Multi-shadow clone jutsu wasn't the only kinjutsu in his arsenal.
But she would readily admit the little brat had come a long way. Kushina's blood and the whisker marks added some ambiguity, but she likely wasn't the only one to see a young Minato in him. Especially when he was in a serious mood like right now. She cast a glance at Jiraiya and caught him also watching Naruto pace back and forth with a complicated expression. She could only imagine what thoughts his current student brought to his mind. Probably those about his first two.
"I'm starting to realize how deep 'look underneath the underneath' actually goes." Naruto stopped for a moment and then continued trying to put a groove into the floor. "I know you said the old man didn't know but he should at least have had suspicions. Enough to investigate Danzo."
"Agreed. But do remember that we don't have anything from sensei's perspective. Unless he left notes behind, all he knew or didn't know about his old friend went to the grave with him." Personally, she didn't think Sarutobi would have found anything. He'd had a habit of seeing the best in those dear to him to an unnatural degree; even she had gotten away with a number of things due to their closeness.
As if thinking along the same line Jiraiya snorted. "We all know what sensei placed above all. His 'king'. Between wiping out a clan or letting the village fall into turmoil, he would prioritize the village above the clan. Perhaps he wouldn't have a kid do the deed like Danzo arranged but the Uchiha would have been subdued in the end."
"But that only happened because Danzo interfered. It still sounds crazy to me, but Shisui could have ended everything peacefully." Naruto shot back. "The village would have been safe and the Uchiha pacified. For a man who thinks shinobi shouldn't be led by their emotions, he's a really petty person."
"He's a hypocrite for sure. However, I think greed is what really drove him. Why let someone else possess such a powerful technique when it could be taken and used in his claim to the hokage title? Before that temptation, a few hundred lives were of no consequence. He likely saw it as a bonus since it was the Uchiha."
A powerful technique seemed like an understatement regarding Shisui's sharingan ability. Able to manipulate the mind and suggest commands with a single look or completely subvert one's personality with prolonged exposure. That was what Danzo had been capable of with the eye in his head, but she believed the technique could likely do more. Shisui would not have been able to prevent the revolt the Uchiha were committed to if he had to maintain prolonged eye contact with each person of influence. No, either having the complete set made it more powerful or Shisui had better compatibility with the technique seeing as it was his.
It hadn't been easy getting the information out of the cripple. His paranoia had led to the accumulation of several methods to make a walk through his mind difficult. Not impossible, just difficult. With some helpful seals and Ibiki's aid on the physical front, Inoichi had shed some light onto the shinobi of darkness and his exploits. Truly despicable deeds that made her grateful he had never unlocked the full potential of Shisui's eye.
She sighed as she listened to the sensei-pupil pair converse. Danzo was locked away and would soon be executed but that was not the end of this chapter. Far from it.
When she had first combed through the documents Naruto recovered during his illicit trip, it hadn't taken long to put together the crumbs scattered across numerous texts to realize Orochimaru had a backer inside the village. One in a high position. Subtle investigations and queries later and the suspect had been narrowed down to Danzo. Naruto, when he'd heard, had advocated for a discreet assassination. She'd vetoed that option and instead worked up a plan where the blonde would capture him and Jiraiya would take a team and capture his Root forces.
The two sages carried out their tasks flawlessly and now she had to deal with the fallout from the secrets uncovered and those whom Danzo used that technique on. It would be for the best to also find out what he programmed them to do. Something that would undoubtably require time and effort on top of her current duties.
She really needed a drink right about now. She could postpone further talk on this subject and drag Naruto and Jiraiya to a bar. Her teammate would cover the tab of course…
An urgent knocking at the door grabbed the attention of those in the office. A quick second and the extra privacy seals were taken down while a kunoichi was permitted entrance. Her attire labeled her as an agent from the new messenger division.
"Urgent news, lady hokage!" She saluted. Tsunade gave her a sign to continue. "A patrol squad ran into a monk from the Temple of Fire. They are on the way back now but Chiriku and everyone else are reported dead. The monk described the killers as two men wearing black cloaks with red clouds!"
Of course. Rotten luck as always.
New plan. Assemble and deploy the Akatsuki task force and then get that drink.
Not much happened in this short chapter. Just unpacking what happened behind the scenes and laying the groundwork for future chapters.
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8 329 - In Serial197 Chapters
Shards of Old
Who would’ve thought that a disaster would shape the world for better? That’s what some people thought about the not-so-recent events that brought magic to our world once more. Too bad I did not have much time to appreciate it. Thanks to my stupidity and arrogance, I lost my friends, my job, and more importantly, brought yet another calamity onto the world. A story of one of the remnants of decimated civilization, tossed to some unfamiliar place, trying to understand the aftermath of his decisions.
8 257