《Of Myth and Legend (Realistic Pokemon AU in OC Region)》A Battle with Many Faces


The Boulder P.O.V.

As The Boulder watched Tobias Blackwell flee from The Boulder’s Gym, The Boulder felt a sharp sting of regret. Truly, The Boulder had been attempting for memorize the occasion into his memory. The Boulder remembers The Boulder's own first victory all too well, but not for any good reason. Rather, The Boulder remembers it because of the silence and booing.

The Boulder knows that people root for the Home Team. That nobody likes to see their Gym Leader lose. And The Boulder, just starting out, had yet to master The Art of Hype. Instead of The Glory that The Boulder is today, The Boulder was more like The Nightmare that challenged The Boulder a month ago. Still so young and trying to find a place, a niche, something that’s yours.

Still, The Boulder knew The Boulder had to keep things moving. The League wanted a big public match. They wanted everyone to see Tobias Blackwell's failure. It was something else that reminded The Boulder quite uncomfortably of The Boulder’s own first Gym battle. Still, The Boulder could see the reason behind this, and even agreed with it to an extent. The Boulder knew the dangers of Pokémon from The Boulder's Friend Dave. That was just a Morgrem. This was a Hydreigon. Still, the Boulder would do no more than gather The Glorious People of Palm Pastures to watch. The Boulder tries all Challengers equally.

‘Not everyone stood again Tobias Blackwell.’ True enough, there seemed to be four people who stood by Tobias Blackwell’s side. The first was Tobias Blackwell's sister, although many would dismiss Hinata Blackwell as unimportant. The Boulder would never make that mistake. The Boulder knew that despite the cheering of The Glorious Crowd, carefully orchestrated by The Art of Hype, The Glorious Crowd could just as easily turn. No, it was The Great Ones who stood in one's corner in one's Darkest Hour that often mattered the most.

The second was Professor Cherry who was, of course, a Brilliant Scientist. Though Professor Cherry had the Bad Habit to gamble, Tobias Blackwell being Professor Cherry’s most recent one. Still, to say Professor Cherry was a Good Gambler was also putting it lightly. Regardless how crazy or irresponsible the idea, Professor Cherry never seemed to fail. Once again, The Boulder was reminded of the origins of Gurinian Guardevoir and Hisuian Zoroark. The only reason The Boulder had yet to call for Professor Cherry's resignation was Friend Wayne. Something The Boulder regrets as had The Boulder knew just how far Professor Cherry would go, The Boulder would have spoken up earlier.

Still though, even this time, Friend Wayne was against Professor Cherry! That never happened, or at least, not to The Boulder’s knowledge. It was almost like The Boulder…The Boulder not calling The Boulder, The Boulder! Truly, these were troubling times The Boulder lived in. Though that wasn't to say Friend Wayne wasn't supporting Tobias Blackwell, even if it wasn't because Friend Wayne believed in Tobias Blackwell. Rather, Friend Wayne cares deeply for Professor Cherry and doesn't want to see Professor Cherry suffer for this.

“Everyone! The Boulder thanks The Glorious People of Palm Pastures for coming! The Boulder hopes The Glorious People of Palm Pastures enjoyed this Awesome Battle between The Boulder and Gurin’s Newest Protector, Tobias Blackwell!” As the gathered The Glorious People of Palm Pastures cheered, The Boulder did not get the usual joy The Boulder felt when Basking in such a crowd. It likely had to do with how The Boulder was certain Tobias Blackwell would remember Tobias Blackwell's first win, and not for the reasons The Boulder wanted.


The Boulder had tried too hard there in The Boulder’s attempt to generate Hype. Or rather, The Boulder failed to notice the Larvesta’s timid nature. Tobias Blackwell was meant to Bask in The Glorious Hype. Things did not go according to plan though. Mistakes were quite sadly made.

Eventually, of course, The Glorious People of Palm Pastures left, thoroughly pleased by The Boulder and Tobias Blackwell’s Awesome Battle. While The Awesome Battle wasn’t one that got The Boulder’s Heart pumping for the normal reasons, it was still nice. The Swine will be very pleased to hear of the progress of how The Swine's latest child was doing. For The Boulder, it was just nice to see such children giving their best, even if they might not succeed.

Still, as The Boulder was left alone in The Boulder’s The Palm Pastures Gym once more, The Ground made The Ground's presence known. While the air becoming sandy and rather heavy may scare many, for The Boulder, it’s always been a comfort. Especially in those early days when it was just The Ground and The Boulder.

“Pal…” Most people thought The Palm Pastures Gym was controlled by a single Pokémon. They were right, if only technically. But it would be more accurate to say The Palm Pastures Gym itself was a Pokémon.

“The Boulder thanks Best Friend The Ground.” In response, the coarse sand merely rubbed against The Boulder’s body and the floors clung slightly to The Boulder’s shoes.

Again, many would be scared or put off by The Ground’s Sign of Friendship, but The Boulder often thought such people hypocrites. Every Pokémon had its quirks and if you enjoyed your Pokémon’s quirks, you had no room to judge the quirks of others. It might have been an unusual approach to things, but The Boulder liked to think it’s what enabled The Boulder to have so many Friends. Certainly, Friend Cassidy suffered this greatly.

‘Though perhaps that also has to do with how Friend Cassidy has leaned rather hard into the Horrible Rumors that have sprouted against Friend Cassidy.’ It was something that had greatly disappointed The Boulder when The Boulder heard of it, but one The Boulder made peace with. The Boulder was merely grateful Friend Cassidy dropped the act when The Boulder was around. It touched The Boulder greatly that Friend Cassidy held The Boulder in such high regards.

“The League will not be happy with The Boulder, The Ground.” At that, The Ground started give out a distasteful rumble. The Ground had never particularly liked The League all that much. Still, The Ground understood that The League was a needed thing and even appreciated some of the people inside it like Friend Rachel. One of the few Friends The Boulder has that Truly appreciates The Ground.

Still, The League wanted The Boulder to win-no. The League wanted The Boulder to crush Tobias Blackwell much like The Boulder crushed The Nightmare. A 2-0 victory in favor of The Boulder. The Boulder was not lying when The Boulder said many wished for Tobias Blackwell to fail, though perhaps it was a bit disingenuous. After all, everyone but four people is still “many”, but perhaps not encapsulating the scale very fairly. Something, The Boulder only wished to impress The Gravity of the matter onto Tobias Blackwell, not terrify.

'Perhaps that is what drove The Boulder to talk to Tobias Blackwell?' The Boulder had not been honest when The Boulder said The Boulder wished The Boulder had met first met Tobias Blackwell on the field. The Boulder knew of the lengths The League would want The Boulder to go to crush Tobias Blackwell. And so The Boulder wished to find Tobias Blackwell and inspire Tobias Blackwell further. Or at all if it seemed Tobias Blackwell needed to be.


Something Tobias Blackwell's appearance in The Boulder’s The Palm Pastures Gym made easy. First, a quick evaluation that The Boulder made sure Tobias Blackwell saw long enough to question. Second, a speech about The Gravity of the matter, though scaled-down as to not paralyze Tobias Blackwell with the weight of it. This allows for The Boulder to Bask in The Silence long enough and turn back to create an air of Disappointment and Dismissal. Tobias Blackwell should make a Youthful Declaration before The Boulder leaves, at which point, The Boulder could give an Amused Look and Mocking Challenge. However, The Amused Look and Mocking Challenge also had to be carefully measured so that Tobias Blackwell would not accept and walk off. At which point, The Boulder could use Mocking Laughter as a Final Measure to spur Tobias Blackwell forward.

Which, judging by the 2-1 victory in favor of Tobias Blackwell, worked as intended. The Boulder is only sad it had to come at the cost of Friendship. But if that’s what it takes for Tobias Blackwell to succeed, then The Boulder would be happy. After all, regardless of the circumstances, The Boulder will always be willing to support new trainers. Even, and perhaps most especially, if The League wanted them to fail.

Professor Cherry P.O.V.

I smiled as I watched the battle. I was curious how Tobias would turn things around after his initial fumble in giving up the advantage with Hector. I figured it would probably either be some variation of “predicting where it would be” or “cage it in”. Still, the uncertainty of which one he’d go for, or if he’d go for an entirely different solution made me sit at the edge of my seat.

I was supposed to be looking into the phenomena created by Wrong Turn Island to see if the results of Gardevoir and Zoroark could be replicated. And if so, think up an experiment as to how. Despite that though, the paper remained only halfway finished as I found myself spellbound by the match so far. Specifically, just how far Tobias was able to take Rose in only a month.

It turned out to be a strange mix of the middle and the latter. Tobias didn’t exactly “cage in” the Swinub, but instead forced it to land on the uneven ground caused by the Earth Power. To be able to use Earth Power that much and with such cleverness…Tobias clearly trained it pretty hard before the match. Same with Dark Pulse given its strength relative to Rose’s age and experience. Granted, it wasn’t very noticeable, but as the Regional Professor, I was a bit quicker on the draw than most people.

Unlike the silence that came across the television after it was announced that Tobias crushed Hector with Rose alone, there was much shouting on my end. Also, a loud crash as the chair I had been sitting in fell over from the force in which I got out of it. Not that I let that deter me from my own cheers and laughter. Especially as I heard his statement to Rose about his victory.

Really, as he went over and started to gently rub Rose’s fur, I couldn’t help but smugly bask in my own genius. The mere fact that anybody could doubt me was somewhat of a mystery-and a frustrating one at that. I mean really, given everything I’ve accomplished and come through on, you’d think they’d have some faith in me. Still, I would take their bluff, if somewhat moodily. It meant I got what I wanted regardless after all.

Almost immediately, I watched it again. This second time, I noted another rather remarkable feat Tobias had managed to achieve: teaching Rose how to sense the world around her. It was easy to miss, and something I did as I got caught up in the match the first time, but Tobias never really gave directions in battle. Rather, he gave the standard dodge command that all newbies would. The difference being that Tobias isn’t some newbie trainer.

‘No, Tobias is far too perceptive for that.’ I had absolutely no doubt Tobias would have realized Rose’s dodging issues. And given that Tobias wouldn’t be so irresponsible as to enter any kind of battle, trainer or otherwise, without first figuring that out, it meant he trained her on it. Which wouldn’t be that bad, only Tobias didn’t go the standard route if simply giving more detailed dogging directions. Instead, he went the much harder route if having Rose picture her surroundings and dodge based on what her senses tell her.

It was something far harder to achieve and most would simply contend themselves with the easier task. Especially with a gym battle coming up. And while Tobias likely hasn’t ironed all the kinks, as evidenced by Rose staying in one place when he battled the Swinub, he clearly managed to get her to a high level. Or high enough to use in a Gym Battle at least. It was pretty astonishing all things told. And even more importantly, again reinforced that I was absolutely right in my decision to trust him to everyone else. Really, I could hardly keep the smile off my face as I imagined Ryan's sheer frustration.

‘In fact, why don’t I call him up right now?’ I can’t imagine he’s busy. He was probably watching that battle right alongside me. A lot of people probably were. Well, those aware of the situation at least. I doubt the causal person is going to be watching a standard match against Hector unless they want to watch him specifically. Which to be fair could be a lot of people. Hector does tend to draw in a crowd given his personality.

“What do you want?” My smile, already large and infectious from having watched Tobias dominate Hector, only grew.

“I was just calling. Have you seen the battle yet?” I didn’t bother trying to hide the smug smile in my voice. We both knew why I was calling and I was having far too much fun to try and play coy. What made it even better though, was that he couldn’t say shit despite the way he must really want to if the way his teeth grinder were any indication.

“This doesn’t justify shit Cherry!” I didn’t bother to hide the laugh I made at that either. Rather, I laughed all the harder. In part because it would grind into him more but mostly because I found it funny.

“Really? Because I think the exact opposite.” After all, I knew Tobias wasn’t some random nobody. Sure, someone else would probably die to Rose. Trying to take a Pokémon you couldn’t handle was even one of the leading causes of death for trainers. Still, I knew Tobias was better than those stupid nobodies.

“Alright Cherry. Suppose you’re right. What effect do you think a newbie like Tobias is going to have on the rest when they see he can tame a Deino?” I knew very well what he was getting at. And like every time it’s been brought up, my answer is the same.

“If they die, it’s their fault. They tried to do something that was out of their league and they paid the price.” If you’re going to try and catch and train something dangerous, actually do some fucking research. Tobias, like everyone else I sponsored, did theirs so I wasn’t worried about them. They also put in the effort to do those things in a way that won’t kill them. If other people aren’t, then that’s their fault.

“You aren’t fit for your position Cherry.” At that, I rolled my eyes.

“Why don’t you call me back when you have an actual defense Ryan. Because honestly, those same seven words got old after the first time you started saying it.” Because really, if you’re going to try and make a comeback, maybe try something original.

And with that. I hung up. I’d had enough fun. Anymore and I’d probably start getting annoyed at his voice. After a few moments to really soak in the fact that I was right, I went right back to Tobias’s battle. Twice wasn’t nearly enough to analyze everything I wanted to about the battle. And so I spent the rest of the day doing nothing but watching and rewatching Tobias conquer his first gym leader. It was certainly a day I’ll look back on fondly.

Rose P.O.V.

My victory was celebrated. It was a strange thing to celebrate. After all, I was going to win. There was never any doubt of that fact. There was simply no way some fish or pig could possibly hope to even rival me.

Especially not with Tobias’ suggestions. Some of course would call it help, and it probably was to them. But for me, they weren’t needed. They were even annoying sometimes as he was just repeating things I clearly already knew! Like the dodging practice. Totally knew I was the best at dodging.

Still, despite the fact that my victory was assured, we still celebrated. Not that I minded. Given I knew how important a battle it was I would have demanded nothing less. Especially since it meant I got those deliciously spicy Slowpoke Tails. Even full from the absolute feast Tobias provided, I could feel my mouth water at the thought of those succulent snacks. The way it hit my tongue~

‘Well if you insist Tobias. I suppose I could have just one more.’ Because it was Tobias that insisted I eat them. Sure, they were delicious and scrumptious and mouthwatering and-I could stop when I wanted to! Anyway, as I snuggled up against Tobias, Solana still in her Pokéball-ha!-I went to sleep dreaming about Tobias absolutely insisting on feeding me more Slowpoke Tails. Because again, he was the one that insisted.

Waking was a bit of a process. One Tobias had rightly learned to respect after the first day. Even if I might prefer he woke me up with treats. As I finally awoke, food ready to be eaten on the floor next to Tobias and Solana-who was some sort of morning freak like Tobias was. His only flaw really. Still, today was different. As I ate, there was a nervousness to him.

It reminded me of when we had that discussion about eating Pokémon other trainers keep around. Not eating them was still a foreign concept to me-that’s just what you did with food. Still, it was clearly important to Tobias and he’d been pretty good to mehe has nice treats so I decided to accommodate him. Especially since it meant that I could eat the Pokémon not with trainers. Something that Tobias enabled me to do with great frequency.

‘Please! Please I-Please don’t. I just-I just want to dance with Mommy and-!’ I didn’t have a problem with Maractus in particular. I didn’t. They were just very chewy prey. Sure, their needles prickled a bit, but it was nothing I couldn’t take. Still, as Tobias cleared his throat and called my name, I stopped daydreaming of tracking down and chewing apart another one of those fucking Maractus.

“Do you remember the Salanditlizard?” As I thought back to what Tobias could be referring to, it hit me. That was the Pokémon that I nearly managed to kill before Tobias pulled me off! Still, as I debate whether to be mad or not, I remembered that he had given me treats afterwards and decided to forgive him. It was before he promised to let me eat what I hunt after all. Nodding to his question, he continued.

“Well I-oh right, you have no idea what I’m talking about, do you Solana?” Seeing that Tobias was starting to go over what “lizard” was and deciding that I didn’t care, I went back to my food. At least until he called my name again, this time actually ready to explain. I was a bit annoyed of course, especially since I was almost done with it, but still I listened.

“Well I didn’t release her. Instead, I decided to try and trade her for something better. I couldn’t do it until now because I had Solana. Well because Rose managed to beat the Barboachfish and the Swinubpig, I have another slot open for another teammate. I’ve been looking in my off time and I managed to get an offer. I’m not sure if it’ll still be available since this was last week, but I’m going to be checking later today. If things pan out, we’ll soon have another teammate.”

Tobias’s words were like a rollercoaster for me. First there was the rightful praise for my performance at the gym with that fish and pig. That filled me up with a real nice feeling. Not because it was Tobias or anything, but because my superiority was being acknowledged. Then everything comes crashing down with what he says next.

‘Another teammate?’ I remembered when Solana first joined. She was and still is a clingy thing that wants to take my place. Tobias doesn’t know-that idiot-but I do. She likes to follow him everywhere and because she lacks a rightful curiosity about the world, gets to. Well, except during the night. That was my time. She also takes away his attention and neck scratches and-

Anyway! The point of it all, was that it meant bad news. At least, it did if Solana was any indication. What made it all the worse though was that this was apparently because I won. In other words, I’m getting punished for doing good! That wasn’t acceptable.

“Tobias! Are you seriously telling me that you intend to punish me for my hard work?” At my cry of disbelief, a couple things happened. The first was that Tobias began to say something-what I couldn’t tell you because of what happened next. Solana, that little insect, called me out.

“If I remember right, didn’t we win because of me? You passed out in defeat after all.” Solana was absolutely baiting me. She was just sitting there, gloating smugly about technicalities that weren’t important.

“And I suppose that if I hadn’t knocked out that pig you would have beat it?” My words were filled with rage and my muscles tended as I desperately tried to hold myself back. The only reason I had yet to murder the insect, the only reason I even bothered to remember she had a name and call her that, the only reason she wasn’t an “it” in my mind was because of Tobias.

Tobias, who for some stupid reason, wanted her around and I was gracious enough to allow it. Despite the personal inconvenience it was to me. Tobias who-

“Well of course I could. It was already weak am exhausted from your failure.” At the sound of the last word, I made to jump for the creature, to finally end things once and for all regardless of how much Tobias wanted it. He could least get another one after all.

However, in a scene similar to when I first met the insect, I failed to actually reach her. Though this time, it wasn’t because I was put inside a Pokéball, but the insect was. The surprise was great and did absolutely nothing to help vent my frustrations. Rather, they only magnified at the fact that I didn't get to finally show that insect a lesson. And so with blinding anger still in my veins, both from what that insect dared to say and because of what he had dared to do, I attacked.

Once again though, I hit nothing. This time, however, it wasn’t because of some Pokéball. Tobias had merely dodged out of the way. To which I reoriented and tried again. Another dodge and another readjust later and I had finally got him. Quickly sinking my reach into him, Fire Fang already up and-

‘Wait this isn’t…wait this is…but I’m…treats now anger later.’ As I munched on the delicious Slowpoke Tail, a quick inhale showing that he had dodged right instead of left like I assumed. No matter. After I finished with this delicious snack, I would deal with him. He had angered me for the last time!

‘…Okay, maybe I’ll let him live long enough to figure out where he gets these. After that though he’s dead.’ Nodding at my brilliance, I continue to nibble and savor at the meat before me. The worst part about it was that I never really knew how many there were. Which is why I liked to go slow. Just in case there were only a few, I wanted them to last. Especially since I didn’t know how to get that myself yet.

While I was eating, his hand came around my neck and started to gently scratch. It wasn’t something he usually did, instead preferring to simply let me eat. Still, I didn’t stop to snap at his arm. I was still eating my treats after all. And the gentle scratching did feel rather nice. Though I did start to when he started to speak.

“Rose, I know that you don’t like the idea of getting a new teammate. I know that Solanainsect has been a lot. And I appreciate that you haven’t tried to eat herit since the first time until now. SheIt goaded you, and I’ll be having a discussion with herit about doing that in the future. In the future though, if sheit does this again remember, Solanathe insect is just a baby and doesn’t know a lot about the world. SheIt talks a big game, but that’s all sheit can do right now. Truth be told, if you had lost-which you wouldn’t have-that would be the end of it. Because you’re right. SolanaThe insect couldn’t have won that battle.”

As I took the time to process his words, I felt an anger reignite at them. It was far more than a mere “dislike” of Solana after all. She was an annoyance. One that constantly tried to get between the two of us. One that acted as if she was some nascent god. She wasn’t, regardless of what delusions she believed. More to the point, if anybody was a god, it was me, not her.

Still, that anger calmed at the latter half. I knew that Solana was all talk. That she was simply too weak to really do anything against that pig, weak as even that foe was. But to have actual confirmation that I was right about everything was a really nice feeling. Though there was some shameregret in myself that I got goadedwasted my time listening to her words. After all, like Tobias said, she was just a baby and everything she said was basically worthless.

“Still, not all teammates are going to be like that Rose. Some, you’ll find, will be able to contribute towards your own desires and goals. For instance, doesn’t it get tiring of Pokémon failing within a few hits? Didn’t you enjoy the thrill of actually getting to fight that Barboachfish and Swinubpig? Wouldn’t it be great if you had someone that could do the same?”

I didn’t really know what to think about that. For one, chewing on the Maractus was already pretty fun. As was listening to their begs for mercy as I ripped them apart piece by piece. Certainly I had many sweet dreams involving their demise as a species. Only because they made good chew toys though! I didn’t really care about them beyond that after all. But having an opponent that could provide some sort of challenge?

I wasn’t really sure what to feel about it. It was another suggestion about getting stronger. And Tobias hadn’t been wrong in those suggestions so far. And Tobias was saying that this Pokémon, whatever it was, wouldn’t as bad as Solana. Moreover, that it could even contribute to what I wanted?

It was something I thought long and hard about as I ate, until when I went for another there was nothing there. Which sucked because I now had no more snacks to eat. It also meant I needed to actually give some sort of response. Something I really didn’t want to do. Mostly because I didn’t want to say the answer I had come to. Though as the scratching continued, and the silence dragged on, this time without food to distract me, I eventually caved decided to respond.

“Fine.” It was a very grudging “fine” as well. Almost as grudging as the decision to try and not eat the Pokémon trainers have with them. Because again, not eating your food just didn’t make sense to me. Especially if that was Maractus that I could pull and tear apart as I listened to their screams for a mercy I would not show. Making sure to go slowly enough that they can watch as it happens, helpless to stop me. Again, not because I thought anything of them, but because they were very chewable.

Still, just like last time, I knew he was happy with my choice. Moreover, I steadfastly told myself that the nice feeling was because of the neck scratches. Certainly, it had nothing to do with Tobias himself. After all, I was Rose. And Rose cared not for what anybody but Rose thinks.

Elite Four Desmond P.O.V.

“That’s it Hydra, just like that.” Hydra, like Rose, had five of her eleven possible egg moves. It’s was great, and the only way I could really see it getting better was if she had Belch as a stopgap for Fairy types until she learned Flash Cannon.

Hydra, in response, merely gave her name in response. Hydra was definitely on the stranger side of the Pokémon I’ve worked with thus far. Especially for what Hydreigon were usually portrayed as. There was that same bloodthirsty, but she didn’t have nearly the pride I was expecting. Instead, she was merely a serious thing with a single-minded determination for strength.

Usually, the hard pet would be convincing the monster in the making that I could provide that. Given my status as an Elite Four Member though, it was very easy to convince her. All I had to do was have Behemoth battle her into submission until the fact that I could make her strong stuck. Which it did after about a week of beating down her stubborn pride and getting her to accept that right now, she was weak and I could make her strong.

From there, it was a basic evaluation to understand her current strength and weaknesses and decide a training plan tailor fit to make Hydra the monster we both dreamed of her being. And right now, what she needed to work on most was her stamina. Quite frankly, she had barely any of it. Her ability, Hustle, probably didn’t help matters as it meant she tended to overpower her attacks.

While useful because it forced her stamina to increase or die, it was also a pain in the beginning to deal with. Still, after a month of nothing but training her stamina, she was looking more impressive. Not quite at where I wanted her just yet, but very quickly getting there.

Still, as I was about to give another pointer, I got an alert on my Pokédex. It was something I requested Debra send me once the match concluded. The match being Tobias vs The Boulder. Personally, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the man, unlike many. He was likable enough, sure, but far too much of a presentation for my taste. Still, that he managed to command that monster he called The Ground was certainly commendable enough. Especially given what Rachel had to say about the specimen.

Behemoth and Hydra, sensing my distraction, looked over. It was standard procedure amongst my team that if I’m not paying attention, they don’t have to practice. It was an arrangement that started with Simurgh’s own unwillingness to train and a thing that soon infected every Pokémon after. Still, I couldn’t say I hated it as it gave me time to really get to know my Pokémon and focus on how to help them improve.

To be honest, I can’t really say for certain that I would be where I am today without that one simple rule. Something that I often thought back to with irony given the amount of frustration I used to have over it since I thought it meant I’d never get anywhere. Still, I suppose making others realize the truth of one's actions is part of hindsight.

Taking one of the cushions, I plopped myself down. Behemoth doing the same with his own custom cushion made just for him. The regular ones don’t really work for him after all and even if they did, I doubt he’d prefer them. After all, Behemoth was very proud of his power and took every chance he could to show off. Including making and unmaking cushions for himself to relax on. Meanwhile, Hydra stood there at the makeshift training ground, his serious nature warring with his desire to relax.

“Come Hydra. Hear your elder sister and her own trainer Tobias.” Of course, seeing this I forced the issue. There was a time for training and there was a time for relaxing. And while we’d probably get back to training depending on how this went, it was important for Hydra to learn to take breaks.

‘After all, what’s the fun of power if you can’t use it to get stuff you want.’ That thought was quickly banished to the void. While I was certainly still bitter over Cherry’s decision, I had made peace with it as best I could. That being I would raise Hydra here to utterly crush and destroy Tobias’s Rose. Was it petty? Sure, but I’ve been far worse than petty in the past.

The only real reason I haven’t really done anything is that a: he’s just some kid from Ash Town and b: this is purely between me and Cherry. She believes Tobias could make Rose Top Hydreigon? I believe that’s insane on many levels, an insult to my capabilities, and a very personal challenge to my person. Tobias may not know it yet, but a gauntlet has been thrown and I wait for the day when we finally meet. Well, if we meet. He has to actually reach us first.

And so, with Hydra and Behemoth by my side, I pressed play on the video. The video and announcer were of high quality, as was expected given the equipment used to record matches for television syndication. Granted, hardly anybody really watched the early matches unless you were high profile or had familial ties. Still, as I watched Tobias throw out Rose, with what looked like a Larvesta clinging to his back and a backpack around his front-likely as a counterweight-I began to analyze.

The first thing I noticed was badly his plan went. It was obvious from the first Dark Pulse what he was going for. Quick knockout with an overpowered attack. Not half bad given it’s just the first gym and The Boulder doesn’t really get to endurance training his Barboach Pokémon until badge three or four.

Still, it makes a lot of assumptions. For instance, the fact that The Boulder wouldn’t be prepared for such a tactic and have measures in place to try and stop it. Which is precisely what happened when the Barboach used a Water Gun to redirect it and The Ground stopping it cold before it could hit the stands. There was of course the usual response to seeing The Ground for the first time. Horror and shock as he realizes just how much power The Boulder has over not just him, but everyone that steps into that Palossand made to look like a Gym. That at any moment, The Boulder could decide to just kill you and you could do shit to stop him.

Of course, his solution to seeing that Barboach had already escaped to the ground was rather nice, if somewhat primitive and wasteful. Though given he’s only been training for a month, that’s to be expected. Frankly, if he had the capacity to use Earth Power to the extent I was measuring it against, I might have considered actually conceding to Cherry that she chose right. If only because it was such an impressive and impossible feat of training given the years of mastery it took Behemoth.

Still, after that came the Swinub and he did have a half-decent approach. If one he wasted on when he fell for The Boulder’s trap. I wasn’t sure what that said about him to be honest. Was he one of those morons who thought The Boulder an idiot or did he just know The Boulder was cunning and think he’d outsmarted him anyway? After all, it makes far more sense to go for a takeout to get out of this than to actually make an attempt. Especially when I considered the way Rose was breathing. Classic indication of she was lacking in proper endurance, though not something I could particularly criticize given Hydra was as well.

Regardless, as I watched the almost desperate struggle, it started to seem as if he’d lost all momentum. Which he kind of had considering The Boulder just had to wait him out. It was almost to the point where I was about to dismiss the match as hopeless until Tobias called for a tactic that abused the uneven ground Earth Power had been creating. From there, a simple Dark Pulse against a wall of sand The Ground erupted against the Swinub to protect the stands. Winner by default-because I know that Larvesta is too young to battle-Tobias Blackwell earns his first lesser badge.

A quick review of the battle in my head also revealed a rather interesting quirk of the battle. Tobias had started Rose on sensory training instead of the standard vocal training. I was curious whether he picked that because he valued the greater senses later in life, or if he was simply unaware that vocal training would lead to a faster Hydreigon. It would certainly be interesting to ask if he ever got this far. Still, those were thoughts for later. For now, it was time to ask Hydra what she thought.

"Deino.” A clear and concise question. A fair one as well given the training regiment I’ve had her one so far.

“It’s quite simple Hydra. You’re capable of large bursts of power, but to actually train them in an efficient manner, you need to increase your stamina. Otherwise you’re going to flag every couple Dark Pulses and that’s just no way to improve. Best to exhaust yourself now so you can benefit later on.” In response, Hydra merely nodded. Whether she truly understood this I wasn’t sure, but she seemed content with my answer.

“Deino.” My eyebrow raised in response to her decision and I couldn’t help but shake my head.

“Is that really all you wish to know?” Hydra merely nodded and started walking back to the training ground. Perhaps it was the fact that I had a Pokémon that actually wanted to constantly train after so long of a period of laziness, but it was surprisingly exhausting. Still, I wouldn’t back down from the challenge. Especially since this was what I wanted. I wanted Hydra to grow strong. As strong as she could. From there, I could show off her strength to the world and edge the name Hydra into history as I had with the rest of my Pokémon. As for the battle I’d do it in…

‘As if there was any question what battle that would be.’ Still waiting for a day that may never arrive would get boring. Not to mention not very fair to Hydra. So I suppose if I had to settle, I’d settle for something else. What that was, I wasn’t really sure. But I was hoping it at least had a Hydreigon to fight. Perhaps even a wild one that Hydra can hunt down and kill herself? It was definitely something to think about. After all, those kind of thoughts were years of away for Tobias and Hydra. In other words, I’ve got plenty of time to make a decision.

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