《Magician's Pact》ch5
Marcus sat at the table as his parents arrived. Tim Flame and Eliza Flame… the wizards known to the magical world as the elusive Flame Alchemist… the title sounded a lot better in the past.
His father had brushed his hair back trying as he wore traditional dress robes though his son knew his father much preferred his alchemy set and more modern clothing… mostly for pants. It never hurt to wear something easy to run in when you hear the words ‘oops’ when dealing with alchemy.
His mother had her red hair tied in a ponytail and looked less than pleased at having to stay longer within the magical wizarding world… and apparently that opinion was also shared by the rest of the wizards outside who wore fake smiles as cameras went off behind their back.
Chairman Antiarius signaled for the door to be shut and the remaining black cloaks to leave the room and focus on keeping the group of people outside the door ‘outside the room’ as more than one old style floating camera tried to slip through the doorway.
Once the room was secure he heard his father speak first “What do you want.”
Marcus opened his mouth only for the Chairman to interject “Nothing. Your son has been placed in a unique situation as I’ve already heard about your troubles with Luxarious and confirmed that your son was mostly acting within the best interests of the wizarding community.”
There was a pause as Marcus took a deep breath as he paid attention to how ‘mostly’ had been said. The man sitting on the opposite end of the table looked calm and had tried to confirm that the young magician wasn’t in any trouble. The problem was… politics were at play now.
“I’ve already looked into your records. I’ve confirmed that you have been unable to get your son into any magical school so that he can be given access to the Albion Accord to allow him to…” The man paused as he motioned towards the Unsee on the table “To allow him to learn modern magic.”
His father looked uneasy as his mother kept her hand on her wand. Marcus bit the inside of his cheek as this was where the game was being played wasn’t it? He wanted something from his parents as he took advantage of their situation.
“He hasn’t done anything wrong.” His mother stated “Nothing that couldn’t have been fixed if the magical world did their job.”
The wizard gave his best business smile as he replied “Except giving a non-magical individual a few magical artifacts and breaking the State of Secrecy. He didn’t even try to hide his magical origin and knowledge before we were forced to obliviate her memories.”
He felt their gaze upon him as the young magician held his tongue as apparently blackmail was being thrown on the table… the wizard just tried to butter him up because he saw him as a child… and simply waited for his parents to threaten, blackmail, and so forth.
His father took a deep breath “And why did he have to ask for her aid? Did anyone come to assist? Did anyone help him when a magical creature attacked...”
“It is not the case that wizards and witches are allowed to break the law when it is convenient for them, but to uphold the law even when they must pay the cost…” The wizard replied as he pulled out a sheet of paper “Of course it would be far easier if you stopped beating around the bush.”
His parents stared at the wizard in confusion as he placed the sheet of paper before them. Marcus tried to look at what it was, but much to his annoyance they didn’t allow him to see it.While he didn’t know the full details he was pretty sure at least one of the Unsee would have a better idea.
Velkear had made sure that at least two of them knew more about wizarding law than most twig twirlers.
“He wants to know more about the Grim Song and he tried having me go to a magical school by becoming my patron.” Marcus informed his parents “What is the catch?”
His father pinched the bridge of his nose “You want him to be your pick for the Trial of Fates.”
“I already have a pick for the new… I just lack a champion of the old.” The wizard replied with a grin “You need a way in and while he may be lacking within the more modern approach to spell casting I have seen enough of his results to feel he would be an adequate pick for the festival.”
Marcus tried to figure out what was going on. Trial of Fates sounded more like a trial which wasn’t good… but they were calling it a festival? Was this one of those crazy wizard tradition things?
“The Trial of Fates is where a select group of wizards nominate and support their charges as they attend Spero Academy.” The chairman explained “By tradition it is replaying the events of how the academy was founded with one following the old ways traveling by and challenging one following the modern way of magic.”
“It is Dum Spiro, Spero… which roughly translates to ‘While I breathe, I hope’ as the four founders had built the school in the name of hope.” His father replied with a bit of force “The fact is that the British ministry is trying to take control of how things are supposed to be ‘run’ for this year.”
Politics… Marcus tried to pay attention even if he wanted to tear his hair out as he hated politics. The chairman nodded his head as he looked slightly impressed if slightly annoyed at how quickly his father had taken the wind out of his sails.
“Ever since the Vanish the magical world has been trying to piece itself back together when it isn’t tearing itself apart with some new ‘dark lord’ who thinks they will conquer the world.” He spoke with a groan “And our friends from over the seas think that we need to come together… under their supervision.”
“It’s a power play Marcus.” His mother informed him “They want to have the Flame Heir as their champion to use as a piece against Luxarious…”
“And his chosen child of prophecy who’s grand magical talent was having a so-called ‘dark lord’ keel over and die when his mother killed him.” The chairman interjected “The one that apparently is also being supported and is going to claim that he holds ties to the Flame Family… ties that allow him to claim everything you own when you die.”
The young magician tried not to react to the taunt. He hated the old traitor and he already knew to watch out for his tricks ever since he stole The Red Stone. He had to admit that being chosen to pick a fight with the traitor’s pick was tempting.
Sadly his parents tried to step in “He isn’t going to. If we die which I highly doubt… then it would all go to Marcus as he is our blood adopted heir.”
“I highly doubt that Luxarious would agree… especially since technically speaking your son isn’t a wizard and hasn’t been introduced into the wizarding world officially.” The wizard spoke in a self-certain tone “I have no doubt he will bring up some ‘prophecy’ to have him pick who your ‘heir’ is before getting everyone else to go along with it and ignore your will.”
“I’d love to see him try and deal with Velkear.” His mother practically cursed.
While he knew his parents had no love for Velkear… he was surprised to see how the chairman seemed to flinch at the name. The unsee also moved forward to protect him as they registered him as a threat since he knew about Velkear.
“Look, the festival is happening. The Tower of Fates which was built by the school has been acting strangely as people are on edge thinking another great disaster like the Vanish is going to happen again.” The wizard tried to explain “There are even rumors that Malthus’s only prophecy is going to come to…”
“Who?” Marcus asked in disbelief.
They all stared at him as the wizard sighed “Malthus. One of the founders of Spero Academy…”
His parents froze as they heard the name as the young magician tried to catch his breath. They knew about the elusive founder not from textbooks… but because he had ties to Arcadia. To be more exact the figure was Marcus’s biological father before… he passed away.
He felt his blood run cold and yet there was a rush of excitement as he tried to figure out how his father made it to the wizarding world and what he had hidden inside the school. Were there any notes or records or perhaps something to explain how he had died various times only to keep coming back from the dead?
He hadn’t come back yet… but…
“So people think that some new dark lord is going to run around claiming that he is ‘Vel-Kear’ giving us a bloody civil war…” The wizard continued ranting “So please do not say his name to get the next idiot any ideas.”
“How do you know about Malthus…” His father slowly replied “I’ve looked up the history of the school, but it never mentioned…”
“The Mad One?” The wizard interjected “His name appeared on the statue and something that resembled him had appeared within the school when some of the delegates from the other nations were there. Apparently he had appeared to check up on them to ensure they were of proper quality.”
Marcus held his breath as while he cared about his adopted parents who raised him… it would be a lie to say he wasn’t curious about his biological father. Especially since he had grown up hearing about him in Arcadia.
“So unlike the previous times… there is a heavier weight with the tournament and the festival around it in North America than the other six towers.” He slowly replied “Especially with how things thought of as myth are becoming more fact than myth these past few days.”
His father looked uneasy and Marcus couldn’t blame him. Velkear had offered to take him to a magical school within Arcadia while his parents went around the world trying to find the more obscure ingredients by hand. They needed to craft a new Red Stone and time was starting to get short.
They wanted him safe within a magical school, but none of them were accepting him due to the old traitor black listing them… but now they were being offered a chance.
“Can you promise his safety as that backstabbing traitor is going to be there in person.” His mother spoke as if she was trying to curse the man to death
That was the catch his parents were worried about… not the politics… not the games that were being played or having their son duel a bunch of snot nosed brats.
No it was having him within arms reach of the traitor that had been told they were blood adopting Marcus… only for him to tell the news papers that a ‘some random dark wizard’ had destroyed The Red Stone a week later.
The answer to the reply was obvious.
The fact he didn’t return the Red Stone since they didn’t disinherit Marcus made it clear on his intent… and that villain was going to be spending time at the magical school that he was going to be sent to.
“I promise to do everything that I can in order to help protect him.” the wizard replied as he pulled out his wand “I can swear upon magic that I shall do my best to ensure that your son shall not die.”
His father glanced at him as Marcus felt like shaking his head. That wasn’t a Pact and it felt more like an old pact… the ones that you didn’t make because everybody knew how to escape them.
“No… I’ll just have to settle for using what is left of my fame, knowledge, and fortune to bring your entire country to ruin if my son ends up dead under your protection.” His father slowly replied as the color drained from the wizard’s face “And before you ask… yes… yes he is that important.”
They arrived at one of the safe houses as Marcus felt a sigh of relief. He was going to a magical school and his parents were both happy and worried about his safety, not that he could blame them.
A regular child might scoff at the idea, but sadly he had learned a long time ago that there were adults who were perfectly okay with killing children without a second thought. He already had a few individuals who were trying to kill him because he was a Heir of the Moonless Night.
Why should it be any different that an evil old wizard would try to kill him for his family fortune?
Still he already had been chewed out by his parents for breaking the State of Secrecy to a… mundi. Honestly he hated the term as his parents tried to give him the child's explanation of why things were the way they were…
But Marcus had a hard time believing it was because ‘they just wouldn’t understand’ as he was a child of Arcadia. There were a lot of things that people didn’t understand… yet that didn’t stop anyone from trying.
Case in point when the door was opened his parents tried to figure out how Velkear had managed to get inside their house as the man in yellow was sitting in the living room. He put away the tablet he was looking at before focusing on Marcus.
His father pulled him behind him while his mother looked around outside making sure they weren’t going to be ambushed or something. The only one who wasn’t afraid was Marcus because he knew how Lord Velkear operated… and why he was here.
The man in yellow produced a small wrapped package and placed it on the table in front of him “Your payment for the job Leng.”
“It’s Marcus.” His father forcefully reminded him “His name is Marcus Flame.”
Velkear ignored him as he continued to focus on… his heir. Marcus was the first in line to the House of the Moonless Night and it was something that the old creature would never let him forget. Even if someone else took him in and raised him.
“He is my claim.” Velkear simply reminded them “I came to check upon my heir since he is weaker than he should have been. You two coddle him too much…”
“You sent him to fight a magical monster that you knew without telling him about the threat!” His mother snapped “We are lucky that the Silver Cloaks didn’t cart him away after finding the illegal artifacts and the goblin steel knife you gave him!”
Marcus didn’t mention that it was his knife and that he was going to try to get another one. Goblin Steel was good quality steel especially when you needed a ritual knife.
“Yes, yes. Sorry if I was concerned that you two have yet to see reason and accept my humble offer…” Velkear spoke with obvious disdain
“The answer is still no.” His father snapped “We still have time. We are not that desperate yet.”
Velkear rolled his eyes as he walked towards the entrance of the house. His mother cast a spell summoning a wall of flames blocking the doorway as Velkear simply glared at her before he slammed the end of his walking cane onto the ground banishing the flames even if they couldn’t hurt him.
There was not a hint of wood within the cane, but the cane wasn’t magical in the least bit… no Velkear was a force of nature of his own and he brushed off the supposed dirt off his yellow jacket before staring at his adopted father just daring him to make a move.
“You know he isn’t going to be accepted into a magical school.” Velkear firmly stated “If he made a Pact with the young girl who had her brother kidnapped then maybe he might have even had some help. But instead he followed your idotic teachings and moral nonsense having helped the girl without taking anything in exchange for his services rendered!”
“We already got him in a magical school.” His father stated with force “And we do not need your help as we can take care of our own.”
Velkear hissed in anger “Somehow I doubt having a freaking Grim Song running around for plenty of non-magical people to see would count as ‘non-problematic’ as your twig twirling kinsmen would gladly pin the blame on him then accept that they were the ones who screwed up!”
Marcus kept his mouth shut as his parents stood their ground. The seconds passed as Velkear waited for them to respond while his parents tried to keep the location to the school he was going to a secret. While they distrusted and hated the old traitor… they did fear Velkear.
The problem was that they stood up to him regardless and they actually won. That was something that frustrated Velkear to no end.
So after seeing them stand firm in their convection the man in the yellow suit sighed before he opened up the box revealing a few of the key missing ingredients they needed to craft The Red Stone… not pieces that they needed to try and craft a new one… but ingredients that residents in the wizarding world could no longer get because they had simply become extinct.
“My heir has worked hard for these ingredients for the services he has rendered…” The man spoke with a hint of strain in his voice “I would gladly place him within a school for his own protection. I would even allow you to pick two ingredients from your shopping list to hand to you right away. You know my stores are vast and the items I can obtain far outweigh anything you can find in the wild.”
Velkear stared at his parents waiting for them to respond “I can even promise to teach him ‘safe’ magic. To have his teachers not teach him anything that would offend your ‘moral sensibilities’ and even bind it with a Pact if you should so desire.”
“Why?” Marcus couldn’t help, but find himself asking.
To their shock Velkear simply laughed “Why? Why Leng... it is because you are too weak. Next time when you fail it shall not be the cost of a random girl’s memories. Considering all that is going to happen this year… It would bother me to find your protection sorely lacking to allow the Lord of Breaking Dawn to try and obtain his vengeance against you.”
Now the young magician was afraid as that old foe still tried to hunt him down not only because he was a Heir of the Moonless Night… but because the old monster lost to an eight year old child. It was the reason why Marcus had been chosen to be the first in line since he won and managed to escape with his life.
Velkear looked down at him “Give me one good reason why…”
“Luxarious has put forth a claim to take possession of our family fortune and legacy. We are contesting it as Marcus is being ‘officially’ presented to the wizarding world in a way that not even he could deny.” His mother interjected “Is that a good enough reason?”
Velkear froze as if he couldn’t believe the words he was hearing before his face twisted in rage “The twig twirler put forth a claim on my heir!” The air grew harsher as the shadows grew around him “That he tries to subvert the claim I hold upon my heir!”
“So I take it that you deny his claim is stronger than ours… or yours?” She spoke with a smirk.
The walking cane snapped as Velkear looked down and saw that he had crushed the top of the cane with his bare hands before he chuckled as the cane and it’s remains sunk into the shadows despairing from sight.
“I understand…” Velkear slowly replied as he produced an obsidian key out of nowhere “No you are… right… in your judgement.” he spoke in grudging defeat “It was good that you brought this to my attention as I can not let even his ignorance excuse the offense he has brought to me.”
He shoved the key into the nearby wardrobe before turning it. Instead of revealing a couple of old robes and jackets the doorway revealed a large bustling city as everyone non-human creature that turned to see him instantly backed away as the crowd parted in his presence out of fear.
The man in the yellow suit smiled as he gave them a small bow “Until next time… and my offer still stands as I refuse to accept old age rob me of our little rivalry.”
“And I refuse to give up without trying first at least.” His father replied as they watched Velkear enter the city streets before closing the door.
Just to be safe his father opened up the door again revealing the old robes and jackets inside the wardrobe before pulling out his wand and summoning some rope to tie the doors open just to be safe. While they did not fully understand the extent of Velkear’s abilities… they didn’t let that stop him.
His mother collapsed in one of the chairs as his father glanced at her causing her to reply “Would you rather focus on him giving us more problems or letting Luxarious get his fair share?”
He didn’t respond as they tried to take an assessment for the trouble they were going to deal with this year. Velkear knew of their plans, but hopefully he and the old traitor would take care of each other. The new magical school he was being sent to was going to be a political mess…
And Marcus was going to have to represent the Flame family name while his parents tried to collect the last missing ingredients that should hopefully allow them to make another Red Stone to prevent the young magician from becoming an orphan.
So they all tried to focus on what they could do and what should be done next. Supplies were needed for the trip his parents were going to take and school supplies were needed for Marcus as they could finally get him an official wand.
Then of course there was an argument about how they would communicate with each other. Marcus opted to stick with trying to use cellphones as he was sure he could get one to work within a magical school while his parents opted for an owl.
Naturally they clashed for a little until they skipped over to what Marcus could do and what he was not allowed to do. This was a school for children and even if there were going to be students dueling each other… Then, the risk to life and limb should not be an issue to worry about.
The problem of course became them arguing about what was considered legal and safe… vs 'technically legal’ so long as nobody knows about it.
Especially considering that Marcus didn’t have a lot of ‘dueling’ experience. He had been in fights, but generally the situations required a more liberal application of lethal force, tricks, and magic he wasn’t supposed to use.
Still… Marcus couldn’t help feel a little bit of excitement at going to a magical school… and fear.
Fear because Velkear was right. If he had been a little bit stronger, smarter, quicker… anything… then maybe he wouldn’t have needed the twig twirlers to save him. Maybe he might have even allowed Cathrine to have a choice on if she wanted to remember or forget what happened.
Instead the choice had been ripped from her before she ever knew there was a choice… and Marcus was left trying to pick up the pieces like always.
No… this time he’d do better.
He had to.
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یه پسر پولدار و یه پسر فقیر .ارباب یک خونه و خدمتکار یک خونه .عشقی بین دونفر ، از دو دنیا و مقام متفاوت . چه اتفاقی قراره برای این دو عاشق اتفاق بیوفته ؟؟؟؟ این عشق درسته ........ یا نه ؟؟؟؟ نویسنده : melina کاپل : kookv ژانر : رومنس ، انگست ، امپرگ
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