《Labyrinth Of Puppets》Chapter 2: The Freshman’s Den First Floor Part 2


Chapter 2: The Freshman’s Den First Floor Part 2

A tree that stood like a giant barred their way on an intersection and coupled by the long vines protruding out of its branches that made sharp whipping noises, there was no way to go around it. Luckily, it didn’t seem like it was capable of uprooting itself.

“Let me try my [Revealing Eye].” As soon as Arthur invoked the magic words, a bluish light flared on his right eye.

[Revealing Eye] is a magic skill that reveals a monster’s weak spot. Chris thought of picking it up in the beginning as well but ended up replacing it with [Magic Map] due to it being a costly skill. His tactics, for now, meant survival after all, not firepower.

But Arthur’s mana arrows, as swift as it was, were easily deflected by its vines. He tried and tried, but to no avail. Even Chris’s flame spells were neutralized by the monster’s recuperative abilities; the incinerated parts regenerated instantly. Nothing they do seemed to work at all!

“Hey Christopher, it might be hard for you to see, but focus your gaze behind it.” Raven stopped him in the middle of a chant and pointed to the darkness ahead. But now that his friend got his attention, Chris was able to spot a red treasure chest resting on top of a pedestal.

“Can you work your way around it with your speed?” asked Chris.

“I don’t know. It’s worth a try though.”

“Great. We’ll support you as usual.”

Chris readied his staff and his imagination as Arthur took a stance with his bow. He thought of conjuring a large flame wall to completely incinerate a single side of this monster, no matter the cost. If the other group ahead of them was able to pass without defeating it, then he was confident that they could do the same. The answers must be hidden in that treasure box.

After cracking his joints, Raven arched himself down low. Then a cloud of dust was left behind as he leaped with great force! He reached the other side before Chris could even finish blinking.

“Wow.” Chris couldn’t help but sing his praise with an open mouth.


Although the skill bracelet added to the results, that speed transcended the boundaries of anything he was capable of. It made him clench his fist at the same time. The gap between them two was that big.

At a spot where the vines wouldn’t reach him, Raven gave Chris a thumbs up.

“Will you stop showing off and check the chest already?!” grumbled Arthur. A vein on his forehead popped when Raven replied by sticking his tongue out. “The nerve of that man!”

Chris sighed, thinking that it’d be great if they could work as a team soon. They were just beginning. The difficulty in the lower levels would sure kick up a notch.

Lifting his head, the monster in front of him suddenly stopped. It was no different from a regular tree as he saw it now.

Raven came running behind it. “Let’s go. I’m guessing the switch I just pressed immobilizes this monster.”

True. It couldn’t be any better the three quickly decided to continue on the western route. But Chris fully burned the monster down with a large flame as soon as they reached a safe spot. It was a success this time, as the monster didn’t regenerate like usual.

The spoil it left behind was a single green gem radiating with purity; one that would seem like it would sell for a hefty sum. As Chris was enjoying its verdant glow, a mysterious rumbling noise resonated above him.

A bad sign, he thought. Chris immediately retreated to safety. He watched as the stone ceiling opened and dropped another monster of the same category. It landed on the ground accompanied by a great tremor and an eerie laugh.

“Seems like returning wouldn’t be easy,” said Arthur.

“True, we’d be nigh depleted of mana by then.” Chris slid the gem in his pocket.

“What do you suggest we do? Should we wrap things up?” asked Raven.

“No, it’s just what Art had said earlier. We have to finish mapping the first floor today if we want to have a passable grade on this assignment.”

“Let’s carry on then.” Raven proceeded onward.

“Seriously.” Arthur followed with a sigh.


The pathway ended with them turning right. And another right. It slowly seemed to turn into a drag as more and more of those laughing trunks pestered them on their search.

His mana pool wasn’t endless. His repeated use of flame spells, albeit small, was beginning to take its toll on his body. Sweat blotted on his forehead and beneath his armpits too.

Eventually, they reached a spot where many others students were resting.

“Eh? Brother?” An elven girl rose from the group of girls and jumped straight into Arthur’s arms. “I’m sorry for leaving without informing you. Are you mad?”

Arthur revealed a weak smile. “Lucretia, how can I be mad? My only concern is your safety. I’m glad to see you and your friends are well.”

Raven coughed loudly, as if to disturb the building atmosphere. Who knew Arthur could radiate such manliness with that slender frame? Not even Chris expected this outcome at least.

“Oh, let me introduce you to my friends. Gentlemen, this is my cousin, Lucretia Solan. But as we grew up side by side, we treat each other more like siblings instead.”

Arthur laughed to explain it in a casual manner, but Chris knew it was more than that. The elven girl had her fingers entwined over his after all and the way she was gazing at him was more than a give away.

“So this is your brother, huh? A lot more good looking than I thought! Actually, I think beautiful is the right word.”

“Agreed, agreed. His skin’s even more glossier than Lucretia here. Honestly, tell us your secret!”

“Shut it, you two! You’re embarrassing me here!”

It wasn’t his business to intrude so Chris quickly introduced himself and dragged Raven with him, who seemed like he was about to choke from the mushy atmosphere.

“That damn Arthur is getting all the girls,” spat Raven.

“You should try to get along,” said Chris. “Maybe then he’ll show you a few tricks on how to act like a proper gentleman. Girls like those with class, no?”

“You speak from experience?”


“Fine. I’ll mingle.” Raven jogged back to the crowd.

“Now then, I wonder where that girl is?” Chris searched the crowd for the mysterious holder of that black stockings: the beautiful demoness.

Easier than he had expected, he found her, by herself as usual, standing near of what seemed like the entrance to the [Boss Room]. Too busy munching on a muffin, Chris was able to approach without a hitch.

“Hello,” said Chris with his most winning smile.

Hoever the girl walked away without even acknowledging his presence. That act of indifference made him scratch his head, but he followed nonetheless, as if enchanted by her purple hair swaying side by side.

“Can you stop following me?” The girl said as they stepped out of the safe zone. “Why don’t you just say it already? Non believing heretic. Isn’t that what you’re here for?!”

“You misunderstand me. Whether you worship Marrieta or not is not of my concern. I’m only here to make friends.”

“Only here to make friends? Don’t make me laugh!” A sword flashed in front of his eyes, cutting the fake skin plastered on his forehead. “How do you explain that mark then?”

“I cannot forsake my origin. I came from a family of Celestian knights, and I was too until the day I gave up my Holy sword.”

“Lies! Even now you Exquisitors are here to judge us? Just because our ancestors were the servants of the fallen God? What a pious spirit you have!”

Her words stung Chris, painfully squeezed his heart with the undeniable truth. Yes, he hunted heretics in the past. Being an Exquisitor runs in his family blood. A brand that caused him to see the harsh truth with his own eyes.

“No, that isn’t…”

“Then leave me alone. I do not want your company, nor your needless pity.” After leaving Chris with those words, the beautiful demoness disappeared in the darkness.

It was too late for forgiveness, that he knew full well, but it wasn’t too late for him to atone for his sins. He had to remember: why did he chose to become a magus in the first place?

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