《Labyrinth Of Puppets》Chapter 1: Welcome to Rosetta!
The booming explosion of steam roused Chris from his slumber.
“—Rosetta! I repeat! We’ve arrived at Rosetta!” a feminine voice spoke through the communication crystals adorning one corner of the train’s ceiling.
Chris shook his drowsiness away and turned towards his right. A giant, obsidian obelisk towering in the middle of the academy caught his attention the instant he looked out the window.
Chris admired the building while the passengers around him began to rose one by one, murmuring their excitements as they stepped past the exit. With a yawn, Chris picked up his luggage and descended out of the train as well. He had been sitting for far too long. Not to mention the road from Rosenbaum to Verbanil didn’t offer an interesting enough view to keep him awake. The snow covered plains of Rosenbaum were magnificent in their own right, yes, but staring at that endless horizon of white would put anyone to sleep and the ocean view right afterwards didn’t last for long. From the beginning, he knew he’d sleep the entire way. A fact that made him wish he should’ve ridden in the first class cabin, but he couldn’t. No divine blessing, no money, no authority — he lost it all the moment he gave up his position in the Order. But despite his grievances, Chris felt glad to be free. All for the sake of his goals.
Chris shifted his beret and continued outside. Bustling as he expected, he convinced himself to grab a quick bite before entering the academy since there was still the entrance exam he had to worry about.
After passing several fancy restaurants did Chris located a food stall in the marketplace. He wasn’t entirely sure what they were, but the taste suggested something akin to chicken intestines. Perhaps a monster’s? Chris shook the idea off and choked it down. He didn’t have that extra quarter to satisfy his palate. Not yesterday, not today, and definitely not tomorrow.
“Taking the entrance exam?” asked the middle-aged man watching him behind the food stall.
Chris took another bite before nodding, “Yes.”
“Don’t you need to hurry then?” The man asked while fanning his meat sticks. “Today’s the last day of admission, and it’s best to secure a spot before noon. Otherwise, you’d be stuck waiting on a huge line. Or so I heard.”
“Not to worry, sir. I have time to spare.”
No need to worry indeed. Chris spent the remainder of his fortune securing a spot in the academy. All he needed to do now was to take the entrance exam to fully complete his admission if he took out the complications that came with it of course.
After grabbing another stick of who-knows-what, Chris advanced to sight-see. He saw more and more students of all kinds littering the streets as he near upon the giant wall enclosing the academy itself.
Chris stopped midway to pay his respect towards the statue of Lord Verbanil on the central plaza. He had much respect towards the man, but didn’t have plenty of patience towards his one and only son. Having spent four years together in the knight’s academy was more than enough headache in his part. Chris knew that his life would spiral into hell if that bastard knew he was here. Mostly because the man child couldn’t accept Katalina’s rejection and somehow connected it to Chris. Nevertheless, all of it was behind Chris now. He plan to start a new life in the academy not as a Schweitzer, but as Christopher Noire. Dear Father and Lord Brother wouldn’t have it any other way. Especially if there’s a risk of finding out that the youngest son of House Schweitzer practices what could be considered the polar opposite of Divine energy — the usage of mana. There was no other choice for him to further study magic other than to carry his mother’s name. Thank Marrietta’s dress code too that Exquisitors like him had mostly gone out on public with their helmets on.
But enough of that. Chris headed inside the admission halls and was quickly obstructed by lines after lines of students. The old man from before was right. There was no way to identify which one was which in this confusion.
After scanning the horrible trainwreck for fifteen minutes, Chris finally saw the signboard for those who had appointments like himself. He breathed a sigh of relief once his eyes landed upon the short line of six other students standing in front of him. Five minutes in waiting and Chris was ushered to sit on a sofa inside by a girl who seemed no older than twenty five. Her hair tied up in a single braid and she wore a sky-blue blouse with an embroidery of a white feather on her left chest pocket. Crossing her long legs in front of Chris, she began to read the information he handed out prior to his admission.
“…Christopher Noire,” she finished by repeating his name, giving Chris a puzzled look.
Chris knew the meaning of that pause, so he smiled in return. The Noires, after all, are a line of famous astrologers. Luckily for him though that his mother originated from one of the lower branches and wasn’t prominent in particular not unlike his father who was a celebrity all his life. Hailing from one of the main houses who once walked alongside the ‘Prophet’ definitely have its merits.
“You’re not baptized under Her Lordship’s holy light?” The girl asked.
“No,” Chris flatly said. “My grandmother had a vision of my future as a magician when I was a child, so she opted that I pursue the path of a magus instead of directly serving the Divine.”
“I see.” The girl shifted her legs and looked at him straight into the eyes. Her bright cyan eyes shone abruptly, as if scanning his thoughts, but Chris didn’t mind. He had nothing to hide as far as his primary goals were concerned. “And you plan to make that a reality by becoming an adventurer?”
“Yes. My goals are the mysteries of the labyrinths themselves. How they were made, what they were made of, who made them? Seeking the answers to these questions excite me.” Chris further voiced his thoughts while gripping his fist. “It is my life and my passion, and I believe Rosetta is the best place to help me reach those answers.”
No doubt his fiery words had left an impression, as the girl’s lips loosened into a slight smile. “Just don’t dabble into cult sorcery if you don’t want the Order on your back, got it?”
“But of course.” That was the last thing he wanted right now.
“Now then, let us finish the preparations and begin the exam.” The girl said, bringing out a pair of sharp-looking needles from her breast pocket and a single sheet of magic formula.
Per her instructions, Chris shed blood by poking a needle on his right index finger, dropped three drops on the magic formula on the table, and squared his right palm on the center. The room darkened around him in a single blink, as if he was isolated in a blackened space and sat on an invisible chair. No traces of the girl or the room he was in before, but Chris didn’t panic. He sat there and watched as the magic formula crawled on his hand and formed the image of a bracelet. With a sapping sound, the bracelet snapped itself around his wrist like a snake. Then, as if finishing the ritual, everything resumed to normal once more a second afterwards. Lifting his gaze from the bracelet he looked at the girl again only to find her revealing a full smile. Forget about asking. The next part of the exam would be nothing but trouble.
* * *
The practical part of the exam bothered him the most. Sure it was easy for a guy who once wielded his own ‘Diviner’, but what the hell was that monster? The screams of despair from the nearby rooms were no doubt the cause of an accident he didn’t want to think about. The term “no pain, no gain” wasn’t enough to justify losing a hand or an arm entirely. So much for their given scholarships. Those poor students were nothing but guinea pigs!
Brushing those thoughts aside, Chris felt a sense of relief washed over him as he bounced on top of his new bed. Even the freshman dormitory lavished in the finest agricultural equipment he had ever seen in his short twenty-two years of life. Who uses a magic-inscripted lock on their own bathroom anyways? Not Chris or any of the Schweitzers for sure.
But Chris knew the Order deemed it necessary. In a facility where mana is loose, those magic inscribed locks also act as a form of surveillance towards their ‘walking prisoners’. Students bearing Demon Blood in their veins would be ‘silenced’ immediately, no question asked, if they do decide to abuse it. Not like Demons had the courage or means to do so in this current environment as well, but it wouldn’t hurt the Order to safelock.
The last Demon awakening he was involved in was a disaster after all. DAMNATION — death after death, killings after killings, heads crushed like melons. Two years had past since then, yet the images in his head still felt like yesterday.
Chris raised his hand to the ceiling and stared at his bracelet. “Welcome to Rosetta, huh?”
When did the cogs of fate began to turn? Things have changed since then. Perhaps there was no point musing about such pointless things. Chris had made a promise to himself to move forward and beyond. Even though the path he chose would one day lead him to perdition, there was no turning back.
“On my honor, I swear to you.”
For a Schweitzer would walk no other.
* * *
Chapter 1: Welcome to Rosetta!
Since long ago, one of the puzzling places in this world is the labyrinth: a complex maze filled of death-dealing traps and monsters. Others who had braved these mysterious floors managed to attain wealth, fame, and even innovation, but some of the unfortunate ones experienced the most gruesome and painful death.
Those who are courageous enough to traverse the labyrinth, despite knowing the danger that entails, are called adventurers. Schools were erected for the sole purpose of nurturing talented and vigorous youth, hoping that these able bodied youngster could solve the labyrinth’s never ending mysteries.
This story details the journey of a young man who was born and raised in a family of prestigious knights. Rejecting the life that was set to him, he decides to follow his own path — to be a Magus. Christopher takes on his mother’s name and enrolls at Rosetta, the biggest adventurer’s academy in all of Scaldus. What will his future bring?
* * *
Divine Calendar: Year 1527, Month 4
“Alright kids, you have one week to finish this assignment. Those of you who couldn’t stomach to rid this academy of their first Ents might as well drop off the boat now. You’re here to become adventurers, you hear me?! So consider this test your initiation to this hell ride. Any other questions?”
No one in the class was brave enough to raise their hand and question this demon teacher. Chris didn't care. As soon as he dismissed the class and left the classroom, loud sighing blared in response.
“To think that we’re being sent to a labyrinth on the first day of class, isn’t that too soon?” one of the students said.
“Meh, I’d rather have a shot at this skill bracelet sooner than later,” a young man sporting his crimson, shoulder length ponytail replied in a carefree tone. “Wouldn’t you think so?”
“Show off,” scoffed a girl, crossing her arms in his nonchalance. “There’s a big difference in traversing a labyrinth knowing what’s in it rather than just rushing with an empty head, idiot.”
The young man snickered. “I didn’t expect that type of language from an elf. How childish.”
“What was that?! You damn dwarf!”
“Childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish, childish—”
With that, the arguments between Chris’ new class started.
Both parties have their point. Chris couldn’t contain himself to try the Skill bracelet either, yet at the same time he didn’t want to enter the labyrinth in question, although for beginners, without doing his research.
“Let the idiots fight among themselves,” a male’s voice spoke behind him. Chris turned from his chair to look. With a pair of black feline ears, the voice came from a Lynx — a race originating from the southern lands of Scaldus.
“Raven Phylix. Nice to meet you.” The young man offered a handshake, and Chris accepted.
“Christopher Noire. A pleasure to meet you as well.”
“It’s a little noisy here. You want to head out and hit the library?”
“Good idea,” agreed Chris with a nod. “We only have a week to finish this assignment after all.”
“It’s decided then.”
Chris stood up as he grabbed the wooden staff the school provided him yesterday and followed his new acquaintance. They walked down the marble hallways, passing the other classrooms in the first year building.
“Judging by the staff you carry, you must be a mage, huh?”
Chris denied the praise with a wave of his hand. “A mage would be too much of a tittle for me right now. I’m still on the apprentice level. What about you?”
“Me? This is all the weapon I need.” Raven clenched his fist with confidence, but quickly retracted his action by scratching his head. “Just kidding. I have a spirit stone imbued with [Scaldic Claws] attached on my skill bracelet. See?”
His confidence was understandable. Lynx, after all, is a race infused with tremendous vitality and agility.
“I see. So a fighter then?”
“That’s right. I’ve trained these fists my whole life for this moment, and I’m finally here — in Rosetta, the adventurer’s academy. It’d be a huge waste not to make use of them.”
Chris admired his diligence. Due to his family background, he too studied martial arts at a young age, but he chose the path where his heart wanted him to be. To be a magus. Although there wasn’t a single day that Chris had forgotten the way his Father taught him how to use the sword. The basics, the form, the style — all of those were engraved inside of him.
The two didn’t have much trouble locating their quarry. The library was the pointed obelisk that garnered attention whenever they look up. They waited in line outside before a fellow donning a crimson blazer checked their identification cards and ushered them inside.
The interior of the obelisk awed Chris. Spiraling stairs, multiple levels, books of different variations adorning the walls — it was exactly what he had expected.
Most of the students who entered at the same time continued to their desired destinations. Chris hadn’t spotted a student wearing the same type of Blazer as them, which was green, giving him the conclusion that most freshmen were still in class.
“Oh! Two fresh meat. How can I help you today?” A short girl with two pixie wings protruding out of her back greeted them as they looked around. Her disheveled hair and white lab coat distinguished her from the rest.
“We’d like some information about this labyrinth our teacher is sending us to,” Raven asked.
The girl laughed as she walked behind a counter. “I see, I see. You two must be Gladius’ students. This always happen every year it’s almost a tradition around here.”
Raven scratched the back of his neck with a wry smile. “You mean sending his students on a treasure hunt on the first day of class?”
“Exactly. Without information, kiddies like yourselves wouldn’t know where to go. That’s the purpose of this test. To help youngsters like you gather these information on your own. So if I were you, I wouldn’t question your teacher’s teaching methods. Just think of it as something positive, okay?”
Chris couldn’t help but acquiesce. “Could you help us with the basics then?”
“But of course. As you may have already known, those skill bracelets allow us to perform feats outside of our limitations. By imbuing your skill bracelet with a burst stone, you could increase your physical capabilities, depending on the type and quality of the stone you imbue, while imbuing the bracelet with a spirit stone would allow you to use magic. Each Freshmen starts with a skill bracelet with three free slots plus the additional slot for inventory — so a total of four.”
“I see.” Chris nodded. “What about the more advance spirit and burst stones? Where do we get them?”
“Some are awarded in class, some are obtained down in the labyrinth, and the others you could buy in exchange for the appropriate amount of Rigal.”
“And a better skill bracelet?” Raven continued with the questions.
The small pixie floated to their eye levels and handed them both a small handwritten guide of the first floor. “Those are hard to say, my dearies, as better ones are hard to come by. The academy grants you with a better bracelet each time you progress a year but you could also research on how to make one yourself. We have all the resources you would need in this library, so feel free to digest those information too, you hear me?”
“I suppose. This library seems like the perfect treasure trove of information for bookworms to abuse,” Raven thoughtlessly commented, which earned him a slap in return.
“How dare you! Don’t look down on these curious children!” The pixie flared, puffing her cheeks.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Raven raised his hands in defeat.
Chris chuckled after seeing the red mark on his friend’s cheek. “I have to agree about its beauty; this obelisk is almost on par with the royal library.”
“Oh! So you’ve been to the royal library, my dear?”
“Twice, yes,” Chris said, briefly remembering his first meeting with a Celestian.
“How lucky! Most, including me, only have the opportunity to appreciate it from afar, and you actually went inside?”
“Yes Ma’am, and though I would love to inform you of its graciousness, our time is short.” Reading the guidebook took precedence. There was much he needed to do.
“That’s too bad.” The pixie’s shoulders hanged down in disappointment, and all of that sudden burst of excitement in her face disappeared.
Chris wasn’t late to notice, so he quickly thought of an idea. “Indeed it is. But do not worry. I’ll return and tell the tale when I have more time in my hands.”
His positive words succeeded in lighting her up with a smile. “Don’t let me keep you any longer then. Carry on now. Onto your first adventure~”
Chris bowed his head and thanked the helpful pixie before leaving for the labyrinth.
The labyrinth in question was within the school grounds, to the east. A small, man-made labyrinth to help prepare novices like them for the real deal. Chris didn’t think of entering it today, but after skimming through what was written in the guidebook, he considered the idea to explore the first floor with Raven if they allow him to. It was only the first day of class after all.
“That girl’s kind of cute, huh?” Raven said as they walked along the courtyard.
“It’s to be expected from someone who shares the same bloodline as Elves; Pixies are a beautiful race.”
“We should’ve asked for her name after all.”
“Looks can be deceiving you know? From her choice of words, she could be decades older than us or something,” Chris said with a laugh. “Or do you, perhaps, fancy an older woman?”
“Who cares about age when she’s that cute? Besides, older women just have that charm girls our age don’t have. I’ll have to say they’re mostly brutes walking around with a pair of breasts. Just look at that elven chick in our class. Her lips are the last thing I would want to kiss.”
“Right, right. That aside, Raven, what else did you choose for starting skills?” Chris decided to direct the topic to something more meaningful. He knew he didn’t mean it, but he still didn’t want his new friend taking the habit of talking shit behind other people’s back.
“In the meantime I have two burst stones: [Iron Fist] and [Increase Agility], while the last spot on my bracelet was reserved for [Scaldic Claws]. You?”
Chris looked at his bracelet. “[Invoke Flame], [Regeneration], and [Magic Map]. All of which are spirit stones that consumes small to a moderate amount of mana—”
An unfamiliar tone interrupted Chris mid-sentence. “Smart choice.”
The voice came from a certain fellow, who was leaning against the wall, ahead of them. The tip of his ears peeking out of his curly, blonde hair, was sharp and pointed. With long and narrow eyes, neat eyelashes, pinkish lips, and a thin frame, he could no doubt be mistaken as a girl. But alas, the black trousers that fitted him like a snug gave his gender away.
“Pardon my rudeness, my name is Arthur Solan.” The Elven boy walked forward and slightly lowered his head. “My friends call me Art. It’s unwise to think that all Elves are similar to Lucretia. She’s just quite violent in nature, you see, but a sweet girl nevertheless. So I hope you can forgive her from the bottom of your heart.”
Chris knew that Elves have exceptional hearing but not to this extent.
Raven was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. I didn’t mean it — honest!”
“Not at all. It’s my responsibility as her relative that she wouldn’t be misunderstood.”
“There’s no need for apologies, as it’s our fault to begin with. I’m Christopher Noire and this here is Raven Phylix. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Arthur.”
“No, no, the pleasure is mine. And please, just Art is fine.”
“Very well, Art. We’re on our way to the labyrinth; would you like to come?”
The young elf blinked, as if in disbelief. “It would be foolish of me to decline your gracious offer. So by all means, yes.”
With that, Chris gained another companion.
The initiation labyrinth, or also known as the freshman’s den, did not look any different from any other building outside. But the moment Chris and his group pushed their way through the luxurious doors, his jaw dropped at how spacious it was. Aside from the multiple counters with their own receptionists, there was even a cafeteria on their left and what seemed like a spot for students to vend their goods. Such results must be the effects of Spatial magic.
Looking around him, Chris recognized some of his classmates standing in line. Some were already carrying their respective weapons on their waist provided by the school which made him think that the initiation labyrinth was indeed there, in that building.
One lone girl, who didn’t seem like she belonged to a group, caught Chris’s attention. He couldn’t help but nod in satisfaction to those black knee socks going all the way up to her thighs. Chris had a thing for knee socks after all. It was a fascination that sprouted when he was still training to be a Celestian knight.
The girl noticed his lingering gaze but did nothing to reprimand him. She gave him a sharp glare before she went downstairs to shadow the other group of students.
“Stop spacing out, Christopher. It’s almost our turn.” Raven brought him out of his musings.
“Sorry.” Chris was left scratching his head.
When their turns arrived, a senior student instructed them to equip their gears. They simultaneously invoked [Inventory], revealing a small window with a blue background in front of them. The senior student then explained each tab that appeared in detail.
Chris pushed the tab for [Equip] and picked the leather gauntlets on his screen. Small particles of light then emitted around his arms. A second later, when the light fully dissipated, the gauntlets were fitted on both of his arms.
“Magic has really gone a long way.” Now Chris understood why they had to give out blood samples to obtain a Skill bracelet. It was necessary for the bracelet to recognize its user.
“Indeed. Whoever invented this technology is a genius,” Arthur said. His weapon was a crossbow embedded with an inexpensive-looking mana crystal.
Chris was positive that his weapon works no different from a rifle, as it fires accumulated mana arrows fueled by the user, but Elves still prefer to use their precious bows.
The thought made him smile. So even someone like Arthur, who appeared like a bona fide gentleman, could be stubborn in his own way.
Meanwhile Raven equipped nothing but a pair of leather gauntlets, as if to stay true to his words.
The senior student handed each one of them a shoulder bag before explaining,“Keep in mind that, while opening the inventory window is useful, it consumes mana.”
“Understood. It’ll be quite embarrassing if we passed out because of it,” Chris said.
“Remember, no inappropriate behavior while you’re down there!” The senior student warned. “All of the loots harvested inside would be confiscated by the academy at the end of the day and exchanged for Rigals. No exceptions. As it’s the first day, you freshmen are allowed to map the first floor, are we clear?”
“Yes sir,” the three of them replied.
The senior student ushered them to a room downstairs. Nothing but a regular room. But as soon as the senior student left and closed the door behind him, their surroundings turned pitch black.
“Oi, oi, oi, could you two see anything?” Raven panicked.
“Just wait.” Chris placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him, knowing how unnatural it must’ve felt for a Lynx to lose sight in the dark.
“I agree. This is probably part of a spell.”
“Alright guys.” With three deep breaths Raven calmed down.
Light returned in small quantities. Chris noticed how the floors beneath him changed. Grass arose in between the concrete and swayed in a wind he could not feel. The view changed to that of an old ruin overrun by grass and moss.
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