《Anyhorr》The banshee
Dan saw the description of the new creature and shook his head silently.
Level: 4
Life: 5000
Description: In places of large burials or battles often accumulate a huge amount of destructive energy for living creatures. Fresh and buried body in such land has a chance to become a disgusting form of life, Ghoul. Ghoul eats a dead body, paying special attention to decaying internal organs, allowing him to be in lethargic sleep with no food. Unlike other undead species, the Ghoul has the rudiments of the mind. Ghoul keeps some memories of his past life and can even talk, but does not think that it made him more peaceful. In front of you a tricky creature that can attract a stronger opponent to you, to then taste your remains. The Ghoul is clever but weak. If you meet with this opponent, you should be wary of physical contact, as the Ghoul is the carrier of many diseases, and such creatures like to keep a herd. Killing the Ghoul, in no case leave the corpse to fate. Destroy it, so that other Ghouls do not get so coveted food. A Ghoul can eat his brother's internal organs and turn into an Alghoul.
Fortunately, the scouts noticed two creatures that were digging in an open grave before the monsters noticed the players. The scouts used a mixture of fire. Michael brought with him a small supply of fuel oil for a small lamp. And now this oil, spilled over small clay jars, with oily rags in their necks, has gone into action.
John and Nick sneaked to the grave and dropped simple fiery grenades on the heads of creatures who were not expecting an attack. A wild squeal rose, and two bursting figures went deep into the cemetery, dragging the undead with them. In five minutes, all the players got the experience, the scouts got the achievement 'Pyromancer' and 15 points of 'Glory'. By the agreement, they did not throw points in the common bank, and both developed their skills. Battles with skeletons continued, skeletons of warriors and zombies were rarer. Players tried to avoid Ghouls.
By evening, all hardly kept on their feet.
Players destroyed fifty-three skeletons, five ghouls, four zombies, two warrior skeletons. They did not meet any new creatures. But this is not surprising because they kept to the edge all the time, trying not to climb deep into the cemetery.
The group had no problem getting to the shelter where the players hit the floor.
Alexander and Michael decided to throw a morning run to the village to stock up on new clay pitchers and butter. As for the ghouls, the fire helped well.
Nick and John had volunteered as messengers for the village, and it was decided to send a scout to get them back before dark.
Michael accompanied them and returned. One pitcher of butter was still left, and soon the room lit a small light. Jim settled in the corner and took out a small table of tools from his inventory. Jim went through the trophies, most of which had been taken by the scouts. Nick got a chance to start developing his trade skills. The guest house in the village had the opportunity to rent a chest for storage. Michael said that this chest had to be tied to a creature like a zombie to chase away a local tricky bloodsucker.
Players didn't get seriously injured and were able to take a lot of trophies. It was mostly armor, some even with boost characteristics. Armor, sometimes new, but more often with reduced durability, rings, amulets, gold jewelry, gems, a couple of things that did not have enough scrolls of identification. They collected some money from monsters, very little silver and a lot of copper. Gandalf and Jim were the only ones who wanted to deal with trophies. The rest of the group lay down on the floor and shared their impressions of the past day.
Players discussed skills and tried tactics against monsters. Dan talked about what he learned from the skill of 'Cognition'.
By the end of the day, the monster identification skill had evolved into a four. And now in the description, in addition to information about the origin and basic information, began to appear initial information about the class skills of monsters and their strengths and weaknesses. Very interesting skill, the higher the rank, and the more information could be obtained about the opponents. But being a simple observer did not work for Dan. The skill required a fight with monsters, and the inquisitor changed his bracelets on the club, the new club was longer and thicker than the basic one.
So, it took a couple of hours until the door was knocked on a conventional signal. Michael let the scouts in and locked the door again.
The scouts brought news, and good news, and bad news.
The bad news was that a level 21 werewolf, elite, was wandering by the road to the village. If it wasn't for Invisibility and camouflage, the guys could have died. They checked the quest mark, it was near the village on the other side. There were two more werewolves, possibly more! If the others are under 20, that's too bad.
And the good news was that there were two new players in the village!
A man of thirty and a woman with him about the same age.
Gandalf rushed to praise the gods who heard him. Players began asking for details.
The man's name was Alan, 28, he worked as a teacher at school. Level 4.
The woman's name was Valerie, 25. She worked as a fitness trainer. Same level 4.
The guys briefly told them about this world, gave them twenty silver Rials and asked them to wait for the group in the village.
Strange players are not free to make a binding to the point of rebirth. Now to make the binding, one of the members of the clan has to obtain permission. Fearing for their reputation, the scouts did not allow the binding, leaving the decision to the group. The new people were a little outraged and argued, but it was the right thing to do. Let them sit in the village, they will be safer in it.
The chest for trophies was rented, the key was taken with them. Turin was also indicated in the chest when Nick saw the dwarf, he would give him a temporary key.
The scouts brought 4 gallons (15.14 l) of oil and many empty bottles of fragile vials and jars. They didn't buy much oil, the stock of the villagers wasn't endless.
The players filled up the lamp and poured oil from the large jugs into small bottles. Each player was given five fire grenades.
They didn't want to go to sleep yet, and the conversations started again.
"Is she pretty?"
"I don't know, cute."
"Does she look like? Does she sound nice? What are your eyes like? Are your breasts big?"
"Gandalf, I tell you again, leave me alone. Come to the village, you'll look at it yourself and you'll know everything."
Nick was trying to fight Gandalf off. John was telling Alexander something with an important face. He could hardly hide his smile, and he was in no hurry to help his friend.
"Hold the paper, Dan."
Michael put a stack of clean pages in front of the players, a rough thread with a thick needle and a pen with an inkwell. And he explained his thoughts:
"Write everything the system showed you about monsters."
"And why is that, because of two new people?" asked Dan. "I can't draw."
"Gandalf can do it, now he's going to make Nick totally mad. Then, he'll run off and help you. Our new clan members have nothing to do with your assignment. I talked to the locals, Dan. This world is huge and very poorly populated. The locals know through the news from the caravans that there are only ten towns in the entire mainland where we are, with thousands of thirty and many small villages. And each region has its own kinds of monsters. I've seen a rough map at the head of the village.
There are four continents in this world, each the size of Australia. Can you imagine the size of this world? And that's the world where the players come in. We're few, very few. And what would seem to be the reason for our coming here?"
"Somewhere else, people are coming. They form groups like ours?"
"Yes, and someday we'll meet big clans and groups. The information that we gather will help them, and what they learn will help us. Jim will tell you about the craft, the rest of us will tell you about our classes and features. Gandalf will tell you everything he learns about magic. We'll create our own guide to this game."
"Have you decided to establish a new outpost of civilization here?"
"You know, I don't believe we can go home. I hope, but I don't believe," said Michael in a sad smile. "You said right then in the hall, every death will change us. So, I don't think we can go back to our past lives. No reasonable man will let go of people who are used to dying and killing so often and calmly."
"Let's hope we're wrong."
"Let's hope so. Will you take the job?"
"Yes, I'll do it. Go save Nick, I'll need Gandalf more today."
That's what this world does to a man. Men have only been living here 12 days, and he's already a pessimist. He thinks in the right direction. Killers must be kept under control, and abnormal killers must be kept in prison.
I don't agree with another important moment! This is my knowledge! I paid for it with my efforts, my fear, and my pain. I'd be against it if our clan gave our valuable knowledge to others.
I don't mind sharing my values, I don't mind getting rewarded for my work. The words of the leader sounded a little pathos and exalted.
Dan took one of the pages. The paper is thick and a little grayish.
"Jim, do you have treated leather?"
"Yes, I did, I took it to armor repair."
"Do you have a piece of leather on the covers?"
"I'll find a piece for you in a minute."
Dan opened the inkwell and put a feather in the ink. When he tried to get a few words out, he immediately put a few blots on it. The process with the pen will be slow.
[Attention! Would you like to get the 'Librarian' subclass? Yes / No.
Warning! The number of subclasses is limited to three specializations]
That's interesting. I'll have to think about it. It's only three specialties. That's not enough. But my ability to get information about monsters is important. And it's necessary to formalize my knowledge.
Dan mentally pressed 'yes'.
In case of danger, I'll tell the monster fairy tales, and maybe I can surprise my opponent and hide quietly.
As soon as he put the pen to the paper, the hand independently of him brought out the word 'Bestiary' in calligraphic handwriting. Now the process did not seem muddy and tiresome to him.
Dan gave some of the pieces of paper to Gandalf and asked him to draw creatures on one side of the paper, but to leave room for the title. On the backside, Dan would later write a description of the monster.
Dan watched as the magician pencils the drawings of familiar creatures and was amazed. The guy had a real talent as a painter.
"I have a subclass painter now," proudly said Gandalf. "Do you think girls like romantic painters?"
Girls love famous painters, thought Dan. But he assured the magician that girls love the humble and romantic like Gandalf.
Dan got curious and opened up a description of the subclass:
Subclass: Librarian.
Attention! One transformation of this subclass is possible.
Life is short and dangerous. Every living sentient being sought to leave a mark on the history of its species. And as a rule, this trace is most often found in books and scrolls. In order not to lose the accumulated knowledge, special vaults are created in which such traces are collected. For a smart man, this collection will be a great experience or source of knowledge that will give him power. But for someone, the Library will remain a dusty depository filled with strange stories of long-dead generations.
You have chosen one of the ways of the mind, and you must preserve and multiply your personal vault.
Improved skills:
'Calligraphy', this skill affects the speed of your writing and the overall appearance of the scroll you write. [1/10]
It opens up skills:
'The Reader'. When you read new books or scrolls, you train your mind to memorize information literally. This skill increases your intelligence, for one skill unit your intelligence will increase by 1%. [0/10]
'Keeper of knowledge'. If you find a broken letter or a damaged book, you can recover the damaged information. [0/10]
Class skills:
'Ancient languages'. You'll explore ruins and abandoned structures, carefully painting symbols you don't know. Explore them in more detail and you will be able to learn their meaning. [0/10]
'Master of puzzles'. Very often the knowledge written down in books can be quite dangerous or valuable, and sometimes both together. This skill will allow you to understand what its creators wanted to hide in the text.
Attention! This skill allows you to get rare quests from books and scrolls after decryption. [0/10]
This life annoys me with its complexity! Why is it so complicated? This specialty allows me to get new quests and attracts me with its ability to learn the secrets and mysteries of this world. But increasing intellect is not what the Inquisitor needs! He needs to boost his spirit.
Dan asked Gandalf about his specialty as a painter and loudly scolded. It was the painter who was a subclass in the way of the spirit.
Now there's no way to change it! It doesn't make sense. Gandalf is unable to learn information about monsters. But Dan can tell with words, and Gandalf can record!
What a lack of reference on this world and this game. Okay, I'll have to accept my choice. I can't paint it anyway! Who do I reassure? The system will teach anyone how to draw neatly. In an instant, I began to paint in ink neatly and beautifully.
Maybe, I should take the Painter specialty? I can increase the Spirit.
Stop! The clan doesn't need new painters. There will be useful new specialties in this world.
Gandalf finished drawing a regular zombie and started a new job. In a couple of hours, they finished the work, and Gandalf went to bed. Many monsters had a humble description. Dan specifically left the room to add new information to the description later. They decided to take classes for the next night.
Dan couldn't sleep. Everyone else was asleep. He took a blank sheet and wrote:
"Start of the game. The generation of the character is blocked by the system.
The newcomer passes the first quest, it's a test of survival in this world."
The new morning started with a slight pain in his body, yesterday Dan had to run and jump a lot. But he was in a good mood. Dan received the achievement 'Eyes of the Witness' for describing a detailed history of the arrival of players in this world. There were no blank pages left, and Dan knew he would make the economic and economical leader angry for such wasting. But it would be a tolerable price for 25 points of the received 'Glory'. Dan had raised 'Spiritual Power' to the top, now half the spirit was in his strength, and he had maximized 'Punishment'.
The system didn't tell him to transform the class. So, he had to continue to develop his skills. It's time to improve his vampirism. Dan put the rest of the points into improving his 'Tough Will' skill.
50% of the damage he'll be able to translate into health recovery. The important thing for him is not to face a very strong monster.
Dan couldn't open up a skill with an area attack to improve it. He has to fight monsters, develop 'The Cognition of Evil'.
Dan has honestly admitted to himself that it's a pleasure to develop his skills.
Michael checked their work and was pleased with the results. Then, he noticed another folder with written pages, read and gave Dan a new stack of pieces of paper. He smiled and warned that there was no more paper and that valuable resources needed to be preserved.
Dan realized that he had to pay his own money for his development! That's fair and square. And that's when he decided to have his savings. And he realized that he would have to negotiate with Nick to get the agent to buy a stock of paper.
The players had breakfast. Cold meat and bread were their humble food.
Then, they went out to the cemetery, and yesterday's events repeated themselves. They continued to clean the edges of the cemetery and tried to protect the oil.
Fighting and level development continued. The skills they had pumped up were making themselves felt.
Now Dan has begun to cause tangible damage to the undead. The damage from the bracelets was much greater than that of a club. 'Punishment' proved to be a powerful weapon. By activating this skill, the Inquisitor's strength rose to 50, and the defense increased. When Dan was hit by the monster, he no longer flew away. The impact was still painful, but tolerable.
Dan wandered among the graves and redrawn letters from the steles. Then, the cleaning of the cemetery continued, the players behaved carefully. By the middle of the day, they had finished cleaning the area around the entrance. Now they had to go deep into the cemetery, where there were many crypts. The scouts went to look at the new territory.
Most of the crypts had their doors broken down, and the doors were broken down from the inside. The thick doors of the crypts were made of stone. That means that the creatures that got out of there must have been very strong. In the depths of the cemetery, there are no conventional skeletons, instead, there are skeletons of warriors in armor and with weapons. And zombies wandered in armor too, but weapons were rare.
John noticed a Banshee nearby. Players quickly left this place and moved away from the dangerous neighborhood.
Leo and Dan started picking up the undead one at a time. The players won, but the victory was not bloodless. After a while, each of them had cut and stabbed wounds. Most of the wounds were those with leather armor on them.
It was an unpleasant and disgusting impression of the new way of life. Regeneration treated the wounds. But it took time. And it was unusual to see terrible bleeding wounds on comrades. It was especially frightening when, after a challenge, one of the skeletons bayed Alexander's hand and injured him. Alexander screamed in pain and was dragged back, where Ron began to actively use the healing on him. The sight of growing bones and flesh on them must have added to the grey hair.
Ron's entire mana took up the warrior's treatment. Players went through the trophies, found things with increased intelligence. Eventually, Ron looked strange and freaky. He was dressed in colorful clothes instead of armor, and he looked like a crazy gambler.
From now on, monsters were pulled out with 'Autodafe'. When called to the court, undead class skills related to weapons were blocked. Players would only dodge the warrior's combat skeleton skill, reminiscent of Alexander's 'Imminent Strike'.
So, they suffered for about an hour. Now the way forward was blocked by a crypt behind which there was a banshee. It was possible to try to clear the way among skeletons of warriors and zombies in armor and with weapons. But no one wanted to get caught under the sword of monstrously strong and hard to kill zombies.
Having consulted, the players decided to try their hand at the banshee.
The scouts warned that the banshee was a ghost. It flies, and it's hard to see. You must pay attention to the unusual sight! The Banshee flew through material objects and it caught the eye.
The Banshee flew low above the ground. It was far away, but Dan could catch it with his skill.
The Inquisitor pointed his finger at the creature and pointed under his feet.
And the ghost in the windy translucent red dress, freely passing through the gravestones, slowly swam to the players.
As the creature crossed the circle, it became more material, and Dan was able to see the banshee perfectly.
The woman looked delightfully awful.
Her gray hair waved in different directions under the blows of the wind. Her skin was grey, with a blue tint. Flying corpse. Her eyes had no pupils, clear white gaps stood out above her disgusting nose. The nose was rotten, it opened two holes in her face.
The mouth of this thing was the most frightening. The mouth was wide open like it was frozen in a scream. The lips rotted, they weren't visible, and they didn't hide the creepy teeth.
The banshee's teeth were inhuman! The teeth were sticking out like big bone needles! Yellow, sharp, different heights, some bent outward. Nasty teeth.
Then, Dan noticed her Tits! Big, juicy, gray Tits! They stuck out and called for a gaze because they were half-open with a red décolleté dress. It was the dress of an aristocrat. Yesterday's zombie woman had some kind of dirty rip on her body. The banshee dress was decorated with a wide cut that went from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen. The edges of the cut were skillfully laced.
A piece of the naked female body was frightening with its grey skin color.
From the hips, the dress turned into ribbons and shreds of red, exposing slender legs.
The sleeves reached to the elbows and opened the skinny hands, with big curved claws on the fingers. It was a terrible sight!
It took Dan a while to get away from the banshee view to read the description.
Level: 10
Life: 5400
Overview: The Restless Soul of a woman who died a violent death can turn to one of the immaterial monsters. Banshee is one of the most dangerous ghost species. The mere presence of this creature evokes despair and fear of extraordinary power in people. Banshee can partially convey to you the agony of an ethereal creature, which is doomed to eternal loneliness and intolerable cold of the other world.
The moans of this spirit stifle the will, depriving you of the opportunity to resist.
Banshees are invulnerable to conventional weapons, only blades sanctified by the Priest or improved by the power of Talakat or Ridarn can damage its immaterial essence.
Few classes can resist such an adversary. Fear not the legendary scream of a banshee, fear touching this creature! With a touch, you will lose a piece of your soul.
Class skills:
'The ethereal spirit'. The skill gives you protection from spirit-enhanced weapons and reduces damage from enhanced or sanctified weapons. [7/10] [Blocked]
'Spirit Walls' Skill weakens and puts the victim to sleep. [6/10] [Blocked] [Blocked]
Battle skills:
'Scream'. A ghost makes a scream that causes serious damage and injury to live things. [10/10]
[Cooldown: 300 seconds] [Reduced by 50%]
'The Otherworldly Touch'. By touching his victim, a banshee drinks his opponent's life to make up for his. [10/10][Cooldown: 300 seconds][Reduced by 50%]
When Dan finished reading, he was already five feet away from the almost approaching monster, stretching out his fingers to him with long claws.
"She sounds, don't let her touch you, she's a vampire," Dan shouted as he retreated from the ghost. "You can hit with a better weapon."
Michael came up on the side and hit the gray ghost flesh of Banshee with a casting blue blade. The ghost instantly turned towards him, and the next second they hit the ground, covering their ears with their hands. Hellish pain grew in Dan's head, and warm liquid poured through his hands tightly pressed to his ears.
[Attention! You have been injured. The damage done to you will be increased.
Attention! You are paralyzed by the advanced skill, you are immobilized.]
Dan was horrified to watch the monster leaning against him, the player had no strength to move, and he told the guys out of last force:
"Activates skill in 300 seconds."
And then he felt the cold. It's a very strong cold. An ice pack was rapidly growing inside of him, and Dan couldn't think of anything else. The cold and the strange crying sound silenced the pain of dying organs.
It is cold, it's so cold...
For a second, it was like the cold was getting weaker, but the body flashed a bunch of pain. Horror washed away the last vestiges of his will, and Dan screamed out of monstrous despair.
The burning pain pierced his body and shot him in the neck with a sharp prick.
And Dan died.
A date with a hated nothing faded in the face of the horror he experienced. The spasm from too much air was almost unnoticed. Dan squeezed his body into a ring on the dirty floor and continued to shake from the cold.
It was unusually cold, and he didn't want to leave his frozen soul alone. Crisp joints, which he squeezed to the limit. Dan grabbed his shoulders, moaned and tried to warm himself, but he couldn't even catch any heat.
Fire, I need fire!
There was a fuss around him, someone running and shouting.
Fire, I need to get warm! Oil, oil is in my inventory! I need to pour out and set it on fire, and then I can get warm. Yeah, right, all I have to do is open my stiffened fingers.
Dan had a hard time taking his fingers off his shoulders. Now he could see his hands shaking from the cold.
But all I have to do is wish! I want to get a pitcher of fuel mix from the equipment!
And there he is!
Dan was holding a vessel with the desired heat in his hand, but something stopped him from pulling out the rag cork.
"Hold him tight, you idiots! He's going to burn himself!"
Dan heard a loud scream.
Why, why are you interrupting me, can't you see how cold I am?!
"Damn it! He's twitching hard!"
"Fall on him, don't let him move!"
"John, hold him tight!"
I'm cold, I'm so cold...
"Teeth! How do you unclench his teeth? I can't pour the tincture on him!"
"Knock his teeth out! And hold him down! "
Dan felt an outburst of pain, and a bitter scalding fluid poured inside him. He greedily swallowed the life-giving fluid, but something stuck in his throat. Something was preventing the fluid from getting inside.
"Give me another bottle."
"He can't swallow this, his teeth are stuck in his throat!"
"Try to get them out with your fingers."
"Are you crazy?! He's having spasms. I'm going to lose my fingers!"
Dan's mind was slowly flowing into darkness, and finally, the world around him was gone.
Peace... leave me alone.
After a while, Dan woke up again.
The terrible cold had gone, leaving a chilly void.
He was lying in the corner of the room.
Dan leaned carefully on his trembling hands and took a sitting position, his back against the wall.
There was silence in the room. Nine wary glances watched his movements. Dan raised his shaking hand and waved at them. A sigh of relief swept through the gatehouse. Michael sat next to him.
"Are you all right?
"I'm okay. I'm a little cold."
"You scared us a lot. When the creature leaned over you, you screamed so loud and scared, my head hair was moving. Your hands were glowing and you were going to cling to the beast and the beast was going to cling to you. We started cutting her... She was trying to get out of it. You wouldn't let her go, but you were screaming like... People don't scream like that, the living shouldn't scream like that. Nick stabbed you in the neck with his spear and sent you for the rebirth."
"Thank you, Nick. Did you kill the creature?"
"We killed a banshee. After you died, she only lasted a few moments."
"That's good."
"And then we heard you scream again, but from this house. We ran this way. When we got there, you were lying on the floor screaming. You were breaking your shoulders with your own hands. We couldn't get away for a couple of moments, and then you got a vial of butter in your hand."
"I wanted to pour on myself to get warm. And then you kicked my teeth out and pumped me with a tincture. I remember everything, Michael. Thank you for not letting me burns me."
"Don't thank me. You owe Nick two fingers. Your teeth hit your throat and cut off your breath. He put his fingers in your mouth. So, you could bite his fingers off with your gums and the rest of his teeth."
"What a crazy person I am, I'll owe you one. Have they grown back?"
"Fingers have grown like your teeth," said Michael. "Will you listen to the news?"
"Tell me."
There was a lot of news.
There's a caravan in the village. Five vans guarded by a strong squad of sixteen men. All warriors were level 30. All the guards were seriously injured. The caravan brought 3 dead bodies. One guard will remain crippled, some creature bit his leg off. The wound was healed with a potion, but he couldn't grow a limb. It takes a strong magician for this procedure, with the right specialization. The caravan will now regain its strength in the village.
There are many new products and potions in the shop.
But there are no such strong potions as those given to players for tests. Some potions slightly increase regeneration and various healing potions from weak wounds.
There are a lot of antidotes on the market. You can buy new weapons and armor. There are all sorts of household items on sale.
Nick was a great salesman! He sold the ingredients from the monsters pretty well. They were the only ones he got ten gold coins for. He got a hundred more silver rials for small crystals.
With the money he got, the players bought two barrels of fuel oil and other supplies.
The remaining trophies left Turin for sale. The dwarf says that things with the 'rare' type can make a lot of money.
Beginners saw the blood on their armor, humbled them and seem to have begun to understand the real prospects for existence in this world. But they're holding on and even helping to care for the wounded guards a little bit.
Michael went to the village with the scouts. There were no werewolves near the road, perhaps the creature licked the wounds.
Tomorrow they will go back to the village, now is a good time to improve specialization Diplomacy and Trade.
Nick managed to overhear part of a trader talking to the village head. There was a phrase in the conversation, 'The same'. There may be another group somewhere near the castle.
Dan was listening to the news. The feeling of cold in the whole body wasn't lost. He asked Michael:
"Didn't you get a fat blanket?"
"There was no such thing, but there are wolf furs. Do you want some?"
"Let me get some sleep."
Michael brought the fur and Dan wrapped himself in the warmth of the fur that smelled like a dog.
"Come on, Dan. Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow."
After a while, the Inquisitor got warm, and he fell asleep again.
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8 124 - In Serial20 Chapters
Possessive (Boy×boy) Mpreg (Discontinued)
Edit:Don't bother reading this book,because I'm not finishing it.I don't know if anyone is going to read this story. But if someone does read it then there is a few things I need to warn you about. There most likely have swearing, maybe have some sensitive subjects, and this story is a male×male. Also the book will most likely not have any sex scenes. (I took the story down for awhile)
8 151 - In Serial57 Chapters
Solangelo oneshots
One day I was doing the dishes and singing (badly) Soldatino by Paola Bennet when an idea came into my head based on some other stories I had read combined with the song. I decided to start writing Solangelo one shots.That's thisI do not own any of the characters in this book except the ones I make up. The rest are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney. I got the cover from google so sorry if I stole someones fan art google is my best friend for those things
8 458