《Anyhorr》Congratulations on passing the test
[Congratulations on passing the test!
Total behavior score 5 out of 10. You get five prize points which you can exchange for points of parameters or skills.
Based on the test results, your character gets the following basic characteristics:
Strength 5
Intellect 7 [MP 70]
Dexterity 5
Spirit 12
Endurance 3 [HP 300]
Warning! According to the test results, you are assigned a passive characteristic:
Luck 1 You can't put points in this characteristic, because it will grow in a situation]
Luck is one point, so we have a very greedy system.
Now Dan laughed even louder.
Is that a delicate suggestion of how lucky I am? You bastards. Someone put me in this game, and I really don't like this someone. And what's in the second message?
Dan highlighted the next image, and there was a big shimmering inscription:
[Congratulations! You managed to defeat your opponent ten levels above you!
You got the achievement of 'Fearless'. For this achievement you get 10 Glory points.
Attention! Glory Points can also be exchanged for Features or Skills Points, or make your reputation work for you: more job information, more rewards. It's up to you.
Congratulations! You have become an involuntary instrument of retaliation.
The achievement of 'Nemesis' has been achieved. You have access to the hidden Game Class. Attention! This feature is temporarily blocked by the system.]
And the last image with the profile.
[Character info unlocked
Name: 18694. Want to change: Yes/No.
Attention! You can only change the name once.
Race: Human. Selected by the system.
Level: 6
Experience: 7800/7900
Strength 5
Intellect 7 [MP 70]
Dexterity 5
Spirit 12
Endurance 3 [HP 300]
Luck 1 [Passive]
Available with 30/+5 characteristic points and 6/+5 skill points.
Before a character is assigned to a class, the distribution of skill points and the skill tree is blocked]
A lot of hidden information. Why are these games in play? If you blame all the developers or administrators of the project, I have a growing score with them. I have to change my name.
'Dan' [Accept: Yes]
[Congratulations! Now you can look through the inventory and see the allied statuses]
The interface blinked, and a large window opened, the right side of which was an empty window with a 0.00/20.00 pound (9.07 kg) at the bottom. Does that mean how much weight he can carry? It's a bit small, just twenty pounds.
On the right was a picture of his character, or rather, Dan with equipment slots. Two for weapons, five for clothes, one for an amulet, four for rings and another slot for an earring.
There are two stripes under the character: Life and Mana.
And the face. Three scars aslant crossed out Dan's face. Now I'm a freak. He started stupid laughing again.
Dan wasn't looking at the parameters of his clothes, he understands that its entry-level.
But he has to deal with the characteristics. Dan unfolded the parameter image and started reading the description carefully.
[Strength. Increases the power of the close attack, as well as the chances of parrying and blocking. Influences the weight to be carried, the calculation of *2 pounds (0.91 kg). In case of overload, your speed drops significantly.
Dexterity. Increases the accuracy, evasion, and chance of a critical strike in a close and long combat.
Intellect. Influences the speed at which you learn non-combat and magic skills and trades. Intelligence affects the likelihood of a critical blow from a spell, as well as the mana amount of your character [one point of intelligence gives ten points of mana]. Intellect increases the mana regeneration rate.
Spirit. Increases the mana regeneration rate of life and mana, and the length of time and power of skill use. High Spirit allows you to confront opponents above you in level.
Endurance. Responsible for the number of points of life [one point of Endurance gives one hundred points of life]. It also affects your overall endurance and the overall wound healing rate in the event of an injury.
Luck [Passive]. Increases your chances of getting more valuable trophies from a defeated opponent. Increases the chance of parry, critical kick, and gives you the chance to partially ignore your opponent's defense.]
That's the way it is. So now think about how to distribute my stock of characteristics.
Some bundles fell to his feet.
"Here, take this, get changed. It's scary to look at you," Michael sat down in front of Dan. "Have you sorted out the interface?"
"Almost got it figured out. I don't understand anything.”
Dan got up on the feet and turned the bundle. Clean shirt and pants with no characteristics. Some kind of leather jacket with a description, Dan wonder and he should take a look:
[A simple leather jacket.
Type: Simple
Defense 10
Durability: 10
Weight: 1.5 pound
Attention! You can improve this subject with special materials.]
Michael stood next to him and started another lesson for a newcomer:
"What's not clear?"
"All of it, to be honest. It's all too unclear. I realized that the main characteristics are five. But, on the other hand, I realized that there is an opportunity to get more characteristics? The question is how to get them."
"What was added?" asked Michael.
"Good luck, one point."
"Yeah, that's why John says the werewolf prey is too good. Luck is a very useful characteristic."
Michael noticed Dan's look, and he smiled:
"Don't worry, no one's taking your loot. But I will ask you the main question. How will you continue to live in this game?"
"I understand what you're saying. Do you have an offer that I'm going to have a hard time rejecting?"
Dan smiled at that obvious group leader.
It was a little laughing at one detail of my new life. Dan won't have any underpants in the game. In the cruel world of sword and magic, only hardcore! Underpants are canceled. Underpants are for the gentle and spoilt of civilization.
"I have an important proposal for you," grinned Michael. "As you can see, living here is not easy, and only a group can survive. In the game, singles don't live long. I suggest you join us."
"I hear you. Michael. You are the leader of the Guild or the Clan."
"You've certainly played a lot of games like this. Yes. I'm the leader of a group of players."
"All for the survival and prosperity of the group."
Michael's voice has changed. The main condition he said was the tone of the man who would kill for his group.
Dan already realized that this game doesn't give him a chance. It's an achievement of science at a fantastic level! Dan did not understand the level of technology to create such a game.
And one thing he knew for sure. It's very difficult for a single person to start a game.
Dan decided to accept the offer. It was very profitable for him. But it was a matter that required further consideration, so he asked:
"I understand the importance of the survival of the group. Is the leader of the group is you?
"Did you vote?"
"No, it just happened. I have the highest level, and it was only thanks to me that I managed to retrieve the point of rebirth. I died next to her. But I succeeded in tying the group to the point of rebirth..."
Dan appreciated what Michael did. But it occurred to Dan that he had some kind of achievement for Michael.
This game immediately made him realize one major rule: 'There's a reward for everything and there's a price for everything'. Team, that's great. Does he have a choice? Dan needs a rebirth point.
He asked a very important question:
"If I want to leave, will you let me go?"
"I'm not holding anybody. Everyone is free to choose."
"And can I believe you?"
"In this question, you can. Here, reputation means a lot. For killing someone like that, there's a fine so it's better not to show up in the lived-in lands. And violation of one's duties is severely punished."
Michael's smile has become brutal.
"Yes, but not by me."
"I agree to join your group. You understand, I just don't want to get involved in violence. Swords, leaders, wars. Dictatorships."
Michael took Dan's hint of a past life now, he nodded.
Dan was interested in information about reputation, so I asked:
"By the way, about the reputation. What do you think of Glory?"
"I hope you didn't have time to spend it?" cautiously asked Michael.
He waited for the negative nod and exhaled with relief:
"Don't waste it, no way, I'll explain what's what at the base. Catch an invitation to join the group permanently. And we have to hurry, let's get to the base."
The invitation window blinked, and in brackets yellow was the permanent status. So he threw Dan a temporary invitation first. Dan pressed 'accept' and another window came up.
[You joined the group permanently.
Character status:
Group leader:
Michael. Race: Human. Level: 11
The rest of the group:
Alexander. Race: Human. Level: 8 John. Race: Human. Level: 7 Nick. Race: Human. Level: 7 Dan. Race: Human. Level: 6 Tom. Race: Human. Level: 6 Leo. Race: Human. Level: 6 Ron.. Race: Human. Level: 6 Jim. Race: Human. Level: 8 Gandalf. Race: Human. Level: 2
Disclose detailed information: Yes/No?
Warning! If you are in a group, you will receive an experience allowance. Current value: 0.9%
You got the quest!
You got the quest!
You got the quest!
You got the quest!
You got the quest!
Disclose detailed information: Yes/No]
Dan laughed when he saw a player's name.
"Yes, we have one. A fan of the old fantasy," shrugged Michael.
He looked at Dan and smiled:
"You've got Spirit 12, that's very good, the first score in our group. Level six. I can see that you haven't spread the Characteristics yet. I can advise you to hit hard and run fast at this stage. That's all the advice you need."
Dan thought that Michael had never been interested in computer games.
In was told in the direct text that there is magic in this game. And magic is power. Magic was appealing, it was extraordinary and very important in the future. But Michael was right. The magician does not need strength and dexterity. His power is Spirit and Intellect. But even a magician needs a little more strength.
This is not the case when you can save your game, put the game on pause and go for a smoke.
Dan started throwing thirty accumulated points without thinking twice, five prizes he decided not to touch. Dan won't touch the Glory points either. Okay, let's see:
[Character info:
Name: Dan.
Race: Human
Level: 6
Experience: 7800/7900
Strength 11
Intellect 10 [MP 100]
Dexterity 11
Spirit 15
Endurance 15 [HP 1500]
Luck 1 [Passive]
Available with 0/+5 characteristic points and 6/+5 skill points.
Before a character is assigned to a class, the distribution of skill points and the skill tree is blocked]
Dan tried to align his starting status. There's still some stock left, and that's good. There was still a question with tasks left. There is a leader, he is responsible, so he has the answers.
"What are the quests? Group quests?"
"No. There's a feature in this game. Any quest can be placed in a group. Let's move," hurried Michael.
He pointed to two figures that had already left on the way.
"Nick and John will go in front, Leo in the back. All this just in case they get killed. We'll have more time for the action, now it's all about getting you to the base alive."
"Cruel game, and what are our chances?"
Dan felt great! He felt light in the whole body. Michael was walking fast, but Dan made almost no effort to keep up with him.
"You are now appreciating your new abilities."
Michael smiled with understanding:
"It's always like this when you're raising your skills. You feel like you can turn the mountains.
What are our chances? Thirty percent. The game has a full set of creatures from all mythologies, a bunch of dead people, sorcerers, witches. The important thing is, they all just go crazy if they see an untied player. Dan. Listen with your ears, and look around!
The woods aren't deep, they're looking at 50 yards (45.72 m). In this forest, by the way, there's a big chance of a hit on Stump.
It's a three-yard tall creature, like a big stump that's got moss. The damage is terrible, and you can only kill it with axes and fire. But we haven't been able to kill one yet.
There are forest spirits in the woods, also crap. It's got a headache and it's got to make our trick. And then they send in a dream, thank God, their levels are small.
If the spirit parameter is above five, there's a chance to lose the obsession.
A wolf is like a wolf, only the size of a good cow. Very fast monster.
You've already met the werewolf. A lot of ordinary beasts that are a little dangerous. Until they've had enough of the levels. Foxes, boars and so on. You've seen bears. Creepy creatures, the base is about level 30.
Do you want the loot now?"
"No, let's have it since you have everything in common. If there's any trouble, it'll be beneficial to you."
"You're an interesting man. You say dark words, but they're right."
Michael nodded at Dan, and he laughed:
"There're no chats in the game! You can only communicate by voice, keep in mind. You keep the window of group status folded. Track the status of the others.
As for the quest. The system strictly takes into account how many people have done to complete the quest, and according to this calculation gives you experience. The mission to kill the werewolf was given to us in the village. The village is near our base. Or rather, it was a condition to kill or at least drive the creature out of here.
The quest was taken from the blacksmith, the creature killed his daughter. I'm going to give it up, because the peasants need to communicate with a full 'play out', like in the theater.
For peasants, we're some kind of stupid city people who come into the wilderness to hunt for the undead and other monsters. If you don't behave accordingly, then the system will cut the experience. Dan, don't worry, it'll be fair. Most of the experience for the assignment will be yours. You're likely to grow up a second or two levels. The system's going to cut ten percent of the experience you're going to get because we've learned that too. We took the blacksmith's quest, looked for the creature, found you. If we get you alive, we'll get the experience too.
His hand grabbed Dan's shoulder hard, he took a quick look around the road.
"John's HP dropped a bit. We're waiting. If John's health drops to half, we run very fast."
"Gotta help!" rushed Dan.
"Stay where you are," he shouted. "There's Nick, if it's serious, he'll let us know or call for help."
Behind them, 30 yards (27.43 m) away, Leo's frozen.
Dan looked forward again. The almost grass-covered track of the road yards fifty yards ahead was bent and turned to the right.
One minute later, a running man appeared on it.
Tall, wearing the same leather as the others, dark short hair, a strip of dark mustache, a thin, ascetic face. He told us not so loudly:
"Michael, we're speeding up. John the little pig fell down, he tried the spear in battle."
"Bad time for hunting! Where the little one is, there must be a mother that little pig," frowned Michael. "Why did he touch him, you couldn't miss him?"
"Don't, Michael, I'm hungry for meat," said Nick. "This vegetable diet is getting tired of everybody.
"The new player also wants something. He wants to live! The new player in the ring and run, or there'll be meat for us," said Mikhail in an evil voice.
They ran. They settled on Dan's side, and Leo ran not far behind.
Very soon, at the turn of the road, they noticed John on the side of the road. The body of a little pig was cleverly attached to his back. John nodded with a happy smile and ran ahead of another.
"And why is John carrying the body? Is there no loot in the game?" asked Dan.
"These are ordinary little animals. Loot only falls from adult creatures. Their babies are like real life. The pig's going to have to be cut when we get to the base." Answered Michael.
Dan ran and thought that it's strange, very strange, it feels like somebody's pulled a game problem on top of the real world.
As long as there's time, he needs to think about it.
He felt weird.
Dan increased his strength, dexterity, body, and intelligence. His physical condition was great! But he had problems in his head! Dan didn't know who he was! He knows exactly what his name is. Dan knows the facts from the history of planet Earth. But all his knowledge was like memories from reading an encyclopedia. Dan didn't remember anything specifically! What country did he live in? What was he? He doesn't know anything! Yesterday he was going to bed, that was remembered very well. Where? With whom? Today Dan arrived here. And raising game intellect doesn't help.
It's a very unpleasant feeling. Dan felt himself like a lab rat. Dan don't like to know for sure. That you're being used.
Even if this game, how did they all get here? It writes about virtual reality in fantastic books. Adventures in computer games are described in cybernetic fantasy books, where magic and swords, dragons and princesses are next to advances in cybernetics. On Earth, such technology does not exist. Of course, scientists do research, and the world is waiting for another breakthrough in science and technology.
There are theories of Reincarnation. Dan may be dead. And now he was starting a new existence. All these philosophies and mystical theories have never been of interest to him. Dan knew that for sure.
He entered the world with elements of the game, which showed him a test with a branch when it appeared.
Dan had a small wound that healed very quickly. It's scary to think about the main problem. What happens if he dies before getting connected to the point of rebirth? What are the chances that he'll just wake up? He wouldn't laugh at a dream like that.
What I've been through today seems like a nightmare and a delusion. Or am I going to die, definitively?
This situation reminds me of something. I can't remember for sure.
His thoughts were interrupted by Michael:
"We're near the base. Get ready."
Dan looked around.
[Attention! A revival point has been detected to the north of you. Would you like to make a connection? Yes/No]
"Yes." Absolutely!
[Congratulations! Now, in case of death, you will be reborn in the Abandoned Preceptorium location.
Attention! The status of the group has been changed. Show details: Yes/No]
"Everything's fine. I got tied up. Shouldn't we slow down?" asked Dan because he's starting to exhale.
"It's getting dark. Didn't you get enough from the werewolf? Do you want to refresh your memories?"
Michael laughed quietly:
"I know this is hard for you, but endure, there's not much left. We'll rest at the base. When it's dark, the Lamies come up to the sky."
"The Flying Vampires. They have a nest near the base. It's better not to walk down the street at night, you have to sit under the protection of the roof."
After a while, the forest began to raze, and a few minutes later groups jumped out into a wide field. The track of the road shifted slightly to the side and rested on a small castle. Dan even stopped in surprise. He didn't know what a Preceptorium was, but the Castle looked like a place to find shelter.
Michael pushed him in the back:
"Come on, you'll be resting in the castle!"
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Secrets of the Universe
What is strength before me? What is talent before me? What are you--before me?I am Chaos, The Destroyer of worlds, The God of Combat, The Purple Demon, The Akashic Eye.Do you want to be like me? It wasn’t an easy feat. How to be a badass? I can’t teach you that for I was born that way.Okay, I will compromise and teach you this time, but beware, the way of a badass is filled with obstacles.What are you waiting for? Read my book.*Sighs* I am too lonely. Is this what it means to be unparalleled? I guess I will take a nap now.When will that youngster finish reading my book? Don’t keep me waiting too long, young lad.
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The Archaic Ring
An original story inspired by xianxia and western fantasy. At sixteen years old, Nolan spent most of his time skipping class and playing video games, though he'd been getting into more fights lately than he cared to admit. His once record-high academics were nearing the end of a gradual decline, a byproduct of a growing indifference that had begun to fester after his parents' divorce. All of his worries dissipate like smoke in the wind when he inexplicably wakes up in another world, only to be replaced by a wider spectrum of vexing problems. BOOK ONE NOW ON AMAZON! To read the first book Tribes of Venara, follow this link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07VZXGDL7 Note* this link is to the Canadian amazon store, so switch to your local store to find the purchase option. BOOK TWO NOW ON AMAZON! To read the book, follow this link: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08FR85D39 BOOK THREE NOW ON AMAZON! To read this book, follow this link and access through your local amazon store: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B09FKYRYY5 Ten percent of each book is available here on RR, which is the legal limit that Amazon's rules/regulations allow me to post. I've received some flack from potential readers for publishing these novels, but you can only work full-time for free, for so long (in this case, two years) so I hope to see some sympathy in this regard. To those that take a chance on the series, thank you!
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