《Ambitions of an Immortal》Chapter 14: Test Of Will
The buzz of conversation in the throne room had completely died down. Everyone was completely occupied with staring at the monk and swordsman who had so brazenly entered the throne room. Wei was completely unable to tear his gaze from the two cultivators. And they were cultivators- he knew it in his heart as sure as he knew the sky was blue. They could have been any number of beings but for some reason Wei just knew they were human cultivators.
It was something about them, he couldn’t place his finger on it but he just knew without a doubt they were what he was going to become; a cultivator. Wei stared at them intently, trying to find what it was about them that made him so sure of what they were. He felt some vague familiarity coming from them that he couldn’t quite place. It annoyed him like a word on the tip of his tongue that he couldn’t quite remember. The two cultivators had entered the room together but know the monk stood in front while the swordsman stood respectfully to his side a few steps behind him.
The monk was nothing like the monks Wei had read about in his many books. He was young –seeming to be in his twenties. He was not bald; his hair was luxurious and long stopping midway down his back. He had a kind face, with lines that could only be gained from smiling a lot. His eyes were squinted and made it difficult to know where he was looking at. He wore plain robes of black lined white with prayer beads hanging from his left shoulder to the right side of his waist.
The swordsman was an old man with a long beard and long luxurious white robes. The left sleeve of his robe was cut off at the shoulder, clearly indicating that he only had one hand. He had a strict face and hard eyes. And most glaring of all was the sheer arrogance he radiated. It was especially evident in contrast to the kind, gentle aura the monk exuded. He carried a sword in a blue sheath in his only hand, idly tapping his index finger on it as he waited for the monk to make a move.
This didn’t surprise Wei as there were many explanations as to why the monk was in charge. In many of the stories he had read about cultivators. Not judging a book by its cover was a common theme. The young monk could be much older than the swordsman or just simply more powerful.
While the entirety of the throne room stared at them the cultivators made no move of acknowledging them. Instead they scanned the room casually and exchanged glances a few times with each other.
The swordsman spoke up and addressed the monk sounding annoyed “alright senior, you have proven to me once again that your eyesight is truly unparalleled, here you go.” With a speed too fast for Wei to see clearly a small object shot out from the sheath of the swordsman and zipped toward the monk where it seemingly disappeared.
“My young friend, to be young is to be ambitious, reckless and daring. However these attributes must be tempered and used in moderation lest they bring you problems in the future. This is the reasons why your elders told you to come under my tutelage.” The monk replied his voice smooth and soothing. It was truly odd to see the young man address the old man as his young friend.
I knew it they are cultivators. What could they possibly be doing here?
King Chen An seemed to have the same question “respected immortals, please identify yourselves,” he said somehow managing to sound both cautious and polite.
The monk finally turned towards the king and looked at him closely for a second “we are here to find a fitting core disciple for the Supreme Sword Sect, does that answer your question?” he asked amusement clear in his voice.
“The Kingdom of Chen is under the protection of the Supreme Sword Sect and any cultivators not having their permission to enter my kingdom will face the consequences. Not to be disrespectful immortals but do you have any proof to back up your claim?” He asked sweat dripping from his brow. Wei could practically see the kings shaking from his position.
So he’s finally realized the merit of thought before action. How funny. I didn’t think he had it in him.
The swordsman stepped forward in answer to the question “how interesting, you follow our instructions to the letter, but only when it suits you. Do you recognize what this is?” he asked. Suddenly a small wooden sword appeared floating atop his head, on it Wei could barely see the faded image of a sword pointing upward as if piercing through the heavens.
Before Wei could analyze it more clearly the small wooden sword floated towards the king, startling the enforcers flanking him. A few enforcers fidgeted but seeing as the king did not order them to act; they opened ranks and let the wooden sword head toward the king.
The king stood his ground admirably only flinching slightly when the sword came to a stop mere inches from his face. Wei saw the moment he fully understood what the sigil meant. “I apologize for my rudeness, I was simply following the orders I was given by your sect honored immortal,” he said.
“Oh, is that so? Then why did you disobey our orders?” the swordsman asked. The king seemed to struggle to find a suitable answer but thought better of it. “Immortals, I have no excuse for my actions, I know that I shouldn’t have killed the people who hadn’t gone through the ceremony yet. I intended to imprison them but couldn’t contain my anger. Please forgive me.” The king briefly bowed his head which was as good as groveling considering his position and then looked up at the swordsman face hopeful.
“It is not my place to forgive you or punish you, the official personnel from the sect will be here in a few days, and you will take it up with them. Considering this is the first time your family has made a mistake in many generations, if you show the same humility you showed me today they may forgive you.”
Hearing this king seemed to calm down slightly his pale face regaining a bit of its color “Then if not because of my misconduct, why did you come great immortal?” he asked puzzled. The swordsman opened his mouth to answer when the monk interrupted with a wave of his hand. “I know you like to be referred to as an immortal Xing but now isn’t the right time to socialize. Stop stalling, have you found him?”
“Okay senior Zixin it’s that youngster over there, “he said nodding towards the second prince Chen Ping. The second prince seemed to have not heard a word being spoken, his gaze being focused as it was on the sword in Xing’s single hand.
“Impressive, Xing I never expected you would understand my lessons so quickly, but then again your problem has never been your talent, only your demeanor and patience. I’m glad to see you are improving. It will only be a few more days before I am satisfied with your progress and you can go back to your sword training.” He said.
“It was all thanks to your tutelage senior. Without you it may have taken me many years’ perhaps even decades before my demeanor changed. By then my sword arts would have stagnated and I would never reach my goal. Thank you.” He said raw sincerity in his voice.
The heartfelt student and teacher moment seemed to make the people in the throne room feel awkward and everyone pointedly averted their gaze from the one armed old man bowing to the youthful monk.
They’re completely treating us as furniture. Still I can’t blame them, who would’ve thought they came here to choose a core disciple.
Huh. Guess the second prince really is as talented as the people say. He’s even cultivator material. He must be the first imperial of any significance to ever become a cultivator. If there were any others the royal family would’ve proudly made note of them in their records.
So what now? Wei wanted to have a chat with the cultivators very badly, especially the monk but doing so now would be incomparably rude and so he waited patiently, ignoring the pain in his chest and focusing on the cultivators once more.
Xing once more respectfully stood behind Zixin who stared at the second prince intently “youngster do you wish to enter the Supreme Sword Sect?” he asked.
The second prince looked up at the monk and answered with a question of his own “so I am a chosen?” “Yes you are a chosen and one with a particular talent towards the sword. A special sword physique if I was to guess”
Upon hearing the answer the second prince had a wide smile on his face “so I am special even among chosen, I knew it! I always knew” How strong is the Supreme Sword Sect.?” He asked voice brimming with happiness, barely able to contain his excitement.
“The Supreme Sword Sect is one of the most powerful Sects in the Enlightened Realm,” he said.
“Then I’m in.” Chen Ping replied simply.
“It’s admirable that you’re so decisive but it’s not entirely up to you.” He nodded towards Xing who gave Chen Ping a casual look and then a more searching one when he saw how Chen Ping’s gaze seemed to always flicker to his sword every few seconds.
A few seconds later Xing seemed to have made a decision and changed his look from a searching one to a full on glare. Chen Ping’s head immediately snapped up startled, and without conscious thought took a few hurried steps back away from Xing.
“Do I have your attention?” Xing said while walking forward slowly. Chen Ping made to step backwards again but something stopped him and he simply nodded while visibly shaking. “Not everyone is cut out to follow the path of the sword. In fact while many people use swords they are not swordsman.” He suddenly paused in his walk towards Chen Ping.
“Do you want to be a swordsman?” The weight Xing put behind the question was evident. The second prince with great effort looked once more at Xing’s sword and gathered himself, he exhaled loud enough to be heard by everyone and then yelled “YES. I want to be the greatest swordsman”.
The loud answer had barely finished its final echo when Xing’s sword materialized in his hand his sheath nowhere to be found. Upon seeing his sword Wei grew extremely excited. It was the first time that he had ever seen a magical technique after all.
The sword was elegant and lethal. Its presence seemed to chill the room and when the light hit it at an angle it almost seemed alive. If Chen Ping was giving the odd glance before, now he was unashamedly staring at the sword, hungrily, as if he wanted to run up and snatch the sword from Xing’s hand consequences be damned. Seeing his gaze Xing nodded slowly “your deep respect and admiration for swords is clear.” With a swish of his sleeve his sword disappeared from his hand to ‘somewhere’ and he walked back to stand behind Zixin once more.
Chen Ping stood there not knowing what to do until after a few seconds Zixin waved him over. Feeling inwardly confused but very grateful that his ‘test’ was over so quickly, Chen Ping jogged over to the two cultivators and stood respectfully behind both of them still in shock.
Wei meanwhile was experiencing the exact same thing. That’s it! So Quick! I thought I would have more time to think of a way to approach them. What should I do?
Zixin gently cleared his throat – drawing the attention of everyone in the throne room and spoke. “Chen An, we have what we came for. We’ll be leaving now.” His soft voice had a great amount of authority and unconsciously everyone in the throne room nodded together. Without another word he slowly started walking away Xing and Chen Ping following close behind him.
“Immortal Zixin please wait.” Wei’s voice reverberated throughout the throne room. It was even louder than Chen Ping’s previous yell. I was scared he wouldn’t hear me because of my weak lungs but looks like he heard me loud and clear. In fact everyone probably did. I hope this works.
Zixin turned around and faced Wei. Instantly Wei felt his mental qi begin to roil and seethe warning him not to provoke the person in front of him. As if I need a warning. Anyone with any sort of decent instincts can tell. This monk is definitely more dangerous than that swordsman.
Seeing Wei’s silence the monk did nothing except look at him a smile on his face. A few seconds passed by and the king started to get anxious worried that if Wei annoyed the immortals he could be punished along with him. He quickly whispered an order to an enforcer who boldly broke the silence “what are you doing young man? After calling the immortal back, instead of being thankful and quickly stating your business you’re wasting his time instead! How bold. Fellow enforcers capt—“ “Silence. If senior Zixin thought he was wasting his time would he wait?” Xing glared at the enforcer his eyes like sharp steel, and the enforcers properly cowed, shrank back and rejoined his fellow enforcers.
However after a few more seconds even Xing started to show signs of impatience in fact everyone in the throne room excluding Wei and Zixin were expressing their impatience in numerous ways. It’s only a few seconds. I thought cultivators lived much longer than mortals, why so stingy when it comes to a few seconds?
Although Wei was angry about Xing’s inclusion in the group of impatient people he didn’t show any of it on his face. After a short sweep of the throne room and seeing how many of the faces were changing from annoyed to hostile he decided to go for it. “Immortal Zixin I feel that I have a talent for cultivation do you think I can also accompany you?” Wei’s simple question caused a few people in the throne room to gasp. Everyone knew that only the successful undergoing of an awakening ceremony or the powerful sight of an immortal could tell what mortals were chosen and even then they could still be wrong.
How could Wei, a young mortal know that he was Chosen. The enforcer who had spoken up previously had a slight smile on his face after seeing that Wei really was wasting Zixin’s time, but seeing the tension present in the throne room he kept his mouth shut and resisted his urge to gloat.
“This is why I can never stop visiting the mortal world. There is always something interesting to see. With no assurances, no guarantee you stake everything for the small chance that you are Chosen. You must know that for your slight against Chen An, if you aren’t Chosen then your life is forfeit right” he asked voice brimming with curiosity. “Then why do you still risk it?”
Wei responded with a forced laugh, “I have a terminal illness. No doctor I’ve talked to can cure it.” Wei almost didn’t recognize the empty voice as his own. “In a story I read, a cultivator said ‘The Heavens always leave a way, a chance.’ So I’m gambling that I won’t die to my illness or Chen An but instead live as a Chosen, as a cultivator.” What followed was an audible silence and Wei could almost feel the tangible ridicule that people had for his words.
Scoff, jeer even laugh I don’t care what you think. Only what he does. At this moment only his thoughts matters, his decision. Everything else in this moment is meaningless, empty. What will you do monk Zixin?
Wei intently observed the monk like he was a puzzle to be solved but the monk gave away nothing keeping his infectious smile on his face while gently counting his prayer beads in a way that Wei could clearly tell he did quite often. Finally after what felt like an eternity of waiting “Very well, does anyone else think they are Chosen? Who else thinks they have been acknowledged by Heaven.” Suddenly the still silence shattered and many of the youth present in the throne room stepped forward eager, the crowd cleared around them as they all moved to stand near Wei and then looked towards Zixin for further instruction.
Zixin eyes looked at each of the mortals in turn, lingering briefly and then moving on. Although he was still smiling his gentle smile, something in his gaze seemed to make the excited group of youth very uneasy. A few moments later and only a small handful of them were left, the rest having returned into the crowd in shame.
“Being thoughtful is very important. If you always act impulsively you won’t achieve much,” Zixin said seemingly to the air. Everyone got his message. “Step forward,” he gestured to the remaining seven people including Wei.
Wei stepped forward filtering out everything except for the monk. He didn’t react when dozens of hopeful youths reentered the crowd with downcast gazes nor did he blink an eye when out of his group of seven two were also told to step back as they weren’t Chosen. Only when Zixin told them that the five of them were Chosen did Wei finally react.
Finally, even though I just found out that I would be a cultivator for sure a couple of days ago it feels like I’ve been waiting forever.
“Although the five of you are Chosen it doesn’t mean that you will come with me. This time the awakening ceremony is special, every day you go early is a day you have an advantage over all the other new Chosen. However instead of talent for cultivation, the thing I value most is willpower. If you want me to do you this favor then you will show me you are worthy. Is that understood?”
Quickly everyone agreed. Zixin after a moment’s pause called for Chen Ping who eagerly went forward and stood in front of him. “Chen Ping since Xing decided you fit the requirements for inner disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect I will use you as a measuring stick. Walk towards that flag over there and bring it to me,” he said gesturing to a flag on the other side of the throne room.
When did he…
Everyone except Xing seemed to share Wei’s sentiment wondering when the bright red flag had appeared in the throne room. Without asking any questions Chen Ping started walking towards the flag. A few seconds after he started he paused and then started walking again. This scene repeated itself with the distance covered become increasingly shorter and the pauses in between becoming increasingly larger. Five minutes later after making it about sixty percent of the way there Chen Ping returned dejected.
“Senior Zixin I can’t get it. Every time I start heading towards it I feel many distracting thoughts and can’t focus. The closer I got the more it affected my thought until finally I couldn’t move forward.” The entire time he was narrating his experience many people were giving the inconspicuous red flag intrigued looks wondering if it were perhaps one of the legendary spirit weapons that possessed magical powers.
“No worries. That flag is a formation flag that has a bewildering formation in it, a fairly weak one at that. Its meant to be used to keep mortals away from specific places. Although this one was a weak one you did rather well by getting almost three quarters of the way to it.” His voice had a faint hint of praise to it and Chen Ping instantly brightened up.
“If any of you can pass the half way mark then that will mean we have karma between us and you can come with me,” he said.
Alright this is good. Although I’m sure I have good talent I don’t know for sure, but will, I think I can do that. Will, ambition. mental qi I have them all, now to see how much.
Including Wei there were two young men and two young women. The two young men and the shorter of the young women seemed to have come to an agreement moving towards the flag together while keeping an eye on Zixin for his reaction.
Zixin made no move to stop them but his gentle smile turned into a slightly mocking one. The group of three paused slightly but seeing that he hadn’t said it was forbidden they continued on. Their clever plan was doomed to failure. Not even a few steps in they completely grew still, almost in tandem and then one by one they fainted. Muffled thuds sounded out alongside a sharp crack as one of the young men hit his head on the hard floor. They were quickly carried out of the throne room.
It was obvious that working together increased the intensity of the flags effect. Seeing three people try together and fail made Chen Ping stand taller his stiff posture relaxing.
The final young woman moved forward but her efforts were fruitless. Almost immediately she returned anger and sadness on her face.
Going halfway should be easy. I need to make sure not to draw any mental qi out of my body. My mental qi reacted for a reason. I have to be cautious.
Wei walked forward heading straight towards the flag. He was much slower than everyone before him due to the pain brought by his illness. He also didn’t have his walking stick. After a few steps he felt his thoughts begin to wander but because of the high caution he was proceeding with the first few distractions were easily dismissed and he continued forward. With each step he took the distractions become more and more subtle linking seemingly insignificant things into more prevalent thoughts.
I wonder were Lady Seer went. I should have gone with her. Today might have been the day I found out more about her. What was I even doing here? I still haven’t even showed my painting to Madam Song she will be so mad. I could …
Wait a minute…
With a start Wei cleared his thoughts and saw that he had been standing still. He seemed to be only a few steps away from the halfway point and the entire throne room was so quiet the only thing he could hear was his own haggard breaths.
Wei knew that he wasn’t very disciplined and that very few things interested him. That was why he preferred to stay alone, read books and gamble. Only very interesting stories and people could stir his thoughts. That was precisely the reason the people at the orphanage hated him. When a boring, vain person talked to him he simply couldn’t muster the energy to engage them in conversation and simply nodded while absorbed in his own thoughts.
Was he empty as one of the old caretakers said or merely apathetic he didn’t know. The only thing he knew was if the flag used triggered his most deep thoughts he could become lost for hours and then he would lose his chance.
I have to risk it.
With a thought his small store of refined mental qi swirled around his body. He made sure that not even a trickle escaped outside of his body. As he intensely focused on his refined mental qi he noticed that his thought were as clear as a mountain stream. With ease he crossed the halfway point and the entire throne room erupted into conversation. Just as quickly silence reemerged. Wei was curios what had been done to silence them so quickly but he didn’t look around lest he distract himself.
Having past the halfway he wanted to stop and return secure in his position as someone with ‘good karma’ with Zixin however the same feeling as when he had merged with the silver coin. A desire, no an ambition to excel. To strive and succeed. It fueled him and he revolved his mental qi faster until he struggled to keep it from seeping out. He quickly passed Chen Pings record and continued on. His mental qi had stopped moving faster but instead stabilized at an extremely fast speed.
It filled him with a warm feeling like a mothers embrace. He remembered the feeling from when he was a child and Madam Song would soothe him to sleep. At night his sickness would flare up and only her embrace and soft singing had let him fall sleep.
He felt so comfortable that his sharp pain dulled to a slight ache. Within a few seconds he was almost near the flag. The distractions were easily ignored his mental qi crushing them as easily as breathing. A moment later he reached out and grabbed the flag. It was cool to the touch and very light. Wei resisted the urge to wave it around a few times.
He walked back enjoying the awe on many of the people’s faces. He absentmindedly took note of Chen Pings sour face and stood before Zixin. He still had the same gentle smile on his face. “Congratulation young man you were indeed right. So much talent and willpower I am truly impressed,” he said voice full of praise.
“Your words humble me Senior Zixin,” Wei said altering his method of addressing Zixin whose smile grew wider. “For taking your time to listen to my request I am very grateful.”
“Think nothing of it. Everything is due to Karma. Now let us depart we are behind schedule,” he said motioning for Wei to walk beside him. Xing and Chen Ping trailed behind them as they walked towards the throne room exit.
Wei’s sickness started to flare up bringing with it the usual pain but not even that could curb his excitement. Not once did any of the mortals make a sound. Even the king kept his silence. However none of that mattered to Wei. He had done it.
Finally I take my first major step towards cultivation. I will find a cure. Maybe I’ll even become immortal.
- In Serial616 Chapters
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