《Ambitions of an Immortal》Chapter 2: A change In Lifestyle
Chapter 2: A Change In Lifestyle
The atmosphere in the small living room had become extremely awkward. Wei slowly sipped his tea observing both Lady Seer and Madam Song for any sign of what the coming conversation would entail. Madam Song was obviously in very deep thought, she was having a very difficult time finding a way to start the conversation.
The awkward atmosphere continued.
The only sound in the room was the sipping of tea. Wei tried to maintain his patience but after ten minutes he decided to break the silence. “So, Madam Song what did Lady Seer mean about me being her helper?” he inquired politely. Before Madam Song had a chance to reply a loud clanking sound rang out drawing attention to its source- Lady Seer. Satisfied that she had gotten their attention she spoke.
“I know that you see most of these orphans as your own responsibility Song, and they are, but you’ve done your part for this one and he hasn’t done anything to repay you. If you keep on coddling him, the minute he steps out of this orphanage he’s dead,” she stated it like it was an obvious conclusion. “The City of Chen is a wonderful place, if you know how to live in it, and he doesn’t know how,” she said pointing a bony finger at Wei. “That’s why lucky for him I’m in need of a helper and when I asked you who among your kids was suitable, you said it was him does your answer still stand?” she asked looking towards Madam Song.
The entire time Lady Seer was talking Wei hadn’t looked at her even once, instead his vision was fixed on Madam Song. And it was due to that that he saw the many conflicting emotions on her face. Wei didn’t like the indecision on Madam Songs face, she was usually so sure of everything that seeing her look hesitant made him feel uncomfortable.
It’s because of my sickness that Madam Song has always been very careful not to say anything that could negatively affect me. But she definitely has her reasons for telling this old hag that I would be her helper so I’ll make it easier for her.
Gathering his thoughts Wei spoke. “Madam Song you are the closest person to me, I see you as my family and trust that you have your reasons for deciding this, I’m completely willing to become Lady Seer’s helper.” Seeing the sincerity in Wei’s words caused Madam Song to smile. “Wei there a few things that I wanted to tell you but never found the right time, now that you’ve accepted Lady Seer’s offer I will share with you your — “
“Now wait a second Song,” Lady Seer interrupted. “He’s agreed to be my helper but”— her voice went cold— “we can’t be sure if he’s serious or messing around. To be my helper he’ll have to live with me, if by the time he’s sixteen he has proven himself up to my standards then you can tell him about his past. If he hasn’t then he wouldn’t be able to do anything with the information anyway.” She said to Madam Song.
Wei was very curious about his past but from the look on Madam Song’s face he could tell he wasn’t going to learn anything today. Madam Song seemed to have great respect and a near reverence for the old Lady Seer and he knew challenging her statement now would only weaken his position.
So, Wei went with the flow.
“I will definitely succeed,” he assured them both.
Madam Song smiled at that but Lady Seer only scoffed seemingly in amusement.
“We’ll see whether you can still say that after your first month with me brat.”
Seemingly satisfied with the conversation Lady Seer stood up and walked towards the back door of the house her black cloak swishing dramatically. Just as she was about to exit she looked back at Wei “say your goodbyes, pack up, and meet me outside. You have five minutes,” having said her piece she exited the house leaving the living room and the two people within to say their farewells.
Madam Song and Wei looked at each other both not knowing what to say. The silence stretched, but unlike before it was a silence full of meaning.
A comfortable silence.
Wei looked around to focus himself. Whenever he was thinking of something complex and trying to figure it out he would look around, letting his gaze wander and focusing harder within. But this time he failed to think of a significant goodbye.
How could he say something that would encompass all of the feelings he felt for Madam Song, all of the gratitude and love and fondness he felt.
She was his surrogate mother.
How could he say goodbye?
His words failed him and so he said nothing. Madam Song looked at Wei and saw his internal struggles.
He was her favorite.
So, like countless times when he was feeling bad because of his sickness she consoled him. “Wei, you don’t have to say goodbye. Lady Seer’s words have that effect on people, her words make everything seem set in stone. But this time it isn’t so. You can visit me every Saturday just to chat and maybe we can even gossip. What do you say?” She asked him with a smile.
With a start Wei realized she was completely right. Why wouldn’t he be able to see Madam Song?
What a vindictive old hag making a mountain out of an anthill. I definitely have to be careful when interacting with her. Or else who knows what will happen in these coming months.
Reassured as he was knowing that he would still be seeing his guardian Wei was just about to agree when his eyes were once again seemingly drawn to Madam Songs magnificent painting. “Madam Song we’ve gossiped together for years but you never told me that you were such a skilled painter, why is that? He questioned.
"Because you never gave me any inclination that you had the slightest interest in art, I always thought you had more interest in learning about immortals and so I never mentioned it,” she answered simply. “Why bring it up now?” she asked curiosity burning in her voice. Wei didn’t even have to think before he replied “because I want you to teach me.”
Madam Song was pleasantly surprised, who would have thought that Wei was interested in painting?
Gazing at Wei and the earnest expression on his face she prepared to accept, when she remembered Wei’s biggest problem. “Wei, I will teach you how to paint— seeing the satisfied look on his face she made her voice as strict and serious as possible. “However, if you bring your laziness when dealing with either me or Lady Seer then I will immediately cancel our lessons, Understood.”
Wei vigorously nodded showing his sincere and complete agreement to Madam Song’s conditions. “Good now go pack your bags and quickly go to meet Lady Seer outside. She isn’t tolerant of people who are late,” she warned him.
With a quick hug to Madam Song Wei walked out of Madam Songs house and quickly headed towards his room as fast as he could (which wasn’t fast at all). Wei quickly reached his room and entered it surprised to see everything as he left it. He packed all his clothes haphazardly throwing them in with no regard for anything except whether they would fit in his modest satchel. Sadly, being an orphan Wei didn’t have many clothes but in this instance, it was a blessing. Within a few moments he had completely packed all his belongings.
With a single glance backward Wei glanced at the temple turned orphanage that had been his home for over a decade and wasn’t surprised he felt nothing for it. He wouldn’t ever come back here except once a week to meet with Madam Song, and he was completely okay with that.
Walking outside of the boundary of the orphanage Wei found Lady Seer sleeping under a tree looking for all the world as if she always slept under trees in shady neighborhoods. In a few steps, he stood right above her looking down at her from above, curiously wondering.
Who is this old woman Lady Seer? Why does Madam Song respect her? And what am I going to be helping her with?
As if hearing his introspection, she turned halfway towards him, sat up and gestured to the ground next to her. “Come, sit, and we can discuss what you’re going to be helping me with,” she said leaning against the tree. “First and foremost for you to help me I am going to formally adopt you. Is that okay with you?” she asked him casually. “No problem,” he replied readily.
“Good, very impressive Madam Song was not exaggerating your capabilities, both your deduction and intelligence are evident but most impressive is your intuition. With a bit of training you will be my greatest asset. Make no mistake, this isn’t a small thankless job, you will enjoy vast wealth if you do well as my helper. As long as you work hard that it.,” she said confidently. “ I also have a contact that may be able to cure you,” she added nonchalantly.
“How much confidence do you have in this contact?” he asked casually seemingly unconcerned. However, he could clearly hear the fervent desire in his own voice and he was sure Lady Seer could too. But he didn’t care, he wanted to live, he wanted to be cured.
He wanted to live as long as possible.
He knew nothing was guaranteed and so he calmed himself and asked in a much more level tone. “Who is this contact and what will he want in return.”
Hearing his question Lady Seer’s face instantly turned blank. Not a single thing could be discerned from her expression. A perfect poker face! But for some reason Wei felt that she was oozing malice. As if she was minutes from killing him.
What did I do wrong? Should I not have asked that? Damn her face is scary, she looks like she’s thinking about where to get rid of me after she kills me. Holy Shit! This old lady is even more dangerous than I expected. But what’s done is done I have to stand my ground.
Just as quickly she started grinning. “If you’re going to work for me you’re going to have to learn what questions are acceptable and which questions aren’t, but don’t worry I will teach you all you need to know about working for me,” she assured him smiling still.
“As you’ve no doubt deduced I am incredibly wealthy and that is why I need to adopt you before you start working for me. In order to rub shoulders with the elites of society you must become my son. I have three other “children” who I’ve also adopted. each of them plays a pivotal role in our business. And now you are going to be part of it. You’ve figured it out, right?” she asked him.
Wei was having a very tough time adjusting. Not due to not understanding what she was talking about. But due to what it meant, especially form himself.
“You are nobility,” he stated somewhat disbelievingly.
“Yup,” she replied confirming his guess and shocking him even more.
Wait a minute none of this makes sense, there’s no way a noble would know their way around the slums. Even if they did they would never set foot in it. So, either she’s lying or she bought her way into becoming a noble.
“Did you bribe your way into becoming a noble?” He asked her bluntly.
“Yes, excellent deduction Wei, I can tell your very quick-witted that will be a tremendous help to you in our business,” she happily told him.
“If you have enough money and favors stocked up you can get almost anything. More money, influence, fame, glory, nobility. You name it and with enough gold and the right people anything can be accomplished.” She lectured as if imparting a life lesson.
“Remember that Wei.”
“Okay,” he replied taking it to heart “I will.”
“Good now as I said I’m a con artist and what I pretend to do, is see glimpses of the future. This is why I’m called Lady Seer. Now now I can see the skepticism on your face but believe me it works. I have been working on my reputation for years and have succeeded many times in conning all types of people. Just like in any con the crux is information. And that is where you come in,“ she informed him.
“Me, what can I do? I have no experience in information gathering I can’t be your spy, sorry,” He told her.
“Information gathering, spy, What the hell are you talking about?” she asked him incredulously.
“But isn’t that what you— “What are you talking about? she interrupted him rudely. “I want you to observe my clients, study them and use your intuition to tell me information and hunches you get on them so that I can give them their most believable future. Understand? she asked him.
“With your sharp intuition, I can improve my craft in the short term and finally retire to a distant land in the future. You will benefit from my years of hard work in only a little under two years. A good deal, right?”
Wei contemplated her offer and saw that she was sincere and so he accepted without further enticement. “I will work hard Lady Seer both for your dream and for mine, however remember your promise. what’s most important to me isn’t the wealth but the chance for a cure,” he stated firmly.
“No problem kiddo, If I find you skilled enough that I think you can escape a meeting with him intact. On your 16th birthday I will schedule a meeting with him for you. I’ve never a broken a promise,” she boasted loudly, pride and a righteous aura emanating from her small frame.
“I wouldn’t trust a con artist based on her word,” Wei answered with a smile.
“Good, I would fleece you for all you’ve got if you did,” she replied mirthfully.
Under a tree in the slums an old lady and young man engaged in lively conversation for hours. As they started to get to know one another Wei became increasingly sure that as long as he honored his part of the agreement Lady Seer would honor hers too. When day started turning to night and the stars started to shine Wei finally looked around and realized that it had gotten really late.
“Lady Seer we should get out of the slums before something unfortunate happens to us,” he reminded her.
With a small exaggerated stretch Lady Seer jumped up into a standing position and headed towards the main road prompting Wei to follow behind her. Wei quickly found out that Lady Seer was indeed extremely formidable, she was fast, extremely fast. He struggled to keep up as best as he could but she walked with such a merciless pace that he quickly gave up.
“Wait up!” he yelled panting like he was about to die from exertion. Lady Seer turned around and sighed “you really are sick, in your years of youth you suffer like an old person about to die. We really are a good match, an old young person and a young old person, how novel,” She laughed uproariously as if having told the funniest joke in existence.
“What a pair we make,” Wei said in amusement still gasping each breath coming easier as he rested.
“Well at least you have a sense of humor, come on put your hand on my shoulder, I’ll support you until we reach my carriage,” she said good naturedly.
“You aren’t actually all that bad old lady,” Wei said, happy to be getting some help. “If it weren’t inappropriate I would definitely ask you to carry me to your carriage,” he told her jokingly.
I would, if only to hurry this along, only when I walk alongside you do I notice how fucking slow you walk. What is that walking stick for? Show?” she asked him mockingly.
A few moments later they finally reached the carriage only to find it utterly surrounded by commoners who knew not to get too close to the wealthy persons carriage. But were still gawking at it in awe.
It was easy to see why considering how ridiculously impressive it looked. It’s very appearance seemed to scream wealth and extravagance.
A gigantic golden carriage drawn by white horses of a clearly rich lineage. The only word that could be used to describe it was, ostentatious.
Without giving a glance at the commoners staring at them or the ones surrounding the carriage they quickly walked towards it only to encounter a problem.
They couldn’t get through!
What the Hell!!
Wei quickly realized the problem. With him in his plain robes and Lady Seer in her black clothing everyone assumed they were average commoners and so left them no way to pass. This issue was quickly solved by the driver of the carriage who in one smooth movement opened a path for Wei and Lady Seer to get onto the carriage. The commoners pushed aside by the driver were about to get rowdy when they realized who it was that had pushed them and quickly quieted down.
“Took you long enough Lin let’s go!” Lady Seer said to the young driver. Before Wei could get a clear look at Lin’s face they were off. Racing through the streets towards the Lady Seer’s manor- which seemed to be located near the center of the city (where only the nobility lived).
Over the loud din of the street and carriage Lady Seer leaned over to Wei and whispered,
” Tonight, you rest, tomorrow you become nobility.”
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