《The Young Daoist (Book One: Filial Piety)》Breaknews, bad news, and an apology


Hi, I haven't updated the story for a long time now. I know I already told you all about it, but it seems that things are worse than I thought. Several things happened at the same time. Some is expected and some is unexpected.

I got several projects at hand, with deadline spread all over Feb to March.

Just a couple of weeks ago, we got a meeting, a colleague of mine admitted that he had too much at hand and my boss decided to turn one of his project to me.

And I'm facing a divorce too, which is another source of stress for me. It's been years of problem and I hope with the divorce, it will end this year. Or maybe longer, since the process seems like a long dragging torture. (Yep, writing is an escape for me).

As if that's all is not enough, about two weeks ago, during a work trip away from my main office, my laptop broke down. I think it has something to do with its mainboard or harddisk, or both. The harddisk indicator doesn't blink at all. Just once during the start and then nothing. Fortunately I got all my projects already uploaded to their system, so I can work without my laptop.

I just back to my main office today, and wait to see the news from the IT guy. For now, they lend me an old laptop. Maybe if they found the harddisk fine, I could try to copy my old data from there, and continue the writing with this borrowed laptop.

Thanks for all the support.

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