《B's Grand Adventure》Chapter Five: Now What?


B slowly woke up to the murmuring of a conversation between a deep-voiced man and a woman’s. He hoped that everything that happened in the last couple of days was just a long, bad dream. But the massive headache was a reminder that everything was real. B groaned softly, as he slowly woke up.

B found himself laying on the bottom of a tan canvas tent. As he pushed himself off the bottom of the tent, his fingers slipped through some dirt and sand. He heard more of the conversation coming from outside the front of the tent. The light from outside was slowly dimming and he could hear a crackle of fire from where the conversation was going on from.

“Ow,” the deep voice man complained.

“Sorry,” the woman’s voice quickly replied.

“So, what happened after that?” She asked.

“You aren’t going to like it.” He sighed. “I got myself court-martialed for the last time, so I could get closer to him. Jormungrand and I had a time in the cells trying to kill each other until the food stopped coming in. We ended up laying on the floor starving to death and talking and…” He sighed again. “He convinced me that revenge was worthless and if I can’t have you, that the world should burn.”


“Lola, I was heartbroken when you died! I didn’t know what to do with myself. I’ve been trying to help others while under Jormungrand’s radar.”

“So you joined him?”

By this time B pulled back the flap to the tent and looked outside at the shadows of the moth Fae, and the blue-tinged haired woman sitting on some rocks against the light of the campfire. Behind them was the silhouette of the abandoned wreckage of the building and spaceship crash B was at yesterday or the day before. Lola was the first to notice B coming on the scene. Mothman looked over soon after her going silent and went quiet too.


“Is this a bad time?” B asked as he looked between the two.

“No. No. No,” They both said, waving for him to come over. B noticed that Mothman still had the metal cuffs around his wrists as he waved him over.

B joined them. Lola had just finished up wrapping some cloth around Mothman’s wrists under the cuffs then moved to give him a seat in between her and Mothman. B hunched over and poked a stick into the fire for a little while.

“How much do you remember?” She asked slowly.

“Everything up to me trying to punch Jormangrand and him shooting…” B suddenly sat up, “Where’s Darleen? Is Sue ok? What about Phil and Jenny? Where are they?”

“We’re not sure,” Lola said slowly and carefully as if she was defusing a bomb with her words.

B held his head in his hands as he stared at the ground in between his feet and the campfire.

“Jormungrand took the bodies of, who I’m assuming your parents, back with him. The eldest, the young woman with dirty blond hair, was uh...” She paused.

“You can’t put it delicately, Lo,” Mothman interrupted, tossing something flammable into the campfire.

“Pissed,” Lola said, to conclude that thought. “She was going to kill you.”

“Sue?” B asked as he sat up slowly looking at Lola. “That doesn’t sound like her.”

“Well she was going to get the town to take you with them to the Proxima Centauri colony and they wouldn’t have let you live much longer,” Mothman said leaning back and cracking open some alcohol.

Lola gave him a stern look before continuing.

“We got you out of there before she could reconvene with the town. I’m assuming they are all going to the Proxima Colony.”


B returned to looking into the fire with his elbows on his knees, and his hands dangling.

“Knowing Sue, she would overreact like this. She’d want me to turn myself in...” B commented deep in thought. His voice was emotionless and monotoned.

The shadows of the night crept over the sky as the sun was almost done dipping over the horizon. Nighttime was almost here. B gave a deep sigh before changing topics.

“Now that we have some time to actually talk,” B started, “I have a few questions.” His voice was the same emotionless voice. Maybe he was too sad to feel.

“Shoot,” the odd pair said at the same time.

“How do you guys know each other?” B asked.

The Asian eyed woman and the Fae man looked at each other surprised.

“How much of our relationship is classified?” She asked him with a smile and a half giggle.

“Not that ‘classified’ really is a thing anymore since the whole organization is gone now,” he replied with a chuckle.

“Long ago,” Mothman began as if he were telling a fable, “Way before Proxima Centauri was discovered through the internet, there was this… ‘organization’ that worked with governments to keep the fae secret from humans.”

“And study them,” Lola added.

“And study them,” He added. “She was a scientist and I was a volunteer. We first met a few months before the procedure to make me into a half-fae happened. She stuck around afterward. Accompanied me on missions and to check on my power’s progress. That sort of stuff.”

“Power?” B asked some emotion coming back into his voice, curiosity?

“Yeah. Fae and half fae have these magic powers. Mine is flight, with these wings, seeing in the dark, glowy eyes, and premonitions. I don’t know how I got that, but you can guess where the legendary Mothman of the New England area came from, huh?” Mothman boasted, causing Lola to roll her eyes.

“New England area?” B asked now confused.

Lola laughed holding her stomach.

“It was before your time kid,” Mothman said with a huff and deflated ego. Lola eventually got a hold of herself and her laughs petered out into the occasional giggle.

B leaned back and looked up at the stars.

“So what do we do now?” He asked.

There was a silence of unsureness.

“You guys are the adults here,” B reminds them.

“I was practically reborn yesterday,” Lola said defensively then turned to Mothman, “What’s your excuse?”

“Me? I- Uh… I need to have a plan before my premonition is activated,” Mothman stuttered out.

“Let’s just go to bed and decide what to do in the morning,” Lola said as she stretched.

“I’m not tired,” B said to the pair as they got to their feet.

“You have the first watch, then,” Mothman said, patting B on the back. “Wake one of us up when you get tired or see something.”

B nodded and watched them go to their own tents circling the fire.

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