《Humanity? HELL YEAH!!》Determinism of good


Each Lesson is said to be learned in two distinct ways, the easy way and the hard way.

A parallel drawn to learning a lesson is extortion, there is an easy way or a hard way.

Sometimes people choose the hard way, but as the daoist saying goes:

Man is soft and weak at birth; At death he is hard and rigid. -Chieh Ch'iang

There are lessons learned in the beginning and in the end of life, when a man becomes hard and rigid and after that soft and weak. All lessons serve the program of flesh.

The hard lessons teach what not to do, the easy lessons teach what to do in order to learn more easy lessons - and that is what the easy lessons are dictating.

Seek the easy, avoid the hard - and yet sometimes the way to gain the easy is to do the hard anyway.

Life is an extortion, and like a fine extortionist it gives and it takes more than it gives.

And the extorted will choose compliance despite that, this extends to real extortions as well. So used to life itself extorting, a victim of extortion develops something called 'Stockholm syndrome', an association that the extortionist is to be obeyed.

In the greatest pleasures in life is to follow easy lessons.

From there it is to defy easy lessons, seeking hard lessons in order to seek very easy lessons.

Lessons that learn without ones own efforts, passing on the struggle of extortion, while the extortionist laughs in glee - another victim, another victim maker.

Chaden remembered the emotion he had felt a few minutes ago with Lisaac.

Upon learning the lesson, the very easy lesson, he knew his lifes cause, his lifes imperative - and he was willing to follow in order to learn the lesson over and over again.


Forgotten were the times in which one slaughtered for a few cans of beans, forgotten the hard times, reframed into lessons of things to do in order to feel the emotion of good again, positive gain, continued pain.

The emotion of an easy lesson, a lesson he would not have to learn himself.

He had lost his innocence, become complicit, embraced the stockholm syndrome of life.

Unlike Sigmund, he did not seek to impose the struggle onto artificial intelligence, he wanted meat intelligence. There was not much difference as the artificial one was designed to behave like the meat one - it just was less efficient due to having less design time.

Be it automaton or human, they would not survive in the coming times.

Life that was arbitrating its continuation - and the continuation of sports and struggle.

Chaden had accepted his master long before this, the game would start anew, disregarding the lack of essential resources and the impending eternal cold.

It would be soccer that would heat their bodies and determination to power biochemical processes - defying the laws of thermodynamics with sheer ignorance, bordering not even having a memory of the truth of what was predicted, foreshadowed to come.

The great game would begin - and never end. They would play the greatest game, the longest game, a game planned to last for eternity.

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