《The tribal queen and the Medic》Chapter 5 - A bloody new Beginning
His body felt like it had been hit by a truckload of bricks, to say the least. Jasion went to move his hands to his face, so he could rub the sleep out of his eyes. His hands didn’t obey him though. His hands were bound to a wooden pole behind him. He was so used to waking up in a stranger’s bed by this point that he didn’t even panic. He looked around his surroundings.
From what he could gather, he was laying in a bed of furs, inside a large white painted hut, his hands were tied to a pole behind him. Great. Jasion tried to move his hands down the pole so that he could hopefully try to sit up. But his plans were soon stopped as a pair of hands gripped the sides of his head and before he could take in what was happening his lips were locked the soft touch of a woman’s. She pulled away and looked down at him. His eyes narrowed as he struggled to see who his capture was, even though he had a strong idea of who it was. As he expected he soon recognised Pelana’s seductive eyes staring down at him.
“Morning, we are just about to get a fire going. Once it is started would you like to join in with the preparing of our Lamia feast?” She said as she threw her arms around his neck, planting a barrage of kisses onto his face and neck. Jasions eyes widened. Did he hear that, right didn’t he? It wasn’t the effect of the drug, right? They did just say they were going to eat a Lamia.
“Soooo, what do you want to do? You want to help oil up our little feast” Pelana said excitedly. She went to kiss him again but Jasion managed to dodge her attack.
“Please, Those Lamia saved me. They weren’t going to eat me! So please for the love of God don’t hurt them” Jasion said, panicked. A fear of fear like he had never felt before shot through his body as Pelana narrowed her eyes at him.
“So, they did brainwash you into being theirs,” She said, clenching her fists.
“No, they didn’t! I promise” Jasion then went on to explain how he knew Kalani and how they saved him.
“Fuck off. Impossible, what is the likelihood that you would meet someone else that you saved? Those fucking snakes badly hurt you didn’t they” Pelana yelled as she climbed off him. Picking up her spear and walking to the huts exit.
“WAIT, THEY DID NOTHING I SWEAR!” he yelled after her, as he fought against his bonds. Tanua appeared in the doorway an annoyed look on her face.
“Tanua, perfect I need you to come with me. We need you to make a truth position to give to those Lamia” Pelana said, but before she could take another step Tanua planted a hand on her chest.
“I already have, I was also listening in on Jasions story. He isn’t lying.” She said regretfully, a similar but slightly more accepting look on her face incredibly pissed-off face.
“They didn’t take control of you as, well did they?” Pelana asked pointing the tip of her spear in the direction the Lamias were being held, prisoner.
“No, they have been blindfolded since we captured them last night,” Tanua said as she walked over and sat next to Jasion, gently caressing his face with the palm of her hand. Jaison felt the fear leave his body as she used her transfixed eyes to make him feel calm, the magic spell they cast making him feel at ease. Pelana moved over to him and untied his hands.
“Get dressed, we are going to pay them a visit,” Pelana said, pushing his clothes that she had stripped of him in his sleep into his chest.
Once Jasion was dressed he followed Pelana out of the hut. They walked through the camp and towards a large cheering crowd. Thoughts ran through Jaison's head as he considered all the horrific things that the amazons could have done to the girls by now.
Pelana led him through the crowd and out into a large what looked to be a fighting ring made of cut-down trees. As Jasion walked through the crowds and into sight of the festivities he saw something he could honestly say he didn’t expect. Kalani was in the midst of what looked to be a dual with Jenkari. It was obvious who was winning as they both seemed to evenly match, neither could land a blow on one another.
Pelana matched forward before the warriors and yelled something in the native tongue causing the warriors to stop their fighting. Kalani looked to be relieved as she collapsed to the floor in exhaustion, Jenkari on the other hand looked to be disappointed that she could no longer carry on her bloody battle. Both girls' faces seemed to light up at the welcoming sight of Jaison, who quickly ran to the side of the two girls to see if they were hurt. He went to Jenkari first and after determining she was right rushed to Kalani, much to the surprise of the crowd and Jenkari.
“Don’t worry about him. I regret to say that we will not be having Lamia for breakfast since it seems to be true that they save my husband. I will inform you all if this changes.” Pelana preached to the tribe as she angrily eyed Kalani. Kalani caught her gaze and returned the hateful look.
“They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Kalani questioned Jasion as he looked over the wounds on her tail. The wounds seemed to be that of fire, where the natives had probably used fire torches to torture her.
“No, don’t worry about me. Where are the girls” He said as he finished examining her tail, concluding that she needed a small amount of medical aid.
“Over by the cooking tent, don’t worry I have informed them that your little friends won’t be cooking… for now,” Pelana said as she seemingly magically appeared by his side. Being away from her for so long he had forgotten how naturally stealthy the amazons were. He knew that one of the reasons that the Lamai and amazons hated each other so much was because Lamai was one of the few creatures that could detect them while they sneak around.
As Jasion disappeared off in the direction of where the girls were begin kept Pelana swiftly moved to the side of Kalani.
“What did you do to him?” She asked, placing a knife to her neck. Kalani smirked and smacked the knife away, knowing that she wouldn’t dare hurt a friend of Jaison.
“Unlike you, I protected him as well as taught him how to survive,” Kalani said as she pulled herself upright. Pelana’s eyes widened with rage and she raised her hand high, ready to slap this inferior Lamia. Just before her hand struck her face Tanua’s hand blocked Pelana’s strike.
“Pelana, I hate her words as much as you, but she isn’t wrong. We couldn’t protect him from the dragon. But” She said turning her gaze to Kalani.
“Do not forget that you couldn’t protect him from us!” Tanua said sternly down to the shameful-looking Lamai. Kalani slivered off in the direction that Jasion had left, Pelana, Tanua, and Jenkari close behind her.
Jaison was already in the cage treating the wounds of the 3 Lamai girls, Ulana was at the entrance angrily eyeing all the warriors that were standing around them.
“What exactly did they do to you,” Jasion said running his hands across the green-haired Lamias burn marks that ran up and down her long 8ft tail.
“They tied us to a stone altar and…” She burst into tears. Jasion for the first time showed visible anger on his face as he could feel rage like no other building up inside of him. He even felt slightly betrayed by the amazons.
“They danced around us with flaming torches, burning out scales off. They then had sex around us while they took turns hurting us.” Jaison embraced her as she burst out into another volley of tears. He gently stroked her short green hair as the other two young lamias joined her in the hug. Jasion pulled away and turned to leave the cage.
“Where are young going,” Ulana asked, a nervous look on her face. Jaison was too pissed off to answer, there was one thing above all he couldn’t stand for, and that was the killing of innocents.
He stormed past the warriors and to Pelana who was just about to reach the cage.
“Where is my medical bag?” He said not looking her in the eyes. Pelana, Tanua, Jenkari, and Kalani alike could all tell something was wrong.
Her eyes widened slightly as she saw the expression on his face. She hadn’t seen him so serious since he was treating her wounded warriors, it was almost like he cared for Lamia. She then realised something though that made her chuckle, she remembered how overly kind this young boy was and how naive he was that he was willing to help anybody no matter what species or race they may belong to. She could have believed that she had forgotten such an important fact about her beloved one. She pointed back to the Hut he had woken up in and said the bag was located under the bed.
He walked past her and towards the hut, not taking his eyes of the location even once as he passed Kalani and the amazons. Jasion ducked into the hut and dropped to the ground. He threw his hands under the bed and fondled around until his hands gripped onto something that felt to be a bag. He gripped what felt to be the handle of the bag and pulled it from under the bed. He smiled as he saw his medical case had been repaired with some pieces of leather and animal hide.
After checking his case for his supplies, he stood up and half ran, and half walked back to the injured Lamia. As he approached through, he noticed Jenkari and Kalani angrily yelling at each other in the native tongue. He took little notice of them as he went to work treating the girl’s wounds.
“Jasion come here” Pelana ordered. He turned his head to look at her.
“No offense your majesty but I need to tend to these wounds before they become infected. If you have a problem with that you should have thought about that before tortured the shit out of my friends.” He said as he turned back to his work. Pelana as well as Jenkari couldn’t help but recoil as the word’s friends left his mouth. Tanua nodded as she thought and moved toward the cage. Kalani and Ulana both moved into her path as she tried to enter the cage.
“I need to talk with Jasion,” Tanua said, she leaned closer to Kalani to say the next part.
“I have an idea that won’t make you all into tonight’s dinner.” She whispered. Kalani narrowed her eyes at the amazon but allowed her to pass.
“You amazons are nothing but blood-thirsty animals, I can’t see how or why you want to help.” Tanua ignored Kalani’s comment as she moved to Jasions side. He turned his head to look at her and smiled slightly in relief. He remembered when he was talking to one of the Amazonians and he had come to learn that Tanua’s father was a human, thus she had a much kinder and less warrior attitude towards other species such as Lamia.
“I have an idea,” She said smiling at Jasion, he returned the smile and nodded his head.
“I heard you talking to Kalani, so how can you help them.” He said as he tied one off one of the cloth bandages around the brown-haired Lamias tail.
“The Lamia girls all worked together to save you yes? So, they must all have some sort of medical skill.” Jasion could see where Tanua was going with this and he could feel himself getting nervous.
“So, they help heal the warriors, and we let them go.” She finished. Kalani and Ulana who were both listening in to the conversation turned and stared daggers at Tanua. But Kalani quickly calmed as she realised that her plan was probably the best they had. She swore under her breath slightly and placed a hand on Tanua’s shoulder.
“We will agree to your idea,” Kalani said, Jasion could tell she was trying her best to hide her anger. Ulana cringed and shuddered at the thought of helping the same amazons that burned down their village, but she also knew it had to be their best option.
“Fine I agree, we will help,” Ulana said, grinding her teeth.
Happy that she could strike an agreement Tanua called over Pelana and after a while of shouting at each other in the native tongue Pelana agreed to the idea. Jasion help the girls out of the cages and escorted them over to the hut he'd woken up in so that he could get them some of the blankets off the bed to keep them warm.
“So, when are we going to kill them?” Jenkari questioned once the Lamia was out of earshot.
“We won’t,” Tanua said smiling. Jenkari, as well as Pelana, were both confused, they had assumed that she had come up with a plan to betray them in secret so they could snatch Jasion from them.
“What, why?” Pelana said, trying her best not to start strangling her friend.
“Jasion will probably despise us if we kill them. Unlike the humans, he seems to have a personal connection with those snakes. I also think that I have a plan that will involve us using them to keep him by our side. They could also help with our problem…” She said as she watches Jasion disappear into the hut alongside the Lamia girls. Pelana and Jenkari weren’t sure what her plan was but being Tanua it was probably something that could drastically change their relationship with Jasion for the better.
Jaison was busy wrapping the three girls together with a large fur blanket when Jenkari entered the room holding two large wooden poles. She pointed to Kalani and then spoke.
“Lamia, come outside and fight. I want to see if you are worthy of protecting our husband.” Jasion turned to protest and to point out that they promised they would help one another but Kalani also wanting to test the amazon for a similar reason quickly accepted.
Jasion was about to try and stop them when an idea hit him. The amazons are a warring species that pride themselves on their beauty as well as their fighting skill. If Kalani could earn their respect by giving them a good fight, it may increase the likelihood of them all getting along. Ulana seemed, or at least Jasion hopped, that she was thinking the same thing as she smiled enticingly towards the two girls as they left to start their fight.
“Kalani is going to beat her to the next realm,” Ulana said as she proudly watched her mother figure properly fight the amazon in the center of the camp.
Jasion watched nervously as the two warriors took stances, each eyeing the other movements.
“No magic and no killing” Jasion yelled, Kalani and Jenkari both nodded in agreement.
Jasion could barely track the two fighters as they pounced at each other. He had to admit he was amazed at the speed and agility both fighters had, especially Kalani, Lamia who were known for their speed and athleticism in the trees but not in fighting yet here she was, on par with the head of Pelana’s royal guard. He smiled as he saw Ulana’s face, she was a mix of pure joy and nervousness. Pelana had even come over to watch the fight, as well as to make sure the Lamias didn’t try to seduce Jasion while there were no amazons around to protect him.
The fight continued for about 2 hours, both warriors perfectly matching one another. Kalani finally got a hit in though, luring Jenkari into attacking her and then smacking her in the back using her tail. Jenkari collapsed but soon found her footing and retreated, a look of detestation across her already pissed-off face. Jenkari reached behind her back and Jasion could see a glimmer of silver hitting the sunlight. Wind gushed through Jasion’s hair as Pelana darted from his side and down to the fight.
“It’s a draw,” She said as she stood between the two fighters. Jenkari reluctantly pushed what now Jasion could see to be a knife back into her clothes as she stormed off. Kalani smugly moved back over to Jasion, a celebratory Ulana slivered over and embraced her, showering Kalani with praise.
Pelana walked over to Kalani and smiled at her devilishly.
“I would like to have a talk with you in private” Pelana said, stroking her long silver hair.
Jasion looked over to Kalani and she gave him a little nod as if to tell her to go after Jenkari. Jasion returned the nod and darted after her. He soon caught up to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to face him, he could tell she was trying not to cry.
“I go to bathe in the lake, what do you want? Don’t you want to go and be with you little snake friend?” she said turning away from him.
“You have a shit tong of injuries on your back, as a medic, I cannot stand idle. She also was the one that suggested that I came here.” Jenkari snarled slightly and continued her walk to the lake.]
“You can follow but you promise to do what I say” Jasion saluted and carried on after her. They walked in silence down to the lake, Jenkari stealing a glance over at Jasion now and then. He stopped just before they got to the river.
“I will wait up here, come and find me when you are finished cleaning so I can tend to your wound.” He said as he turned to go and sit by a near tree. A firm hand planted itself on his should, halting any progress he could have made.
“No, you bathe with me.” She said as she started to undress. Jasion blushed and tried to sneak away just for a now naked Jenkari to tackle him to the ground.
“You undressed fast.” He spluttered as she placed him into an arm lock. The 6 months that he had spent with the amazons, a time that felt to be hundreds of years ago even though it was in reality 1 month ago, he was used to Jenkari pinning him down whenever she wanted to spend time with him.
Jenkari let him go and commanded him to undress, as she dipped herself into the cool river. Jasion was embarrassed, but not wanting to upset her more than she already was he complied. Jasion climbed into the water and sat behind Jenkari.
“I am sorry.” She said moving back so that her back was against his chest. Jasion scoffed slightly, she had done everything from drugging him, forcing him to bathe naked with her, to force him to play fight wither her, and only now was she apologizing.
“What for.” He said slightly sarcastically, slightly sympathetically.
“I couldn’t protect you from a dragon, I couldn’t even beat a fucking snake. Fucking is a human word to describe something you don’t like right? The soldiers I tortured said it a lot” He cringed slightly in fear. He couldn’t see her face but just from the cracking of her voice that she was crying.
Jasion gently patted her on the head, despite being such a strong, waring, and proud species the amazons still liked gentle gestures like this. She leaned back and looked into his eyes. Her eyes were red from the tears that were been running down her face. She reached up a hand and gently caressed his face.
“Please don’t beat the shit out of me for saying this but I think you and Kalani are more alike than you think,” Jasion said, automatically refluxing for when she was going to hit him, but the hit never came.
“Why because I am weak?” Jenkari said, more tears swelling in her eyes.
“No, the opposite. You are both strong, you are both are good fighters. You might be able to learn something from each other, like fighting styles or something.” Jasion smiled kindly towards the annoyed-looking Jenkari.
“Why would I want to talk to that evil creature,” Jenkari said, turning away from him like a stroppy child. Jasion took in a deep breath and raised his hand. A thwack sounded out as he slapped her on the head.
“Stop being so stubborn, just try it for me okay?” He said as he went climbing out of the lake. Jenkari gripped his arm and pulled herself to his face. Their noses almost touched, making Jasion blush.
“I will on one condition.” She pulled him even closer and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Let me teach you. Let me make you stronger so when you aren’t with us you don’t have to be scared of any bad creatures that may try to hurt you.” Jasion nodded in agreement.
After she forced him to wash her back and he treated her wounds they dried themselves with come cloths that the warriors had left down by the river for when they came down to bathe. Once dressed they returned to the camp, Pelana and Kalani were sitting outside the hut staring each other down. Tanua awkwardly sat in the middle of the angry-looking girls. Once Jasion and Jenkari were close enough Jenkari walked a little faster than Jasion and stood herself in front of Kalani.
“I would like to… learn with you how to fight.” She said her hands proudly planted on her curvy hips. Kalani smirked and glanced at Jaison, he gave her an innocent pleading look.
“Fine, but don’t try to pull a knife this time. I will go gentle” Kalani said sitting up.
Jenkari and Kalani and disappeared off into the jungle, all Jasion could do now was hope that they didn’t kill each other. Pelana walked over to Jaison and pushed him against the fragile cloth wall of their hut. She slammed her hand through the cloth of the hut making Jasion jump.
“I was just having a little chat with you Lamai friend, turns out you have a very special relationship with her” Pelana said gripping her hand around his neck. Tanua moved her hand away and pulled Jaison over to her.
“How many times do I have to tell you; she was trying to piss you off,” She said placing herself between the incredibly pissed-off Pelana and terrified rabbit-like Jasion. Pelana stormed off to her warriors to probably vent.
Tanua gripped his hand and walked him over to a large medical tent, red cloths hung around it, symbolising that the people onside were probably seriously ill. Jaison became serious. She walked him into the hut, his eyes widened in horror at what he saw next.
“Ill all of them. Infected by the Dragon corpse that Jenkari couldn’t move quick enough from the camp” Tanua said a serious look on her face.
“There is also something I need to tell you.”
“What do you mean?” Jasion questioned as he examined the patients.
“If the Lamai can help I could probably convince Pelana to not kill all of them,” Tanua said as she crossed her arms, a scarily calm look now on her face.
“I have seen Pelana talking to the priestesses, there is a festival coming up tonight, I think they may try to pull something then. But let’s say the Lamia prove their worth then maybe they would be allowed to keep their lives.”
“But what about the agreement you made Pelana and Kalani come to?” Jasion said turning his attention to Tanua.
“That agreement means nothing to her, it was only a temporary way to stop her.” Jaison narrowed her eyes at Tanua. He couldn’t understand why she was so willing to help the Lamias.
“Why do you want to help them?” He asked, only now realising that this could all be some elaborate trap. But then again, he could have just been paranoid, and he was prepared to apologize if that was the case, but something didn’t feel right about this entire situation. Tanua moved seductively towards him and placed a kiss on his lips.
“That shirt of yours was bloody when I found it. I didn’t know how to get blood out of it and Kalani offered to help since it would benefit you. After a while of talking with her, I realised she would be a good… Pet for my pet. Or in other words, she would be good to keep around so that you had a little friend when you are bored. The other Lamias could also probably be little pets like her” Jaison knew it, there was no way any amazon would be nice to a Lamia just out of the good of their hearts. He felt slightly disappointed, but if it meant that the girls wouldn’t get killed, he wouldn’t mind trying to convince them to go along with the plan.
“I can’t lie I am a little disappointed that you lied to me. But I have to blame myself for thinking you would let them go.” He said as Tanua wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Pelana told the plan to Kalani and the others when you went down to the lake with Jenkari, so you won’t have to do any work,” Tanua said as they started to treat the ill.
Kalani and the three Lamia girls soon arrived and assisted with the healing of the ill. Jasion couldn’t help but seem slightly depressed as she helped the patients, another thing he noticed is that Ulana wasn’t with them.
“Hay what’s wrong?” he asked as he handed her a clay cup of water that he originally pored for himself.
“Nothing, it's just that tonight our people will be united in a ceremony… But let's now dwell on that.” She said as she carried on with her work.
They spent the rest of the day in awkward and macabre silence. Like a calm before the storm. The sun was quickly setting, and the last glimmer of its orange-ray slipped away under the entrance of the tent. Loud cracks and thuds of the trumpet sounded through the night causing Jasion to jump in surprise as they suddenly shocked him out of his sleepy days. He looked confused as Kalani, Tanua on the other Lamias solemnly walked out of the Hut dragging Jaison with them. Kalani wrapped him in her coils and moved to whisper in his ear.
“I am sorry for what you are about to see,” She said as she gagged him.
The group walked outside to see Amazon's dressed in all different shades and colours of paint dancing excitedly around a large bonfire, the naked olive skin glistening in the firelight like fine silk. Jasion’s eyes were quickly drawn to a large stone altar not set up on a nearby hill. A Large cooking pit beneath it.
Jasion tried to question what was happening as he was taken to a large circle of warriors who all were staring anticipatingly towards the altar. Time seemed to stop as the dancers slowed their movements, alongside the beat of the drums. Jasion struggled in Kalani’s coils as he saw Ulana being carried out of seemingly know where on a large wooden chair her tail and body all were decorated in a blue paint and feather headdress. She placed herself down in front of the tribe a proud but slightly terrified look on her face. Her naked breast had delicate patterns painted across them.
He quickly realised what the ceremony was. Pelana appeared by his side and nodded to Kalani. Jasion was let loose by Kalani just to be held down onto his knees by a handful of amazon warriors. His mouth was also quickly gagged by a cloth. All he could do was watch as the ceremony was carried out. Another amazon was called out on a similar throne to Ulana, she was also dressed in similar attire. They were both helped of their thrones and helped up to the altar.
The girls stood proudly next to the altar ready to accept their fates. Her eyes met Jasion’s as tears burst from his eyes. The high priestess dressed in a red cloth wrapped around her chest and a long grass skirt around her waist. Her lips were painted a dark red and her face a similar colour. She walked up the hill to the altar, 4 priestesses appeared behind her and followed her as they began their ascendance to the altar. Jasion struggled and gave a pleading look to Tanua but to no avail. His eyes turned to Pelana and Kalani who were both sitting at the bottom of the hill. The priestesses reached the top and the hill and the high priestess snapped around to face the warriors.
“Tonight, we shall welcome the Lamia into our Warband, to unite out two people these young women are giving their souls to the Goddess and their bodies for us to feast.” Jaison couldn’t understand her words but he still knew what they meant. The girls were a sacrifice and no matter how much he pleaded or begged the girls were willing to sacrifice. His tears started to make a puddle around his knees.
The high priestess nodded to Ulana and she laid herself over the altar, her heaving chest pointing to the sky. The other 4 priestesses positioned themselves around the snake woman, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she saw her three best friends proudly watching her, but still, tears drenched their cheeks. Two priestesses held her tail down while two others held her arms. Two more priestesses appeared at the bottom of the hill each holding a clay bowl, they handed the clay bowls to Pelana and Kalani. Kalani and Pelana both made their way to the top of the hill and took their places next to the priestess.
“Don’t worry, this ceremony has been a thing for all tribes for many years. The Lamai as well as us amazon both had our priestesses practice it for many generations, they will make the death quick and painless” Tanua said into his ear as the priestess raised a curved stone blade high into the sky.
Time again that night seemed to slow to a snail’s pace for Jaison as he watched the dagger come screaming down into the belly of Ulana, ripping the knife up her cut to her chest. The blood of the Lamai stained the priestess’s clothes as she stuck her hands into her chest ripping out her heart holding it high into the air. The tribe cheered as her heart was placed into the bowl that Pelana was holding. Her body was then thrown off the altar and down the hill until it hit the base of the cooking pit. Jasion could feel sick swelling in his throat the only thing that was stopping it was the gag that forced the sick back down his throat. Without hesitation, the amazon placed herself onto the altar.
“I love you, my queen, I love you my warriors, do not let my sacrifice go in vain!” She screamed into the night sky. Pelana placed a kiss onto her lips and the high priestess raised her still bloody knife into the air. The knife plummeted into her belly and her body was cut open in the same way as Ulana.
Jasions eyes blurred with tears as he felt all strength leave his body. The gentle hands of Tanua lead him away from the traumatizing scene as Pelana and Kalani quickly moved to his side. The girls lead him deep into the woods. They reached a large tree and placed him against it. Even though he couldn’t see it he could hear the gut-wrenching sounds. Her body was thrown down the hill and landed on the bloody body of Ulana as the high priestess placed the heart into the bowl of Kalani. Jasion swelled with anger as the warriors descended on the bodies. Ripping out their guts and stuffing them with large fruits and kinds of butter. Jasion didn’t know where to look as Kalani and Pelana allowed the high priestess to set flame to the hearts, or the stuffed bodies being placed into the cooking pits. He could feel the sick in his throat swell as he was forced to imagine the scene that lay behind him. He couldn't bear to be there any longer, he wished that they could have found another way to settle their differences.
“Jasion, listen,” Pelana said as she sat humbly before him. The girls all looked to each other before bowing down to his surprise.
“Please honor our friend's sacrifices and allow us to offer… no beg you for something” They untied and ungagged him. Jasion looked lazily up to them and narrowed his eyes in disappointment, the amazon’s words still bouncing around his head. He started at them, still processing the bloody murder that had just happened.
“Tell me what did that amazon and Ulana give their lives for. Besides your treaty…” He said still incredibly, beyond pissed.
“Hope,” Plena said, causing his eyes to widen slightly with a curious kind of shock. If there was one thing Pelana was good at, it was playing on his emotions, all she needed to do was to convince him that following her and doing what she said would save more lives in the long term.
“I hate the fact that I have to allow a Lamai to come back to my city but if it means that you will stay with us, it shall be done. We also have a severe lack of healers, so I wish for you to start training a new generation of them.” She said a tear rolling down her cheek. Pelana was good at lying, she could even make herself cry when she needed to. Jaison didn’t know what to say. He wanted to beat the shit out of all three of them, but the words of the amazon stayed in his mind. He realised something there and then. These people were insane, but he still couldn’t help but hate himself for what he would say next.
"Think about it Jasion, think of all the lives you could save, think of how many Amazons could be saved if you stayed with us and helped us. No more would ever have to die like Unlana and my warrior" Pelana said, knowing this would manipulate him into thinking he was doing good.
“I hate your beliefs, I hate your people, at this moment I hate you all. But despite that, I feel like I will regret this but.” He took in a deep breath and gazed at the stary night sky, he knew what he was going to do next was his only hope of survival. Hoping that Ulana and that girl who he didn’t even know the name of were watching him.
“I will help you.” The girls all started to cry as they pounced onto him wrapping their arms around him. Jasion was starting to doubt that he really wanted to help, but the fact that there could be people who are injured and need help, he will do what he believed he would need to do, even if he didn't like it.
“Thank you!” Tanua yelled as her voice cracked and her tears soaked into his shirt. She was happy to see the emotional manipulation was working.
“Thank you for accepting, thank you for not letting my friend’s death be in vain” Pelana said kissing him. Jaison pushed them all back and looked seriously at them.
“Why me? Why did you choose me for this? Why not just train other amazons…” The girls fell silent. They weren't excepting him to question them, they didn't think he was brave enough to do so after what he had just seen.
“We love you more than anything. We know you like to save people so when you come back and become the city medic that would be of great benefit to us in more ways than you could imagine.” Tanua finished.
“The sacrifice tonight was to bind the Lamai to the amazons, meaning by the girl and Ulana dying tonight, because of their sacrifice the Lamia will now have a home amongst the amazons. This means that any Lamia in need will be saved by the amazons and brought to the city.” Kalani added lastly, she knew she was playing into the hands of the amazons, but they had threatened to hurt Jasion and the rest of the Lamia if she didn't comply with their plan. Jasion didn’t break his eyes away from the sky. He wasn't sure who he could trust, but from simply looking at Kalani, he could see deep down that she was in pain behind her smile.
“So tonight, the Lamai and amazons have buried the hatchet so to speak and the amazons will now take in any Lamia in need. After the shit you lot have pulled how can I believe this” He said looking down at them. An untrusting look in his golden eyes.
“I lied,” Pelana said standing up.
“I am not the princess of the amazons.” Tanua smiled as she knew what she was going to say next.
“I am their queen,” She said proudly placing a hand on her chest.
“So please forgive me for everything and stand by my side and allow me to mold you into something amazing,” She said reaching a hand down to him. It was almost like two separate pairs of ghostly hands gripped his own and guided them to hers.
“It will take me a while to forgive you for this shit but… Fine let’s make you knew generation of healers,” He said taking her hand. The amazons were weird. He could see why so many races despised them. But goddam even when he wanted to slap them were, they good at convincing them. Jenkari soon arrived and smiled towards them.
“Good knew it seems the warriors are now befriending the Lamia. It seems all is forgiven” Jenkari said smiling.
“Not yet,” Kalani muttered under her breath.
"But you must apologise to the other Lamais as well." The amazons agreed to the terms, even though they weren't going to follow through with them, after all, why would they want to do what a Lamia told them to do.
"Just remembered Jasion is ours," Jenkair playfully said placing her hands proudly on her hips. She said this as a joke as well as a threat.
He always thought the city of thieves was the worst place imaginable but he couldn't believe how terrifying and evil the world outside the wall was. If he had thought a year before that he would be sitting with a blood-thirsty amazon queen and her friends under a large 50ft tree in the middle of know where he wouldn’t have believed it. He had to admit he was scared, no terrified him as well as excited for the path that lay before him.
But within his obviously forced smile and kind face, he could feel a hatred slowly and surely starting to boil. All trust he once held in the amazons was starting to disappear, even some of his faith in Kalani was coming into question. He was scared, he was afraid, he didn't know what he should do what he did know was that the amazons were fucking blood-thirsty monsters. He gritted his teeth and prayed for a world where these horrors would never have to happen again.
- In Serial35 Chapters
Armed with only his wits and a few new abilities, Jack889 accepts a quest to rescue a gnome from a hog-goblin slave network inside the prison world he’s locked up in. During this journey, he learns the real reason the Prison Conglomerate took the prison industry virtual—plus the means of escape if only he can get past the shadowy death cult that stands in the way. ~Flesh gardens ~Space balls ~Pocket dimension outhouses ~A naked, rampaging cyclops ~Time loop bubbles ~Thumb candles ~A waterfall induced, pressure washer weapon ~Secret back door encryption codes ~A technology worshiping death cult ~A brutally sarcastic A.I. ~Aaaaaand a lot more weird stuff ... [This is an ongoing LitRPG story that doesn't take itself too seriously. If you're not in the mood for some dumb, dark, and aggressive fun that borders on the absurd, it might not be for you. Just saying.]
8 137 - In Serial35 Chapters
Don't Fear the Reaper
After years of hard work and a fateful reunion, Frank dives into a new world, only to get knocked down again. Cursed and left for dead, he refuses to give in to despair. Unyielding, he rises, tearing apart the chains that bind him.Facing vile horrors and terrible evil, he embarks on a treacherous journey to save his companion's very soul. He meets allies in unlikely places, enemies, aiming for his life and when a whole kingdom lies in the turmoil, he finds a reason to fight.
8 114 - In Serial20 Chapters
Reincarnate into Another World as a Bicycle
Boom, David Lee got run over as he saved his crush from being rammed down by a drunk truck driver.Why was this so? She was too busy listening to music while riding her bicycle... But in return, what does he get? He is reincarnated into another world thanks to some mysterious force. Given a second chance in life, though at first, he would had rejoiced, but the Gods seem to have laughed in his face as he is reincarnated into another world as that same bicycle with a bicycle system. So... How will David Lee fair in a world full of immortals and demons, cultivation and martial arts, beauties and scions, as a piece of scrap metal? ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm posting this story on another site Quidian, with the exact same profile pic, and name tag as my own, but if you see my story on anything other than these two places, please report. There is proof on the synopsis of the story.
8 170 - In Serial8 Chapters
Naruto: The Ember Tomorrow
Synopsis: I enjoyed my job. I loved my life. I truly did not wish to die, but fate had other plans in store. Reborn into the body of Sasuke Uchiha just after the massacre of his clan, will I be able to forge a better path in this world of blood and death? Author's Note: This is a Naruto Isekai. I do not own Naruto nor am I making any monetary profit off of this fiction. It is purely for fun and growing my own skills as an author. This story will have many elements of the Naruto anime obviously, but there will be twists and turns. I don't much care for sticking too closely to canon. The fic will also delve somewhat into philosophy as the protagonist was a professor of such before his transmigration. I've marked the content tags of Gore, profanity, sexual content, and traumatizing content to allow myself the freedom to write as needed, but am unlikely to be excessively explicit in any of these areas; still, better to have the tag and the freedom as needed. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome.
8 129 - In Serial37 Chapters
Friends with the Football Team
Book 1 in the "Friends with the" series Being the only girl in a male family is a little harder than it seems, but it does have it perks. Your own room, your own bathroom, being spoiled rotten, and knowing someone always has your back. Cora Barnes is the youngest of four and the other three are boys. When their dad gets a new job in a small town, the five of them pack up and leave Dallas to go to a small town in West Texas. "The best things in life aren't things"Started- 02/09/22 Completed- 05/08/22
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Full Sun || Haechan
Your average cliche high school story~-Haechan X Reader
8 198