《Sky Drifters》Chapter 18: The Slavers
From the larger of the three ships below I saw the arch of power and shields glittered and formed over the vessel as some magi activated its defenses. Shortly after, the other two activated their own bombardment shields. The conversation between Argos and the slavers increased in fervor.
“They are signaling for parley.” I snarled, joining in with the signaling, my own conversation flashing out as my fingers danced across the heliograph controls. They were a formidable force. I could see a total of seven griffins and a single dark blue Stormdrake circling back towards us. They all flew the slaver’s guild crest and were in a tight, well-drilled formation.
Argos was a rather nasty ship to tangle with, but even against those odds, it was doubtful it would triumph unscathed. Even if both the Sweetwind and Fortunate joined the fight we would be sorely pressed. My aunt’s ship had couple of fire casters, and a few deck sweepers but wasn’t a warship. It was also not very maneuverable.
“Natasha you have the con, I’m going to ground to the parley with Uncle Roark.” I ran for my cabin to get into full battle kit.
When I returned, I saw Neil waiting for me, a look of near terror on his face as he looked down at the scene before him. “I’m coming with you!” He stammered, and I nodded. I hadn’t asked him to come, but perhaps he could be of some help in trying to figure something out.
“If our parley fails, get back to the ship!” I ordered as I opened the hatch and dived through, the winged webbing on my battle harness shuddering with the freefall.
Sweetwind banked sharply overhead, its sails furling and wing masts folding back as it prepared for combat. I knew that Tony and Cid would both be feeding as much power into its banks as possible. I could feel Sweetwind’s feral glee in the back of my mind as it’s windsong increased in tempo along with my own pounding heart.
Neil was beside me as we fell and I pointed to where my uncle and a dozen strong landing party were streaking down to a circle that had been hastily drawn in the sand, with a white flag planted at its center.
He landed, fully decked out in his heavy battle rig with a massive explosion of sand thrown up by his rig’s powerful battle envelope. Turning his plumed helmet, he scowled at the gathering on the beach and planted our family battle flag down with an enraged snarl at the small, and very dangerous looking slaver delegation that had turned out to meet us. Hatred was etched across his face, as he seemed to dare the slavers to do anything to piss him off. Most sky folk detested slavers with every fiber of their being, and Allister Roark had a rather longstanding feud with several of the slaver houses in the empire.
Skidding to a halt behind him, I kept one hand on my focus crystal and one on my cutlass. Power raced through my barrier as I tightened it and formed a deep encryption, layering my defenses against intrusion.
The delegation waited until the storm drake far overhead was signaled, it began to spiral down and landed with a spray of sand and a crackling roar. A dozen men poured off its harness, and I looked up to see that the pilot, who was wearing a slave collar around her thin neck got a disapproving glare from a man in finely dressed silks who swung down out of the back of the harness from a very elaborate and comfortable looking saddle.
I gritted my teeth, as the man gave me a grin of superiority and pulled his house’s own battle standard off it’s fasteners at the side of the storm drake’s harness.
Planting it in the sand on the other side of the circle he looked at me curiously, then at Neil. Fishing around in his silk robe he pulled out a slate and studied it for a moment before he grinned at me.
“Captain Marshall, I presume?” His cheery smile beamed brightly at me. He looked at Neil as if sizing up a possible acquisition and it made my teeth grit in anger. Uncle Roark sneered and stood in front of me as he approached.
“I am Sir Fusarium Samos, and I’m here as the guild representative.” He nodded to a rather large man with captain’s insignia. “This is Captain Sadir Samos, of the Ravenger. He is my client.”
“Since when has the Empire condoned, the acquisition of slaves from friendly territory?” I snarled, my cold eyes burning hatred as I fought for control of my temper, a losing battle when presented with this… creature.
He burst out in a rather creepy giggle that was half wheeze, half chuckle. “Now then, honorable Captain Marshall, Captain Roark, I know that the Empire has a trade agreement and we are legally entitled to pass through territorial waters. We simply stopped here for sustenance. Our own slaves are not of your concern. They are our property.”
Neil snarled and pointed at the nearby group of chained travelers. “Liar! Those aren’t your property! I know some of them! They weren’t slaves last I looked!” I glanced over at the group and my heart fell as I recognized Tess and Amber in the group. I could see no sign of Kirk or Tombason though.
“Silence your charge Captain! Or I will ask for satisfaction! I assure you, won’t endure my champion’s bite!” He hissed, and I glared at Neil and shook my head as my knuckles tightened on the hilt of my cutlass in anger.
“I can swear by truth stone, of the freeborn status of several of those you have detained over their Sir. Fusarium. I do by enter an official challenge to the status of those detainees.”
The slavers shifted uncomfortably as I glared at all of them in turn. “The legality of birth, when it comes to travelers is still a legal grey area Captain Marshall. I do not indeed consider your challenge valid, nor do I need your pardon to take what is mine with me when I leave.” He gave me another beaming grin as I narrowed my eyes at him.
A small shadow fell over us, and I looked up to see a figure plunging down off the side of Sweetwind I frowned for a second before I recognized the spindly form of Inquisitor Markholm. He set down carefully, as he manipulated his palm control on his battle harness and gave a curt bow to the slaver leader who returned the bow.
“I am Inquisitor Markholm of the Messenger’s Guild, on task to investigate an incident that occurred here on the island.” He introduced himself, and stood beside me as he studied the slavers with intense interest, adjusting his enchanted flight goggles as he focused on something.
He held out a small badge that indicated his status as a guild inquisitor. Fusarium stared at the inquisitor as if he was a rather disgusting bit of dung on the underside of his gilded sandal, and gave him a deep frown.
“I was not aware of an ongoing investigation, what is the nature of your presence here Inquisitor Markholm?” His tone was of one of near hostility.
“I will not impede your… negotiations. I may however have to conduct interviews on some of the inhabitants of this island. The nature of my investigation is not for your ears.” He gave a hard stare at the bound captives, and then at the sheer size of the slavers’ expedition.
“My property is not to be interviewed!” He stomped his feet and I saw a look of near panic cross the faces of several men. I grinned at him.
“So, you admit to not only taking slaves here in Mageos territory, but trying to claim them as your property? I bet the Means and Way committee would be glad to hear you were taking untaxed goods from Mageos.” I shared a look of pure satisfaction with the Inquisitor and he beamed back at me.
The slaver turned a dark shade of red and blanched when he realized his slip. Slavery was illegal in Mageos, but they were also considered a taxed good. If he was buying or selling here it would be considered smuggling as well as being against the common law. Since he had just stated he was here to take on provisions, it was his official position. He had no rights to take slaves, even if he didn’t recognize the freeborn status of travelers, and trafficking them would probably piss more than a few people off in Mageos. Considering just how useful travelers were when recruited into guilds, there would definitely be an inquiry and some very ruffled feathers.
He gripped a communication crystal unobtrusively for a few moments as he nervously glanced at Allister as my Uncle shifted his weapons and strengthened his shields. My own heart thundered in my chest as I looked around.
“Are you accusing me of smuggling?” He said in a very dark and ominous tone. I shook my head and glared at him.
“No sir, I am merely noting the flaws in the claim you made. I do know that you have detained a few of the inhabitants here. I have no proof that you intend to take slaves, but you just did say that you would not let your property be interviewed. Do you consider those travelers your property?”
I saw him step from foot to foot, rage blistering his face as he muttered darkly under his breath. I had given him an easy out, and I had a feeling he had been taking slaves all along these islands and had simply been in the area when someone tipped him off.
“They were detained…yes I officially submit I do not intend to take that group of detainees as my property. I merely meant you will not investigate me or any of my own lawful slaves!” He spoke slowly, choosing his words very carefully.
“Very good sir, now I have business with the inhabitants of these islands. I will let you go about yours and I wish you well. If you feel that the travelers will be any trouble just leave them there, we will interview them.” I shot back.
I tipped my head to him respectfully as I saw pure hatred cross the man’s face as he realized that I intended to leave him no one behind when I lifted from the island.
“You are making a grave error, Captain Marshall…I will remember this.” He snarled and ripped up his battle standard and stalked back to the waiting stormdrake. I nodded to him and had a cheeky shark’s grin on my face as he screamed at his pilot to take off.
The massive wings of the stormdrake showered us all in a blistering rain of sand, barriers lighting up as it glanced off of our defenses.
Neil looked at me in shock. “I don’t get it. He isn’t supposed to be here?” I nodded.
“We need to inform the Mageos that they have some upstart slaver scouring their frontier islands for new… acquisitions.” I responded grimly.
Walking over to the guarded circle of captives I pulled out my dirk and glared fiercely at the guards as I slit the gag on Amber’s face and cut her bonds. She leapt to her feet and glared at one of the guards in particular as she rubbed a black eye. “I’ll end you, you bastard!” She snarled and I quickly gripped her arm, and shook my head.
“Don’t attack them, I can’t guarantee your safety if you do.” I spoke quickly to the woman and she nodded.
“Where are the rest?” I whispered and she smirked.
“Kirk died, but they aren’t going to find any of us and we aren’t telling. We’ve dealt with this scum before and got good at hiding.” She hissed.
Speaking to all of the detainees, I smiled and fished around inside my coat. “I have official guild contracts from a large selection of guilds in Bagliona who are looking for new recruits. If you take the contracts, part of my duty will be to either take you as crew if you wish to sign with me or any of the other ships if you wish to join the Messengers guild, or you can take passage back and be inducted at any guildhall of your choice.”
Amber glared at me. “How do we know we can trust you?” I shrugged and smiled at her. She had been desperate enough to trust me to try and take her as crew earlier. I couldn’t blame her for being wary considering the present situation.
“I will swear by the seal if you’d like.” I said and walked over and started to free more of the captives. With each one I freed I saw the surrounding slavers grow more tense and give me a deeper look of loathing as their prospective slaves glared back at them.
“I’ll send someone to spread the word and get everyone to log back in.” One of the men said and I saw him looking around at the two groups glaring at each other nervously, with deep apprehension.
“They take anyone onboard their ships yet?” I asked, eyeing the three vessels offshore in the bay.
Tess shrugged and gave a worried glance at the ships. “I don’t know, but this is the third time we’ve seen ships like that in the area. Beats me why they decided to stop and scour our island. Normally we keep out of sight of shore.” I winced and sighed.
“Well, I think that may be my fault. I didn’t consider that someone would be the kind of little wart that would tip off slavers when I was going around securing contracts for you lot. Once you get back to Bagliona I suggest you submit a formal complaint to your respective guilds, or to the Adjudicators.” I said, and I saw nothing but looks of confusion. I gave a sigh and reminded Allister to make sure the complaints were filed.
Uncle Roark nodded and gripped his communication crystal as the Argos and Fortunate slowly started to sink down towards the bay. They didn’t quite land though, deploying rope ladders and mooring lines into the nearby vegetation to hold position. A landed airship was a sitting duck and no one was taking chances with this lot.
“Gain altitude, and keep watch Natasha.” I gripped my own crystal and took some time to explain to her what had transpired.
I wasn’t sure if the slavers would completely back off. If that toad Fusarium was desperate enough, he may just try to take us all on, but it was a very risky chance for him. Airships could outrun his griffins in a chase, and if we had sworn testimony that Mageos had violated their treaties, the Emperor would have his head, quite literally on a silver platter as a peace offering.
And I’d do just that, I wouldn’t recommend that Argos try to defend us, we would all just put on as much speed as possible and get out of here. Let the navy deal with this lot if it came down to it.
“Why do all of you have bruises all over you?” I asked as I glared at the guards.
“They have to kick us or punch us every once in a while, to make sure we can’t log out on them.” Tess said and I frowned. I wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about but, I really didn’t want to push my luck with the slavers and start anything I couldn’t finish.
“RIGHT THEN!” I called out and beckoned over the travelers as I turned them over to Aunt Gracie. She had lowered down a small foldable table and chair and was setting up a desk. Gracie had the bulk of the contracts, and had everything organized and ready to go. She quickly started to call out order to the chaos.
Neil was looking around for someone and he caught Tess by a shoulder. “How much time left on Kirks respawn?” He quickly stammered and eyed the slavers nervously.
“Should be back in an hour or so along with the others that died. He only had a four-hour death timer, as it’s been ages since the last time he was smoked.” She explained and Neil nodded.
I ignored the conversation and grinned at a massive figure pushing its way to the beach, a very heavily armed group of travelers flanking him. I had to blink at the quality of their gear, they evidently had been holding back on me or had a bit of an upgrade. Tombason gave me a beaming grin as he approached.
“Knew you’d be back! Sweet Jesus! That my ride?” He pointed at the Argos and I glared at him, thinking quickly. I knew Uncle Roark would be glad to take him, but he was very quick witted and dangerous. I wasn’t sure I wanted him on my ship but I sure as heck could use him.
“If you’d like.” I nudged Allister who was studying the massive figure and sizing him up speculatively. “This that the old sweat you told me about Becca?” He asked with a grin as he extended a hand.
“Mah name be Tombason!” The two men gripped hands tightly, and I rolled my eyes at the battle of wills going on before me.
“Tombason… I think you would do well with my uncle… but how about shipping with me?” I felt sick as I asked him, and a look of worried surprise crossed Allister’s face. He looked at me as if I was crazy, I knew he had quite well taken Tombason’s measure and knew instinctively he was trouble just like I did.
Tombason looked up into the sky, squinting at my tiny little airship high overhead. “What’s in it fer me little lady?” I bit my lip and shrugged. “Well I know you’re a right bastard, but I’ll be entering into parts of the sky that a right bastard like you would probably quite enjoy yourself in.” I grinned wolfishly and he sized me up carefully.
I needed a good man for Tony to take under his wing, and I had a feeling that Tombason and him would get on like a ship on fire. It gave me the shivers just thinking about the pair the two would make.
He looked around at all the people on the beach, and they looked back at him, then at the sky. “I’m betting I’d fit in right well with this fine gentleman, but an adventure you say lass?” I grinned and nodded.
“Yep, we will be going straight into a war, we will probably all die but why not? When the wind blows, I be one to follow it.” I knew I had pegged his type to the letter. He was a hard man, but I could see that wistful longing as he compared the warship, and the tiny skiff. Yep I was betting Allister Roark would going north eventually too, but he would probably be helping to escort convoys of airships as they fared their cargo well. Lots of fighting yes, but this man was one I knew liked the edge of death more than not. He reminded me a lot of grandfather, at least when he had been at his more bloodthirsty.
“Aye, I’ll ship with ya.” He saw all of the disappointed looks from his men and roared. “Well, I ain’t ur daddy! Go with the rest, and get away from these rotten slavers!” He looked at them and I saw a young man shake his hand and clap him on his solder. As he went around and exchanged farewells I grinned. He might be a snake, a weasel and a real rotter, but I could easily see he was a leader, and not the tyrannical kind. His people didn’t fear him, they loved him.
I didn’t want Tess, but Amber and Kirk interested me if I could convince them to tag along. Tess didn’t seem to interested in signing aboard an airship either way. I saw her take a contract for the Adventurer’s Guild and she climbed quickly up to some waiting friends aboard Fortunate without even looking back at us.
Amber was looking worriedly around the beach, and I approached her. “I wouldn’t mind taking you and Kirk, at least for a little while.” She shifted her scarlet hair around her and glared at me. “You didn’t want me last time, why now all of a sudden?” She muttered bitterly.
“I wasn’t really looking for a crew last time. Also, having Neil along has shown me that travelers are an interesting lot, and I wouldn’t mind seeing what a few more would bring.” I smiled at her and she stared at my apprentice before just shaking her head and storming away darkly.
“He’s different now. I don’t think I’d be able to get away with calling him a noob anymore.” She murmured almost too faint for my ears to pick up. I grinned.
While Neil was hardy the picture of a self-confident apprentice, he was no coward and that was one thing I respected about the boy. I could often feel his fear, but he also held onto his determination with an iron grip and I could feel that about him when my mental barriers slipped.
I studied Neil and could see his intense concentration; his narrowed eyes never left the slavers as they pretended to go about their business. The slavers for their part were watching us like skulking wolves, just waiting for us to turn our backs on them.
Above us, the massive humming crystals of the Argos’s fire casters turned to track any suspicious activity in their broadside mounts on either beam of the ship. I could feel the twin bow lances thrumming with a full charge, just waiting to be loosed. While Allister’s ship wasn’t quite aware like mine was, I could still sense the collective tension and the readiness of a well drilled fighting ship.
As the day wore on and tension built, we finally collected all the travelers we could. There wasn’t as many as I had initially assumed, and Tombason told me that a few fishing parties weren’t with the captives on the shore. He suspected that they had been captured and taken aboard the ships before I had arrived.
I wasn’t part of the Mageos government, military or anything, and I had no right to inspect another captain’s vessel without permission. I could be arrested and tried before a board for even trying. There was nothing I could do.
We had saved forty-eight of the travelers and they had signed on with their guilds and would get back to Bagliona. I had netted myself a tidy little sum with their contracts but I left the details to Gracie, and upped her share to over half. Kirk came sprinting down the beach right before we left along with another five travelers. He and Amber declined in the end to go with me to my great disappointment and I wished them well as they took crew berths aboard Argos.
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