《Blair Nys: Blood and Benevolence》Chapter 5.5 - The Higher-Ups



The upper echelon of the slaughter sect was busy, overviewing all the fights. The disciples had to increase their courage, battle sense, and commanding abilities. What did it matter if they lost some of the weak individuals and ghouls? They had to be weed out before they wasted too many resources.

Elder Yi spectated his in-name disciple Kraden. That young fella did well. His antics and group of followers were very much to the elder´s likings. He even invited the sect leader here for a short moment. Just the end was too absurd. Kraden disappointed him, letting the beast flee. However, that the beast devoured an immature golden-leafed flower was truly unfortunate. So he shouldn’t be upset.

What truly bugged him was the ghoul, that kid, whatever thing that was. It stole the limelight and shattered everything they had worked so hard for. A fucking ghoul disregarding Kraden, his own disciples, commands. Elder Yi boiled with rage.

Yet, the sect leader was fascinated. He even killed the chimera, and rushed down, giving the boy a healing tonic. By now, the sect leader was gone long ago, leaving elder Yi behind. He now stood in front of Kraden. The boy had to explain. Did he know about the ghoul beforehand?

A couple of other elders cleaned up the battlefield, healing the wounded disciples, and assessing their performance. However, his matters were more important than those minor tasks. The others could take care of themselves. By now, he was supposed to be happy for the sect. However, he poured too many resources and time into Kraden for him to get outshined.

Meanwhile on a small airship.

The sect leader of the slaughter sect sat patiently beside the boy. His eyes stared at him as if he was the most valuable of gemstones. That little monster surprised him. The many techniques and teachings of the sect were ingrained in his mind, and he was shocked that someone kept his sanity after experiencing Navril’s technique, the slaughter gu. Up until now, not a single person in the sect´s history kept their sanity. In the end, everyone gave in, just not this boy. He was a monster, and his case might help them understand and use the technique more effectively. If it could be reproduced, oh, how he would make the other sect suffer. Not one of them would get their hands on a new planet. His disciples would crush them all.


That might lead to more dangers, but those thoughts were for a later day. For now, his curiosity was directed at the half perished corpse of the disciple. That guy was too precious. He even used some true healing liquid. Normally a waste on any outer or inner disciple. Maybe if he had shown enough talent to become a core disciple. However, to be selected as a ghoul's once ability to gather qi would be average, to say the least.

His airship descended to the healing hall´s inner garden. Oh, that place was nostalgic. The sect leader grinned. The butcher's shop sure was a place holding many memories.

A couple of disciples greeted him as he left the ship. They stopped in their tracks and saluted. He didn't have time for that, waving them away. His stern eyes already focused on the next steps necessary. “Get elder Ma to my room.”

They arrived in a room decorated in golden and red runes. The colors were bright, nearly shining. Tigers chased lions, and dragons stalked the sky. That was his room, and now the boy lay in a bed.

Elder Ma entered the room a little later. He bowed as he saw the sect leader. A couple of sparks flew between their eyes.

“Sect leader, your grace has ordered me to come. Here I am, answering your call.” Elder Ma said.

“Come and take a look at the boy. Be careful. He battled a chimera on his own and has kept his sanity against the slaughter gu.” The sect leader said.

Elder Ma instantly moved. He inspected the boy, applying some medicines and precautions. “Lord sect leader, my are abilities lacking. Much needs to be rebuilt from the bone up. His pulse is a mess. The insect is badly damaged from the outside, but some of it might be older and internally. I can´t say more or even why the technique didn´t turn him into a ghoul.”

The face of the sect leader turned unusually soft. “That´s good enough for now. Elder Ma takes care of the boy. Elder San will later be in charge.”

End of the interlude

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