《Acolyte》Chapter 20 - The Idea of Me


Archand looks down at Edmund's broken body. Blood was seeping out of his bandages and there were various bruises all over. His eyes were open, but seemed lifeless.

Archand lets out a sigh. “Fuck it.” He says and he throws a hard punch to Edmund's bandaged shoulder.

“Uuooff. Fuck.” Edmund exclaims, before laying lifelessly once more.

Rachel's eyes widen. “What the hell are you doing!” She exclaims as she pushes Archand away from Edmund.

Archand lets out a chuckle. “What? Since was the day it happened, I might as well pile on. The little shit stole you away from me. I should be allowed to be a little peeved.” He says, explaining himself honestly.

Rachel frowns. “He didn’t steal me away from you. I was exploring my sexuality with both of you, as one should on her Pilgrimage of Red Dust, and it just so happened that Edmund had much more to show me about myself.” She says, unable to keep a blush from heating up her face.

Archand’s eyes widen, and he also heat rise up from within him. “What the hell does that mean!?” He exclaims, not quite sure what to think.

Rachel smiles. “Let’s just say that Edmund understands me. The deepest parts of me.” She says with an air of mystery.

Archand couldn’t keep the tent from forming in his pants. “He’s just a boy, Rachel! What could he know that I don’t!?” He exclaims once more.

Rachel’s gaze wanders as she starts to think of it. “I don’t know. He is just a boy. But when it came time to do the deed… Let’s just say, his body knew what to do…” She says as a beaming smile once more forms.

Still wide-eyed, Archand forces himself to take a calming breath. He turns around and begins to exit the room. He opens the door before turning around once more. “If he’s bigger than me, just say so, Rachel! There’s no need to put his sexual ability on a pedestal!” He says, frustrated before leaving and slamming the door.


Rachel smirks. The situation was a little unfortunate, but she was sort of enjoying the various events. Am I so desirable? She wonders, processing the matter.

Rachel lets out a sigh. Such a shame. If only they knew… What Edmund does to me… She thinks before shaking her head, and preparing her hands for her healing spells.



Rachel turns around. It was Leah, the new mage in their party of adventurers.

“Hey.” Leah says as she peaks inside the room. “I heard boy wonder got hurt. Thought I should offer my assistance.” She says.

Rachel smiles. “Come in.” She says.

Leah walks into the room and has a look at Edmund. Leah sucks in a breath as she sees the damage. “Dang. I'll be able to help him a little bit, but I’m no priestess. It seems like his body really took a beating.” She says honestly.

“It’s alright. I was just about to apply some elvish healing, but I don’t think I’ll have enough energy for everything. How ‘bout I take the big stuff and you smooth out the edges?” Rachel asks in a friendly manner.

Leah’s eyes widen. “Elvish healing? Sounds wondrous. Yes, sure. I’ll do what I can.” She says.

Rachel begins the process and a white glow appears from her hands. Rachel’s eyes begin to focus, then she notices something different, causing an eyebrow to raise. The white glow now had a pinkish tint. That’s weird. She thinks before deciding to ignore it.

Leah watches closely, carefully observing the magical energy and how it flowed through Rachel towards Edmund. “Amazing. It’s not even really like most magic. It’s just a presence. A presence that encourages healing. His body is doing all the work, but now it seems… motivated?” She says, very intrigued.


Leah lets out a sigh, somewhat amazed. Then her eyes were drawn to Rachel. Her soft features, her rosy glow, her gentle eyes. Leah gulps. She is quite pretty. It seems understandable. She thinks, curious. “So I heard it was you that these men were fighting for?” She asks, hoping for something juicy.

Rachel lets out a snort. “It wasn’t me they were fighting for, it was the idea of me. For some reason my beauty makes people think that I’d be the perfect partner, either as a height to conquer, a trophy to hold close, a flower to be protected, or someone caring to look after them. Various fantasies enter these men’s minds, and their actions are driven by what’s between their legs.” She says disparagingly.

Leah smiles. “Are you not those things?” She asks, continuing to prod for more.

Rachel lets out a sigh. “Who knows. Maybe I could be. But right now… Right now I prefer to be who I am when I’m with Edmund.” She says.

Leah raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And who’s that?” She asks, curious.

Rachel blushes once more. “I don’t know. All that I know, is that when I’m with him, I feel like I don’t have to worry about anything. That he could take care of me even if the heavens were falling.” She says, trying to explain it.

Leah’s eyes widen. “Oh? But of course that’s not true. He’s just a boy, right?” She says.

Rachel smiles and looks to Leah. “If you tried it, you’d know what I meant.” She says before focusing once more on the healing.

“Try-try it?” Leah says as her mind considers it. She takes a peak at the bulge between Edmund’s pants. But then she shakes her head. “Impossible. I’m only attracted to real men.” She says, feeling a little hot.

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