《Acolyte》Chapter 18 - Have Mercy


“So, where are we headed after this?” Edmund asks as he lays on his bed.

“Can you relax, Edmund? We just got here. Go out with me today. We'll explore the city.” Rachel says as she fixes her clothes into place.

Hey, Young Acolyte. Nice job with the elf by the way. But I suggest you buy yourself a sword. My brother Alfie considers your relationship his work, so sees his right to test it. If I know him as well as anyone would think to know him, he's going to let the whole city know about the treasure that you've collared. The warrior spirit should see you through this ordeal, but that would depend on how jealous the gods are of your joy. Hehehe. Have fun, young one.

Edmund’s eyes widen as Galladril words enters his mind. Damn. 250 gold… Hopefully it will be enough… Edmund thinks.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Come on, and get up.” Rachel says enthusiastically, dressed up and reqdy to go.

Edmund takes a look at her and he winces as he realizes what he’s done. She was beautiful. Truly beautiful. Just to be in the same room as her would cause other men to go wild like dogs, in heat and in jealousy. Edmund collapses his head back onto the pillow and covers his face one last time, his emotions tinged with regret, joy, wariness, and anger. Just buy the sword, Edmund, and hopefully we’ll get through this. He thinks, burdened by his own happiness.

As the pair stroll through the city, Edmund was both anxious and paranoid of any man or women who came near, of possible eyes watching from the shadows, and even suspecting the birds of spying on him.

Rachel was bewildered, but chose not to say anything. When they entered the weapons shop, Edmund breathed a sigh of relief.


“What can I buy with 250 gold?” Edmund asks, anxious to have a blade in his hand.

The shopkeeper raises an eyebrow, before glancing to Rachel; recognizing her beauty, the shopkeeper gulps down his saliva and strictly focuses on business to keep from thinking with his lower member. “I have a sword ready, recently tempered, of red steel, and appropriate for your size. It will be 200 gold. And might I suggest a a thrice-tempered dagger; I'll lower the price to 50 gold, just for you.” He says with a wink to Rachel.

Edmund clears his throat. “I’ll take it.” He says, in a hurry.

“Thank you.” Rachel says with a short bow.

Okay, sword ready and dagger on stand-by. Let’s do this. Edmund thinks with determination. Since he doubted he could avoid it, he might as well charge in head-first.

“Hey, Rachel. Let’s go to a bar tonight. I want to show the town the most beautiful girl in the city. And who’s sleeping with her.” Edmund says with a smirk.

Rachel’s eyes widen and blush forms on her face. “No! Why would I do that!? And stop treating me like I’m yours!” She exclaims.

Edmund lets out a sigh. “Come here. You know what happens when you disobey.” He says as he gestures for to come with a finger.

Rachel’s face gets even hotter. “Fine! I’ll go!” She exclaims, dissatisfied. She very much wanted to disobey, but she was mad too and she didn’t want to give spoiled brat the pleasure of disciplining her.

Edmund smiles. “That’s a good girl.” He says, satisfied.


Rachel walks into the bustling bar and the raucous room slows down to an eerie silence as the various men in the room take a good look at her. Several men gulp down their saliva, ease their drunken spirits with a mouthful of beer, and simply look on with desire.


Edmund steps forward and boldly announces. “What are you turds looking at? This is my girl! To use as I please!” He calls out without fear.

It takes a moment for the words to register in the men’s ears before anger enraptured their thoughts.

“You bastard! Are you looking for a fight!?”

“Step aside, young lady. We’ll take care of this miscreant.”

“To use as you please!? Blasphemy!”

Edmund takes a deep breath. Let’s get this show on the road. I wonder if the heavens will have mercy. He thinks before drawing his sword.

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