《Acolyte》Chapter 13 - God of Mischief


Edmund, carrying the baby, slowly walks back to the inn. He was tired and wished to rest.

The inn was still a boisterous place this late into the night. It was somewhat too cheerful for the child and he awoke and began to cry.

Edmund's father had a beer in his hand when he heard the cry. Drawn by the noise, he walks over to see Edmund with the baby. His eyes widen. “Edmund! Who's that?” He asks, bewildered.

Edmund lets out a bitter smile. “It's the kidnapped baby. I found him on the road.” He says.

“What!” Edmund's father exclaims. “Quick then! We must bring him to the city guard!” He says hurriedly.

Edmund lets out a sigh. “But can’t O rest first?” He asks.

“No time for that! Come, let’s hurry!” He says.

“Found him on the side of the road, you say?” The guard says suspiciously. “Can you step to the side, young man? We’d like to check your shoulder.” He says.

Edmund raises an eyebrow. “Okay.” He says as he steps to the side.

The guard raises Edmund’s shirt and checks. “No tattoo. Okay, you’re hood to go.” He says.

Edmund lets out a breath of relief.

“And thank you for bringing back the child.” The guard says. “We’ll see that he's returned to his parents.” He says.

“Haha! Edmund my boy! Those parents offered a reward! 250 gold! You’re rich, my boy!” Edmund’s father says.

“250 gold!” Edmund exclaims.

“Haha! Yes! Make sure to buy a meal for your pa when we get home. By the way, we’ll be leaving in a few hours so prepare yourself.” He says.

“Oh, that reminds me. There’s something I have to do.” Edmund says.


“Well, I just wanted to say thanks, Hakrom. The shadow spirit was very useful.” Edmund says.

No worries, child. You may hold onto it for a while. It could prove useful to you.

Edmund lets out a smile and let the pyre continue to burn.

By the way, there’s someone I want to introduce you to. The god of mischief, Alfie.

Edmund raises an eyebrow. The god of mischief? He asks himself.

Yes, apparently he has a job for you. There is a man on the mortal world, claiming to be him. He wants him put to an end.

Edmund’s eyes widen. Put to an end!? He exclaims.

Hello, young acolyte. My name is Alfie. There is a man in the city of Arland who is pretending to be me. I wish for him to be destroyed. I will send to you a spirit of enticement. Use it as you will.

Edmund gulps. “Yes, sir.” He says.

Kill a man!? How can I kill a man! Edmund exclaims. No, I can’t do this alone. Maybe Rachel and Archand are still here. He thinks.

Edmund rushes forward at the hint of them, the hope that they were there. And at last, with heavy breaths, he found them. “Rachel! Archand! I need your help!” He says.

Archand raises an eyebrow. “Edmund? What are you doing here?” He asks.

Hey, Edmund. This one’s quite pretty. How ‘bout I push things in your direction. What do you say?

Rachel’s eyes suddenly widen and a blush appears on her cheek. She reaches out with her hand and holds Edmund’s face. “Edmund. You’re here.” She says as her other hand caresses Edmund’s shoulder.

Archand’s eyes widen.

Edmund’s eyes widen. Dammit. I’m erect. He thinks to himself.


Edmund lets out an awkward chuckle. “Yes, I’m here.” He says before turning to Archand. “Anyways, I need your help. I’ve been tasked with taking down someone. This man has been going around masquerading as a god and that god wishes for him to be destroyed.” He says.

“Masquerading as a god? Blasphemy!” Archand says.

Edmund peaks at Rachel who was still holding his shoulder and lets out a bitter smile before grabbing her hand and holding it at his side. Her hand feels pretty good. Edmund thinks.

“Yes, Alfie demands justice.” Edmund says.

“The god of mischief?” Archand says, somewhat surprised. “Strange. You’d think he’d be impressed by this sort of thing.” Archand says.

Edmund raises an eyebrow. Impressed? He thinks, as he considers the matter. The god of mischief… The god of mischief… Edmund’s eyes widen. Could this be some sort of test? He wonders.

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