《Acolyte》Chapter 9 - Use It Properly


In a solemn mood, Edmund and his party followed the husband and wife who had lost their child. A few of their guards remained and were able to drive their carriage forward.

Edmund shakes his head at the thought of the event. It really was a terrible ordeal. Why this group of people wanted to do any of this, Edmund didn't know. The husband and his wife did seem quite well dressed; it was possible that the kidnappers were expecting a big ransom, or they were possibly nobles, and this was some sort of political strong-arming tactic. I don’t even want to think about that. Edmund thinks, feeling somewhat anxious about the idea. Whatever nobles did in their castles or mansions, or their various manipulations, Edmund wanted nothing to do with. If all they had to do for this matter was report it to the city guards, he’d be satisfied. But that symbol weighs on my mind. If it’s possible that I have a way to save this child… Damn… Edmund thinks with a sigh of exasperation. Then I’d have to act… He thinks in defeat.

Edmund’s father slaps Edmund’s shoulder. Edmund raises an eyebrow and looks over.

Edmund’s father smiles. “Hey, by the way. Nice shooting. It’s hard to believe that you were able to shoot them from that distance. I’m very impressed. My son, a sharpshooter! Ha! I’ll be bragging about this for years. Say, maybe you should join the city guard? It’s possible you could even be knighted.” He says with a look of pride.

A blush appears on Edmund’s face, and an embarrassed smile appears. “Dad, stop it. It was nothing.” He says with a wave of his hand.

Edmund’s father lets out a laugh. “No, son. It was not nothing. There’s not many people who could make that shot; at least not from our town. You have a real talent for it. And to think, I thought about making you take that bow back. Blessing in disguise, I say; blessing in disguise.” He says.


Edmund shakes his head. “I bet there’s a lot of people who could do it. The world’s a big place.” He says.

Edmund’s father lets out a chuckle. “Indeed it is. Indeed it is.” He says.

After the group made their report, they left the grieving couple to handle the matters with the city guards. The couple seemed quite commanding, and they probably had some weight to throw around, so Edmund’s father was somewhat at ease.

After that they did their business at the fish market. After a few hours the sun had already set, and the group was left with no choice but to find an inn for the night.

The back of the inn was empty. Hoping no one would come, Edmund built a small stack of wood on top of some kindling, then, with an uncomfortable face, he grabs the live chicken and slits its throat. The chicken struggled as hard as it could but Edmund held onto it until the energy drained from its body, then he left its bleeding body onto the pile of wood. Edmund then begins to light the fire with flint; after a few sparks the fire was lit.

Edmund waited until the chicken was engulfed in flame before offering his prayers.

“Oh, great, Galladril. A humble request from your humble servant.” Edmund says, slight weariness in his voice. He very much didn’t like having a patron saint, but what could he do? One part of him felt that he shouldn’t be so disrespectful to a god, and another was very dissatisfied at having to be involved with a deity in the first place.

Yes, young acolyte. What is it you wish of me?

Edmund clears his throat. “Just a question. About the red coin you had me buy; what did the black skull symbol represent? I found the red-filled circle with the black skull tattooed on some kidnappers. They took a child, and if it’s possible, I’d like to get the baby back.” He says with his head bowed.


Ah, the symbol. Yes, that’s my brother’s symbol. My wife is a bit a scheming woman with wild tastes. On my birthday she gave me that red coin and said that my brother had given it to her privately. I was furious, my blood began to boil out of jealousy and shame, then in my rage, I took her right there. She found it all very euphoric to be taken by an unrestrained beast; honestly it was one of the best fucks I’ve ever had.

Edmund didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry, and his face felt very strained. He wasn’t entirely sure what to say about that.

Anyways, I’ll call him. Oi! Hakrom! Are you there? My boy here wants to talk to you!

Edmund waits patiently.

What do you want, boy?

Edmund proceeds cautiously, “I was wondering if you could tell me anything about men around Tallese city who use your symbol.”

There are many who use my symbol. Some use it properly while some use it blasphemously. But yes, I’m aware of a group who uses that symbol in that city. They call themselves the Night’s Hand. I shall send down a shadow spirit to guide you. If that’s all, I’ll be off.

Edmund takes in the information with furrowed brows. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

Well then, young acolyte. Take my blessing and go. My warrior spirit shall also accompany you.

As the voices fade, Edmund breathes out a sigh of relief.

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