《Wake up and Run》Origin Unknown 1


Raco was on the ground and sprinting

towards the couple in the blink of an eye. It took him less than thirty seconds to reach them. During that time, the personal computer chip in his helmet automatically provided him with all the information he needed and presented it to him without asking and displayed it on a transparent screen in front of him, only visible to him. with recommendations also.

Following those recommendations, he moved left to face the Fangag on that side since it was closest to the couple than the one behind them. Taking out a small object like a flashlight from a bag dangling from his side, he pressed a button on the end and a sword made of Lazer appeared and materialized in front of him.

While running carrying the little girl, he noticed something or someone running towards him at a speed no human can match, and in the blink of an eye, turned and disappeared to his right side.

At that time, he lost his momentum and his speed slowed. A few seconds later, While he was still running and turning his head to his right, he heard a loud animal howl.

The pain was noticeable from the sound.

Something like a kind of electric shock went through his body, hearing the cry of the beast, which made him stop completely on his track, wondering what was going on.

He awoke from the shok he was in by the screen of the little girl in his arms pointing behind him, and when he looked at his back, he saw a beast opening his wide mouth, ready to jump and swallow him at once.

With that huge mouth coming down from above, ready to take a bite out of him, nothing would remain of him, he thought. The only reaction his Brian was capable of at that moment was to duck to the ground, starting with his knees first, diving to the ground, shielding the little girl on his chest with his back, and bending to the ground as low as he could.


Closing his eyes, prepared and waiting to feel the pain at any moment, all he heard was a slashing sound and the thud of something heavy falling to the ground. One more time, he slowly opened his eyes, hearing the shrug of the little girl on his chest. A few feet in front of him lay the head of the beast, its mouth still wide open.

Filled with fear and shock, he was unable to move a single inch. Still staring at the huge beast's head in front of him, "Mr. You are hurting me," the voice of the little girl woke him up from his shock, noticing that he was squeezing the girl against his chest with his arms.

Releasing his hold over the girl and muttering sorry while still gazing at the head that had now been lifted by a young boy with one hand, the size of the head was almost half of the young boy's whole body, yet he lifted it like a bottle of water with ease, like it was weightless.

The boy, without paying any attention to them, took out a small knife from his pocket and started removing the horn and the big fangs at an incredible speed.

The boy could tell by their facial expressions that they didn't understand him, so he addressed the computer in his helmet and said, "initiate full scan." With in three seconds he received the answer scanning. "no up normality detected..human physiology detected..no upgrade detected..Origin unknown" conclusion, they are alien to this world.

Raco, surprised by the result given to him by the computer, shook his head. There are so many languages spoken on this planet which is called "Kyriagi".

That contains five continent, two are mostly un inhabitanted desert lands with only desert creatures and beasts in one them named The Deth Desert, and in the other one an evil humanoid inelegant creatures planing to destroy the other continents and then invade earth after destroying this one Named "The Evil Desert" the other three continent the largest is "Aldunina".


Which consists of three major kingdoms, which are "Angariya " "Arumina" and the last smallest one is called Angadiya.

The Kingdom of Angariya is where all the different creatures live together along with humans, Animan which are humanoid beasts and animals (Demi Humans).

And their kingdom is called "Arumina" the mythical land. They are intelligent enough to live among humans, and they are peaceful creatures treated as humans on the continent, and no other kingdom or country can antagonize them because they are a force not to be reckoned with.

They are armed with the same powerful technology that is common on this planet, including a mysterious power similar to magic that only they can wield.

The second largest continent, which is almost half the size of Aldunina, is called "Tamiya" and is inhabited mostly by humans. It consists of two major kingdoms and several small countries, the largest kingdom being called Thamis.

Finally, the smallest continent, Angadiya, is inhabited and ruled by Androids, half human and half machine. The humans on that continent make up less than 20% of its population.

About the remaining two desert continents no human from the other continents went there and came back alive to tell their stories all the Available information ware stored in the main frame hundred of years ago and been taught in schools as general knowledge only. And the whole planet is called Kyriagi.

Seeing for the first time humans that are not from this planet, an alien, a real one, and the conclusion of his computer chip, that they are of unknown organs, made his head spin for a few seconds.

Then he managed to control himself and gave a command to his chip, "report everything immediately to the elders". Wondering what to do or how to communicate with them, he thought the best option was to keep an eye on them and wait for his orders.

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