《Slothful Reincarnation》Chapter 2: Mutter, ich bin dumm


[Day 2]

I felt like I was being squished, my leg ached so much that it could rival my father’s beating. I could not endure it anymore, thus I opened my eyes, and the once dimmed room was now lit by rays of lights from the cracks of stone. There I realized; I was in a cave.

Piles of bodies were on top of me, they were charred and blackened, bones were protruding. I tried crawling out of the pile to save myself but no matter what I did, I was stuck. The pile was putting pressure on both my legs which made the already hard task of moving my infantile body harder.

I’ve seen people getting stuck in the washing machine before, I’m damn well sure it didn’t feel this way. God is very unfair; I want a refund. I looked around for anything that I can use to get out of this situation, but only burnt bodies and rocks were around me.

Rumbling, Rumbling, Rumbling

My stomach begun to protest because of hunger. It was not as bad as when I wasn’t fed for 5 days by my parents but still, I was still an infant! I need food to grow! I’ll report you guys to the authorities! Officers, these dead creatures committed child abuse!

I’m sure with this small body, if I don’t eat right now, I will surely die… shit.

God, if you’re gonna isekai someone, please atleast reincarnate them as a prince, hero, or a saint of something, haven’t you watched animes or something?!

I’m running out of time… My head ached as I felt hunger consume me. Then, I saw the dead corpses… They’re the same creatures as me… But… I need to– no, I want to live! I want to live! I deserve to live! I want to sleep all day without worrying about anything!

I’m sorry but, you guys are going to be my first meal in this world.

[Day 3]

“Ughh, too hot” (Eliot)

I held my head as my consciousness returned, I ate my own kind yesterday and fell asleep afterwards. It might be because I was a human before becoming this creature but I felt nothing as I ate it. To me, it was simply meat and food that I had to consume or else, I die.


“Wait, whoa I can talk! And I’m bigger too!” (Eliot)

The corpses that once piled on top of me were now mere bones. Most of their flesh were gone with only a few muscles attached to their bones. With this, I was able to pull my body out of the pile.

My body grew to about a meter tall, I was now about the same height as the creatures I just ate. At first the growth rate made me think I was special or something, I was like, “I’m the chosen one!” but fortunately I’m a realist, don’t you dare think for a second that I am dejected that I am not a chosen one, I will sue you.

Basically, as this kind is weak and I assume not smart due to the way they attacked that guy a few days ago, seemingly just charging, and not even wearing any protection; They might be the kind of creatures who relies on numbers instead, thus making their kind develop quickly than others.

I scanned my surroundings to make sure I was the only survivor around. I looked at the place where the women and girls were once bound. There were chains and blood all over… My stomach begun to spin as I tried imagining what kind of life those girls had to go through. The thought of having one of those women being my mother just made me hate my own kind.

After searching for awhile I found some dull knife and dirty cloth, it smelled so bad it was worse than that time when my classmates pushed me near a street gutter filled with pee and feces, that took me hours to take off the stains, so I had to skip a day and school since that was my only uniform. Well at the time I thought I could have a day off from the relentless bullying of those people but when my father came home, he kicked my legs so hard it made me limp for days.

“If you’re going to slack off and skip school then better be a cripple instead! You worthless peace of shit. Spits” (Father)


Well after that I made sure to never skip school again, well except for that one time… I’m dead anyway so it’s not like he can still hurt me… Or can he? Chills went down my spine as I began to imagine my father seeing me right now… With this small body I’m sure I’d be dead in seconds.

After recollecting my eventful past, I, with a heavy heart wore the awful smelling cloth. And equipped the knife I found. I was not exactly sure if eating my own kind is healthy or not, but I’m not going to take the risk.

I walked through where the armored guy came to and saw light after a few minutes of walking. My face formed a slight curve as I felt happy getting the chance to see the outside world of this world for the first time.

Ya know, after a few days of being in this world, I can now confidently say, National Geographic and BBC Earth are spouting some bullllllllshitttttt. I can say that because right at this moment, I was being chased by some monkeys. Like what the hell?! What part of them is “Affectionate” or “Gentle” these are fucking killing machines! How did I get here? Well let me tell you a fun story.

A few hours ago, as I got out of the cave, what I saw was forest filled with all kinds of trees and plants. I felt ecstatic for in my mind, I thought I did not have to work hard to get the food I need. As I ventured the forest, I saw an open field surrounded by trees with a single bush in the middle with berries that I think was edible, probably… it’s red so it must be! I mean think about it, is there any red fruit that is poisonous!? No need to search it I have around 20 IQ points I’m smart believe me!

As I grabbed a few berries, I felt a gaze behind me. It was the same hostile gaze as people have given me before. I immediately looked behind me to see what it was. All I saw were cute monkeys akin to what I used to watch on YouTube. The narrator narrated it funnily so in my mind, I thought they were nice and peaceful. I assumed I was mistaken, after all, this is a new world. I couldn’t be more wrong.

One of the monkeys came near me and smelled me, it looked cute and curious so I tried to do what hiccup did to toothless maybe I can have my own series! How to train your monkey! I can ride a gorilla in the battlefield!


I felt a sudden pain on my left hand. As I looked at it, the monkey has taken a bite off of it. Two of my fingers were missing.

“Ughh, AHHHHHH” (Eliot)

My first response was shouting as the pain was so bad it made me kneel. I held my injured hand using my right hand. My mind began to spin as I was having a hard time processing what just happened. In my panic I tripped and landed on the berry bush, all its fruits were crushed. The moment that happened, the stares that I felt before intensified. My body began to shake.

I remember this feeling… They’ll hurt me.

I sprung up and ran back to the cave, the monkeys kept pursuing me and throwing rocks my way. My back, my arm, and my right leg was hit. I collapsed near the entrance of the forest just outside the cave. I saw the monkeys stopped on their tracks and turned around.

Right there and there, I lost consciousness.

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