《Wanna play the game of your life?》Life is mad


Hey there! Sorry for the long wait but i had to find some inspiration and after my 40th birtday the headche had to declline a bit also! :)

Enjoy and comment plaese a bit because it's my fodder for writing!


Iranueel thought for a moment and looked Misako straight into the face.

“There is a possibility to get your enemies lost for good. But I know that you will not like it very much!”

Cautious and distrustful Misako frowned for a moment.

“I’m ready to take some quite serious actions to get them off my track. So if you suggest what I think, then I will need another blood oath from you. Don’t take me for a fearful person but there is too much for me to lose, if you don’t get me back on my feet after we have left the town!”

He nodded and grinned that it seemed his face split in two.

“I will kill and absorb you, then revive you after say a week! This should be enough for anyone to get of your track and believe in your death. Perhaps we should do it near some triad guys to make it more realistic!”

“Believe me, if I have to die, then it will be showy and everyone will notice it! How long after the death of my body can you revive me?”

Now Iranueel was for a loss of words.

“I’m not sure myself. First time doing it. Perhaps we should experiment a bit with some animals? Or some guys with questionable character and who will not be missed a lot? I mean, there have to be some guys in this town, that need to get downed!”

“Haha, I like your style. Yes, I know some of those! Tried my best, to never get into contact with them, but I know where they have their base. Nobody will miss them and in fact we will do some good by kicking their butts.”


The waitress came back with their order and for the next 5 minutes only noises of eating and slurping of noodles could be heard. Iranueel enjoyed his first original asian food. He had to admit that nobody in his former life made such tasty noodles for him and smiled friendly to the waitress. She blushed nearly at once. Misako watched the scene.

“Such a ladykiller! With your looks you could lay the girl with no problems at all. But believe me, where she comes from, there are thousands alike. Search for some girls in your league if you want to enjoy bed sports to the fullest!”

Iranueel nearly chocked on his meal and stared angry at Misako.

“If this should be an offer, then I politely decline. All I wanted, was to let her know, that I appreciate the food and nothing else.”

Smiling and a little bit pouty his counterpart leaned back on the couch and watched him careful.

“It was not an offer, only good advice. I am a little bit too old for you even though I had better days. What I meant, never bed a mortal girl for more than a one-night stand. They die much too fast and will leave too much pain in their wake. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about!”

He could see some old pain in her dark eyes and her look was somewhere in the past it seemed. She spoke only after a minute again, and Iranueel didn’t try to say anything until then.

“Now, just take this advice to heart and get yourself a nice immortal girl. Perhaps you have some luck and can score with an elven maid visiting earth for sightseeing. If you happen to discover one, you can be sure that she will be an avatar herself. Only our kind visits earth. After all, we humans are not the very best hosts where aliens are concerned!”


Curious Iranueel raised one eyebrow.

“Don’t Spock me! Area 51 is not for show! Some idiots couldn’t control their flight path and slammed into a mountain in the USA some decades ago. I heard the guys there try to decrypt the technology since that time. And even the fact that our power as avatars to make people forget about us wasn’t enough to put this matter to rest. Now the Americans try to get the technology cracked but they have no chance with that. If it isn’t possible to make them forget about some UFO then at least they will never solve its riddles. That’s the way it is here on earth!”

“But I know there are other worlds out there where everybody knows about avatars!” exclaimed Iranueel.

“You think you know! As far as I know, nobody ever came back from space to give some antics about his life out there. Only some other species. But they said, that they saw humans and their avatars on other planets roaming around. So maybe there is some kind of barrier stopping anyone human coming back to earth to share his knowledge. I don’t know and I don’t care for heaven’s sake! If I got the chance to leave earth, I will take it.”

Iranueel watched Misako nodding and leaned back.

“Ok! But we have other problems to be solved first. I think, we should search for some bad guys that are not hard to kill and experiment with them a little bit. After that, there comes your big showdown and then we leave the place. But where to? I’m not from this region and I don’t have enough money or a passport to leave the country. That’s something for you to solve! My part in this venture is to rescue your sorry ass when the shit hits the fan!”

“Nice from you! Just leave all the hard work for the poor little woman and enjoy your life as a macho!”

Snorting Iranueel replied.

“Poor and little my ass! You killed two men in cold blood and wanted to gut me also. I’m just a noob here so for this operation you’re the main actor. Let me watch and learn. In your long life you have to have learned the one or the other trick! I will learn and help as good as possible but it’s your ass on the platter here not mine. So where will we go after this little adventure if you want to try my way of dealing with this mess?”

Misako fell silent and thought for some time eating the rest of her meal and looking outside every now and then. Iranueel watched the other side of the watchable surroundings and tried to discover any discrepancies. It was dark out now and nightlife began to fill the street. He could see some couples walking and entering cabs. An old wife walking her dog. Iranueel never saw anybody in her age carrying such a big bag with her. You could have hidden some serious weaponry in it and had enough left for any womanly needs. Misako recognized his look and turned around to see what spiked his interest.

“Fuck! We have to leave! Now!”

Misako stood and made a bee line for the kitchen door before Iranueel had a chance to react.

A look back to the granny left him speechless. The hag drew something big out of her bag, much bigger than the bag itself and it resembled alarming a rocket launcher. He tried his best to follow Misako now. Some screams could be heard outside. Seems, the night would become lively again.

Iranueel knew that Misako would be trouble, but life became a damn action movie since he met her and he loved it! Grinning like a madman he ran for his life!

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