《New life in AOT(Attack On Titan) World》Chapter 5: This World is Cruel


At the farmlands of Wall Maria, a family of three people going through their daily life peacefully, this the family of Mikasa Ackerman. Today was a good day, the sun shining the winds are warm and gentle, birds are singing on top of the trees happily. Mikasa and her mother are hanging their family's laundry for it to be dried out, the mother and daughter are talking to each other happily " Are you that excited to eat Duck meat?!! " Mikasa's mother asked with a happy tone, " yes!! I haven't forgotten its taste since the last time I ate it"

Mikasa had been asking them to make another duck meat food since last week, her husband left in the morning to hunt a duck to Cook it.

"ah! speaking of the witch, her comes your father, and the duck too " Seeing her husband holding a dead duck with his hands, she told her daughter the goods news

Mikasa was jumping from happiness since she finally will eat her new favorite food.

The father went to his family and hugged his wife and daughter, the mother said " you had finally caught a duck, you couldn't catch a single one for 2 days "

" those ducks are not to be underestimated, " said the husband with a serious look

"No~ father you just suck at hunting, " said Mikasa as she sent her attack to her father.

(AN: I don't know their f-ing names, OK? be gentle with me )

"Alright, let get inside," said the mother as she took the duck from her husband's hands and went inside, soon she was followed by Mikasa and her father who held her on his shoulder.


back at the road that leads to the Ackerman house Ace &Eren are annoying Grisha to death

"Are we there yet " Said Ace

"No, " Said Grisha




"Are we there yet? " said Eren

"No," said Grisha through his teeth

Ace and Eren knew that he only needs a little push to explode, they looked at each other and just nodded

"Are we there yet " Ace & Eren

" I SAID FOOKING NO!!" Grisha finally exploded at the two devils

" huh!! father cursed at us, I am going to tell mom " Eren acted as if he was surprised

"Me too, I am gonna tell mother of what you just said, uncle" Ace followed Eren by threatening Grisha

Grisha wasn't afraid of Carla but when he heard Ace is going to tell his mother he was scared to the bone, he still can feel her burning eyes on his back when they were leaving, if she knew what he said she will probably punch him in the face. he quickly Said

" L-L-Look kids, I am sorry, I didn't mean that okay, it was just a slip of the tongue, I am sorry, we are cool, right? "

Eren and Ace burst out laughing after his words with Ace saying " I can't believe you are afraid of Women "

" are you that afraid of aunt Maria " followed Eren

seeing the kids laugh Grisha knew that he just played himself, he turned and said with an annoyed voice " tch, let's just go we are late"




"Ouch!! it hurts mom, why did you need to do that" Mikasa was holding her arm that she feels the pain in, her mother told her she needs to give her their Ackerman's Family mark, which was the first letter of their family name "A"

" that is our family mark Mikasa, when you have children in the future, you too need to give them this mark," said the mother as she hugged her daughter to make her forget the pain.


"But mom how do I make a baby, " Mikasa asked her mother with an innocent face, the mom was shocked and awkward at the same time, she quickly directed the question to her husband " ask your father, he knew better than me "

" Eh?!! oi!! Honey! what are you saying? anyway, I called Mr. Jaegar to come her and examine you to see if your hand is going to be OK Mikasa, so don't worry about the pain" the father quickly avoided the question as made Mikasa remember her pain.

The family continued talking casually in a nice atmosphere

Until the Next three knocks on the door were heard.


"Ah!! it must be him," said the father as he went to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door a knife came straight to his heart *Stab* " Ugh!?!? wh- " he raised his head to see three people on the door, the first man stabbed the father with cold blood, he didn't even hesitate.

" Sorry to bother you but we just want to kidnap both of you and that's it," said the first man

The mother saw her husband stabbed and thrown on the floor, she was shocked to her very core, but she quickly recovered and grabbed a knife she attacked the man as she screamed " MIKASA!! RUN!! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!" the mother attacked the men in an attempt to make a gape for Mikasa to run from.

but unfortunately, Mikasa was frozen in her place she just stared at them blankly, this scene was too much for her to handle.

seeing this the mother felt despair in her heart as thought about her daughter getting killed and even worse being kidnapped and sold as a slave. with no other choice, the mother decided to sacrifice herself to kill the men

"Ahhhhhh!!!" she screamed as she aimed at the first man who killed her husband

"W-what is wrong with this women," said the man as he struggled against the mother's attack

but sadly for the mother, the second man had an ax with him as he attacked her in the shoulder making her fall on the floor.

the mother looked at Mikasa and tried to wake her daughter " M-Mik...sa, Li...ve!!"

"the hell man!!" the man who attacked the mother said with an annoyed tone

" WHY DID YOU KILL HER YOU IDIOT!!" said another man as he hit him on the head

'ARGH!!...she was going to kill you " he argued back

"that doesn't matter now, get the kid and let's go, " said the third man

the man who killed the mother went to Mikasa who had eyes like a dead corps, she was still frozen and trembling in her place, he grabbed her by her collar " Now kid, be good and I won't kill you " he punched Mikasa in her head knocking her out




*Knock* * knock* * knock*


*Knock* * knock* * knock*

" that's weird, they should be home by now" said Grisha with confusion, he pushed the door open as he noticed it was open, what he saw inside shocked him and Eren at the same time, Ace being a former Assassin wasn't shocked as this scene was normal to him but he had to act he is shocked too.

he felt annoyed when he was pretending he was even more annoyed as he knew he will need to keep pretending for a few years.

Grisha went and examined the two bodies " damn, they have been dead for a few hours now" Grisha got up and looked at Eren & Ace who had a mixed expression of anger and sadness and said " wait for me outside, I will bring the cops and come back "


Grisha left running back leaving Ace & Eren in front of the House

" Those Scumbags...Geh!! how dare they " Eren was kicking the ground and screaming, Ace looked at Eren for a little time and said " your screams won't do us any good "

Eren got annoyed and dashed to Ace and grabbed him by his Blue scarf and screamed at him " THE MOTHER.FU.CKERS KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE, THEY DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!" Eren let his emotions control him, from anger was going to punch Ace, but Ace dodged his punch and counterattacked with a light punch directed to Eren's stomach

"Goha!!..." Eren was on the ground dealing with the pain

"I didn't say they deserve to live... so instead of screaming, let's go and search for them and torture the living hell out of them...are you with me or not Eren?? " Ace released some of his killing intent as he looked at Eren with his cold grey eyes. hearing this Eren felt his blood boiling as he screamed " FUC.KING YES!!"




At a random abandoned house in the Forest, a group of 3 people was staying there with a Child. this group is, of course, the criminals who killed Mikasa's family, they seemed relaxed despite the fact that they just killed two people

" I hope we can sell this brat " (Criminal 1)

" don't worry she is a rare race, we can sell her for those creeps who like to collect rare things in the underground marks" (Criminal 2)

"But she isn't a pureblood, Her father seemed ordinary" (Criminal 2)



The two were arguing about what happened a few hours ago. Mikasa was still shocked, her heart still in pain, she wanted to cry but her tears didn't come out, she was suffering silently on the floor.

And again the same sound that ended the Ackerman's family, the group of Criminal's end came with the same sound of knocking on the door


The criminals became quite as they looked at each and nodded, one of them went and opened the door a little and looked outside to find a little kid with a Grey-Brown hair, he was surprised at first and he immediately asked: " what do you want kid?"

"Uncle, I am lost in the Forest can you help find the way out, " Asked the kid with an innocent voice, the kid is of course Ace

"Oh! that's unfortunate, let me help you get out of here" the man doubt was gone after hearing what the kid's said, he opened the door a little more and squatted down only to be met with a knife in the heart and the throat

some of the criminal's blood was splashed on Ace's face, mixed with his cold eyes, Ace's face looked like a little demon after releasing his killing intent, scaring the shit out of the criminal who is inside.

After killing the first criminal Ace went inside and dashed at the second criminal and kicked him in the stomach.

Ace took the little time he made by hitting the man and went to Mikasa and released her from those ropes " Listen to me Mikasa, help me Kill him OK " Ace faced Mikasa who snapped out of her Daze " Eh!! Kill him!!" Mikasa couldn't imagine killing someone, she was still processing what is happening

meanwhile the criminal came and kicked Ace in the Gut sending him Flaying a little bit "GAAAH!!!" the criminal went to Ace and tried to chock him " YOU MOTHER. FU.CKER " the criminal was angry that his friend was killed by a kid


"SHUT UP KID, I AM GONNA FU.CKING KILL YOU " said the criminal as he punched Ace in the face as Mikasa got with trembling hands with a knife in them, she looked at the criminal's back as she started to recall everything that happened while Ace words serving as a trigger to something that is hidden inside her

" AGH!!!...MIKASA!! FIGHT, IF YOU DIDN'T YOU WILL DIE...FIGHT TO LIVE...THIS WORLD IS CRUEL " The man wasn't doing much damage to Ace because of his titan's ability but he needed to do this to awaken Mikasa's power.

Ace's Last words were the trigger for Mikasa, she had finally realized the truth of this world, no, she already knew about but she just ignored it, yes, "this world is cruel ".

Mikasa tightened her grip on the knife and screamed " AAAAAAH!!!" she put strength in her legs as she dashed at the man with her knife aiming at his back





"you OK?" Asked Mikasa

"yes, he didn't do much to me anyway...how about you" Ace knew that they had hit her so he asked her while removing blood from her face

"it only hurts a little, thank you for saving me but you need to leave, there were 3 of them"

just when she said that the door was pushed open and a tall man came in with a shocked face " what happened, was it, you kids. I WILL FU.CKING KILL YOU!!" the man screamed at Ace and Mikasa

Mikasa got in front of Ace to protect him, the man was about to dash at them but he froze in his place with a pained expression, he looked back just to see Eren with a knife thrusting it in the middle of his back " THAT'S WHAT YOU GET YOU SCUMBAG " Eren screamed at the last criminal. he throws the criminal on the floor and started to Stab him with the knife multiple times as the man is screaming from pain

Both Mikasa and Ace looked at Eren with strange eyes with Ace thinking ' He Really can't Control his emotions "




" You Idiot, why did you go after the criminals " Grisha was screaming at Eren after knowing that the kids throw themselves in danger after he left, he was trembling from imagining what if things didn't work out

"I couldn't forgive them for what they did" Eren was arguing with his dad. knowing he won't change his son's mind, Grisha looked at Ace and said " Ace why didn't you wait for me to bring the cops "

" well, if we waited any longer they would have left, I mean come on, we are still alive aren't we??" said Ace

Grisha's heart was crushed after hearing what the kids are saying ' Don't they understand they just killed people '

Grisha looked Mikasa who is standing behind Ace wearing his clothes " Mikasa, I am Dr. Jaegar your father must've told you about me, don't worry I will take care of you, you won't be alone"

" yes Mikasa, you can come and live with me and my mother" Said Ace with an excited tone

" W-Wait Ace, you can't just decide that on your own, " Grisha said to Ace

" Hm?? between my family and yours who can take care of her better " said Ace with a serious tone

Grisha and Ace glared at each other until Eren said " let her decide, she has the right to decide her future ", As soon as Eren said that both Ace and Grisha looked at Mikasa with an expression of ' who do you choose?'

Seeing them like that Mikasa just lowered her head and reached for Ace's clothes and grabbed them " I will go with him " she said with a low and tired voice

After her decision Ace was on cloud nine, he quickly removed His blue scarf and wrapped it around her neck "Mikasa, from now on you are part of my family" he said as he grabbed her hands tightly

"um!" that was Mikasa's response as she grabbed the blue scarf tightly with her hands and covered half of her face to not be seen


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