《Seize The Stars》3


On the day of the Youfu family aptitude test.

There a lot of people here even people from other clans. Most have come to see what result the heavenly blessed child, Long Youfu would have.

There are many ways to determine one's aptitude. The way the Youfu family does it is with a pillar filled with runes. The test is usually only for one year olds because that is about the time their bodies stabilize.

The baby's guardian would take him or her to the stage and put the baby's hand on the pillar and with that it would glow. The Youfu family's crystal pillar could test up to level eight aptitude and only up to that because it was basically impossible for even a genius level five genius to appear. No family member's level of aptitude has ever been beyond level 5.

The patriarch and the supreme elders sat on a thrones at the far end of the hall.

The first person called to test was Cheng Youfu the son of Ren Youfu, an elder of their family.

When Cheng Youfu's hand touched the pillar it lit up all the way to level four. "Wow.!?" Everyone gasped a level four aptitude was on the level of their patriarch Feng Youfu. The supreme elders and Feng Youfu made a mental for every baby with a level four aptitude for they would be great figures in their family in the future.

Most baby's had from level one to three aptitude's and the amount of level four aptitude's was extraordinary for how rare they were at least.

When it finally came time for Long Youfu his mother Xia Hua took him to the stage and put his hand on the crystal pillar. Yet nothing happened. One breath, two breath three breath and finally the pillar lost all its passive radiance.

Feng Youfu and Xia Hua instantly became nervous.

The audience shocked. People started whispering to each other. It was impossible for the test to have failed, that much was apparent to them because the test had always worked in the past.

The elders went to take a look at the pillar and ruled the pillar too old. They thought that the runes just faded away because they lost power after all these millenniums.

Feng Youfu and Xia Hua relaxed. Of course it was next to impossible for anyone to realize that all this had happened because of a baby, but they had to be cautious.


In the end Long Youfu's aptitude was ruled level five after all there were others in the past who were blessed by heaven and had gotten that same result so everyone just left it at that. Of course there was now the problem for the higher up in the clan to find a way to get another pillar.

An aptitude testing pillar had an astronomical price which the clan may be able to afford but then they would just go broke.

At the Azurite Royal Palace.

"ARGH!!!" Shouted Nangong Chen. "It has been a full year and they still haven't made move at all in fact they just left the Wei Family Palace is completely deserted." Nangong Chen explained his frustration.

"The poison I used on him should have already been dealt with maybe. Yet he still hasn't even came out of hiding." Wondered Feng Youfu out loud.

"Don't overestimate them you know as well as I they would not even know of an antidote that exists for the parasite poison that you gave him." Replied Nangong Chen.

"They have been eyeing the kingdom for a long time now but I'm sure they still don't have enough strength on their own. I'm curious to know what gave them the gall to attack me in my palace!!" Said Nangong Chen, getting riled up agian.

"Maybe they have sided with another kingdom?" Answered Feng Youfu. "The Huangfu Kingdom has been rather hostile towards us lately. If they have sided with another kingdom this is defiantly not going to be so simple." Responded Nangong Chen.

"Commander Bao Lei take your men and guard outside." Commanded Nangong Chen. "Yes your majesty." Replied Bao Lei and left.

"All that aside I heard about what happened at the aptitude test. It should be because Long Youfu absorbed the power of the runes right?"

"Yes." Replied Feng Youfu. "How about your daughter brother Nangong Chen?" Asked Feng Youfu.

"Ohoho, well actually I need you to keep this secret for me. She has a level eight aptitude." Nangong Chen could not control his excitement.

"What!!! Y-y-y our daughter will surely bring our Azurite Kingdom Great achievements!!!" Feng Youfu was shaking uncontrollably. Nangong Chen gave him a while.

After a long time of silence came an abrupt noise. "Father." Said a little boy of four.


"Yes, what is it Jian Chen?" His face lit up when his son came inside. "I have mastered the martial technique fury waves and broken through to the 1rst stage of the neophyte realm." Replied Jian Chen.

"Really that is great. Could you demonstrate for me and your uncle Feng." Asked Nangong Chen.

"O-okay." Said Jian Chen. He was a bit shy to do it in front of Feng Youfu but he still did it in the end.

"Fury Waves!" With a surge of martial energy Jian Chen executed his attack.

"Wow, Jian Chen you have mastered it to the 1rst stage." Said Feng Youfu.

Nangong Chen's eldest son Jian Chen had an aptitude of level 5 and was a sword genius.

After some pointers from Feng Youfu, Jian Chen managed to immediately execute it to the 2nd stage. "Thank you uncle Feng." Said Jian Chen. Then he bowed to the both of them and left. After their little interaction with one another Jian Chen got a lot more comfortable around Feng Youfu.

Feng Youfu and Nangong Chen sat down and continued talking for a couple more hours.

At the Wei family's secret base four guest arrived.

"Greetings guardians." Said a supreme elder of the Wei family.

"Enough, we are not here to waste time where is Zhang Weei's son?" Demanded the 4th guardian."This is our family's abode how dare you act so arrogant!" Said the supreme elder.

The 4th guardian came flying towards him and slapped him until his face was swollen and bleeding. Then he gouged one of the supreme elder's eyes out, ignoring the supreme elder's loud and pathetic screams.

"Here." He said giving him his eye back. It had all happened in less than 15 seconds.

The supreme elder on the floor, crying blood from one eye socket and hastily trying to put his eye back in so he can try to heal it with his martial energy.

The 3rd guardian of the Huangfu Kingdom came up to him and handed the poor old man a pill which he ate and after a while his eye was fully healed. "Now go and call the young master of the Wei family." Said the 3rd guardian with an expressionless face.

The supreme elder ran away to call the young master as fast as he could for he had never felt such fear in his entire life.

"Was it truly necessary for you to do such a thing Chang Huangfu?" Asked the 3rd guardian.

"Humph, I was only trying to have a little fun, and it wouldn't have even happened in the first place if he had listened to me the first time." Responded the 4th guardian.

"There is no need for such violence regardle-" "Let it go." Interrupted the 2nd guardian.

After a while the supreme elder came back with the young master, Hong Wei.

"I have came back with him." Bowed the supreme elder. The 1rst guardian dismissed the supreme elder so they could talk with Hong Wei in private.

"What have the guardians called me here for." Asked Hong Wei.

"We have came to impart to you some important things. The first, a level 2 martial technique, and the second something for your father's current condition. Along with a lot of equipment for your caln." Answered the 1rst guardian while handing him a storage ring.

The storage ring looked rather ordinary. But what it contained inside was enough to go for a million martial stones. Hong Wei's eyes lit up he had never seen such riches in his entire life.

"The martial technique is called Blazing Wind it has six forms each for sword and saber."

"Thank you, guardians we will not forget this." Thanked Hong Wei.

"This is only to ensure your allegiance, not for your family's never ending gratitude." Retorted the 2nd guardian. "Yes of course." Replied Hong Wei.

Deeper inside the secret base.

"Father.". "Yes.".

"The Huangfu Kingdom sent something to help with our condition." Hong Wai hastily reaching for the pill and giving it to his father.

After seeing the pill Zhang Wei was shocked. He understood what he had to do.

"Hong Wei.". "Yes Father." Replied Hong Wei.

"I will go into seclusion for a very long time okay."

"How long exactly?" Asked Hong Wei. "I don't know but tell everyone that unless we are in the most dire of straits not to disturb me." Replied Zhang Wei.

"Yes Father." Hong Wei bowed and took his leave.

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