《The Skies of Aurora (To be rewritten in the future)》B1 | Chapter 12 - Discussions



Aldred smiles upon hearing my answer before saying, "We are glad to have you, Shawn!"

I give a slight nod of my head before turning back to Luke.

Luke nods his head with a smile as he says, "I will make sure to add you to their party later."

Hank walks over to me and pats me on the back while saying, "I'm glad that you decided to join us."

I frown a little at his hand before removing it from my back and saying, "Please don't touch me."

For some reason, this causes everyone in the room to burst out into laughter.

Why are they laughing?

Luke is the first one to stop laughing as he says, "Okay, enough of that. We still have something else to discuss."

The others come to a stop as well after hearing this.

"I am guessing that this has something to do with the Island Lord?" Aldred asks.

A cold look flashes across Luke's face before it returns to his normal cheerful outlook as he responds, "Yes, it does."

Interesting. I guess they really do hate each other.

I wonder why?

Luke looks towards me with what appears to be worry before he bluntly states, "I have received word that the Island Lord's men are searching the island for a draugr with white hair."

My mouth drops open a little in surprise.

"What?!" Aldred shouts before saying, "But we got off of the island before anyone arrived at the dungeon entrance! There shouldn't be anyone there that knows what he is!"

The others nod their heads in agreement.

"It was probably that orc who told the Island Lord about me," I point out.

Everyone turns to me before Aldred asks, "What orc?"


I meet his gaze and calmly answer, "The one that ran away the moment my mask shattered and he saw my eyes."

Aldred doesn't say anything for a few seconds before suddenly saying, "Well shit."

Luke glances back and forth between me and Aldred before deciding to just focus on Aldred as he asks, "You should fill me in on everything that happened on the island."

"Sounds good," Aldred says with a nod of his head.

"After that, I sensed an incredibly powerful presence approaching the area, so I called for everyone to hurry over to the dungeon," Aldred explains to the Guildmaster.

"We only barely managed to make it through right as the presence was arriving at the clearing," I add, briefly surprising Aldred.

Maybe he wasn't expecting me to be able to sense it?

Luke turns silent after listening to what happened.

I glance up at the heads lining the Guildmasters office wall while I am waiting for his response.

In the center, there appears to be the head of some sort of spider monster. Meanwhile, next to that is a full on skull. Most likely from an undead monster.

"Are you wondering where he got all of those?" Amber asks, having silently approached me without my noticing.

I nod my head and answer, "Yeah."

"Some people have a skill that allows them to cut off parts of monsters within a dungeon and bring them outside of the dungeon without them despawning," Amber says while looking at the heads.

"Don't forget that monsters can also sometimes break out of a dungeon," Josh suddenly adds from behind us.

I turn towards Josh before saying, "I knew that part, but monsters don't usually break out of dungeons with a low number of stars, such as the ones on this island."


Josh nods his head before pointing out, "That may be true, but who said that these monsters were from the dungeons on this island?"

"Ah, that makes more sense," I agree with a slight nod of my head.

I glance towards Luke.

Who would have thought that a fairy would have a hobby of collecting monster heads as trophies.

Fairies tend to be happy-go-lucky tricksters, so finding one with such a strange hobby is unusual to say the least.

"Alright," Luke finally says, leaving his trance, "we need to make sure that Shawn is always wearing his mask while outside."

Both Aldred and I nod in agreement.

I wasn't planning on going around without my mask on anyways. That would just cause me a lot of unnecessary problems.

"You might also want to wear some sort of hood to hide your hair as well, seeing as I have never seen someone with hair as white as yours before," Luke adds after a second.

I answer by pulling a black cloak out of my storage ring and putting it on.

Luke nods his head before continuing, "For now, I think it would be best for you to train in the dungeons on the island. Since you don't seem to be very interested in fighting the Island Lord, I would advise you to avoid running into any of his men around the city."

"Makes sense," I say with a brief nod.

"Finally, once you reach a sufficient level, you should decide as to whether you will be staying on the island with your party, or leaving with or without your party to a different island," Luke finishes while looking directly at me.

A brief moment of silence passes.

Luke suddenly claps his hands with the smile I had first seen him with having returned to his face before he says, "Alright! You guys should go find a quest to do!"

We arrive back in the entrance hall to the Guild after a few more minutes to find and accept a quest.

Now that I think about it, what sort of quests are there anyways?

I never had any contact with the Adventurer's Guild back when I was living with my dad, so I am not really sure what type of quests they do.

The undead don't necessarily like adventurers snooping around their capital island after all.

Not that it is a very pleasant place for the living anyways, what with the poisonous air and all.

"This is the quest board," Aldred points out to me as we reach a very large board full of flyers.

"The quests can range from one star to five star in a Guild branch such as this one, but some of the more important branches can have all the way up to ten, or even fifteen star quests," Aldred explains to me.

I turn towards Aldred and ask something I have been wondering for a while now, "How many stars does the Island Lord have anyways?"

Aldred looks surprised but answers anyways, "He has four stars at the moment. No one else on the island, aside from the Guildmaster, has the same number of stars. There are a few adventurers from the Guild, as well as some subordinates of the Island Lord that have three stars though."


"Go ahead and pick a quest, Shawn," Amber says to me.

I look towards the board and begin reading through the quests.

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