《The Human Who Became A Definitive Golem.》Chapter 5: Monster cores and decisions.
Several minutes later.
Nearly an hour! I’ve been running for nearly an hour just to get away from that incredible strong dog from hell. Right now I’m near a river, taking a rest, not like I really need it, at least physically since mentally I’m exhausted.
- “...”.
Fuuu… I wonder, what happened to those humans? The last I saw them I signal them to run away but I don’t know if they actually understood my signal, I ended up blocking the path of the wolf so it couldn’t reach them, not like that dangerous arse wolf wouldn’t just jump the tree, but since I previously throw one on fire I’m pretty sure I started a fire in the forest, or at least there was one, I haven’t seen the smoke in at least 20 minutes so someone hopefully extinguish it.
- “kyw ky kyw”.
Eh? a slime… not now! I don’t want to fight you now, I’m too tired, I didn’t fight anything just out of fear that that wolf would chase me and get me, now get the hell out of my face!
- “…!”.
- “kyw? Ky kyw”.
Thank God! the slime is going the other way, fuuu… would it be weird if I say I think the slime noticed how exhausted I am right now so it left me alone? Hmm… considering everything that has happened to me just in the last… 3 days? I’m not even sure, I spent like 2 days doing nothing because I was kind of dying… ugh! This is so frustrating.
- “ky kyky KY!”.
Oh, for God's sake! Get out! I don’t want to fight you! what’s up with these little monsters? first the slime, and now a hare, can’t they just leave me alone? Move your little fluffy arse away and keep walking.
- “ky? Kyky ky!”.
… and it’s gone, good! I need some alone time.
- “...”.
… that thing, dire wolf it was? Was too damn powerful and it’s just one level over me, that’s frustrating as shit! Those guys… they said the wolf was different from the others, that it wasn’t a scout wolf, but an "attack" wolf, I don’t even know what that means exactly but I would bet all my monster cores that it’s some kind of… wait! For one moment I forgot I have monster cores… I’m a bloody idiot! How did I forget that I was collecting them to use them after, this is good, I have 10, now I just need to choose what I will use them for… but how do I know what I can use them for? can’t I have a list or something? didn’t my skill adaptation give me some kind of suggestions or something? let me see, this one is a slime core…
has identified “Monster Core: Slime”.
has identified a total of 5 “Monster Core: Slime” in the user’s possession.
- Identification of “Monster Core: Slime” gave the result that the slimes defeated were “gray slimes” which are highly resistant to physical attacks in comparison to other slimes, opposite to other slimes, this possesses a high attack and speed as well.
- Recommendations of uses for the cores:
1) Acquire skill “minor defense level 1” just for one core.
2) Increase the statistic +7 or +8 in speed, attack, defense or vitality per each core.
3) Gain 130-150 extra points of experience per each core.
4) Enchant the current body to strengthen defense and vitality.
5) “slight modification in shape” recommended by is to turn the “Monster Core: Slime” in “resistant softer body”.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into one of these options?
- NO
Hmm… do I? Let me see… so, I have 5, I could use one to get the skill, I don’t know exactly how the skill works but hopefully, it won’t be useless, and even if I use it I’ll still have 4 more cores. Hmm… I could use the “slight modification in shape” but the only recommendation it gives me doesn’t seem very useful, why would I want a softer body? I mean, maybe in the future, but not for now, also, the 130 to 150 experience per each core, if I use 4 I will only earn like 520 to 600 of experience points, which would actually be enough to level up, but my stats don’t increase much by leveling up and the experience I receive per core is still too low, so it would be only a waste of monster cores… that means my other choices are enchanting my current body, which I’m pretty sure I won’t choose, or improve one stat of my choice +7 or +8 points, and it would be at least +7 points per each, I have 4 cores +7 points each would be 28, +28 in any stat I choose, or I could distribute the stats, in any case, I need to make a decision.
- “…?”.
Wait! Before I decide anything, let me see what suggestion my skill gives me for the hare cores…
has identified “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
has identified a total of 5 “Monster Core: Horned Hare” in the user’s possession.
- Identification of “Monster Core: Horned Hare” gave the result that the horned hares defeated were “minor horned hares” which are the weakest kind of horned hares, yet, for low-level creatures, they have great speed and their horn has an undoubtedly piercing capacity.
- Recommendations of uses for the cores:
1) Acquire skill “charge level 1” or “quick step level 1” just one skill per one core.
2) Increase the statistic +12 or +13 in speed, attack, magic E, defense or vitality per each core.
3) Gain 140-160 extra points of experience per each core.
4) Turn the core into a material “horn of hare”, this material can be turned into a weapon if the required materials are used with a monster core and .
5) “slight modification in shape” recommended by is to turn the “Monster Core: Horned Hare” in “hare-like leg strength” or “horned monster”.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into one of these options?
- NO
- “…???”.
What? These suggestions… these things seem to be pretty good! So the horned hares' cores give me just 10 more experience than the slime cores? Is not much, I suppose I was expecting more, but, on the other hand, 2 different skills and 2 options for modification in shape that do seem useful, at least the hare-like leg strength thing seems great, also, the increase in stats is so much better than that of the slime cores, but... I can get materials? Materials that can be used to create a weapon? Awesome! Damn! This is what I needed to see, now I feel way better.
- “…!!!”
Okay! Calm your arse down! I need to be very picky and think this carefully, I think the best thing to do would be first to use the hare cores, and I will choose… the 2 skills and the modification to strengthen my legs, that means 3 cores… although the materials thing seems interesting I think I will wait for now, mainly because I have no idea what will I get or which materials do I need to create a weapon, I won’t use the cores for experience, and for now I won’t use them to get more stats, if anything, I think I would prefer to use the slime cores for that.
- “...”.
First thing first! I’ll get the 2 skills.
- The user has chosen the skills “Charge level 1” and “Quick-Step level 1”.
- Adaptation activated, the skills “Charge level 1” and “Quick-Step level 1” will be acquired.
- To acquire these skills 2 “Monster Core: Horned Hare” will be used.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to turn the monster cores into new skills?
- NO
I suppose here it comes, yes!… uh? This feeling… I don’t feel pain like other times, this feels much… warmer? I don’t know, it actually feels good! it’s like my body is flowing with energy, I can even see colors getting out of my body and surrounding me.
- “Golem” has obtained the skill “Charge level 1”. active skill “Charge level 1” lets the user realize a physical attack equal to the strength stat +10 extra strength points as total damage, each use costs 3 ME.
- “Golem” has obtained the skill “Quick-Step level 1”. active skill “Quick-Step level 1” lets the user get +5 extra speed points for only 30 seconds, each use costs 5 ME.
… what? Oh my god! This is great! Extra damage and extra speed, I mean, 30 seconds is not much, but during a fight, it could be really useful, or for hunting, especially considering how slow I actually am. Hmm… and this… ME? No idea what that is, it’s supposed to be a stat but I don’t know what is it for, and the quick-step costs more, although it kind of makes sense, I mean, charge does give me more stat for the attack, but quick steps lasts 30 seconds per each use while charge is basically one hit and that’s all, which makes quick-step more useful.
- “...”.
now, let’s get the modification.
- Please, chose the “Monster Core: Horned Hare” you wish to use for the “slight modification in shape”.
- Please, consider that the “Level” of the monster the “Monster Core” came from influences in the changes and modifications made with . The “skills”, “modifications”, and “statistics” given by will vary depending on the “characteristics” of the “Monster Core” and “Monster” it came from.
- “...???”.
Huh? Seriously?... I guess it makes sense, I mean, if the stats they give me and the experience can vary, then it must be related to the level of the monster as well... isn’t it? In any case, should I chose the core of the highest level or the one of the lowest level?... fuuu... Hmm... huh? After checking my “storage space”, it seems like I unconsciously used my “weaker” monster cores to get the skills, the ones I got from the level 5 hares, I had 3 monster cores from level 5 hares and I just used 2... well, my skill used them... in any case, I guess I’m going to use the last one from a level 5 hare then.
- The user has chosen “slight modification in shape”.
- The user has chosen a level 5 “Monster Core: Horned Hare”. This will affect the result of the modification.
- Adaptation activated, “slight modification in shape” will now modify the user.
- User chosen modification is “hare-like leg strength”. For this modification, “Adaptation” will alter and redistribute the current body materials of “Golem”, as a consequence of this modification there will be slight changes in shape, height, weight, and stats could be affected.
- The new stats changes will be fixed unless the user acquires a new body.
- This modification requires the use of monster cores to modify the body.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to use the monster core to redistribute body materials and modify your shape?
- NO
… uh? Aaagh!!! ugh! The hell?… it bloody hurts!!! AAAH!!! it’s burning, why does it hurt now? AAAGH!!!… fuuu… I can’t get used to that, damn skill… ugh! My legs hurt like hell… Damn it!!! Fuuu… I think I’m better, it stopped hurting… and I’m on the ground… again!
- “…?”
I can’t believe it, I stood up just to check and I certainly feel smaller than before, yet I feel way more comfortable. I see… so… my legs are indeed larger and seem stronger, my body is still really weird shaped, especially my arms and hands that are the largest part of my body apparently.
- “…!”.
This feels nice, I can feel how it’s easier to move, I'm certainly a little faster than before, let’s check.
Name: Golem.
Level: 9. (595/850)
Race: Golem.
Rank and Title: monster rank F-.
- Vitality: 58
- Magic E: 22
- Strength: 36
- Magic P: 19
- Defense: 40 (+20)
- Magic D: 20
- Speed: 37
- Luck: 11
- Stone Body (+20 D.)
Definitive and unique.
- Charge level 1
- Quick-Step level 1
Customized mode.
Hmm… I’m still level 9, of course, I haven’t fought anything after the wolf, and that thing and I never finished that fight. I only used 3 hare cores so far and yet I feel way more powerful than before, it might be due to the skills, now I have 2 hare cores left and 5 slime cores… I have decided, I will use one of the slime cores for the skill, which will leave me with 4 slime cores.
- “…?…!”.
Maybe I should use the rest of the cores for more stats! I mean, since I don’t think I’m getting another modification in shape, I won’t try to enchant my equipment and I’m certainly not wasting my cores for experience, that’s basically everything I’ve got left to do, if so, I need to think how to distribute my stats… 4 slime cores will be a total of about +28 in stats, while the 2 hare cores are +12 in stats each, a total of +52 stats approximately… how curious, anyway, +52 divided among my stats… I can only choose among speed, strength, defense, and vitality, and at most I would give +12 to ME which I only can do with hare cores, which would leave me with +40 to divide among the other stats. The defense is out! My current defense stat is 40, that plus 20 from my “equipment” or “body” which gives me a total of 60, that’s slightly more than my vitality, so I think I should give some to my vitality instead of defense, even though it’s risky, hopefully it will be the right move, also, I might want to get more strength, not like I have little is just that the stronger I am the faster I end fights, and talking about faster, I certainly will increase my speed stat, I mean, even though I just get more speed due to the modification in shape and also the skill, I feel like for what I need to do, increasing my speed would be very beneficial… got it! First a new skill, then stats…
- The user has chosen the skill “Minor Defense level 1”.
- Adaptation activated, the skills “Minor Defense level 1” will be acquired.
- To acquire this skill 1 “Monster Core: Slime” will be used.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into a new skill?
- NO
Huh?… I’m feeling that warm sensation again… so, does this mean that every time I get a new skill, I feel something warm and comfortable, but every time I choose the modification in shape, I feel an almost excruciating pain? That’s some weird arse shit right there!
+10 defense points? Wow! that’s not much but it’s permanent, which basically means always working, it only gives me more reasons not to use the cores to improve defense stat. Now, time for stats up!!!
- The user has chosen to increase statistics.
- A total of 6 cores will be used for this option.
- Calculations of statistics per monster core are done. Stats of +12 (1 Core) and +13 (1 Core) of “Monster Core: Horned Hare”, and stats of +7 (3 Cores) and +8 (1 Core) of “Monster Core: Slime”.
- A total of +54 stats will be distributed by to the user.
- Adaptation activated. Now the stats of the user will be altered.
- The user-chosen distribution is +13 Sp. +14 St. +15 V. and +12 ME.
- The new stats changes will be fixed unless the user acquires a new body.
- This modification requires the use of monster cores to increase the stats.
- once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to use the monster core to increase chosen stats?
- NO
Yes!…Huh?... I don’t feel anything in this case… is it done? I think I’ll check.
Name: Golem.
Level: 9. (595/850)
Race: Golem.
Rank and Title: monster rank F-.
- Vitality: 73
- Magic E: 34
- Strength: 50
- Magic P: 19
- Defense: 40 (+10*) (+20)
- Magic D: 20
- Speed: 50
- Luck: 11
- Stone Body (+20 D.)
Definitive and unique.
- Minor Defense level 1*
- Charge level 2
- Quick Step level 1
Customized mode.
Wow! With that I just used all my cores, but damn, it was worth it, 3 new skills, improved stats, without considering the magic stats and luck stat, my weaker stat is now magic defense, but unless I found another person throwing fireballs I shouldn’t have anything to worry about, and my speed now is 50… good! I’m ready to go hunting some more, and next time I see that wolf, which I hope I don’t, I think I could actually kill it.
- “…!!!”
- “KYYY!!!”.
- “kyw!!! KYW KY!!!”.
Eh? what in the world? Wow, a lot of slimes and horned hares are coming my way, this is perfect! I will test my new skills and stats…
- “KYYY!!! kyky KY!”
That thing… they are running past me, what is going on? I’m moving my head looking around but every slime and hare is just running past me like they are frightened.
- “ROAAAR!!!”.
- “GRRR”.
Uh? those are… no way! 3, 4, 6, 8 wolves? They are coming behind the little things, so that’s what scared the shit out of the slimes and hares. This is not good, they are too many, but… they seem different than the one I fought before, smaller maybe? I got smaller so I should see them bigger but the feeling they give me is that these ones over here are smaller and weaker than the one I fought before… but even so, they are still 8 and I’m just one.
- “ROAAAR!!! GRRR…”.
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