《The Human Who Became A Definitive Golem.》Chapter 3: Starting the Hunt.
Okay, I have to choose something to do with this core… the first recommendation is to gain a new skill, which would be great, that slime was able to resist my punch as if it was nothing, but… I don’t know how well this skill works, besides, my defense is already kind of high, even though I was push back by the slime, and even knocked down, I still didn’t really receive that much damage, I mean, I felt something but it wasn’t that dangerous, only bothersome… so, maybe if I find more slimes I could get this skill in the future. Hmm… I should think about it a little more.
The second option is to increase my statistic 8 points in any of the statistics mentioned… that’s no good, I mean, it’s good to be able to increase my stats even if just a little, but… probably I could find better use to the core, the skill does look pretty well compared to this option, although speed would help me a little, after all, my speed stat is only 6 for crying out loud! That’s certainly my weak point, but still… I won’t choose this for sure.
Option 3 is a little more appealing, I could turn this core in extra experience, if I defeat more monsters and gain their cores then I would get the experience for defeating them, plus the bonus of my skill in case they are of a higher level, and I would have also the extra experience of the cores, hmm… interesting, with that I could level up pretty fast, and even if at some point I stop finding opponents with higher level I will still have the cores to level up, the problem is that I don’t know how this works, how much experience would these cores give me? will all the cores give me the same amount of experience? I doubt it, also, something I didn’t think about is how much experience does the bonus of my skill gives me for each monster, the same way that I doubt that all the cores would give me the same amount of experience, I also doubt that my skill will give me the same amount of bonus for each monster defeated, this is problematic, I need to get information of how my skill and the cores work, I need to know the criteria for the experience received after defeating a monster, anyway, for know this is an appealing option but I'll see the others options as well.
The 4th option is to enchant my current body to improve my defense and vitality… what? What does “current body” mean? I don’t get it, on the other hand, enchant? What is that? Fuuu… I think I’ve heard of it before… hmm… didn’t my little brother talk to me about this? Yeah, I think he did, what was he talking about?… I should have paid more attention when he was talking to me, damn it… I think he was talking about a new online game he and his classmates started to play, hmm… it was something like that, if I'm not wrong, he was talking about a friend of him that enchant his spear to give it fire attribute and my little brother only could enchant his sword to improve the damage… so, what does enchant mean? it’s something like a skill? No, it can’t be, also, now I remember it can only be done to a weapon, was it?… although, if I'm not wrong, “stone body” is my only equipment… my body is my equipment… huh? How is that possible? Great, another thing that confuses me… AAAGH!!! I will leave this option alone… for now, I need to understand a little more about this, maybe I will test it if I get more cores to use.
Finally, the last option is a… “slight modification in shape”… basically what I wanted from the beginning, okay, let me see… so… apparently I can’t use a core to get any modification that I want, it only depends on the “properties and features” of the monster I defeated to get the core, it actually makes sense, I should have thought that it wouldn’t be so easy, anyway, the recommendations are to get a “resistant softer body” or “body’s storage space”… what the bloody hell? I don’t even get it, but… storage space… like some space to keep my things? Hmm… well, I don’t really have anything that I need to move around, but it certainly could be helpful, I mean, probably in the future I will need to move some things, in that case… should I choose this option? I always could just choose other option now and choose this the next time that I get a core, but then again, if the modification that I can get from my skill depends on the characteristics of the monster I get the core from, then I would need to kill another slime, and even then there’s no certainty that I'll get the exact same options… crap! it’s fine, I have decided that I will choose the last one, to begin with, all the previous options are things that are easier to get since I can get them from every monster that drops a core, well, except skills that probably depend on the kind of monster I defeat but the modifications are apparently way more specific than the skills.
Okay then, I choose the last option, “slight modification in shape” and choose the
“body’s storage space”.
- The user has chosen “slight modification in shape”.
- Adaptation activated, “slight modification in shape” will now modify the user.
- User chosen modification is “body’s storage space”. For this modification, “Adaptation” will create a “magical space” inside the body of “Golem” that will have features of the body of a slime, this space will be able to contain different objects and keep them in the same state they had when stored independent of the time they stay in “storage space”.
- “Storage space” will be directly connected to the conscience of “Golem”.
- “Golem” can change “body” without losing either the “storage space” or the objects inside it. Every new body will immediately get modified to contain “storage space”.
- This modification requires the use of a monster core to create “storage space”.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into “storage space”?
- NO
Wow!!! This thing is actually really interesting, so, “storage space” is actually some kind of “magical space” to keep my things, and it seems like time doesn’t affect the objects inside this space, that’s great!!!
- “...!!?”.
Uh?… ugh… m… my body… it’s burning... AAAGH!!!… shit! this… HURTS!!! UGH!!! BLOODY HELL!!! are you kidding me? Again, I can feel it… ugh... inside me… shit!… oh, I think… I think it’s stopping… fuuu, yes, it stopped. Wow, I didn’t even realize that I was in the ground until now, stupid skill, if I could I would kick your arse.
- “...?”.
What now?
- “Golem” has obtained “storage space”. The current “storage space” has 1m3.
Oooh! that’s great, it might not seem like much since I won’t be able to store big things, but I was thinking of collecting “monster cores”, so for now this space is more than enough.
- “...!!!”.
Now, I probably should go looking for more monsters to get their monster cores… right, it’s time to move.
A few minutes later.
AAAH!!! shit! How in the hell is that thing so strong?…
- “Kyyy...”.
A bunny? With a horn? The hell… ugh… it knocked me down again. Here it comes… take this you little shit!
- “ky kyyy ky!”.
Did he evade it? Ugh! I don’t know why I’m so surprised, that thing is faster than the slime, it’s probably of a higher level as well.
- “ky kyky kyy...”.
- “…?”.
Huh? Who do you think you’re talking to!!? I’ll kill you myself you stupid bunny, moving your stupid fluffy tail around, and looking at me with those defying eyes. Here it comes again, with his horn directed at me… Ah! I rolled away from him, now come here… shit! It evades my attack again, I’m too bloody slow!
- “kyyy...”.
Come here then! Ugh!!!… the little shit just impaled my body with his horn… it’s trapped? Good, now it’s my turn.
- “kyyy kyyy KYYY!!!”.
Hahahaha, you can’t escape from me now, I’ll kill you dead little shit. This thing is trapped in... my chest? Yes, my chest, its little horn got trapped there, and now, like a gorilla, I’m going to hit my chest repeatedly and kill the little sucker.
- “Kyyy ky… k… ky...”.
- “…!!!”.
… this is disturbing… really disturbing… but at least I think I kill it.
- You killed a “horned hare level 6”.
- by killing a “horned hare level 6” you earned 450 points of experience.
- You obtained “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
has identified “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
Wait! What? Level 6? yet that thing gave me more experience than the slime and was faster and stronger… well, at least now I know that apparently, the bunnies give more experience than the slimes, good to know.
- You have earned enough experience to Level Up. Now you’re level 3
Yes!!! one level more, this is awesome.
will grant a bonus of 450 points of experience for defeating an enemy several levels higher than the skill user.
Oh? I forgot about the bonus experience, hahahaha, good, good, this is so good!
- You have earned enough experience to Level Up. Now you’re level 4
- “...!!?”.
Huh? I level up again! YES!!! this is awesome, let’s check what I have now!
Name: Golem.
Level: 4. (150/600)
Race: Golem.
Rank and Title: monster rank F-.
- Vitality: 48
- Magic E: 17
- Strength: 26
- Magic P: 14
- Defense: 30 (+20)
- Magic D: 15
- Speed: 8
- Luck: 11
- Stone Body (+20 D.)
Definitive and unique.
Customized mode.
Hmm… so… I only need 450 more experience points to level up again? that’s great, but… why do my stats barely grow anything? Is that normal?… considering that I don’t know much about what is going on or even how, where and why I’m here, I will consider this as normal… kind of… okay! let’s think, so... I just killed a “horned hare”, which was level 6, and yet I earned more than with the level 7 slime, which means horned hare should be my main priority if I want to level up quickly, also, once again I earned the exact same amount of experience as a bonus thanks to adaptation, so... I’m earning the double amount of experience that I should? Awesome! I’ve killed just 1 slime and 1 horned hare and yet I earned experience equal to killing 2 level 7 slimes and 2 level 6 hares.
- “…!!!”.
At this rate, I won’t have any problem to be a level 7 again, although I will assume that even as a level 7 I wasn’t that strong considering how little my stats increased with each level, but... I could use the monster cores to get more stats, which reminds me…
has identified “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
- “Monster Core: Horned Hare” can be used with to start the process of adaptability.
- Do you wish to turn the energy of the monster core into a trait or use it to improve yourself?
- NO
- “…!”.
- “ky kyyy kyky”.
- “Ky KYYY ky!”
- “…?”.
Eh? that sound… what? 2 more hares behind me, and they look pissed… this is not good.
- “Kyyy!!!”.
Ugh!!!… I fell down again! Stupid hares, what…? Ouch! I try to punch these things but they just move too fast and then they hit me back, they are too fast for me! I need them to get trapped in my body again so I can kill them.
- “…!!! …!!!...”.
Shit! Trying to talk without being able to talk is too damn difficult, I can’t even taunt these things.
- “kyyy ky ky kyyy”.
Here it comes! And take this… oh crap! What? That thing just hit me in the face with his little feet? AAAGH!!! why is it so strong… ouch! The other one just stabbed me in the arm. Wait! This is what I’ve been waiting for, it is… what?
- “KYYY...”.
Did this little cotton just kick me again while its friend got released from my arm? What the hell! How are they so smart?
- “ky kyyy ky ky”.
- “kyky kyyy kyky ky”.
Stop mocking me!!! come here.
- “kyyy...”.
I can’t hit them! Damn it, if I can’t hit them with my arms, what about I hit you 2 with this bloody tree.
- “…!!!”.
- “ky? KYYY ky!”.
It’s too big… I almost… got it! Not the biggest tree, but it will help.
- You have found “Tree”.
- “Tree” can be used as a weapon by creatures of a certain height and strength.
- “Tree” is not a strong weapon in later levels but could help in the first 20 levels.
- To maximize the damage dealt with “tree” is necessary to hit using the hard side.
- Do you wish to equip “tree” as a weapon?
- NO
A tree as a weapon? Hell yeah! Now let’s punish these little suckers!
- “Kyyy? Ky kyyy!!!”.
Take this! Home run! Wait! Does it count as home run if I actually smashed the little shit against the ground?
- “Kyyy!”.
- “ky… ky ky...”.
It’s still alive? These bunnies will drive me crazy. Take this! Tree smash!!!
- You killed a “horned hare level 7”.
- By killing a “horned hare level 7” you earned 480 points of experience.
- You obtained “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
has identified “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
- You have earned enough experience to Level Up. Now you’re level 5
One down! One left!
- “kyyy!!!...”.
Don’t run you coward! Come… here! Take this, tree smash!!!
- “… ky… ky...”.
- “…!!!”.
Ugh! Finally! I killed them… now, what do I…?
- You killed a “horned hare level 5”.
- by killing a “horned hare level 5” you earned 420 points of experience.
- You obtained “monster core: horned hare”.
has identified “monster core: horned hare”.
- You have killed 2 horned hares in less than a minute
will grant a bonus of 480 points of experience for defeating an enemy several levels higher than the skill user.
won’t give the bonus of experience due to the enemy being to close to the current level of the user.
- You have earned enough experience to Level Up. Now you’re level 6
What? So that’s what happens when I kill an enemy around my level, damn it! Well, at least I’ve got 2 levels pretty quickly, and now I have 3 monster cores so if I wanted to I could use them to get more experience.
- “...”.
Hmm… now I think about it, the level 7 slime gave me like 375 experience points, while the level 5 hare gave me 420 experience points, 2 levels of difference and yet the hare still gave me more experience… I kind of quickly got the fact that horned hares give more experience but still, it’s surprising the difference between them, also, isn’t the difference in the experience I get from a horned hare around 30 per level? I mean, the level 5 gave me 420 of experience, level 6 gave me 450, and the level 7 gave me 480 of experience... but a slime level 7 gave me 375 in comparison with the 480 of the horned are, the difference is of... 105? 105 points of difference in the experience that one monster gives in comparison to others... both at the same level... Hmm... I wonder how is it measured how much a monster gives in experience after being defeated? Do all monsters give different amounts of experience or there’s something else about it?... My head hurts!!!
- “...?...!”.
On the other hand, I think I’m getting a grasp of the levels in the area... level 7, level 6, level 7, level 5 I would say that the average level in this place would be around level 6 or 7, and right now I’m level 6 so I’m probably not receiving more bonus experience any time soon, so, I probably should continue, and now that I have this tree I hope it gets easier to hunt things down.
- “...!!!”.
Alright! I should keep moving and trying to level up some more.
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