《The Human Who Became A Definitive Golem.》Chapter 1: A Golem?
It’s been at least a few hours, everything is silent, I haven’t seen anything nor hear anything except for my thoughts, I can’t even move my body, I don’t know where I am or what is happening, I barely remember somethings… am I sleeping? No, I feel too conscience for that. Am I in a coma? No, for that I should have been in some kind of accident or something… I think. Am I in a dark room? it’s possible, I mean I can’t move my body which is a minus for that idea, but I certainly don’t feel like I'm in a hard place so maybe I’m in a bed, I know that I don’t feel cold or warmth… which is weird. Where am I? Why am I here? What happened to me?...
- “Come, answer my calling, I summon you… Earth Golem!!!”.
I heard a voice close to me, I didn’t understand what was he talking about. Golem? I had a weird feeling after listening to that word. After a few seconds, all the darkness that surrounded me disappear and in exchange full colors showed in front of me, different colors around all of me, some seemed to be stronger and bigger than others. Basically, I couldn’t see anything but colors with different shapes, I couldn’t see the sky, or the trees or where I was, everything was just a bunch of color with different shapes and sizes. In front of me, I saw 3 colors that seemed to have a human-like shape… they were so small, or at least that sensation they give me, I’m sure that I was looking down to see them. I also could hear voices coming from those humanoid colors…
- “Huh? as if 3 simple earth Golems could do anything to us”.
I could hear a voice, it was coming from the humanoid at the front, it seems really small compared to the other two, although the 3 seem small to me, which makes me wonder about the situation. I started to move my head to both sides of me, and I notice more colors but these ones were around my height, the color was brown but they weren’t as shiny as the colors of the 3 small ones, how should I describe them? The colors beside me seemed weak but not in a sense of light brown or dark brown, but in a sense like if they could vanish in any given minute, also, I noticed that they didn’t seem so humanoid as the 3 small humanoid colors, no, this ones were kind of humanoid but the distribution of the body was certainly wrong, the head seemed to be too small compared to the rest of the body, the same with what seemed to be the legs, meanwhile the arms and hands where long and really big, the shape of the colors at my side made me think of some sort of weird gorilla kind of shape.
- “Tch, using an ability to summon Golems, you are certainly some skillful trash”.
My thoughts were interrupted by a voice that came from one of the humanoid colors, this one was at the back, I couldn’t identify the voice… just now I noticed that their voices are plain and without any emotion, that is weird, I can’t say whether they are male or female, I also can’t feel their anger, I only can think of these creatures in front of me as angry based on their words.
- “I won’t let you catch me, now Golems, protect me while I escape!”.
I heard a voice behind me, it was the same voice I heard before the darkness disappeared. I try to look behind me, and at that moment I realize that it wasn’t necessary, suddenly I could notice and feel someone behind me, I noticed the colors, they were humanoid as well as the ones in front of me, but there was this difference, this color seemed to be flickering, like if it was about to fade any minute, just like the colors beside me, but the difference was that the color behind me was still kind of strong in comparison. something wasn’t right, suddenly the color behind me started to run away, and then I felt… something? The smallest of the humanoid creatures in front of me just… attacked me? I couldn’t understand but apparently something in its hand, with the shape of a spear just penetrates my body, it didn’t hurt that bad but I still was able to feel something, like a sensation of dread and loneliness.
When I move my head a little to notice my sides, I realize that both creatures beside me were down, their colors were vanishing. One of the creatures beside me received what seemed to be a red-orange color kind of attack that appeared out of nowhere, there’s also a little of yellow surrounding that weird combination of colors with a kind of circular shape that is not always the same… I don’t get it. On my other side, one of the humanoid creatures had a gray color with the shape of a sword in one of its hand, and was continuously hitting the creature at my side, the weird gray color was flowing and growing a little, never changing the shape of a sword but it moved a little with every hit making it seem stronger.
- “We can’t let him escape, let’s go after him, quick!”.
Said the one who apparently was using a sword. The color of both creatures at my sides just vanished, and soon I was also down. I was so caught in my own thoughts that I never realize that I was receiving a lot of attacks, I even lost what seemed to be my left arm and my legs, what seems to be my body can’t move even a little and my own color, which is also brown but with a little gray, is disappearing.
- “I'm sorry, but you were born to die”.
I heard that and I felt overwhelmed. The voice seemed low in comparison to before, I could see a kind of light green color in front of me and I knew that she was pointing something like a spear to my face, about to finish me as well as the other humanoid creatures did with the creatures that were like me… me? Wait a minute!!! I’m human! I remember living as a human, my parents are humans, my siblings are humans… I’m human… am I?
- “...”.
I wanted to talk and just now I realize I can’t speak, I also realize that I shake my head while trying to stop the creature in front of me with my only good arm… and the creature stopped.
- “...”.
I try again but I can’t speak, why? Why can’t I say something? Why is this creature trying to kill me? Why can’t I see anything but colors?… it took time but I realize that I'm scared and confused…
- “what are you doing? Just kill the Golem already, we have to go for that criminal”.
A voice came from behind me, I didn’t even need to try and look back to know that it was one of the humanoid creatures, no idea which one but one of them for sure.
- “this Golem is already dead, let’s go...”.
Said the figure in front of me. I tried to look at it so I move my head a little up, from this close I just noticed but… the creature in front of me seems to be a woman, from closer the shape is more definite so I can perceive the woman features of this one, the thin bodybuilding, what seems to be her long hair, she is certainly smaller than the other 2 creatures so I would say that my deductions are correct despite the fact that I can’t actually see anything besides colors, if only I could also hear the voices correctly, but unfortunately every voice seems to be so plain that I can’t distinguish between male and female voices.
- “it’s a shame that so many summoned creatures die because of their summoners, especially the ones like you that obviously don’t want to fight… even if you are a Golem, I hope you survive, although I don’t know if that’s even possible”.
Said the humanoid creature… woman? Before leaving. I still don’t know what is happening, but something is clear to me, first of all, she showed me mercy… she had mercy and leave me alive for longer… I should be happy, I know I'm grateful but for some reason, I can’t feel happy… maybe it’s due to me being here apparently dying slowly without legs or my left arm… yeah, that should be why. Also, I noticed that I’m not human, not anymore at least, I must say that I don’t like that… it seems that I’m just a creature, some weird creature I might add, Golem? She called me a Golem, and I also hear that word a lot. God!!! I’m so slow today, although I should have realized things sooner, at least I feel somewhat proud that I’m not freaking out as much as I should, it’s weird, in a normal situation, a normal person would be out of his mind by now but I barely can feel any emotion of any kind… advantages of being a Golem I suppose. I just hope that I could do something or that I could understand what is happening.
Two days later.
- “...”
So... apparently I don’t need to sleep, I’ve spent 2 days fully awake trying to understand my situation and the only options I could think of are that I’m either having a really long and realistic dream or I’m extremely high and I’m just imagining and seeing things or I somehow end up here… wherever here is, and I somehow become a Golem… I really hope I’m stoned.
- “...”
I just realize that if I'm a Golem made of stone or rocks then that was a really bad pun… anyway, I really prefer the idea of being high but in a total shit of a trip than any of the other possibilities, and that is to say too much. Dammit, the last thing I remember before everything going full dark was that I was at a huge party celebrating the end of the semester, drinking and smoking with my friends and then we went to see the fall from the hills close to the house in which we were celebrating… why can’t I remember anything else? Probably I was too drunk.
- Time without a master has been exceeded.
- The summoned creature known as “Golem” will disappear.
What!!? I’ll disappear? NO!… no, this can’t be real… NOOO!!! I refuse to disappear or whatever… well, that’s what I’m thinking but truth is that I don’t know what I’m going to do, I can barely move myself, at least now I know that I still can feel, for a moment I was really scared and concern about what was happening, sadly, it seems like my mind or at least my conscience can’t stay flustered for long, something keeps calming me down… shit, right, I’m supposed to disappear, what do I do? Even if I don’t know anything about my situation or anything I still want to live.
- The state of the summoned creature is over.
- As a response to the lack of death of the summoner or summoned creature, as well as any order or interaction between the summoner and the summoned creature, the creature known as “Golem” is considered as no longer useful so it must disappear.
has been activated.
has reacted to the owner’s desire to “live”.
is starting the process of freeing “Golem” from the “summoned creature laws” that are affecting the owner of “Adaptation”.
- “...!!?”
Oh my god! I don’t know what is happening but for what I can deduce I was about to disappear because I’m no longer useful… really? I didn’t know what is happening or what I was supposed to do and still, I’m considered useless… I kind of am, to be honest, but that doesn’t matter anymore, this weird notification also tells me that something is trying to “free me” from that “summoned creature laws” that I will guess is what wants to make me disappear.
is about to start the process of “Adaptability” so the “Summoned Creature: Golem” can exist without being affected by “summoned creature laws” and without the need of a master as a source of magic energy.
- Do you want to start the process of adaptability?
YES!!! I want to live, if this weird thing can keep me alive and well then yes, I accept…
can’t start the process of adaptability.
- The magic energy and vitality required for the adaptability process are not enough. it’s recommended to found a source of energy to continue the process.
has detected a compatible source of energy near “Golem”.
- To continue the process of adaptability the user must be in contact with the new source of energy.
- “...”.
… Are you kidding me? I don’t even understand what magic energy and vitality are, this is so frustrating!!!… well, at least it only takes a few seconds to put myself together. So, this “compatible” source of energy must be close to me, or at least that is what this weird “notification” is telling me…
- “...”.
I started to move my arm... or at least I tried, apparently, I'm too weak to move my arm correctly. this is no good, I’m in a constant transition between freaking out and having mental peace, and this stupid arm can’t move faster…
- Vitality as reached critical levels.
- Once vitality reaches “0” points, “Golem” will disappear.
Crap! Come on stupid arm, move faster!!!… ugh, if I only knew what I’m looking for. This whole situation is so messed up, I don’t even understand... wait! I feel something.
- “Golem” has obtained “Monster Core: Golem”.
has identified “Monster Core: Golem” as a compatible source of energy.
- “Monster Core: Golem” doesn’t have enough energy to start the adaptability process.
A core? This is certainly weird, I can feel something from this “core” and also this thing has a really weak color, it was almost the same color that I perceive from what seems to be the ground, which is why I didn’t notice it before, but… monster core? What is this shit? A kind of video game or something? the name of the core sounds exactly like one of those shits that some monsters drop in one of my younger brother video games… it can’t be it... right? I mean, if I think about it, this whole situation is kind of crazy and weird per se, but, come on, a video game drop?… on the other hand, apparently I’m a Golem, and I suppose the 2 creatures beside me where Golems as well, which means that when they died they… dropped this core? Ugh!!! I hate to admit it but it makes sense in some sort of twisted way… life is certainly too weird.
- “...”.
I just have to find the other core. Mm… let me see, I can perceive some colors around me, this “core” has a weak color that is slightly different from the color of the ground, which means that it should be… hmm… here? No, that’s not it, then… there it is!… now I only need to reach it and touch it… I barely can move my arm… this might take a while.
- “...”.
… almost… got it!!!
- “Golem” has obtained “Monster Core: Golem”.
has identified “Monster Core: Golem” as a compatible source of energy.
- “Golem” now has 2 “Monster Core: Golem” which can be used with the to start the process of adaptability.
is about to start the process of adaptability so the “Summoned Creature: Golem” can exist without being affected by “summoned creature laws” and without the need of a master as a source of magic energy.
is about to use 2 “Monster Core: Golem” as a source of energy to perform the adaptability process.
- Do you want to start the process of adaptability?
Yes! I hope that this time it works.
has started the process of adaptability.
- As a consequence of adaptability, the user will stop being affected by “summoned creature laws”.
- Without a master or summoner to be connected, “Golem” will lose the current level, which is 7, and statistics that were given to him by his summoner.
- As a consequence of adaptability “Golem” stats and level will drop to level 1.
Level 1? level? So this is a kind of video game… that’s a big piece of garbage, and I will lose my level and stats? It’s not like I ever used it, I was so surprised and confused by everything that I didn’t even try to do anything but it’s still unfair that I lost something that I didn’t even know I had. Oh, the cores are glowing, their color suddenly grew stronger and they started to get inside my body… what is this?
- The level of “Golem” is starting to decrease.
- Stats are starting to decrease.
- As a consequence of “Adaptation”, the user will need to sleep to regain full vitality and magic energy.
Bloody hell! I'm starting to feel tired. Shit! Do Golems even sleep? My body feels heavy and I… I’m starting to… feel like… like… I…
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