《Dual Soul [Discontinued]》Alison Dream II


Compared to the duel between Tsukihi and the vice president, almost no one showed up to the fight. A small gaggle of disinterested students appeared, spread out through the bleachers. Tsukihi came along as well, taking a seat towards the front. The only other person was the teacher in charge of monitoring the duel. Even he didn’t look too excited.

“You’re not going to change into the dueling robe?” I asked, watching as Allison meekly strut on stage hoodie still on, but headphones missing.

“It’s uncomfortable…” She said. “I can fight just fine, like this.”

“Suits me.” I said. I didn’t like wearing the robe either, opting to wear my school uniform too.

I noticed that she also didn’t carry a practice weapon. She was empty handed, so unless she was planning to fight me hand to hand, it looked like she was planning on using magic to beat me. Not a bad plan for someone who lacked magical ability.

As for me, I carried a large practice sword. Compared to the normal dueling swords which bore the shape of a katana, my sword resembled a claymore. I intentionally started using it to mimic Haru’s great sword. It worked well, the demonic arm to my side bolstering my strength enough to wield it well. I held it over my shoulder, waiting for the start signal. Alison got into some kind of prepared stance.

“Okay.” The teacher said. “Alison Davenport versus Aidan Crow, for points. Whenever both fighters are ready…” he looked at me. I nodded. He looked at Alison, who nodded as well. “Go!”

“By the wings of Anastrid, I beseech you, Gale!” Alison chanted.

Suddenly a gust of green wind magic smashed into me, sending me sliding on my feet several feet back. I drove my sword into the ground, stopping my momentum. So she was fighting with magic. Magic was something I never bothered with. Never had any ability to use it. Even now, I don’t think I could cast a spell to save my life.


“Gale!” She chanted again. This time I was ready, rolling out of the way of the gust.

I charged her, sword ready. I swung at her side, intent on knocking her off her feet.

“By Anstrid’s Honor Guard, protect the innocent, Barrier!” She chanted.

My sword didn’t connect. Instead, it hit some sort of energy barrier. The force of my strike cracked it, nearly shattering it, which caused Alison to yelp in surprise.

“Gale!” She chanted, blasting me backwards a few feet. I caught myself again, causing her to click her tongue in frustration.

I charged again, going for an overhead. This time I intended to hit as hard as I could. Alison panicked, chanting up another barrier, just barely catching my weapon. Except it didn’t. My strike completely shattered her barrier. However, it was just enough to offset my attack, giving her a split second to scramble out of the way on all fours. My weapon smashed into the ground with a hard thud.

“Your strong. Stronger than I thought…” Alison said, raising her hand for another incantation.

“Thanks.” I grinned.

“Gale!” She blasted me.

This time, I barely moved, but it was enough to knock me off balance. I recovered charging forward for another strike.

“Barrier!” She casted.

I’ll just bust right through and finish this.

“Move!” She ordered.

The barrier suddenly slammed into me. It felt like a thick layer of liquid, soft enough to mold to my shape, but just hard enough that I couldn’t break through. The barrier kept going, with me plastered against it, moving towards the edge of the arena, which would count as my loss.

“Dammit! Come on! Stop moving!” I yelled, trying to plant my feet and block the damn thing. “Allright then!”


I slammed against it with me feet, bouncing a few feet back, just inches from the edge of the arena. With my one arm, I swung my blade back, and struck the barrier. It shattered like glass.

“Ha!” I grinned.

A gale slammed into me, sending me over the edge.

“Son of a bitch!” I quickly tossed my sword back into the arena, shifting my body just enough to grab onto it, then front flipped in recovery. I braced, tanking another gale, before shattering another barrier.

“Stop that!” Alison protested, waving her arms in frustration, her face flushed red. “You only have one arm, how did you do that?!”

Honestly, I had no idea I could do that, but she didn’t need to know that.

“Are those two moves all you got?” I said.

I heard good mages know at least six. Well, she was a twenty. She was among the bottom twenty-five percent who would never become Demon Hunters. Knowing even one spell is enough to get a ten flat, no questions asked. She was a twenty. And judging by the fact that I see her in my remedials classes, plus the fact that she’s only fighting me with magic, those attacks were literally all she had. All the while, I was fighting with a handy cap. But it wasn’t like the arm worked at all. I only seemed to be able to move it near demons. Otherwise, it was a useless dead weight.

“If that’s all you got, I’m going to end this.” I said, pointing my weapon at her.

I charged forward again, dodging gales and smashing barriers. As I closed the distance, she suddenly conjured up three barriers to block my attacks. I swung like a madman, bashing into them with a flurry of strikes. One barrier. Two shattered. Three. I swung at her with all I had, intent on taking her out with this strike.

She yelped and slipped, falling backwards out the ring on her back. I looked at her in surprise… and noticed she was still wearing a skirt. I turned quickly, feeling embarrassed. I could feel Tsukihi’s cold stare on my back from here.

Alison sat up, face red, tears streaming down her face.

“Winner! Aidan Crow!”

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