《Wrath of the chosen (DROPPED)》chapter12: Kung-Fu Grip


After we exit through the back I take a moment to retrieve my sword from where it landed

{You unbelievable idiot!! I can’t believe you forgot my tooth!!!}

(Hey, you forgot too!!)

{No I didn’t!}

(Then why didn’t you say anything?!)

{I thought you had it!}

(Why would you think that, aren’t you connected to it via soul or something!)

{Just shut up and say goodbye to your friends already!}


I walk up to Renise and Sheamus who wait for me at the front gate.

“So are you guy’s going to walk me to The Inn an Out Bar, or are you dropping me off here?”[me]

“Unfortunately it seems we have to get started on our work immediately but we’ll be sure to see you off before you leave.”[Renise says apologetically]

“Gibah’ lad, try not ta git in any more fights ya can’t handle.”[Sheamus says melodramatically in a forced thick accent]

I pat Sheamus on the shoulder and give Renise a thumbs up, “Well I guess I’ll be getting on then. I hope the paperwork isn’t to bad.”

As I turn to leave I am struck with an overwhelming sense of loss and loneliness but instead of looking back I make my way into the streets.

The city is large and far more crowded than it was earlier. Merchants sell jewelry and show off fancy foreign garments. A butcher on the side of the road hangs up a slab of jerky in his window wand wafts the smell of freshly smoked meats into the market. I struggle not to bump into anyone as I retain a tight hold of my bag. When a comotion starts a few stalls ahead of me, just outside the inn “Filthy little bitch, what did you go and do that for?!”


I move to get closer and see a group of large men surrounding a very angry looking woman in an apron. There are three of them and they all look like giant anthropomorphic pigs with the head man resembling a wild boar. They all carry swords on their hips except the boar who wields a large double headed battle axe on his back. I make my way through the crowd that has gathered to watch and find a spot in the front of the crowd facing the confrontation with the woman on my left and the thugs on my right.

The woman is maybe 5’6 and barley comes up to the lead mans shoulder. Her muscles are well defined beneath her long barmaid sleeves and flex intimidatingly as she brushes long curly auburn hair away from her face. Her expression firm and strong, she takes a deep breath revealing some savage canines that fit her small round bear ears and built frame.

“Well in case you forgot, THIS IS MY BUSINESS AND THAT MEANS TOUCHING THE GOODS IS BAD FOR BUSINESS, AND BAD BUSINESS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!!” The woman winds up for a backhanded slap as her shout still rings in the ears of everyone in the crowd.

(should I step in?)

{shhh, this is the best part}


Suddenly porkers is sent soaring overhead, his body spiraling down the street and his friends stand stalk still and scared shitless.

“Oh that is it you bitch!”[one of the two remaining piggies]

Or they could just get really mad, and try fight in her… I better step in, the last thing I need is for the owner to get arrested and lose the only place I can stay tonight.

(you’re right that was fun but play times over)


{self righteous buzzkill}

(oh hush you)

The men withdraw their blades but stop when they spot me walking towards them.

“Good day gentlemen, is there a problem here?”[I ask as politely as I can]

“No there ain’t because I was about to get rid of it now kindly fuck off good sir.”[the angry business owner]

Hmm, I’m not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t that. But at least the two pigs look surprised too.

“Well Miss, not to be rude but I think there are better ways to deal with your problems that don’t include pimp slapping a man into next we-MPH!!”

Suddenly a big meaty fist engulfs the entirety of my head.

“Stay out of this little man.”[a baritone voice oinks]

His sweat smells like bacon grease.

{Still opting for a peaceful negotiation?}

(I’m not killing them)


I grab the thick wrist and squeeze.

“Heyheyheyheyheyhey!!”[Bacon Bits]

His bones begin to creak and crack as his grip lessans and I drag his arm away from my face.

“You might want to give up now.”[me]

"F-fuck you!" he swings his free hand at my head but gets his arm caught by the bear woman.

"Nah Fred, you go pick up your useless drunk of a brother, this ones mine."[I really don't like that look on her face]

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