《Wrath of the chosen (DROPPED)》Chap4: I can totally beat a dragon single handidly


The armor slithers it's way around my body trapping me in a completly dark cacoon. Sudenly, My vision goes weird and I'm now in a spacious dark room; and faced by a giant dragon with pitch black scales, and bat like wings, it's head houses two eyes with large purple irises and is adourned by two huge curved horns that pointed forward past its large gaping maw that was filled with a dark green ooz. Surpizingly the dragoness starts to speak in a feminin voice "Tell me mortal, why did you kill my previous pet and take my armor? Do you really believe that someone without a class and with such a low level could tame me?".... Rignath was right, my life will now only consist of scene changes that have to do with geting stuck in a black void only to be met by powerfull realitiy warping beings.(I swear, if start falling again I'm killing someone.) Regardless I steel my self, look the monster dead in the eyes and give my most charming smile.

"Actually Ms, I never ment to kill that man, he just happened to be nearby when I landed. As for your armor, I needed the equipment to help my friend get home, I had no intention of taming you with force or over whelming stats, besides I couldn't tame you that way even if I wanted to."[me]

"HAHAHAHA!! Well this certantly is a first, most people are intimadated by my visage and think that if they can best me in battle I will be tamed. but you freely admit that you are weak...For such humility I offer you a chance to be my servant, in return I give you my power."[Dragoness]

I have to play this smart, if I insult her I'm dead, if i say no I'm dead, if I say yes but she doesn't approve of my plans in this world I'm dead. Fortunately I played A LOT of dating sims in collage.(Because yes I had that kind of time.)"Well madam although I would be hounored to have your assistance, I must insist that we adventure together as friends, because I have no wish to be enslaved by anyone. Infact I think we are very similar, because we both know all to well the feeling of being used by another who doesn't have your best intrests in mind." (Thats right, I will woo the dragon!)

"Oh really? You think that I, Krolowa Smoka, would ever lower myself acctually be friends with a dirty, imbred, monky decended, low level, pesant, shit excuse of a human being like yourself? Do not misunderstand me, I offerd you a chance a servitude, an opportunity that most would kill for, I have no intrest a partner."[Krolowa]


"Well I have no intrest in a master that got turned in to what might as well be a magical pants, that may or may not always be just pants depending on stat distribution."(Oh man, I hope this works)

Krolowa snarls, but then smirks (That smirk... Oh god, am I going to start falling again?) "Alright human, since no one else has ever dared talk back to me like that, and I will never befriend someone weaker than me, I will give you one chance to prove your self."

"Ok, and how do I do that?"[me]

"Oh it's quite simpple and easy, (BULLSHIT!!) all you have to do is survive the fusion of our souls.However there are three posible outcomes, the most likelyis that my soul will conqueryours and I gain possesion of your body, the second most likely is our souls bonding succsessfully and being ballanced perfectly, and lastly the least likely outcome is your soul conquering mine causing you to gain all my stats and skills." [Krolowa]

Well their goes the "wooing the tsudere dragon" idea(Oh shit, this is bad, if I say yes and fail I die, if I say no I'm disgaced and die...Fuck it, I'm the main character, if I can survive a 3180 meter drop I can survive this.)'Suck my plot armor you crazy bitch!'

"Okay, fine so how do we start"[me]

"Like this..." Krowolo sudenly starts glowing a sickly purple as she unfurls her wings "NOW FIGHT ME!!"

'OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!!!!!!' I crouch and launch my self above the furiouse dragoness as she rushes the spot were I once was. I look down and use Identify on Krowolo, hoping I see some thing usefull.

Soul of the Krolowa Smoka

Krolowa Smoka has been dead for ages but she is still a well known figure in history because she was a king class monster and because she sucseded in sealing her own soul into the set of armor she was crafted in to after dying in the seventh king war.

Level: ???

Class(es): Dragon King, Spirit mage

Tittles: King Spirit Dragon

Spiecies: black dragon

abilitys: acid breath attack, flight, soul extraction,Soul Binding, Spirit Merge

size class: gargantuan

Well okay so what does this tell me about my currant situation and how to solve it.... Well, if I'm fighting her soul, that means she likely used soul extration to bring me here and that also means that spirit merge is the skill she just activated. Of course by that logic it is reasonable to assume that we are currantly in some kind of astral plane, and that it probably isn't a good idea to get my soul beaten up by a dragon.(who knows what that may do to my physical form) With that in mind, lets see what this soul can do!


I twist my body mid-air to avoid Krolowa as she jumps up toward me and as we pass each other I reach and get slamed by her out streetched wing, but a least now I can hit her. The purple mist around the wing reconfigured itself into a spear, and stabs itself into my right sholder. "FUCK!" Almost imedietly a green aura begins to pour from my wound and is consoumed by the spear 'shit that looks bad'

Krolowa cackles,"Ah it has been so long since my last soul."

'Oh fucking shit is this green stuff me? But if thats the case I can do it too.' As Krolowa begins to ark back downwards I wrap my arms around the bone that slamed my gut, and squeez with all my strength. Out of no where my green mist starts to swirl around my arms, and in my head I scream 'Magical Renforcement!' and the bone snaps with a stomach churning crunch.

Unable to maintain her balance Krolowa crashes hard sending me sprawling on to the four. Now lets see, if this is my soul, does the green represent my manna or my spiritual energies? 'Lets try some vissual exersizes', I crease my brow as I foucus on taking my green mist and turning it in to a sword.

As my swirling mist slowly morphes into a rough imitation of a typical broad sword my opponit exclaims, sounding impressed, "Not bad human! Normally it would take someone from your species decades to even call out their spiritual energys even with the help of being in the astral plane like you are now. But even so YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!!"

'Well there goes the the "balanced soul" option, but even so I ready my blade in preperation for the charge. Time seems to slow, as the dragoness spits her green sludge at my face 'Uh oh!' I duck to the right as I begin my charge, but a drop splashes my left shouder and a horribile burning sensation causes me to drop my arm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" 'Looks like I'm going to have to try winning single handedly'

My arm throbs, and I rember a skill that over looked when looking at my stats, so I mentaly call out the skills name (hope it doesn't require manna) 'Sprint lariet!' Imediatly I am jetisoned forwards, and my mucles feel like their on fire. Krolowas' eyes widen and she rears backwards as my right arm plows into her neck, stabbing my poor excuse of a blade inside her. She screams and a waterfall of thick purple mist pours out of her wound as my body continues forward spinning me around her giant neck. I grab onto the back of her neck and scream as rear my sword back for a final swing "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!!" My emrald blade slices cleanly through Krolowa's throte dislodging her head causing fountain to burst upward and complety drench me in the purple liquid. Soon the behemoth corpes of Kolowa colapses and leave me with one last task 'Now how do I absorb you?'

Acting on instinct allow my sword to dissipate and spread out over the body. As it does so the body begins to shink when the purple essance flows into me with the oddest cooling sensation. Slowly my wounds begin to heal and I feel stronger the more I absorb, when suddenly the corpes shudders mysteriously and both the body and head reattatch.

"Ugh, please human spare me, I will survie any and all injurys as long as you leave me with enough spiritual energy. So please, make me your servant and I will do every thing I can to make sure you stay alive for as long as you wear this armor"

"But you attempted to kill me."[me]

"Yes , and I am deeply sorry for that, but I swear on my honor to never betray you again for as long as we both shall live" [Krolowa]

What should I do? On one hand I could spare her and use her wealth of knowlage defeat the human king. On the other hand if I absorb all of her I will gain numerous levels, stats, and skills along with (and I'm just guessing here) complete control of the armor and sword.

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