《Wrath of the chosen (DROPPED)》Chap2:The god of entertainment is a prick


I can't move, I can't see... Is this death? Just floating in an endless void with just my thoughts for company? What a terrifying thought.

There is a flash of light, it is blinding and burning. But now I find myself being propelled forward at light speed. I feel the wind rushing past me as I enter a dark tunnel filled with small lights that look like stars. And as I look closer at my runaway scenery I swear I see entire swirling galaxies and worlds.

"Do you like what you see?" A voice rings through my mind interrupting all thought. I turn my head slightly to my left where I think the voice originated to see a man in a clean white suit with a pitch black tie running through the middle. The man smiles at me with clean polished teeth and says, " Welcome Jon, now I am sure your curious as to why you are here, but let assure you that all will be explained soon enough."

Suddenly the mans smiling face twists into one thoughtfulness, and as he thinks to himself I find myself perplexed. I'm Confused because I don't know WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! I mean seriously is my life now? Suffering thru one fucked situation that inevitably leads to another equally messed up scenario?

"Yes, actually that does seem to be the case because I have a proposition for you that I hope you will accept. but first, allow me to introduce my self. My name is Rignath, I am the god of entertainment for the multiverse. Now as you can imagine, being the all powerful creators of everything can get boring from time to time, so it is my job to bring joy to the gods when their not working."

I take a breath try ng to sort out all this information when I finally say my first words to this god "...And that's where I come in."

"That's right! you will be the star of our new show that focuses on a human torn from their homeworld in a tragic turn of events and sent to an entirely different world that is in need of saving." As Rignath explains the plot of the show he gets more excited, his body wriggling in anticipation, his suit becoming apart of his body, his face with its chiseled marble-like features rippling like the surface of a disturbed pond....Wait just a god damned second what did he just say!!!!

"Wait! Hold on! Just. One Second!!! Are you telling me, my death was just a ploy to get me to be your lead actor in some shitty summoned hero, chosen one, tv series!!" I am livid, how dare they, the gods, fuck up my perfect happy go lucky life with the worlds most painful death, and then tell me it was all for their entertainment.


"Well sure when you put it like that anything can sound bad," says Rignath somewhat apathetically, "but think about it this way you are getting an offer from the gods themselves, to save an entire planet from a devastating evil. And in exchange, you get the opportunity to gain power beyond your wildest dreams and fulfill your most sought after fantasies in the prosses."

"well gee willickers mister that sounds fan-fucking-tastic! But here's a question for ya, why the fuck did I have to die that way!!"

Rinath shrugs, "looked good for the camera, we all make sacrifices in show business sweetheart you should learn that now early on."

"SWEETHEART!! SWEETHEART!?!?! How dare you, first you break into my home, then you threaten my family, kill me in front of them, and you now have the gall to say it was just a petty sacrifice for stuck pricks who think their above common morals and ethics just because they are a higher life form, and worst yet you expect me to be okay with that!?" I'm out of breath everything is red and if I were alive I would have died from high blood pressure.

But Rignath Laughs a hearty, deep-throated laugh and replies smoothly never allowing his smile to falter, "HAHAHAHA!! Of course, I expect you to be upset, that will provide our story with enough drama to drive it to the end! Just imagine, the story of the reluctant hero bent on saving a world not his own, not because he wants to be good but for a chance at revenge!"

I narrow my eyes and sigh, "Fine I'll play your game but I do it my way, and when I'm finished you will owe me ANY one favor"

Rigath's eyes sparkle like the stars at midnight "Agreed."

The god of entertainment snaps his fingers and the setting changes suddenly, we arrive in my living room. I'm sitting in my favorite leather recliner while Rignath is sitting in the kind of folding chair you would typically see at a movie set used by the director. "Now let us get down to business shall we?" says Rignath as he pulls out a white three-ring binder from behind his back, "The first order of business is to explain where you are going and why. The where is answered by saying that you will be sent to a world the locals call Vorike. It is a medium-sized world that is vastly similar to your own except for one special difference, Vorike is in a universe saturated with magic." The god paused for a moment to let that sink in. My mind raced with all the possible uses of magic like flight, the controlling of nature itself, and even the ability to manipulate the concept of reality.(Assuming the gods use magic that can be learned by humans.)


"Unforutnatly when magic is packed together in a contained area you get a dungeon, and when you get a dungeon you get monsters. These monsters come in all shapes and sizes, some are able to be tamed and some are not. umung the most powerfull monsters are the boss monsters. Most boss monsters regardless of specise are completly sentiant and are as human as one can get, while the rest are no better than dogs, and rely soley on instinct having no use for your human sensabilitys." Again he let that idea settle, the idea of monsters having their own feeling, societys, morals, and ect, was not a foriegn topic in games and books but it was still unsettiling when one considers the act of killing another self aware life-form murder.

"Now I know that you played a lot of D&D when you were younger so I don't need to expian to much about monsters and magic, as this world is very similar to your fantasy RPG's. However sometimes when a boss monster lives long enough and has gathered enough manna they can raise their rank from a simple boss class monster to King class which grants them the supreme control of their entire race and are almost unbeatable by any one exept another equally strong king class monster..." I aready know where this is headed.

"You mean to tell me that I have to defete a king class monster on my own!?" I pale, I can sence this was going to suck so hard. After all why would he mention such monsters if I wasn't going to deal with them?

Rignath nodes slowly and continues, "In Vorikes history there have only ever been ten other king class monsters, each one holding an apocolyptic level of power. Unfortunatly this eleventh one is... well frankly put it's a human."

My mind stalls for a second before I inturupt the distresed looking god. "I'm sorry but I was under the impresion that a monster king was by definition a monster! How the fucking hell does a human go monster? Wait, don't tell me it was the drugs, wasn't it? He shot up with so much orc testostorone he became on them!" I yell sarcastically.

As Rignath looks at me I notice that for the first time my comments have angered him. "Listen Jon, I understand that is new to you but make no mistake when I say, that while a royal has the tittle of king they are nothing exept mere bugs when compared to someone with the class of king. What's worst is that no human has ever before been given the class of king and yet this human king has seen fit to try to partner himself with the monsters and give each speices their own king."

"Ok, so what, they're traped in their own universe why do you need me?"

Rignath's eyes narrowed "Because if he decides to consume other king class monsters that would give him enough power to not only take over his universe but also enough open portals to other universes and conquer them as well."

I flounder, 'what did I agree to?...also if? Whatever, if he's good I don't kill him, and if he is bad do I kill him' (as long as I get that favor)..."Okay and how do you expect me to kill him? I'm no superman, and I have no power to speak of. Also did you say cosume?"

Rignath regained his winning smile "Yes the human king: Rei Huma (so thats his name) like most monsters, gets stronger by obsorbing the magical/spiritual energy of those that he consumes. But That's where I come in, you see currently only you, the god king, and I know about the human king. The reason I get to know is because my tittle lets me channle the entertainment and attention of others into power. In other words if we can get enough gods to watch you for long enough we can speed up the prosses of making you a king with enough strength to beat him."

I lean forword nervouse but exited, "Well I've already agreed and if what your say is true then this is threat to my world and others... so the only question left is, when do I start?"

Rignath smirks evilly "well there is no time like the presant." He snaps his fingers and my chair dissapers, and as I fall down into a pit past the floor I hear him yell after me. "Oh, and don't worry about geting your stats set up, I already asked the admin to give you a special advantage!"

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